» Romance » perfect disaster, Raya Arona [to read list TXT] 📗

Book online «perfect disaster, Raya Arona [to read list TXT] 📗». Author Raya Arona

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thoughts rushed through his mind, why suddenly he wants to know her to know every detail about her  



chapter 7 .. Outrageous Twist

 "Wassup?" and I glare at him

An olive-skinned man, His dark hair is short but not buzzed. his eyes were sharp but not evil, and the most noticeable was his accent He winking at me


The lady from before approaches me and asks kindly "Would you like some water?"

Avoiding her gaze, I shake my head, I don't want anything from these people. I'm shocked to see women amongst the men. What kind of women would take part in this sort of thing? She must be a heartless bitch


"Bitches can't talk" another woman commented as she pulls a chair and joins the party


"Eva you better close it" the same woman roar at her, I think her name as she told me was Julia

she was the first face I found when I woke up panicking when I find myself in a clean bed with clean new clothes, I haven't any idea how I became like this,  at first I thought he did that, that means he saw me naked maybe would be more than seeing but she told me she did it


And now she inviting me to their breakfast table, were everyone glaring at me as if I was Picasso painting or alien with two heads

What I don't understand is why they are acting nice, and warm, and that forced me to believe either they are two-faced or clearly bananas. Mentally unstable fruit loops every single one of them


"hey fighter baby, morning" I jumped at the sudden touch on my shoulder

I look beside me, another guy with shaggy hair and slight delicate beard on creamy skin only to make him more eye-catching, His brown eyes are warm and soft


he is the same boy I hit with a pail, his smile widens as he sat beside me, I was stunned and confused, what is this guy doing?


"by the way, I'm Daniel and I'd love to call me Dan or Danny"

he pauses taking a sip of my fruit juice after my fries hitched in his throat, the smile was fighting my lips, I can't pull my eyes away from him, he was the fruitiest


"Everyone actually calls me Dan except for Mr. face like thunder, he calls me Daniel"

I can't resist the smile, especially at the name he called that devil, actually it was a badass name, and suddenly I saw Mel in him, he was pretty much like her


I watch him free-falling on his words and enjoy himself with my plate while his plate was untouched

"also you can call me Danny, but that will get me killed or hanged" His smug face meets my smiley one-, he winks and lifts his imaginary hat

"You are welcome fighter baby"


fighter baby!! 


I'm here from one day only and he already gave me a nickname, "fighter baby" I breathed the name taste it in my lips, I know that could be stupid but calling me a fighter make things live through again inside me


"hell you are fighter baby" I frowned at him, how he heard me I thought I was hushed enough, he gazed at me with teased face

he tosses his hands to me but I shrink away at first I think I can't cooperate even if they were good, "it's okay I will never hurt you, I give you my pinky promise"


really... pinky promise

I just stare at him, then he huffs, he tugs my finger  and makes his pinky promise, everything in him screams 'Mel', more and more I see Mel clear in him


"that our promise and also I forgive you for smashing my head to smithereens yesterday" I winced internally, so that was him not the devil


"I'm sorry," I said in low voice, he ruffled my hair still drawing that smile, he looks kind and nice and compassionate, not like the devil


"Friends" I look at him stunned, but to someone like him was so difficult to say no


Before I answer, a rough clearing throat cut the moment, I looked behind me and it was him staring at me at us with cold dead eyes, quickly I pulled my hand from Dan's and looked away turning my gaze to my lab


Okay, I'm mentally shaking in my boots, but I can't let him see that. Right now, I have to go with the flow of things, wait for the right moment and try to escape.


"Hey, Bossman" I lift my eyes to look at Dan with wide eyes, he avoids my eyes to drink some water

Oh shit. the devil is the boss. Just wonderful.


Okay, okay. Time to change tactics


I felt a hand on my back and jumped my breath hitched, for a moment I imagined him choking me, seriously this guy start messing with my mind


"Glad you like it, you want some more" it was Julia

Jesus Christ... Before I answer, someone did for me, it was the guy with the accent "she didn't eat them Dan did"


Dan lifts his hand to his heart playing the victim "how could you say something like that"


"dude, I'm nice as pie"


"Nyet." Rider said calmly but I can't know what that means


"you are a mouse potato" the pissed dolly model noted, earning "bitch "and tongue out from Dan


"Daniel?" Julia shouted, but quickly he defended himself with a big smile, she groans frustrated and walked away


"I think you wishing for another love tap from her," the guy with the accent said pointing at me


"Puhlease, she loves me. Every woman loves and wants me," he said sincerely.


