» Romance » PENALTY, Annika Sturm [best books to read for self improvement .TXT] 📗

Book online «PENALTY, Annika Sturm [best books to read for self improvement .TXT] 📗». Author Annika Sturm

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They looked at each other, their lips dangerously close. Alex gulped and leant back in his seat. Tom smiled and squeezed his hand under the table.

When the band came on stage Tom cheered. 'It's Jurassic 5?', he looked at Alex in disbelief, 'that's bloody awesome!' It was one of the many hip hop bands they both loved. They enjoyed the gig and even got to meet the band afterwards. Alex did end up saying hello to his team mates after all, who were still feeling smug about the match result. Tom took it all on the chin and laughed with them. At one point he leant towards Alex. 'Stay with me tonight.' He whispered into his ear. Alex looked at him and felt like kissing him right there and then. Tom could read his mind and winked at him cheekily.

The boys said goodbye and left the club slowly wandering back through the city towards the car. Alex drove back to the hotel and Tom shivered rubbing his hands. 'God, I had forgotten how bloody cold it is up here.' Alex chuckled quietly and stroked his thigh. He knew the right thing to do would be to drop Tom off and drive home. But it's not what he wanted to do. When they reached the hotel, Alex stopped outside and turned off the engine. 'Here we are.' He said quietly. Tom looked at him nervously. 'Are you coming in?' Alex hesitated holding his hand. He took a deep breath. 'Tommy...' 'I know,' Tom stopped him, 'I know,' he smiled bravely, 'well. Thank you for an awesome evening,' he squeezed his hand, 'will you pick me up tomorrow at lunchtime to drive to Berlin?' 'Yes of course.' Alex gulped and nodded. Tom kissed him quickly on the cheek but Alex grabbed and hugged him tightly. 'Alex, hey, stop beating yourself up, okay?', Tom said, 'it's cool,' he smiled at him, 'now go. I'll see you tomorrow.' He squeezed his hand and got out of the car. Alex watched him jog into the hotel entrance and followed him with his eyes until he was out of sight.

He thought of their weekend in Austria. When Tom was late because of Christine. But also how he hadn't gone home any sooner because he had wanted to be with him. He checked his phone and cursed when he saw three missed calls from his girlfriend. He listened to the voicemail. 'Hey honey. It's getting late. Are you still out with Tommy? Max and I are in bed now so we'll see you in the morning.' Alex rubbed his face in desperation. 'Damn him!' He spat through his teeth. He started the car and headed straight for the hotel car park.

'Who is it?' He heard Tom ask from within the room and Alex took a deep breath. 'No-one important.' His friend opened the door. The boys stared at each other for a moment. Tom hurried him in and locked the door behind him. 'What happened?' He asked him as he turned off the television. Alex threw himself on to one of the armchairs. 'I couldn't leave,' he looked at his friend, 'I just couldn't do it.' Tom smiled at him. He sat down on his lap and held him in his arms as he kissed him lovingly. 'Tommy.' Alex whispered and closed his eyes. 'Hey,' Tom said gently and rubbed his nose against his', 'I would have understood.' Alex gazed at him. 'Man, you're so beautiful,' he laughed quietly,'I'm crazy about you.' He whispered and kissed him again hungrily. Tom jumped up, grabbed Alex's hand and led him to the bed. All Alex's doubts were gone again, gently and passionately kissed and stroked away by his friend. When Tom held him in his arms, Alex knew he wouldn't want to be anywhere else that night.
Chapter 4

'Shit', Alex mumbled as he was woken up by his mobile ringing in his jeans somewhere across the room. He lifted his head and rubbed his eyes. Tom was resting against his chest, still fast asleep. Alex tried not to wake him as he gently moved him off him. Tom stirred in his sleep but continued to breathe gently as he turned to the other side of the bed. Alex checked again that he hadn't woken him up before he got up to collate his clothes scattered around the bed.

He found his mobile and went into the bathroom to call Emma back. 'Hey. I'm so sorry. It got a bit late last night and I fell asleep on Tommy's sofa.' 'I was worried sick about you,' Emma hissed into the phone, 'could you not at least tell me you were at the hotel?' 'I'm so sorry darling. I should have told you. I just didn't think. Look, I'm going to grab my stuff and come straight home now, okay?' Alex said gently. 'Well, you better had. Your son would like to see his dad before he is off again for three days.' She hung up.

Alex took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of the bath. He splashed his face with cold water from the basin but noticed that Tom's scent was still all over his body. He cursed as he jumped under the shower quickly and rushed around as quietly as possible, trying to get dressed without disturbing Tom. Before he left, he wrote him a note and carefully kissed his hair, inhaling his scent one last time.

