» Romance » perfect disaster, Raya Arona [to read list TXT] 📗

Book online «perfect disaster, Raya Arona [to read list TXT] 📗». Author Raya Arona

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the floor of the car , god why don't he look where he go instead of staring at me like that shift he will kill both of us, no no it's not the right time to advice, chewing my lips to stop anything may come well I'm doing my best .


I think It's official.


I've been kidnapped.


******                  *****                                         *****


I groan feeling amazing under a fluffy like bed flipping pulling what it seems like sheets that stupid cold breeze sneak breaking the warmth ......... wait





for god sake what, I open my eyes wide sitting on my ass looking around me, it was black, where am I, what's going on that's not like my room I hate memory paralyze when I wake up.




the devil and he took me and I try to sleep for .... shift clutched my fingers as fist hitting my head, all this because of you, you decided to sleep and you know exactly what I am like a bear when I sleep can't wake up easily


and sleep like that, I mean like that in bed and comfy, what exactly happened when I was sleep ... did he ... did I, I mean no no that's not happened


I slid my hands slowly from my head down, down to under the sheets that cover me checking what if I were at my same clothes, I moved it slowly feeling my clothes my dress my jacket down is important my trousers 

my trousers are alive I still untouched


I jumped from the bed happy throwing the sheets away to stepped stridden on the bed edge to hit my ass on the floor, oh nooo, I cried rubbing my butt, this poor suffered a lot sorry sweetie


I got up this time slowly try to find light moving my fingers on the wooden pieces and I find it, switching it on to spread the light across the room , it wasn't too small it was huge comparing to the one I had in my house or the attic to be clear it was only white only while color and too dirty to make rat live in it


a lot of things are spattering around and the rotten smell fill the air there was no windows, I ran to the door, struggling to open it was locked from outside


"open the door please"

shaking the door hopefully maybe it will open or even anyone hear me, but none of that happened, what can I do ... think Ana think, think, think, you have to get out of this place


Pin all I need is pin


I pulled my fingers searching in my hair find it I find one no, in fact, two, I widened the two parts and push them in the key eye moving it slowly waiting to hear the click sound and its clicked, it clicked you are smart


Ana, I stopped clapping when I realized that I was still kidnapped


I find a pail with half water in it 


my ears catch a noise of door opened, I looked at the door it was still close quickly hopped off the bed to my secret weapon ' the pail ' bravely I clutch it with both my hands ready to active my plan .. which is ????


yeah, is hitting the killer on his head knocking him off and run out of here since the door for sure must be opened, he will let it open to get out I'm sure.


the noise starts getting closer I glued my ear on the door hearing his footsteps, I heard  words flowing out but I can't understand what it was, the doorknob twisted to make me jump little to sink into the wall behind me and more behind the door I was standing front it


the door swings open I tightened my grip ready to shot or technically hit

the noise starts getting closer, I glued my ear to the door hearing his footsteps and noise getting closer and closer, I jump little hiding behind the door


the door swing open I tightened my grip 


and wait   


chapter 4..Hunting

He showed

I took the chance and hit the pail on his ribs and his back over and over as much as I can


"That's to learn to not play with girls like me idiot"


I throw the pail away and take the chance and run away, the doors were open and there are light and freedom, I can see the sun it's like if it was  the afternoon and a lot of green, long trees the woods was hugging the road from the two sides


wait, where am I? is that forest 

I stopped looking around, I'm hair's breadth from broking down, just breathe


I almost collapse on the ground. Tears run down my face again. In addition, the warm feeling inside me dissipates, replaced by harsh, gnawing fear.


No!! please let that all be only a dream... a bad dream.


I open my eyes.

It's not a dream. I can still smell the freshness of the trees


I'm stuck and I know It's just a matter of time before he finds me and does something truly awful to me. I need to escape before that happens


My mind is whirling with possibilities, if I go to the woods then one hundred present I'm dead, even if I stayed here also I'm dead


I know that might be suicidal but I will go with the one, yes dying in the woods is better than raped and die here


Breathing harshly, tears of pain and frustration burning in my eyes. don't know what he's going to do to me, and I don't want to find out.

So I run.


