» Romance » No place like hell, H.N. S [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗

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We had sat in the Kitchen, for what had seemed like forever but i didn’t mind. I was practically sitting on Jacks lap, we were that close! We had entwined our fingers as we held hands and rested it on my lap. Robert was sitting across from us, now and then looking at our physical show of affection and i caught his lips rise in the corners, i think i had been accepted into the family...

Robert shared funny stories about himself and Jack but i knew at some point we were going to have to talk about my.. situation... shit! “What time is it? Where’s my phone? I need..” I jumped from my seat, frantically jumping around in search for school bag, Simons probably going to crazy but i can’t dare to think what he’ll do to me this time.

“emma! Emma what’s wrong?” they both shouted from down the hall as they tried to keep up with my fast pace.

I found my bag by the front door, picking it up before leaning in for the door handle to leave this paradise... and back to my reality. But in one swift movement i was lifted off my feet and over jacks shoulder, taking me back into the house. I can’t get caught up in their happy lives, i had to face the music back at my hell hold with Simon so i started to kick and scream for my release! There’s no way i can ruin their lives like i ruined Liam’s!!!

“He’s been arrested Emma!”

Well that silenced me. I slid down from his shoulder, but i was weak at my knees and fell hard on my butt! Unable to speak i just shook my head in disbelief! He.. he was arrested!! HE’S GONE! I lifted my head, unable to hide the little smile of relief flicking the corner of my lips up, but before i could celebrate- i had to make sure...

“I don’t believe you..” i whispered

“its true” Jack put his hands under my arms, trying to lift me to my feet but i couldn’t

“come sit down and we’ll talk”

“No!” I wanted to know, but i couldn’t sit calmly! I stood, amazed my feet could keep me standing. “tell me, i need to know what happened!”

Jack and his father exchanged looks before looking back to me, “well..” Jack rubbed the back of his neck, “When I got you back here before, you were asleep so i took you to my room. When i laid you down i.. i saw your wrist” Jack swallowed hard and slammed his eyes shut, not being able to cope with the pain.. my pain. “I then lifted your sleeves to see the scars... i was so angry at him, at myself! I shouldn’t have let it gone on as long as it has!” He now had me in his hold and i welcomed the protection it gave me.

“i’m sorry” he whispered softly into my ears.

Robert cleared his throat, i blushed and turned my attention away from Jack.

“After that i was called, i hope you don’t mind dear..” I shook my head for 'no', i didn't mind Robert looking at my arms because i knew he couldn't hurt me. Robert continued and Jack never left my side, nor removed his hands on my waist. “After i had looked at your wrist, face and neck we called for a doctor and someone who specialises in...” Robert flicked his gaze from mine and over to Jack then back, almost apologising for his next words, “Child abuse..”

The new information just carried on shocking me, i don't know what happened next, all i saw was just black and then my legs gave in. I would have fallen to the floor, if it not have been for the strong arms keeping me on my feet.

Before i passed out completely i could hear Jack and Robert shouting and shaking me but my body wouldn't respond no matter how much i wanted to see Jack again... so he can comfort me through the pain.


I woke to the sound to two men talking, but no matter how hard i tried my body wouldn't listen to me and wouldn't fully wake so i decided to just lay there and listen to the conversation.

"What did the doctor say?" One of the men said as he slid his hand into mine. I knew that voice, it was Jack, my Jack! Knowing he was close comforted me and i felt safer.

"He said she fainted due to the little food she has eaten and the sudden shock from the information we told her on her weak body, but with rest and by feeding regularly she'll be fine in a week" He sounded similar to Jack, it must be Robert.

"That's good" Jack sighed heavily "So what do we do now? When do we go to court?"

"I called in my good friend Kyle Washington, the lawyer and he said if we have strong enough evidence and get Emma to testify then Simon will be locked up for a long time!" I could hear the smile on Roberts face and i was grateful that Robert and Jack were tring so hard to help me.

Jacks grip got tighter and he stroked some hair off my face, "I don't think she'll be up to testifying, to see her father again!"

"I know, but if we want to make sure he stays behind bars for a long time and to keep Emma safe, the court need to know what really happened and that can only be told from Emma."

There was a long pause before Jack answered, He was trying to think of the pro's and con's, "fine!" He breathed out it admittance.

I could hear their plan, but i had no say in the matter! Jack was right, i don't think i could face Simon again! and what if i don't provide enough evidence and he didn't go to prison!! Then i would have to go back home with him! I can never go anywhere again with Simon, not now, after i have experienced what true love is, both from Jack and his father.

I tried again to move my hand or at least a finger, but i was still too weak and fell back into a deep sleep.


I woke again but i still had no control over my body, so i listened to what sounded like Jack and Robert shouting to each other.

"Its been 3 days now and she still hasn't woke!"

"just give it time son, she's just getting her strength back. She will wake when she's ready, she's been through a lot and i'm surprise she had lasted as long as she did."

Jack couldn't respond to what his father had said, but instead he just thought long and hard about it. I then felt the bed sink next to me and Jacks arm go around my neck as he laid next to me. I wanted to lean in and cuddle up to his warm body, but my damn body wouldn't let me!

I heard the bedroom door open then shut as Robert left. After a moment i felt a hot breath against my neck and Jacks lips brush against my ear,

"Emma please wake up, i miss your deep emerald eyes look into mine, i miss the way you softly touch me with you're soft, gentle hands. I miss the way you fit perfectly in my arms as i hold you close to me and the way your lips feel, no, the way they belong on mine! please wake Emma so i can say this to you! I need you to know how you make me feel, how much i love you"

His words made my heart skip a beat then thump a million times faster! then i worried, what if i didn't wake up! i had missed the chance to tell Jack just how much i love him! please god if you're listening for once, if you let me wake up then i will tell Jack how i truly feel!

please body move! MOVE! i begged my body and tried to move, but my body was just too tired!

"Emma?... EMMA!"

Chapter 12- Sleaping beauty

-Jacks P.O.V-

I whispered how i truly felt about her in her ear, hoping that it might wake her, and that she might feel the same... someday.

I held her close to me, thinking about how little time we had spent together, yet every moment i have spent with her, was the first time i felt whole, like i felt just right and having her in my arms again i can never let her go!

I was pulled from my heavenly thoughts by what felt like Emma’s hand move...

“Emma?...” From hearing my voice she had moved her hand and fingers more! “EMMA!!”

Tears of happiness fell from my eyes! I sat up next to her to get a better look, so i knew my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me... showing me what i wanted! But there it was again... she moved her hand.

I leapt to my bedroom door and shouted down to my father, but i needed to return to Emma’s side. When i sat down again she was moaning in... pain? It made me sad that i couldn’t help the woman i love! all i could do was move the hair from her face and gently stroke her cheeks, making her calmer and showing her that i am here, and never leaving her side.. never again.

As my father entered the room with the doctor, he moved around to her left as i was being stubborn and not moving from where i was sitting! He checked her pulse and vitals, before turning to us,

“She has improved greatly in the last couple of days, and i can say that she will be awake by tomorrow latest.” We all sighed with relief “We’ll keep her on the drip to build up her strength, but by tomorrow she’ll be able to eat on her own. I’ll be back by then to check up on her”

Robert shook the doctor’s hand before showing him out and giving me and Emma some privacy. I felt sorry for being rude to the doctor, not even asking his name, but the worry i feel for Emma has completely taken over me!

I got comfortable on my bed again, laying next to Emma. I curved my arm around her neck and hugged her until i fell asleep with her sweet vanilla smell calming

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