"Yeah, keep lying to yourself"


From side look, I saw him smile proudly murmuring, "don't listen to them, they are a bunch of haters" I fight another smile, this guy totally crazy


not long till she back with a full dish with everything delicious, I felt my mouth waters, a moment later the table full of six abductors and one victim




I scan my surroundings again, desperately looking for a means of escape. My face falls when I can't find one. I look up into the face of my kidnapper, the devil smirks as he knows what running through my mind


I want to knee him in the jingle bells.


My face must convey what I feel because of his smirk flares into a wide, gleaming, crooked smile.


The man is actually not bad looking. Not traditionally good looking, but gruffly attractive in a manly way


His gruffness, his appearance, it works for him in a mean, scary way. Damn shame he's an A'hole criminal

the air was cold silent only the spoon noise and the munching heard, it was scary as death, I clear my throat I know it's a suicidal move but it must happen.


"Excuse me, uh- um-. Can you please tell me what I'm doing here?"

the noise stops to look at me, my eyes were focused on him, He looks into my eyes but doesn't answer. I try to hold his gaze, but his blue eyes pierce mine. It's getting a little awkward so I lower my eyes to his chest and try again.


"If there's something you want, I can help you -"

He cuts me off with a curt, "No." Then turns to his plate, eating slowly silently


Heat crawled up my face and the lump in my throat got harder to swallow and keep at bay. I bit my lip and looked down at my plate of cooling food.


"Please. I don't know what you want from me, but I'll do anything for you to just let me go. I never saw you. I'll never speak a word of this to anyone." 


I duck my chin, my voice trembles as I whisper, "Please." My head remains lowered and I watch in slow motion as a teardrop falls into my lap.


I heard him chuckle and I felt my soul destructed. I burst into sobs and he laughs louder. Everyone was silently looking at him as if I go crazy


I look him in his icy-blue eyes; I lose it.


"Why me? I don't go out or anything. I'm noiseless person live in the shadows, always keep my head down, god even homeschooled. It doesn't make sense."


The man with the accent muttered, "Here we go"


"I don't blame here. Women tend to overreact." the man who was all this time silent finally speaks and I wish he didn't


I blink a moment looking at him, he didn't mean it right, overreact! , huh someone abducted me and now he keeps me at his mercy and I don't know what he going to do with me all that and I'm over 'reacted'


"I think she has the right to overreact!" before I screech, Julia defended me, he rolled his eyes and resume his glancing at the newspaper in his hands supping his coffee like nothing happened   


"Um, yeah" finally the man with beard stated and back to what he was going

Ugh ... men


Suddenly the devil gets up from the table holding his dish and walk to the kitchen.


I looked around again, still in mild shock. I never believed such a thing could happen to me. I had never imagined my life could take such an outrageous twist


Suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around me, causing me to jump, I never dare to look, everyone was here except him, I knew someone like him will not let it go like that


how stupid you are Ana, why can't you just shut up


"Let's go back up to our room." his voice raspy in my ear. It sent the hairs on my arms standing straight up


our room


Immediately, the tension returned and I nailed in my seat, shaking my head like he would care, instead, his grip tightens


"C'mon, You can finish it up there."


He mumbles, guiding me off the chair by my hips. I frown a little bit and see the others doing the same. I followed him upstairs with my plate in hand, My heart thudded loudly in my ears. I don't know what comes next, but for sure it won't be good

chapter 8.. My Pet

 Unable to help myself, I whispered


"All of this is your fault if you wouldn't laugh nothing would happen" It felt good to say the words. I felt I should have said them sooner

"Come here," he said. His voice startled me, I gulped and slowly shake my head

He sighed deeply and let out a slow breath. I shivered, unable to discern whether the sigh meant he had calmed, or he was about to slap me the life out of me.

I was sure I'd completely break down if I tried to imagine all the things

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