» Romance » Happy little accident, ME! [good non fiction books to read txt] 📗

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the next appointment, which will be in a few weeks to get your eight week scan. Good luck Gracie and I shall see you soon!” She left the room, and we followed. I must’ve walked into about 10 things because I was staring at the photo. It was the shape of a prawn, and probably super tiny inside my belly. When I looked at it, my heart raced in speed. My thought instantly went to Jamie.
My mom still had said a word to me, she sure is supportive huh! While she was busy preparing the food and the house, I thought it was time to give Katie a call. I’d rather tell her over the phone that way, she can’t hit me.
“Well hello there Gracie, you feeling any better?” She didn’t even give me chance to answer. “Oh my god, I saw your baby sister! She’s so fudging adorable!”
“Katie, could you just stop talking a minute, I'm trying to figure out how to tell you something really important!” Sometimes, she did just need to be told when to stop the talking and listen. I heard her sigh, which was a signal for me to continue. “ I’m pregnant Kat.”
More awkward silence.
“ Wha-Ar- You serious?! Like knocked up kinda pregnant? Like your step mom pregnant? Well was.” She talked so confusingly sometimes, it made my head hurt.
“What other kind of pregnant can you get? Yes I’m serious.” Like I’d joke about this, did she not see how I reacted the other day?
“Oh. OH. Gracie! Did you not use protection? Did you not learn anything from sex Ed! I expected better from you!” I stayed silent until I knew she’d calmed down. “ On a higher note, can I be Godmother? And like the best auntie, only auntie it will ever know?” I knew that was coming.
“Of course you can, got no one else have I! I could ask Charlotte though..” I loved messing with her, she can get annoyed so easily. It’s hilarious!
“You better not ask her! Anyway, I gotta go Jakes waiting for me! Don't worry I won’t tell anyone! Catch you later momma bear!” Then she hung up, and the room was silent. I heard the door bell ring, muffles of people talking and then my mom called up the stairs. John was here.
For the first time today I heard my mom speak, she spoke all the way through dinner and desert. Now I wish she’d shut up. The dinner was awkward, me and John barley spoke. That's probably because I didn’t know what to say to him, he was different to everyone else my mom’s dated. He seemed more intense. Everything my mom said, he never took his eyes off of her. He even laughed at her jokes, and trust me they weren’t funny. When I took the plates into the kitchen, my mom cam bounding in.
“So, what do’ya think? Isn’t he great!” Her face was lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Yeah, he’s definitely a keeper!” Hopefully she didn’t catch on to the sarcasm in my voice.
“Oh he really is Gracie! Listen um, could we not bring up the pregnancy just yet, don’t wanna scare him away.” Was she being serious. I cannot believe her!
“What? So now the only time you talk to me about the baby is when you don’t want your ‘boyfriend’ to find out?” She went to say something but I just can’t put up with her shit anymore. “No, listen to me. You always have to try and make situations like these about you! It’s not like your carrying the baby. Your more concerned about being a grandmother at 32!” Just as those words came out of my mouth, John walked through the door.

