» Romance » Happy little accident, ME! [good non fiction books to read txt] 📗

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talk about your parents right now, especially your dad because I do not want to even imagine the pain he would put me through if he knew about this!” He leaned backwards and pulled me down with him. I tickled him for 5 minutes, he hated it but his laugh was amazing. The rolled over so he was lied on top of me. He put all of his weight on me, I couldn't breathe. He laughed at me trying to squirm away, he grabbed my chin and kissed me. I smiled which made him kiss my teeth. “ I love it when you smile. It’s perfect, just like you.” He kissed me again, then moved down to my neck and the rest of my body. It sent tingles all over. I must have fell asleep straight after because I woke up at 3:am to my mom walking in, on her own surprisingly. I went to get a glass of water, Jamie was sleeping like a baby. I took a few pictures of him and planned to upload them in the morning when Facebook would be more full of people later on. When I was walking past my mom’s room, her light was still on.
“Gracie, come in here a sec!” She whispered loudly, I could be bothered with her drunken antics but this time I was going to have to control myself. She wasn't drunk this time, she was stone cold sober.
“Mom, are you okay?” I walked towards her dresser slowly.
“I’m great! I didn't drink tonight, and I decided to come home. Well someone gave me a lift. Grace, I've met someone, but I'm trying not to get too excited yet because only time will tell, but he’s lovely and gorgeous! We’re going on a date on Thursday... Tomorrow! Shoot I have nothing ready!” I was happy for her, I’d never seen this excited since Tom; Tom was my mom’s last serious relationship, they were together 2 years and were going to get married until she caught him in bed with his assistant. She was heartbroken and that's how the habit of men and alcohol came into the equation. I just prayed this was it for her, that she finally got a brake because I shouldn't have to go through seeing her like that. I was 10 the last time and no 10 year old she see their mom like that. But I knew if my mom and dad had stayed together, it would've been like living in the world war 3.
“ That's great mom, I hope it works out for you I really do.” I smiled at her and kissed her head then returned to bed. My sleep wasn't was terrible; I dreamt about my dad, losing him. I woke up in tears, I must've woke Jamie up because he was cuddling me and whispering in my ear that everything’s okay, that he’ll always be here. I had this feeling he knew what I dreamt about. Jamie had a text from his mom that morning. He had to go to New York for 2 months! That was a long time for anything but apparently his dad wants him to be there because his grandma’s really ill. What was I going to do without him here, I have no one who knows what I'm going through and I really didn't want to tell Katie right now. It felt like I hadn't seen her in forever but I just didn't want to talk to anyone.
“When do you leave?” I choked out, I wanted to cry and not stop for hours. He came over and hugged me tightly, my feet were no longer touching the floor.
“Today, my mom’s going to talk to the school and I’m going to have to do lessons online and my dad’s going to get me a tutor. Bug I’m really sorry I hate to leave you for this long. But I have to, as much as it kills me. I’m going to make sure we talk everyday and Skype!” He was crying more than I was.
I hated seeing him sad. We kissed until his mom called to tell him she was outside. I walked him to the door and kissed and hugged him as much as I could. I didn't want to let him go, but I had too. As I watched him drive away, it felt like he was never coming back. Like a part of me had been ripped out and gone to New York.

