» Romance » perfect disaster, Raya Arona [to read list TXT] 📗

Book online «perfect disaster, Raya Arona [to read list TXT] 📗». Author Raya Arona

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gone. Had I ever really been brave? I don't think so. I never had to be brave

" besides you don't want to upset me"

 his lips twitched with a wicked smirk, am not here. This is a dream, a horribly extraordinary dream. Any moment now, I'm going to wake up

"Why am here?why me?"

 his face harden and his yes totally darken, just as if he was possessed by a devil and he surfaced now

"why not you?"

I frowned at his answer, as simple as it is, but still not what I wanted, he takes a step closer, the fear explode inside me he was close, and I don't like it

"Don't even think about it" 

waved by the only weapon, he stopped lift his hands in the air as he surrendered, but I know he is not he wants me to think that but who can trust a man like him

swiftly, he yanked my hand, holding it firmly when I tried to shrink away he pull me closer to him. He was clean-shaven mixed with a cigarette, undeniably masculine I was petit against his sold chest

Our fingers fight on the fork and he wins, He raised his right hand, pushing my hair off my shoulder, I feel his fingertips graze my temples as he brushes my hair off my forehead to look at me. His hands remain there for what feels like, forever. I blink as I remove my hands from his bare chest and bring them, trembling, to my sides

He caressed my face, running his fingers over my earlobe, down the column of my throat; A violent shiver ran down my spine, the back of his fingers brushing across my collarbone. My breathing became broken, heavy. My voice was gone, strangled by the moment

"Look at me," 

he said, his voice controlled, but wavering. I shut my eyes tight, I sense how dangerous he is, how predatory, he is real, real intimidation, a real man, real fear. real chaos

Slowly, shaking my head because the last thing I want to do now is looking at him. He sighed. His fingers speared into my hair, possessively, embracing my head as I continued to stare at our feet

"I don't like to fuckin' repeat myself" his voice was lack with any niceness and no patience just rage

I closed my eyes even tighter as soft, tearless sobs broke past my lips... He leaned in, kissed my cheek, then the nape of my neck. I sighed fretfully, pulled away, but I wasn't getting anywhere

He was trading his patience with my sanity

"How long I'd be kept here?"

I know it sounds like checking my reservation in hotel not in my kidnapper custody, but I don't really care, I wait for an answer, but unquestionably he won't , I'm not surprise

his hands moved slowly punishing me with that touches to my hips, my body couldn't handle it and answer him with manic shiver run down at every inch of me . His hands clasped on my hips tightly squashing the bone underneath before he twists me

He swept my hair over my left shoulder, standing close behind me. I could feel his c**k against me, hard, foreboding. He kissed my neck again.

"No," I pleaded, voice cracking. completely desolate. ""

His soft laugh fluttered against my neck. "shshshsh" He wrapped his arms around, me as he spoke in my ear

"you bring that to yourself"

I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted to do anything, I don't find my voice nether the words to answer, I don't want to be with him I don't want to be his whore, I want to go back to my simple life

"nothing would happen if you stop being a brat, right?"

I bite my lips when I felt the lightest brush of his lips against my neck teasingly, more like a punishment more than anything, and for the billion time I cursed myself cursed my life for throwing me at his path

he groans in my ear "maybe you need little push" he licked my ear

My heartbeat pulsating in my ears, my breathing becomes difficult. Anxiety ran through my body , as his hands roaming my body to my br**sts

"no" quickly I shielded myself with my hands, his hands tightened around mine try to find his way ,"stop it" finally my brain starts working again, digging my nails into his hand trying to get loose, I threw my elbow back, hitting him in the shins. But he was faster than me

"ah-ah" he tied me with his hands and his lips on my ear "fight will get you nowhere princess, you will just hurt yourself"

"I hate you" I hissed through my clenched teeth, he was like a big snake squeezing me tightly to numb

"Good, I like it better this way." with that, he throws me on the bed as if I was a rag and stormed out and never came back 






"just stay here okay, I'll be back few minutes "

I nodded, as Julia moves away to join the others in Fox's office , I exhaled frustrated Julia was very careful to not get her tongue slip in unknown secrets, and I don't want to push my luck and loss my little freedom as he called it after Julia's insistent to get me time out of that room

I sigh throwing myself on the couch, I want to tug my hair this is hell, I'm not allowed to ask, to protest, to lock doors, not more ten minutes showering and get dressed, I feel like I'm joining in the army not kidnapped

"Lift more up, be careful not to drop it"

from nowhere a men wearing a cap walked passed me, I just stay staring like an idiot to the exit and open the door simply like that

seriously, I spend the nights and days thinking for a way out this place and now the door just open like that, is that kind of trick or setup

they stopped there talking waiving and not long till another box rest in his open arms and move back again passed me to where he came before I guess.

but who cares who that guy or what inside the box which I will leave that to another time but the most important is the door is still OPEN.

