» Romance » No place like hell, H.N. S [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗

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my face, but before it slammed shut i thought i could see Emma on the stairs, frozen and with a look of horror on her face. Was it from seeing me? From her father? No it can’t be, her father seems just a little over protective of her, at least i know he cares about her but i would have to talk to him about her being mine now as i was even more protective over my Emma.

I got in my car and pulled away from the curb. But the whole ride home i couldn’t shake this feeling of uncertainty about leaving Emma and i couldn’t rid the look of horror on her face.

-Emma’s P.O.V-

Simon grabbed my phone out of Jack’s hand and slammed the door shut, but i was paying no attention as i thought of the horror that was now about to happen.

The door slammed shut, clicking locked then silence covered the room as none of us had made a move yet. I saw Simon start to shake with rage, as i shook with fear. Simon slowly turned around, complete anger boiling from his body as he looked at me with pure hate in his eyes.

“Your b...boy... BOYFRIEND RETURNED YOUR PHONE!!!” he shouted through his teeth.

“no...” i whispered but before i knew it i was being dragged by my hair to my bedroom and thrown onto my bed, but he didn’t follow me onto it... instead he went down the hall and into his room.

What? Maybe tonight, seeing me with someone else, he knows he can’t keep doing this to me! A smile broke across my face as i thought and hoped... but again i had spoken too soon. After rummaging around in his room, Simon had returned to mine but this time with rope!

“NOOOO! DADDY I’M S..SOOORY!! HE’S NOBODY!” Kneeling on my bed i was trying to scream reasoning at Simon, even calling him daddy for the first time so that he knew this was wrong! He just ignored me and charged at me.

Before tying me up he ripped all item of clothing from my body he then wrapped my right arm to the far right post and then did the same to my left on the other post. He followed by also tying my feet to the bottom board, apart so that he could have access to my womanhood before he just knelt in the space between my legs... disgustingly admiring my body. 7

I wiggled my body, trying to fee one of my limbs to try and keep some of my modesty and cover my body but it only seemed to encourage him more. He loomed over me, resting on one arm and using the other to stroke up the side of my body, he started from my thigh then up, past my hips, over my flat stomach to my breast. He cupped my size D breast, but it only sent a shiver down my spine from how wrong this was.

“ Owwww!” He bit down hard on my nipple after hearing my plea for freedom.
He looked up at me, with eyes i have only seen him with once more. “Don’t you learn.. you stupid girl!” He sat up and slapped me across the face. “Didn’t you learn from the last time you brought a boy home?!?”

As Simon continued to slap my face and punch my stomach repeatedly, i kept trying to think of an excuse to tell Simon that would save both me and Jack. So that jack wouldn’t turn out like the last boy i introduced as my boyfriend! No stop! I can’t think back to him... it hurts me more than anything Simon could do to me.

“J.. jack is the i tutor.. nothing more...” My whimpers made me stutter my words.

Simon stopped his attacks as he sat up and straddled me, roughly grabbing my cheeks so my attention was all on his face, looking at his angered eyes with my tear filled eyes.

“YOU. ARE. NOT. TUTORING HIM ANYMORE!! And you are not to see him at all, because if i find out that you have just asked him for a pencil in lesson than i will do more to him than i did to the last boy who tried to take you away from me!!”

I was shocked by his demand, but i realised that he is being even more serious than last time... last time he didn’t go as far as to tie me up!

Unable to speak, i just nodded my head for ‘yes’. This was going to be hard.. try and not be with Jack.. one of the most persistent and possessive guys i have ever met.. well this was going to be a challenge but it has to be done otherwise i fear for Jacks life.

Simon slapped me one more time before he got between my legs “now tonight is for me, for me to get over what you’ve done! But tomorrow... ughhh!” he stopped to push his shaft into me, and the tears collecting in my eyes poured out. “...tomorrow, you will receive your punishment!” Wait, this wasn’t the punishment!