Chapter Six

I got ready for school miserably and my mom noticed my sadness and said I could have the day off and stay with her. I looked forward to it, we hadn't spent time together in ages. I slung on some baggy shorts and one of Jamie's t-shirts and walked down to the kitchen. My mom had gotten all the cooking utensils out that are needed for making cupcakes. I know that it doesn't replace Jamie, but food would never leave me and it was my only comfort right now. We were baking chocolate chip cupcakes, they were my favorite. Me and my mom ended up getting into a flour fight, it was everywhere! I literally laid rolled on the floor and laughed uncontrollably, my mom laid next to me on the floor. I loved having a youngish mom, she could understand me more because she was my age not so long ago. I took a few pictures with my mom because she had flour all over her face and it was a memory that will haunt her later to come when I'm showing this new guy.
“Ah I can’t remember the time we've laughed like this with each other! I missed it.” She tilted her head and kissed me on the cheek. “ Oh shoot is that the time! I need to shower, and you missus can help me get ready!” She jumped up quicker than anything I’ve ever seen!
“ Well I’m going to get a shower too and ask Katie to come round if that's okay?” I hadn’t thought about Katie in a while, and I didn't want to be lonely. I guess I’d have to tell her sooner or later.
“Yeah sure, that's fine sweetie!” She shouted from her room. I texted Katie and asked her to come and she replied instantly ‘ Gracie, I haven’t seen you in like forever! Of course I’ll come round, miss my best friend! X’ I was surprisingly excited to see her. I got a quick shower to wash the remainder of the flour off me and to get a little relaxed. I sent Katie an extra text telling her she could stay over but I never got a reply. She turned Up at my door with a gigantic holdall.
“Hey! Excuse the big bag, but I wanted to come prepared; cookies, ice cream and our favourite movies, you know the usual!” She said as she squeezed through the door. My mom called us both upstairs, Katie slung her bag- sorry I mean suitcase in my room and met me in my mom’s room. She had 3 dresses laid on her bed and she was laid on the floor banging her head dramatically. She looked like me when I was having one of my dilemmas.
“I can’t choose!” she mumbled into the floor.
“Oh mom stop being so dramatic, c'mon me and Katie will help you!” I walked over to my mom and helped her up, but she just slumped on her bed instead. “He’s going to be picking you up in an hour and a half, now get perky or you are not going out.” I felt like I was watching my teenage daughter going out with a boy she likes, I wasn't this bad was I? I picked up the gorgeous red dress that was laid on the bed, it was the nicest one out of all of them. “Now, put this on!”
When my mom emerged from the closet, she literally took my breath away. She look stunning. She was skinny and the dress clung to her body perfectly, her hair was in loose curls that hung just past her shoulders. Her eyes were bright, they looked full of life like never before. I've never seen her so happy since Tom was around.
“So, how do I look?” My mom looked like she was about to burst with excitement. Me and Katie just stood there, speechless. Both of us tried to talk but nothing ever came out. “The fact that your speechless is a good thing, right?” Katie and I nodded in unison, still unable to talk. My mom laughed then turn to the mirror again, the door bell broke our silence. Katie and I raced down the stairs, my mom tried stopping us but we were going to be the first to see my mom’s mystery guy. Before I opened the door, Katie and I jumped up and down giggling.
“Okay, compose yourself Katie.” We both took a deep breath, I heard my mom sigh from the stairs. I edged the door open, Katie was forcing it open even more. We both giggled which made the freakishly tall man spin around, he had a huge bunch of red roses in front of his face. He lowered them and we saw the mystery guys face. He was ‘strawberry blonde’ as my mother would say, but I say ginger. His jaw looked strong and muscular just like Jamie’s, it made me miss him. The un named man stood in my doorway had big green eyes and the longest eyelashes I have ever seen on a guy. His lips were plump, which oddly made me want to grab him and kiss him. He was hot, no doubt about it and I could tell by the way Katie was looking at him, she thought the exact same as me. His soft voice broke my thoughts.
“Hey girls, one of you must be Grace but I'm not going to guess because I don’t want to get hurt.” He laughed and nodded at us both.
“I'm Grace!” I stepped forward raising my hand, like I was stepping forward for a scouts award. Way to go Grace, great first impression!
“I thought so, you look just like your mom.” He looked shocked at the similarity, personally I didn't see it. Katie barged in front of me with her hand held out.
‘Hi, I’m Katie, Sara’s unwanted daughter” he shook her hand and smiled warily. ‘Oh don’t worry, I’m Gracie’s best friend, and Sara’s like my second mom.’
‘Ah I see, nice to meet you Katie.’ She giggled and blushed like a little girl. I grabbed her arm and pulled her next to me, she gave me an awful look.
“Hey John! You ready to go? Sorry about the girls, there um- there a little embarrassing.” My mum began walking out the door before she finished talking and John followed. She scowled at me and Katie playfully. We just looked at each other and laughed. We made our way to the living room, which we had previously made our own by bringing my quilt down and all the snacks over the floor. Katie slumped on the floor by the fire and I laid beside her.
“So Gracie, tomorrow fancy

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