» Romance » Broken Pieces, L. S. [brene brown rising strong .txt] 📗

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how dark I have been.


I was about to get inside the car when someone called my name, I was terrified when I saw who it was. 

“Dan?” I said in horror.

Nicole got off the car immediately. Dan got off his car too and was walking in our direction.

“I thought you said he won’t be here until lunch time?” she asked.

I can feel that Nicole is afraid as well, who doesn’t? Dan is a manipulative psychopath.

“I don’t know” I mumbled with my heart beating so fast.

“Who’s that?” Keith asked from the car window.

“His evil step father” Nicole answered.

Keith turns the engine on.

“If he is evil and you are trying to escape from him, I don’t think you should be standing there” he said.

I looked at Nicole and she nodded.

“Let’s go!” she shouted.

We immediately got inside the car, Dan saw it and he ran back to his car and tailed at our back. My heart was pounding, Keith is driving as fast as he can and Dan managed to keep close to us.

“What does he wants from you?” Keith asked still driving recklessly.

Nicole looked at me from the rear view mirror. I am shaking and trembling. I didn’t expect any of this. I was about to answer Keith when something bumped at the back of the car.

Nicole screamed in horror.

“Fuck!” Keith yelled. “He isn’t giving up”

Then Keith pulled out something from the compartment of his car. I froze from where I was sitting when I saw what it was . . . a gun.

“Keith, what are you thinking?” Nicole asked shaking.

Keith looked at her and I looked at Dan who was still following us. I am afraid what Keith might do, I don’t know him and I have no idea what he is capable of doing. I am mad at Dan, like every nerve in my body hates him but I don’t want my escape to be as messy as this. All I ever wanted was to be able to be free but not like this.

“I am not going to wait until he completely ripped my car, so if he isn’t giving up well I have no choice but to give him what he deserves,” Keith said.

We were shaken for the second time when Dan bumped the back of the car again. Keith opened the window and shot Dan’s car, Nicole and I screamed in horror.

Keith’s gesture attracted people’s attention, especially those people on the side walk. I was more surprised when we heard another gunshot but it didn’t come from Keith. I didn’t know that Dan owns a gun, I never saw one from the longest time that he lived in our house. Now I am more afraid for us, I know what Dan is capable of doing. He is a monster, a demon and he won’t really hesitate to shoot anyone.

“I’m sorry Jillian but this son of a bitch is really getting in my nerves” Keith said.

I didn’t say anything; I was still in state of shock and so as Nicole.

“Can you drive?” he asked Nicole and she just nod.

Nicole took over the wheel, then Keith slide at the back with me, he asked me to seat in front so that he can have the back of the car by himself. He opened the window and started to release a couple of gun shots. I closed my eyes to prevent myself from seeing what’s happening.

Then I heard car wheels screeching on the road and a huge waved of water splashed from the river under the bridge

“Easy baby” I heard Keith’s voice when the gunshots stopped.

I opened my eyes to see what’s happening.

“It’s over” Nicole whispered at me.

I looked outside, a crowd was on the side of the bridge staring at the river. It seems like something dropped in the water. I looked at Nicole then to Keith who rested his back on the seat.

“He’ll drown for sure” he said.

Apparently, Keith shot Dan’s wheel so he lost control and he accidentally went over the bridge.

I felt like a huge torn was removed from chest, and suddenly all the things that he did to me went crashing in my mind. My tears fall from my eyes, I made it and I survived it. This is indeed a new beginning for me.

It’s almost 10 pm when we decided to stop at a small motel, Keith is tired so as Nicole for driving for almost 8 hours. I can’t be their reliever since I don’t know how to drive. We took two rooms, 1 for Keith and the other one was for me and Nicole.

I took my jacket off and lied down on the bed, I feel so exhausted from earlier events.

“You okay?” Nicole asked as she enters the room.

I sat on the bed and rested my head on the head board.

“Yeah, I feel relieved actually” I answered.

She walked to me and sat on the bed.

“Thanks a lot, I owe you everything” I whispered “If it wasn’t for you I won’t be here right now” I don’t want to cry anymore but I felt like I needed to cry again maybe for the last time.

She smiled at me and reached my hand.

“No, I owe it to you. . .” she said and I cocked my brow. “You were the reason why I decided to leave, I felt terrible for not coming forward to the authority. What you’ve been through became my inspiration. I don’t want to be like that, and I knew I will turn to one if I won’t leave. My foster parent hates me; they beat me every time they get the chance to do it, one night I woke up in the middle of the night and saw my dad inside my room drunk, I was really scared that he might do something to me” she stopped and rolled her eyes. “I know I am not a saint, and I admit that I sleep around but I never want to have sex with my dad that’s just gross” I laughed “So I grab the first chance I had to leave.”