I used the only thing I'm good at,  my feet, I don't know where I'm running, but I can't let him catch me


The tree line was close as well as the highway, the trees will more distracting, ignoring the aching in my barefoot all I'm thinking is running


Suddenly the dark dropped, but I can see the sun shadow above the heavy trees, sweet Jesus, I hate snakes bugs and most important rats and now I'm in the middle of it


My leg muscles are screaming, and my lungs are straining for air. When I glance back, I see a tall man chasing after me ... it's him

Hell, he's a good runner too. I put on a burst of speed, ignoring the pain in my feet; I have to win this time


I can't be a victim again, I've been spent my whole life a victim to my stepmom and her daughters and locked under my father cages ... now it's done, I'm done


It feels like I'm running forever. When I glance back, there was no one; my pace eases a little bit. I can't sustain that speed much longer, my lung feels like burning and tearing apart


I need some water, and I have no idea where I go next, As the darkness begins to fall, I take shelter under a large tree, my foot can't hold me anymore, my eyes still looking for directions


I can feel the cuts and bruises on my bare feet, it's hurt like hell


For a second it seems my mind starts working again, and the first thing came to my mind 'what the hell is going on'

Suddenly I felt someone grabs my arm, moving as quickly as a snake. His grip is like steel around my right wrist. I tried to fight but it was totally useless, especially when he twists my arm painfully backward


"Let go, you psycho"

I winced, I feel my arm will break


I try to hit him in the face again with my other hand, but he catches that arm too. Clearly, he knows how to fight and s also obviously stronger than me.


My right arm is screaming in pain, but I try to kick him, as my feet make contact with his legs, but he was like a rock. I can't lose this fight

Either I fight now, or I will forever be a victim


"shhh" it's him 

the same voice in my ears again, angrily I fightback  pushing him away, all I want for now is  him off me in any possible way


"Drop it, or I will break your fucking arm," he hisses, my eyes widen, he sounds promising and self-assured. Beside my shoulder feels like it's about to pop out of its socket, as waves of pain radiating down my arm.


so I stand still, but he didn't let go, instead, I felt his breath hitting my neck, then a good idea jump to my mind 



 he growled deep in his chest as me head collided soundly with his face, with that he let my both arm go, I I start running again, breathing harshly, tears of pain and frustration burning in my eyes.


I can hear his foot thuds on the ground, Lunging toward me

Swiftly he turned me to face him still holding my hands on over my head, enough to restrain me as he wrapped his legs around mine


I panted, chest rising defiantly. my entire body was tense beneath him, and I realize there's no use to fight someone  like him, he is much stronger than me


my eye darted and for the first time, I see his face clearly, staring at him for the first time with no scarf no hat just real him

And yep.










his eyes were blue. A strange, startling, dark, vibrant, eyes. And they were beautiful, strange color, the shape long dark lashes.


My breath stuck in my throat.


his hot dirty hair styled in perfect way, it was too hot and attractive ,I fought my desire to pass my fingers inside the tufts of his hair, he got the best sculpt face with strong jawline covered with little dark hair over a creamy skin with a not heavy and kissable lips like if a Romanian god landed .


he was too much to be a normal man also too much to be a killer, I mean usually, the killers' kidnappers are so ugly with a lot

his eyes dropped to my br**sts, my h*ps or my legs. I felt naked under his eyes


"goin' somewhere" looking at me with amusement like if he is enjoying himself


" hands-off, grandpa" I try to free myself from his grip 


Anger raced through him as he tightened his arms around me, he tilts his head frowning, what he's pissed now, will I didn't lie, he is like what !! well not my grandpa neither my father in age but still OLD


Staring was never something attractive to me, I hate it so much and now he can't stop ogling me, I feel like he raped me with his eyes


"You like to fight don't you?" He smiled. "I like to fight too." tighten his grip even more 


Holding my wrists in his left hand, and use his other to draw lines on my cheeks down to my neck, choked sobs erupted from my throat, before he reaches to my breast I let my voice out 


"stop" I croaked, "Please." his eye back again to my face scanning me intently 

Unexpectedly, He released my hands from his prison, I left my eyes to meet his deep one, is he going to let me go? , and I was wrong


"let's go" he stated with his deep masculine voice, what the hell

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