As Simon slid his penis in and out of me, there was no please, just pain! Pain came from between my legs and from the punches to my stomach and face. I could start to taste blood in my mouth, and it only took one more blow before i was knocked out.
Chapter 8- Morning sunshine..

I woke up from my unconsciousness by the familiar cold water being splashed in my face. I went to sit up and to wipe the water away from my face but my body was pulled back as my arms didn’t move. I quickly flicked my head back and stared at my arms then down to my legs... they were still attached to the bed! I was still trapped!

I looked up to find Simon, now with crossed arms and a smug smile on his face standing by my bed. He leaned forward and pulled on the rope, making it rub more on my already sore, chapped and bleeding wrist due to the friction of rubbing from the rope. I gave a quiet whimper from the pain.

“now now, little one.. shhhhhh! There, there..” he gently rubbed a tear from my cheek and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. I flinched under the sudden contact, instinctively because of his usual abuse.

He grabbed the rope again, this time pulling it harder. Blood started to drip from my wrist and onto the bed!

“Ahhhhhh!” i screamed in pain.

“don’t cry baby..” he leaned in closer, brushing my ear with his lips “... because this is me going easy on you compared to what i have planned for you tonight!!”

I swallowed, trying to clear my dry throat and push the fear down, my heart sank and i began to shake in fear! But soon the feel of disgust covered my fear as Simon began to slowly slide his hand from my face to by breast. He squeezed my nipple, flicking it a few times before continuing to travel down to my vagina where he slid a finger in and played with my pussy with his thumb.

“now you stay laying her, all sexy for me for when i return!” he removed his hand from within me and slapped me on the face. “oh and i’ve stretched this rope out more so you can reach the glass of water on here” he said as he pointed from my right hand to the table next to my bed before he started to walk out of my room.

“w...where a..a..are you g..going?” It was barely audible but it still stopped him in his tracks. He swiftly turned on his heal, heading straight for me. He bent down and slapped me so hard on my face that it forced my head to fly the other way.

“DO NOT TALK UNLESS SPOKEN TO WHORE!” I turned my head back to his, but i didn’t dare give eye contact. “and i need to go to work.. have fun!” He began to exit my room again, only this time he chuckled, deep and darkly, sending shivers up my spine.

I waited till he was out of the house and pulling his car out of the drive before giving into every emotion i was feeling and let it out through crying and crying.


I had lost track of time from crying until i had no tears left in me. When i looked at my alarm clock it read 2:34pm and it made me think of how i should be in English, wrapped up in the wonders of poetry, but instead i was a prisoner in my own home!

My thought then went to Jack.. this was all his fault!! If only he had just left me alone! Tears started to sting my eyes again but i found myself too tired to cry, instead my heavy eye lids couldn’t resist any longer and a fell into a deep sleep and hoping that when i a wake that this was just another nightmare!!


I was coming out of my deep sleep when i felt something heavy sitting on my waist then hot air being breathed into my ear, making me flinch into complete awareness that it was Simon.

I fluttered my eyes open to be met with Simons deep brown eyes looking into mine.
Surprised i tried to shuffle from under him but he stopped me by grabbing my neck. “i’m going to untie you now and if you even think of trying anything..” He didn’t need to say anything else as he brought the knife he was holding into view, and i knew what he meant.

After untying my legs then my wrist but still keeping the ropes attached to my wrist, he dragged me by them off and around my bed and forcing me to kneel by the foot of my bed. He re-attached the rope, to make sure i had no escape before he rustled around behind me but being unable to turn my head all i heard was metal clanging together.

That sound rung in my ears as it forced back horrifying memories of the first and only time, so far, Simon had used that torture device on me, the first time he had used it has been the source of the many scars on my back. The first time he had used it was when my first and last boyfriend, Liam was introduced to Simon.

The only way i can describe this torture devices is to compare it to a whip, however at the end of each strand there is a blade that when hit at full speed against skin will slice

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