Having to hear what she just told me made me idolized her more, her braveness inspires me a lot. She is a real brave heart. Being with her made me feel that I wasn’t alone, that I wasn’t the only whose life is darker than the community blackout.

“You’re a good person Nic” I said and she smiled “And a certified kick ass”

She rolled her eyes.

“I know” she said and hugged me once again. “Alright enough of this chick flicks” she stood up and took some clothes from her luggage and walked towards the door.

I got curious cause the bathroom is in the opposite way.

“You are taking a shower?” I asked and she nods. “The bathroom is there” I pointed the door on the left.

“I know, I am taking a shower in the other room . . . with Keith” she grins.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“What?” she asked. “He’s tired and I should give him a reward for being a hero earlier” she said as she ran outside the room.

The room was filled with silence when Nicole is finally gone, now I realized that the original plan was to give me my own room and they’ll share the other one.

I took some clothes from my backpack, I will take a quick shower to relax my muscles and for me to have a good sleep. The water was so cold but it felt nice on my skin, this is the first time in 6 years that I was able to peacefully take a nice bath. I have always been afraid that Dan might just go inside since he removed the lock of the bathroom door.

After taking a quick bath, I dressed up in my pajama and then went straight to the bed. My mom suddenly came in my mind. If Dan drowned, how is she going to live? Mom didn’t work a single day in her life. After high school, she studied college then before she was able to finish her course dad got her pregnant, and she got me. Dad worked in the military to support us and mom stayed at home to take care of me. So aside from being a hooker she didn’t really have a job that requires brain and skills.

I am kind of feeling guilty for leaving her like that; we were once close though I stopped communicating with her when she believed Dan that I should be rehabilitated. Mom used to be a wise woman, that’s why Dad loved her so much and we were a happy family but things changed, she changed when she met Dan. Her senses stopped working; she chose to be blinded and be deaf by the reality of who Dan really is. She let him violate her, she let him take over her life, and she let him control everything.

I knew we were supposed to stick together, since she is the only family I have but I am also aware that there is no way in hell that she will leave him alone. I had to do what I thought was the best even if it breaks my heart to leave her.

It was almost 8 am when Nicole knocks on my door telling me to get dress because we’re heading to the road in half hour.

I woke up 5 in the morning; I had a dream, a bad dream actually. It was Dan, his face was as clear as the sky. He was alive, he didn’t drown and worst he found me. And he dragged me home; he even shot Nicole and Keith. Then when I got home, he shot mom in front of me. I screamed then everything went black, that’s when I found out I that I was just dreaming.

I met Nicole outside in the parking lot carrying my backpack; she was inside the car putting make up on her face. She looks blooming like she had a good sleep or maybe not. She was wearing pink sleeveless top inside her black leather jacket, tight skinny jeans paired with her black fur boots. She also braided her hair for a pretty cowboy look. Sometimes I envy her for exerting so much effort in making sure that she looks good. Never in my entire life that I took the time to fix my hair, choose what clothes to wear or putting some colors on my face. I just go out the house, wearing my usual sweatshirt, jeans and converse.

“Where’s Keith?” I asked as I get inside the car.

She glanced at me through the rear view mirror.

“He went to the nearest café to get some breakfast” she answered as she continues to put mascara on her lashes.

I nod.

“He doesn’t want anymore stop over so we’ll just eat on the road” she added.

I rested my head on the car seat and looks at her as she started to put some tint on her cheeks.

“You want some?” she asked when she notices me staring at her.

I shook my head.

“Geez Jillian, we are heading to Florida, we’re heading to our new life, and you should start forgetting the past” she ranted.

I shrugged my shoulders; I didn’t want her to know that I had just a dream about Dan last night.

“I’m serious, you should start being a girl” she told me.

I cocked my brow.

“What? A girl? Tell me am I not a girl right now?” I cracked.

She laughed and turned to face me.

“Nope! The only thing that’s makes you a girl is your vagina but aside from that nada!”

My eyes widened.

“You’re sick Sanchez” I said calling her by her last name.

She rolled her eyes and scooted over next to me.

“Come on; let’s turn you to a girl” she said.

I was about refused when she started to put some cream on my face. Then she put some pressed powder, and then some colors on my eyes, then mascara on my lashes. I wanted to say no but it seems like she enjoys what

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