It was not even seven o'clock yet as Alex was driving home through a sleepy and empty Hamburg on Sunday morning and he felt exhausted as a result. When he reached his house, he quietly opened the front door and sneaked in. He could hear Max upstairs with his girlfriend. They would have just finished breakfast. He took a deep breath preparing himself for a wave of abuse.

'Morning.' He mumbled and walked towards the breakfast table. 'Afternoon.' Emma said with a stone cold face, feeding Max the last few spoonfuls of his breakfast. 'Daddy!' Max beamed. 'Morning sunshine.' Alex cuddled him and kissed him on the cheek. He tried to kiss Emma too but she turned her head away. Alex decided to leave it at that and sat down. 'I'm sorry.' He said holding both hands apologetically in the air. There was an awkward long moment of silence. 'It's not the fact you were out all night without telling me,' Emma eventually said factually, 'it's that I don't believe you were with Tommy.' She looked him in the eye. 'What?' Alex almost laughed in surprise. She took Max out of his high chair and sat him on her lap. 'But,' Alex shook his head, 'that's ridiculous.' 'Is it?', she hissed, 'where were you last night Alex?' 'I told you. I was with Tommy. I fell asleep in his hotel room. Ask him.' She laughed. 'Oh God as if you wouldn't cover for each other at all times.' Alex decided not to push it. 'Can I play with him for a bit?' He asked quietly pointing at Max. Emma handed him his son and started tidying up the breakfast table. He hugged and kissed him again and again. 'I've upset mummy. Because of Uncle Tommy.' He explained gently.

Alex packed quietly for the trip to Berlin after having spent some time playing with Max. Emma hadn't spoken a word all morning so Alex tried to approach her one last time. 'Hey, are you still angry?', Emma didn't respond, 'I have to go now. I don't want to leave like this.' 'You had a choice.' She said quietly. 'But I haven't done anything!' Alex shouted in frustration, yet feeling guilty for lying. She turned towards him. 'You didn't come home last night. You call that nothing?' Alex shook his head as he gave up. He grabbed his son and kissed him goodbye. 'Daddy will be back before you know it,' he approached Emma, hugged and kissed her, 'I'll call you and we can talk about it again if you want.' She nodded and turned away from him.

Tom waved at Alex when he saw him pull into the parking bay outside the hotel. He jumped into the car quickly. 'Oh Jesus, let's go. I've got some girls chasing me down,' he chuckled to himself, 'not even the cap and sunglasses work anymore, so annoying. Everything alright with you?', he stroked his leg, 'I didn't hear you leave at all.' Alex sighed. 'I'm in deep trouble at home.' 'Oh dear,' Tom said and threw his bag on to the back seat trying to get more comfortable, 'because of me I imagine?' 'She doesn't believe I was with you last night.' 'What?' Tom almost laughed. 'I know.' Tom gently took his friend's hand. 'So she can feel something then,' he said quietly, 'only it's not a girl,' he smiled at Alex sadly, 'I'm sorry.' Alex shook his head and frowned at him. 'What for, I wanted to stay with you.' They silently continued their drive to Berlin until Tom took Alex's hand again. 'I know it's hard,' he said and looked at him, 'but what's the alternative?' 'We make a decision.' Alex said quietly. 'And still have to hide away anyway?,' Tom shook his head, 'your family is too important,' he paused, 'unless you decide against me, against us.' Alex gulped and squeezed his friend's hand. He didn't say anything.

They arrived in Berlin in the pouring rain. Alex was struggling to see the road it was that torrential. They parked the car in the hotel car park and Alex was about to get out when Tom grabbed his head and kissed him longingly. 'Tommy!' Alex hissed, hectically looking around. Tom smiled at him. 'I did check,' he stroked his hair and winked at him, 'show time.' He said and opened the door.

As the boys entered the reception area they were greeted with cheers by their team mates. Alex and Tom said hello, chatted and giggled. They checked into their rooms and gathered with all the others for the welcome speech of their coach Winter and their captain Markus in one of the hotel meeting rooms.
The first training session wasn't till the next morning so everyone had time to settle in. The boys had agreed to spend time with their team mates that afternoon but Alex and Tom gazed and smiled at each other every so often across the room. At some point Tom walked over and sat down next to his friend. 'Hey.’ He said. 'Hey.' Alex whispered. 'How's it going?' 'Better if we were alone.' Alex quietly giggled and Tom laughed and nodded. 'Time to get ready for dinner. Are you going up to your room?' Tom winked at him. 'Absolutely!' Alex finished his drink of water and followed him.

Alex's room was first up from the stairs and Tom pushed him in with a giggle after they had both made sure no-one was around. Alex shut and locked the door quickly behind him, just in time before Tom kissed him passionately and let his hands slip under his T-shirt. 'You're so naughty,' Alex whispered and they both laughed quietly, 'we haven't got much time,' he said kissing

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