» Romance » No place like hell, H.N. S [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗

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then back down until he took the hint and pulled away. “Goodnight” He gave a shy smile, but still he looks hot!

I got out and ran over to the door, locking it behind me.

I ran into my room, but saved taking a shower until after the job my ‘father’ was going to do to me. I just hope he is drunk enough to soften the blows, even if its just a little.
Chapter 6- Lunch time

Sunday passed quickly, and was took up by me cleaning the house from top to bottom whilst Simon was at the pub... the usual Sunday routine Simon though would be fun for me to do!
When Monday came, i wasn’t as happy as i usually was. I mean although i was bullied at school, it still got me away from Simon who did far worse than anyone could at school but today was different because i would have to face Jack just after we kissed last night.

My first three lessons went quite quickly because i had English, a free period which i spent alone in the library and then maths. Being a straight A student, i loved being taught new things because when i was working out a math equation, my concentration was off Simon. But what made it all better was that i hadn’t seen Jack in any of my lessons!... but had i spoken too soon!!

I slowly packed my bags as usual so that i was last out. When i made my way to the hall way i slammed into a wall, forcing me to stumble back. I looked up to find Jack blocking the doorway.

“let me out!”

“no, not until you agree to have lunch with me”

“no, i’m not hungry...” and if by magic, by stomach decides that in that moment it would rumble! I quickly look down at my feet in embarrassment.

“the stomach never lies” He laughed and i could tell he had a prince charming smile painted across his face. “come on, i’m not going to bite! And we need to talk about what happened on Saturday...”

The room went silent for a moment until my stomach embarrassed me once more with a growl. I looked up and admitted defeat by pushing past him and storming out into the hall, down to lunch.

I was about to go sit down when Jack dragged me to the lunch queue and passed me a tray then started to pile food onto it.

“i don’t have any money on me..” I never did, Simon never gave me lunch money or rarely fed me at home so i would stay thin and ‘beautiful’ as he would say. I started to put the food back when Jack grabbed the plate and put it back on the tray.

“my treat then” My eyes started to melt at the sight of joy in his eyes. And a flash back of my mother popped into my head and how the same warm happy face would brighten my day.

We sat in the far corner, far from Jacks ‘crew’ that consisted of the jocks and cheerleaders. I got a few evil looks from every girl in the room and heard some of the gossip that was already starting to spread. I began to feel self conscious as all eyes were now on us and i didn’t like it.

When i looked back at Jack, all the attention we were getting never seemed to bother him as he was just sitting there playing with the grey slime on his plate.

“I can’t believe the school count this as edible, let alone nutritious!”

I looked down at my tray, got a spoon full and put it to my lips. Although it looked, smelt and i knew it was going to taste bad.. it was free and i knew it was going to be the only food i was eating for a long time.

I started to shovel down the food, moaning at how it was making me feel full! “mmmm!”
I was about to devour another spoon full when a deep, warm hearted laugh stopped me. I looked up to see Jack with his head thrown back and laughing at me.

“i can’t believe you actually like that!” I lifted my shoulders to say it wasn’t all that bad and continued to eat. I let out moan this time as the warmth of the grey slime passed my throat to my stomach.

This time i was stopped by a sharp gasp from Jack. His eyes were now filled with what looked like lust.. had this come from the moan i gave off? I stopped eating, placing my spoon down.

“oh no, please don’t stop eating! I enjoy watching you eat, its as though you haven’t been fed for weeks!” Jack began to laugh, but i sat frozen as what he said was true, it had been a while since i had a warm diner.

Struck by my silence, Jack stopped laughing and just stared at me. I saw his fist curl by his sides as anger seemed to take over his body. “You haven’t been eating?” He said through his teeth.

I quickly needed to search my brain for some answers, for help to get out of this!!!! “oh.. erm.. i’m... i’m on this new diet...” As i told my lie, i couldn’t look Jack in the eyes. I wanted to tell him but i couldn’t! He wasn’t to be trusted!!

I looked up and saw that he wasn’t believing a word i said, so as his anger was replaced by hurt, and his eyebrows pushed together with concern he said “Well maybe you should stop this ‘diet’, you’re so thin! Please Emma, please eat!” He was begging, making me think he cared about me! but i knew he didn’t.

I just wanted lunch to end quickly, i wanted this day to end. I got out my phone to check the time, only ten minutes left.

“So about last Saturday..” Jack broke the silence but before he could finish i stood up, pushing my chair back.

“Its almost time for lesson, see you tomorrow” I grabbed my bag and ran towards the door.

“EMMA!” jack shouted behind me, but i didn’t turn around! I couldn’t face him again!

Chapter 7- Lost and found

It wasn’t until i got home until i realised i had lost my phone. I searched all around my room, in my bag and the rest of the house but it was nowhere to be found. Then i remembered that i had taken it out to check the time when i was having lunch with Jack. OH GREAT!!

I made a plan to go to school early tomorrow and see if it had been handed in, or even talk to Jack if i had to because that was the only way Simon could get a hold of me when i wasn’t at home. If Simon found out i had lost it, let’s just say i won’t be able to walk for a week! I began to relax, and walked down to make Simon his diner when there was a knock on the front door.. who would it be at this time?

-Jacks P.O.V-

“EMMA” i shouted as she ran away from me. She had left her phone on the table, but i don’t think she noticed. Should i give it into the office? Or should i give it back to her when i next see her? I think i’ll go with option two.. at least that way she would have to talk to me to get it back! Haha! I smiled to myself as i walked to my next lesson, please with my plan.

Football practice ended at 5, like usual, but i wasn’t in my zone.. i was too busy thinking about Emma and i needed to see her! I needed her warmth, her sexy smell of vanilla invading my nostrils and i needed her in my arms. I started my car and pulled out of school, making my way home.

My thoughts then drifted off to our passionate kiss we shared. I knew she wanted me as much as i wanted her, i could feel it in the kiss we shared! Her soft lips pressing onto mine... no! Not again! Thinking about her had turned me on again and before i could realise i was driving down her road. Maybe i could use giving her phone back to her as an excuse to see her. But i needed to calm 'little Jack' down before being in front of her family so i decided to take this time to type my number into her phone and save hers on mine.

I walked up her driveway with a car parked in it, maybe it was her dads? I walked up to the front door and took a few deep breaths before knocking.

The air had gone silent before the door swung open, revealing a large man filling the frame. Although he was tall, i was still taller than him by 2 inches and i could see this bothered him as he straightened his back to gain an inch, cleared his throat and then crossed his arms.

“Who are you? What do you want?” He seemed to be angry at me for some reason.

“I’m Jack Edwards, i go to school with your Emma. She left her phone on the table today at lunch and i came to return it to her... is she here?”

The older man looked me up and down, anger burning in his eyes and causing a stress vein on his neck to pop further. To a regular person, he would have scared the hell out of them, but i’m use to these types of people so i took his anger as a challenge.

“I don’t think so” He snarled before snatching the phone from my grasp. “Don’t worry, i’ll make sure to tell Emma that you dropped by”

He began to shut the door in

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