Chapter Eight

The night before had been awful, my mom had left and gone to stay at Johns. They both needed to sort things out; aka have makeup sex. Just before they left I heard John say something like “Why should I date someone who has a kid, having a kid? How messed up is that!” My mom must have said something very appealing because they both left together. I woke up to an empty house, the silence was almost peaceful. Jamie finally text me back, but I wasn't as excited as I thought I would be. ‘Hey bug, I’m soo sorry I haven’t been able to get to talk to you!:( But guess who’s home?! We got back last night, but I figured you’d be in bed. Turns out my grandma got better and we didn't have to stay! I’m so excited to see you! I love you!’ My stomach got the worst butterflies, I was hoping I’d see him later on, not now! This turned my plan upside down, it was risky enough as it is.
Today was going to be warm, so I put on my cute, pink, pastel dress and some sandals. I was running late, so I shoved my books in my bag, grabbed some cash and ran out to my baby blue beetle; when I got this, I was the happiest person in the world, I didn't think I was getting anything! School wasn't that far away, in fact I could walk but I’m too lazy for that. As soon as I got into school I was going to find Charlotte (Yeah, I know but you’ll find out more later).
I always park in the same place, it was always free for some strange reason. I sat in my car for 5 minutes, rehearsing in my head what I was going to say to Charlotte. I saw her walking alone in to school, I jumped out of my car and ran towards her. She was stood by the vending machines, there was people everywhere. When I approached her, she looked away. I just rolled my eyes.
“Hey. I need to talk to you, I need you to do me a favor.” I can’t believe I was asking her for a favor, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
“And why would I do that?” she didn't even look at me.
“Because I helped you when you went through it, I think you owe me one.” She turned and looked at me with shock on her face. Charlotte had been pregnant sophomore year. I had gone with her to have an abortion because she couldn't bear to tell anyone. That was the reason she hated me, Katie had found out but Charlotte thought I was going to tell everyone. She lived in fear ever since. “ I don’t want you to come with me to have an abortion, I’m keeping my baby.” Pain stuck across her face.
“Then why are you asking me for my help?” She choked out, I felt awful because of everything she went through.
“I need you to get Jamie. I need to know he’s got someone to take care of him, this will kill him. I don’t want to do that, so you have to help me. I don’t want to ruin his life, you’re better for him than me. When I break up with him I need you to be there straight after, I know what he’s like. Please.” I can’t believe I was asking her, but I needed to for Jamie’s sake.
“Gracie, this won’t work. He’s head over heels for you. But okay, I’ll do it.” She seemed to be hiding back some happiness from this.
“Well at the end of school, I’ll get him to come to the bleachers and then I’ll end it. You have to be there Charlotte.” She nodded and I walked to my class; which Jamie was in.
“Baby! Hey!” He ran over and squeezed me. We were both stood at the entrance to the class, blocking everyone else. I pushed him backwards and he pulled me closer, kissing me on the lips. I wish this all wasn't happening, his kisses were the best.
“Listen Jamie, will you meet me at the bleachers after school?” His face was still all smiley, I bet he thought he was going to get some under the bleachers.
“Ooo, yes anything for my baby!” He planted a big kiss on my forehead and pulled me into the class room. Charlotte was in this lesson too, she sat right behind me. I gave her a slight nod and she returned it politely. Jamie had a puzzled look on his face.
“Since when were you two on a nodding basis?” He asked leaning towards my desk.
“What’s the point in arguing, soon school will be over and I’ll never have to see her again, I can be friendly till then.” I felt sick all of a sudden, my morning sickness usually kicked in around 9:00 am. I raised my hand quickly, hoping to catch my literature teacher, Mr. Ivan’s eye.
“Yes, Grace. What is it?” He peeked over his glasses at me.
“Can I use the bathroom, I feel like I’m going to vomit.” I didn't mean to tell the room that, but ah well. Jamie was looking at me with a sad expression in his eyes, I just tapped his hand reassuringly. Once I left the classroom, I ran to the toilets. Thankfully the toilets where empty, I could puke in piece. When I finished upchucking, Charlotte was stood waiting for me.
“Gracie, I can’t let you do this, how do you know that he won’t stand by you?” Her face was stern and serious, I've never seen her like this before.
“He will stand by me, I just don’t want him to.” I looked at her through the mirror, she looked baffled and shook her head at me to carry on. “I don’t want him to hate me or the baby for taking his life away. One of us needs to have a future.”
“Who’s saying you won’t have a future?” Her eyes were locked on my reflection in the mirror.
“What teenage girl do you know that has a child, and still has the future she wanted?”
“You can’t let the baby stop you from having a future, because guess what, you’ll end up having a little resentment for that child. When it grows up and has their future of their own, you’ll end up being jealous. And trust me that creates a lot of hate. More than you ever wanted.” Maybe she was right. But I was bothered about me, I was bothered about Jamie.
“I can live with not having the future I want, but I don’t think Jamie could. That’s why I gotta protect him.” It was the worst excuse ever.
“This is going to crush him.” She came and stood right behind me, I looked up in the mirror, I could tell this was actually bothering her. “You’re gonna have to deal with a lot of hurt people Gracie. Think about when the kids older and wants to know why their dad wasn't there. You can tell them Jamie wanted nothing to do with them, because it was you that stopped him. That baby will end up hating the only parent they've ever known.”
“ I've made up my mind, please can you just be there at the bleachers.” I didn't look at her again, I didn't want her to see that she actually got to me, and she was making

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