» Romance » Waiting for Superman, Makayla Hanks [whitelam books txt] 📗

Book online «Waiting for Superman, Makayla Hanks [whitelam books txt] 📗». Author Makayla Hanks

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sorry you had to see me yelling at Connor… I didn’t realize anyone was here."- Amy

"Oh, it’s fine! It’s nice to meet you to. I was wondering if he looked more like you or his dad but I haven’t meet your husband yet, but he looks a lot like you!" He really did he had her hair color and full lips like her.

"Oh thank you! But I think he looks more like his dad. You should come down stairs and meet him!"-She says still smiling, I’m pretty sure it’s at least a little fake, but not completely.

"Okay!"- She wraps my arm around hers’ and we start to the stairs. I turn to look at Connor and when I see his face I can’t help but laugh. He is completely dumbfounded. Standing there with his mouth hanging open. I wave my hand for him to follow. He slowly follows us. Clearly still shocked. But why is he shocked?

We finally get down stairs and Connors dad is setting down talking on the phone. When he sees us he does a double take the says

"Sorry Bobbie but I got to call you back."

He hung up before the other guys answered.

"Brier this is my husband Dean! Dean this is Brier, Connors friend from school. It is just friends right?"- She says smiling

He looks at her like she’s crazy "Yes at the moment we are just friend’s mom."- He is clearly embarrassed

I laugh at his reaction and he rolls his eyes at me, but he is hiding his smile.

His dad finally come out of the trance that he was in and walks over to me. Holy crap he’s tall like at least the size of Alec. He is like two inches taller than Connor. And he is kinda hot. Amy was right Connor looked exactly like his dad. Dean looked like an older version of Connor besides the Scar on his eyebrow. He walks up to me, he is a lot taller than me so I have to look up to see him. Connor laughs. I give him "the look" that I usually have to give Alec. He puts his hands up and his mom laughs. Dean Looks at her like she is a completely different person.

"It’s nice to meet you Brier!"- Mr. Moore says while holding his hand out to me

"It’s nice to meet you to Mr. Moore."- I shake his hand

"Please call me Dean."

I smile at him, he smiles back.

"Amy, can I speak to you for a minute. In private."-Dean


Right when they turn around I elbow Connor in the stomach. It was very hard, but it wasn’t very easy either.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Laughing at me, you jerk!"- I say kinda jokingly but kinda mad.

"Are you really going to be mad at me?"-He gives me his pouty face

"I’m not mad, I just don’t like being made fun of."- I pout back

"I’m sorry I wasn’t laughing at you I was just laughing because of how adorable you are."- He smiles

"I don’t like being adorable. It makes me feel like a child. Alec does enough of that."- I say with a little of annoyance

"I was going to say beautiful but you wouldn’t believe me if I did."- He smiles shyly

"I agree with you. I probably wouldn’t have."- I admit and blush

"Why? You are one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. Inside and out. You have a very interesting personality, and I’d like to get to know you more if you’d just let me in."- There is that look again. Hold on, I’ve seen that look. Alec looks at me kinda like that but Connors is a little different. I know that look now. It’s love… Oh God it’s love?! Why did he have to go and do a thing like that? I don’t want to get hurt, he knows that. He said he would never hurt me and I believe him, but I’m still scared. I will not turn out like April. I love my old my mom but the one I have now… there is nothing to love about her. She rarely smiles at us, and she only does it in front of company and when she’s laughing at us. I can’t be like that.

I start to breathe a little faster. His parents start to walk up to us. Thank God.

"Let’s talk about this later. Here they come."

I smile at them when they walk up, they smile in return.

"Sorry about that. But we’ll let you two get back to your project. It was very nice to meet you Brier!"- Amy smiles and shakes my hand

"Yeah, we have some things to do at the office, so you guys will be here by yourselves. There is money on the fridge and pizza huts number next to it. Be good! It was nice to meet you Brier!"- Dean says while shaking my hand

"It was nice to meet you to Mr. Mo- I mean Dean!"- I say with a smile

Dean walks up to Connor and whispers into his ear. Connor smiles and nods his head.

