» Romance » No place like hell, H.N. S [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗

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me and ensuring me that tomorrow when i awake, so would she...

-Emma’s P.O.V-

Ughhhh! I feel like shit! Everything hurts, every little movement... wait i have movement!! I wiggled my fingers and toes and then i moved onto the bigger limbs, just taking it easy! I twisted my stiff neck around then shook my legs, but when i tried to move my arms and body.. it felt as if i was being restrained!

I fluttered my eyes open, and at first they were blurry as i got use to the sunlight entering the room. When i focused i saw an angel fast asleep next to me! I took the in the handsome sight of Jack a sleep, and for once i saw him defenceless, for once i had the upper hand and it made me smiled that he would feel so relaxed around me, enough to fall asleep with me!

My eyes traveled down to see what was restricting my movements and my heart melted at the sight of Jacks protective arm around my waste... i felt so comfortable, wrapped in his Lavender shield. I could take on the world with him at my side!.. but i’m not sure about seeing Simon again! Just the thought of him ruins the happy mood i feel when i’m with Jack.

Before i could realise, i hot tears burned my cheeks and i had pushed away from jack. I didn’t want to mix the life i have and want with Jack with the one i so desperately try to escape from Simon. I turn to the other side of the bed and hug my knees to my chest.. already missing the warmth of Jacks hold!

I felt the bed move and Jacks protectiveness covered me once more! I welcomed the warmth it gave me and i uncontrollably relaxed in his hold. He lent his head down to mine, and he brushed my ear with his lips... casing me to react by heat rushing to my cheeks and my face turning the colour of a tomato!

“don’t think you can get away from me that easily” I could tell Jack was still half asleep as he whispered into my ear... but i could help but fall for this man more!

I giggled and i could feel his smile as he leaned closer to me. He placed a soft kiss on my neck, sending sparks throughout my body.


After spending a gorgeous and memorable morning, cuddled up with Jack, my stomach had ruined the moment by growling at its emptiness. I didn’t want to move, laying like this was... amazing! And i jokingly moaned when Jack was shaking me, trying to make me to get up! We both broke out into laughter, but before i knew i was in jack’s arms and he was taking me down stairs, bridal style!!

As he walked me down the halls, i took the chance to snuggle into his chest and inhale the smell of lavender i am more than too fond of!

Next thing i knew Jack had slipped me onto the Kitchen counter, dragging me from my daydream. He asked the Kitchen staff if they could leave us alone for a while then made his way to where i was sitting. It was only now that i had noticed that he looked like hell, but still hot! How does he do this!!

It looks like he hasn’t shaven for a while, and the bags under his eyes show he hasn’t slept either! Had he stayed up sitting next to me?

He rested his hands on the counter, one on each side of me and leaned in closer.

“What would you like to eat?” He lifted his arms to emphasise the huge kitchen we were in, with the many cabinets containing truck loads of food, “I can make you anything!”

I smiled at his attempts to make me happy, but i judged whether he could actually make me anything... “erm...”

“anything at all..” he repeated

“erm... i don’t know, i don’t mind..... erm... how about pancakes?”

“With strawberries and cream and syrup and butter and..”

“sure!” i had to stop him, otherwise i would get full just off him listing the food!


I had to give in! There was just too much food to consume!!

With still half of my food still on my plate, Jack looked at me concerned and angry. I knew he wanted me to eat more, but i just couldn’t possibly!

He has surprised me though, his cooking skills were amazing, the pancakes melted in my mouth! they were fluffy and sweet, does this man have any faults?

We sat in silence for a moment.. and i could see Jack fidgeting, twiddling his thumbs, thinking hard about what he was going to say next,

“Emma... erm... can i ask you something?"

I froze! What could he possibly want to ask me!? I didn’t want him to find out any more than he already knows, i didn’t want him to hate me, to feel disgusted by me, to leave me!! But i wanted us to get closer so i regreatedly nodded for ‘yes’

He took a sharp inhale and looked up from his thumbs and deep into my eyes. “Who’s Liam?”
Chapter 13- Confession

His words rung in my ears... ‘who’s liam? Who’s liam? WHO’S LIAM!!!’ the words brought tears to my eyes, and i cried uncontrollably, burning my cheeks with their down fall!