I check behind my shoulders luckily there's no one, okay do it now or never.

I rushed to the open door, holy moly ...

I thought there is no one or it was just post-office men or pizza delivery, not two big cars full of huge boxes and four men waiting there.

Come on think. Think .think

"Morning ma'am "

one of the men greeting me, wow I can feel the authority, he took his way following the previous guy, my response was nodding. I know my face now look freaked, I don't need to pull their suspicions.

okay, take a breath...


I straightened myself placing my feet out the door for the first time from days, god, it feels like centuries, try to restrain my stormed feelings it's amazing being out fresh air and free ... not yet I'm still in the garden

they were busy counting recording the information in the small notes in their hands, I took the chance so I moved freely checking, I can't run the woods surrounding everywhere

"okay the last box and we have done here"


... or, maybe I can 


chapter 10..... Whorehouse

 oh god, I'm almost out of air, this place getting more and warmer, extra hours here and I'm going to roasted and add to all of that my over twisted bones in this box.

 my legs are so numb, I don't know how I will walk when I get out of this box. 

I huffed but quickly moving my twisted stuck arm to my face covering my mouth, let's hope they didn't hear that.

not long till I felt the car stopped and the muffled voice reaches my ears and louder and followed by heavy metal noise, the nervousness eating me. I don't know what happens exactly out there and I'm so doubtful about my plan of getting out here .suddenly the heavy noise arose again. 

god please, I need your help this time, please.

"wow where are you going man we need to unpack this now, " one of the men with rough says

my eyes open, what he means by unfilled are they going to open the boxes, no that can't be that will be my end, I mean they can't. 

augh ...... I didn't know that the electronics company misses with electronic boxes ...cheaters

"screw you, Rob, I'm done here "

great one kicked, "he is such a jerk, kay let's do that and go for a drink "a new voice not rough but sounds smooth 

"yeah man, I would kill for a cold beer"  the rough voice showed again, I rolled my eyes what a craving wish kill for a drink with all that easy like if they going to smack a cockroach.

my thoughts cut when I heard a pulling screech noise around, wow are they going to open the boxes... now 

 I'm dead. okay just smack the head or give them a sweat kick were the sun never rise and run. yes, I'm ready.

balling my fists, flaring my nose I am totally ready to attack , but the complete opposite happened the box didn't open but instead its shoved  to don't know where, but I'm squeezed in, they are carrying me I mean the box, it feels amazing being carry like that , no one carried me before

"fuck, this box is really heavy " 

 you idiots stupid butt heads, I'm not fat you are just feeble useless men . finally with a loud thud, I landed on the floor but not safe because the box flopped and corks were thrown all on the floor revealing me

"what the hell " and a high bitchy voice. I sighed rubbing my elbow 

"who the fuck are you and how the fuck.." he didn't finish because of my winced- yell interrupted his cursed questions.

"language "

"who, who are you " the high bitchy queen stuttered asking me with a shrunken body and wide eyes he was like in his early twenties.

what should I do?

"tada "  I jumped throwing my arm on the sky with a smug smile on my face, but they don't like the stomach any of that, I sighed pulling my arms down looking around to see a huge bright way shining in from the all this tall walls .a door


plan 2 .. run

as always that was my good thing and I'm very good at it .so without waiting I do run and they start following my tail

"thanks for the drive " 

the street was full of the walkers, it's afternoon I guess that's why the markets and streets are full, I dig myself shuffling between the crowd, at least let's hope that will delay them.

my head spun more and more I don't know if they still following me or not, I need to hide in somewhere safer . in fact I don't know where to go beside I can't go home everyone will be waiting for me to show up especially my stepmom

oh, how stupid I am, how that didn't come to mind when I flee from Fox's house. now I feel really homeless, where in hell I can find place save in this world more than home where no one can lay finger on me?

wait ... there is? I know where

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