"Bye! Be good Connor. Brier keep your eyes on him for me."- Amy says with a wink

Oh my God that’s hilarious. It’s like she is trying to embarrass him. I worked because he blushed!

"What did your dad say?"

He smiles "He said ‘Don’t fuck this up, keep it in your pants, we like her.’ You already won my parents over. How come you’re so nice to them?!"- He tries to look hurt but it makes me laugh.

"I think you just put me in a bad mood!" I joke

"Thanks I try! They really surprised me. My mom hasn’t laughed like that in a long time."- He says smiling

"Really? That is unfortunate, she has a very pretty laugh."

"Well so do you but you don’t laugh very often either." I blush.

"You really do. I wish you could see how beautiful you are… Please tell me why! I don’t understand."- He is hold his hands to his lips begging me. Crap! What do I do?! Can I tell him? Can I trust him? Alec trusts him, and he has a pretty good judge of character. I’ll tell him, I guess. But I swear to God if he tells anyone, he’ll have Alec to deal with.

"I’ll tell you but let’s go to your room first."

Chapter 8: Here comes the Truth

 Brier's P.O.V.

Chapter 8: Here comes the truth

We’re up in his room, sitting crisscross on his bed, facing each other.

"I am going to tell you everything. Okay? But if I tell you this you have to swear on my life and yours that you won’t tell anyone. If you break this pinky swear I will never talk to you again, and Alec will beat the crap out of you. Got it?

"Got it"- He says and we pinky swear

"So you know how I said my dad left my mom and she hasn’t been the same since?"

"Yeah…"- He looks nervously at me

"Well after he left April, my mom, started drinking a lot and missing work. We started to get behind on the bills. I told her that she needed to start going to work so that we could pay the bills, and she slapped me. That was the first time she had ever hit me…"

"Just the first time?"- He looks pissed. I nod my head.

"So that means she has hit you multiple times."- He looks really pissed. I nod.

"We were 11 when it started. Alec had always been big but when she started hitting us more often, he started to work out so he would be big enough to protect us. After about a year and a half Alec had grown a lot. One day April came home and started kicking me because I didn’t do the dishes. Alec ran in and he panicked. He didn’t know what to do, so he pushed her into the wall. She ended up getting a big bruise on her side. She threatened to call the cops and have him taken away. He said if she did that he would tell the cops about everything. She didn’t call the cops obviously, but ever since then she only hits me… She can’t really hurt him much and she knows that it hurts him to see me in pain, so she only goes after me. When he would stop her from hitting me, she would yell at me and tell me that I’m worthless a-and ugly… and that the only reason anyone would ever want me is for sex… She said that she hated us and that she wishes God would just take us away so that she could be happy… If I cried she would make fun of me and she’d tell me that I’m weak, just like my dad is. She said that she hated having a fuck up as a daughter and that she hopes I die soon… One day… (shit I’m gonna start crying) One day she came home early from work and she was really mad… I was in the living room when she started yelling and saying how much she hated me and Alec… How much she wishes she had never had kids… How we ruined her life… I started to cry like any other 16 year old would do and she started to laugh at me… (Crap I’m crying) I turned to go to my room when she threw her glass cup at me… It hit me on the shoulder."

I pull my shirt down a little to show my shoulder to show my scar. I noticed some tears were running down his face.

"I fell down and started to cry. She laughed at me, then she started kicking me… There was blood everywhere… Alec ran in from outside. He literally threw her into her room until he found out that I need to go to the doctor, He made her drive us to the hospital… she ripped the cut when she kicked me and I had to get 18 stitches. She told the doctor that a glass cup fell from a high shelf. He didn’t believe her, he asked if she could step outside. He asked me and Alec if what April was saying was true and we told him it was true. That so far has been the worst one. But to answer your question directly. I don’t think I’m beautiful because I’m told that I’m not every day…"

I look up at him. He still has tears running down his face, I noticed I’m still crying as well. He slowly reaches up and brushes away some of my tears. He reaches for my shoulder and I flinch. He pauses and flexes his jawline. Why is he mad? He looks at me, asking to touch my scar. I nod. He slowly rubs his hand down my shoulder. When he touches me I get a weird but good shock. He looks at me and starts to lean his head towards my shoulder, not

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