I was crying so hard that i don’t know when Jack had lifted me and put me on his lap, hugging me close to him and whispering in my ear, “I’m sorry baby, shhh shhh shhh, please don’t cry! If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to. I’m sorry baby!” He repeated over and over until i had calmed into a whimper.

I should tell him, telling him would bring us closer! If he would stay with me after finding out about Simon then he might stay after hearing about Liam... please God, let him stay!

I sniffed and attempted to wipe my eyes dry, but to no success as tears continued to fall. I lifted my head to look Jack in the eyes, was he really ready he hear this, was i?

I took i big inhale, “H..h...he was my... my f..f..first.... my first... boyfriend....” My voice was barely audible, that i hardly heard myself but i still felt Jack tense up under me, my first reaction was to look at Jack to see how he responded. But he continued to give me a look of complete love and understanding!
He didn’t say anything, but i knew he wanted me to continue..

“I was 15... my father had been... been r...raping since i was 14 and had told me that he should be the only man for me..” At this new information, Jack had taken an inhale of air and held me closer. “Then after he r..raped me.. he said no man would ever want to love me after what i had done... i felt disgusted by myself, let alone what a man would think of me..” I covered my mouth, the sadness taking the better of me and i began to cry again.

After being comforted by Jack, and getting control of myself again, i continued..

“Then i met Liam, he was kind, gentle, loving.. he was in my English class, and shared the same love i had for poetry so we would talk for hours!” at the memory of Liam and the love i felt, and still feel for him made me unconsciously smile. I looked over to Jack, looking in his eyes i could see.. jealousy? Over how i felt about Liam?

I shook my head and carried on...

“When he asked me out, i felt like the luckiest girl around... i felt normal.. until i stupidly though i would introduce him to Simon! I waited till the knight i knew he would be home before me.. i opened the front door, hand in hand with Liam.. and the look on Simon’s face.. i instantly knew i had just led a lamb into a lions cage! Why was i so stupid..” my words had now become whispers as i dove deeper into my memories- i was starting to feel sick! Other than in my nightmares this was the first time i had recalled the horrible events of that night...

“Simon just lost it! He started screaming for Liam to get out over and over again, but he wouldn’t, he wanted to stay with me.. he wanted to make sure i was safe being left alone with Simon, but i knew the longer Liam stayed there the less i would be safe and the less he would be safe also, so i said goodbye and forced him out the house.. then... then.. Simon.. he... force me to.. and then he wiped me, casing the older scars on my back”

I could see the pain i was feeling in Jack’s eyes also, as if what i was telling him, pained him as much as it did me! He kissed me on both my cheeks, kissing away the tears and some of the pain. He cupped my cheeks and was about to speck until he looked confused about something... like he was working something out, but then it was replaced by anger.. “How many times has he hurt you like that?”

How many times has he wiped my back till there was no skin left!! “only twice, that time with Liam... and then before i was off school for a week”

“you mean the night i brought you your phone?” Jack was now whispering as he figured out that he was the cause of the last wiping i got... i nodded for ‘yes’

His face looked lost! He felt a mixture of sad, angry, sorry and sympathetic. He started to shake with anger at Simon, but more so at himself... I cupped his face in my hands, guiding his eyes to mine and rubbed away one his tears with my thumb,
“Listen, this is not your fault at all! You didn’t know! And Simon is.. he’s a fucking prick!!!”

It felt good to call Simon bad names.. kind of made me feel happier! Ha!

“its my fault, i knew how Simon would react.. but i still insisted on bringing Liam home... i’m the one that did this to him, i’m the reason he’s in hospital!”

Jacks head shot up to the word hospital, “What did Simon do to him..?” It seemed to surprise Jack at what Simon was capable.. but i understood well what Simon could do!

“I don’t know what happened.. but next thing i knew Liam was in intensive care on life support because he had been in

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