» Romance » At His Mercies, Marline J [i like reading books txt] 📗

Book online «At His Mercies, Marline J [i like reading books txt] 📗». Author Marline J

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dark black hair came loose from where he had tied it together at the base of his neck. The way he moved with such skill and precision that he managed to dodge all his opponent’s attacks. Tears nearly sprung into my eyes when I realized how much I missed Alex. A whisper from James woke me from my memories. 

“I see my touch does not leave you cold.” He said so softly that no one else in the room heard. Then, with a smirk, he left the room. I stared after him, realizing that he had interpreted my reaction as a reaction to his kiss. He couldn’t have been further from the truth. 


 Half an hour later I met James at the front door. I was wearing a dress that closed tightly around my neck because I did not want James staring at me any more than he already did. His bold gaze roving over my body made me shiver and I hated the thought that I had to spend the rest of my life with him. 

“You’re late.” Was the first thing James said to me. I didn’t even know that I’d been late. 

“I’m sorry.” I said automatically. 

“It’s fine. Just don’t let it happen again.” James turned around abruptly and walked out the door, without letting me go first or bothering to hold the door for me. Outside there was a carriage with a driver and James got in and then waited impatiently until I did the same. I had to hold on to the side of the carriage for support, something I had never done before because there was always a gentleman to hold my hand and help me up. The driver hadn’t done it because he thought that James would be a gentleman and help me up. The driver sent me a sorry glance as if to apologize for not helping me and I told it it was all right by giving him a small smile.  After a silent and awkward carriage ride, we arrived in town. James got out of the carriage and this time the driver was ready, he got off too and then helped me off. 

“Thank you.” I said loudly. James turned around and looked at me with an annoyed expression on his arrogant face. I ignored him and smiled at the driver. 

“Come Florence.” James ordered. I was tempted to say “Yes Sir!” but managed to keep my mouth shut. Who knew what James would have done if I would have mocked him in that way. We walked along the street to a small restaurant and when we sat down (James did not hold out my chair for me) James ordered without asking me what I wanted.  A young waitress brought our drinks. She placed mine in front of me and I smiled up at her and thanked her. But when she moved to place James’ drink in front of him, he moved his chair backwards and the waitress accidentally spilled a few drops of the drink over James’ long black coat.  James stood up and it looked like he was about to slap the waitress. 

“What have you done?” He bellowed. “You have ruined my coat! I am going to make you pay for this.” 

“I am so sorry, sir!” The waitress said softly while instinctively taking a step backwards. 

“I will make sure you are fired today!” James went on yelling. “I do not understand why they hired such an incompetent person in the first place!” By now the entire restaurant had turned to look at us and all I wanted was to crawl under the table so that people could not see me. 

“No, please sir! This is my only means of income. I beg of you. I will have your coat cleaned. Please.” Tears had sprung in young girl’s eyes and I felt immensely sorry for her. 

“James.” I said softly. “It was an accident. She will clean your coat and everything will be fine. Besides, it’s just a few drops.” James fixed his furious gaze on me and I cringed away too, just like the waitress had. 

“I would like it if you do not undermine me in front of anybody. Understand?” He said angrily. I merely nodded and to my relief James sat back down. 

“For once, just this once, I will let this go.” He told the waitress. “But if anything like this happens again...” He didn’t finish his threat but it was enough to send the girl scampering away, while constantly thanking James for having so much mercy with her. I felt like standing up and yelling at James but I did not, because I knew that it would certainly not benefit my marriage life, or my life in general for that matter.  A few minutes later, a waiter brought us our food. A steak with potatoes and peas was placed in front of me.  After praying silently, I took my first bite of steak and then remembered how James had so arrogantly ordered for me, without even bothering to check whether I liked it or not. 

“How do you know whether I like steak or not?” I asked him, even though I knew that this probably wasn’t the best time. 

With an annoyed expression on his face, James answered: “Well, if you don’t like steak you better start liking it because when we’re married we’ll be eating it at least twice a week. That brings me to why I wanted to spend the day with you. I want to discuss a few, shall we say, rules with you. For when we’re married.” James raked a hand through his gooey hair and then stared at me intently. It made me very uncomfortable. 

“You want to discuss that now?” I asked, a little shocked. “Here?” 

“What better place is there?” James asked. I kept my mouth shut because I didn’t have a suitable answer for him. 

“When we are married,” James began, “I expect you not to talk to any men unless I am there with you. I also do not find it suitable for a lady to go out alone and therefore, you will always be accompanied by a lady’s maid and you will ask me permission before going out. I do not tolerate inexperienced women in the kitchen so I do not expect you to go there, under any circumstances. I wouldn’t want to get poisoned by your clumsiness.”  As James went on naming his rules I felt my mouth drop in shock.

“And lastly,” James finished, “When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it.”  I couldn’t even say anything. I was too shocked and stunned and angry to be able to say a word. 

“Do you understand?” James asked. Oh the arrogance!

“So you expect me to be a prisoner?” I asked him, with my blood boiling with anger beneath my skin. 

“No.” James said calmly. “I expect you to be my wife.” I was about to jump out of my seat and scream at James that he was the most horrid, ill-mannered and not to mention ugly man I had ever met when I suddenly heard someone call my name. 

 “Florence!”  I turned around in my seat. 

“Daniel!” I exclaimed. “What are you doing here? I thought you were still on that trip to visit your aunt and uncle!” 

“I came back today.” Daniel said. “And when I saw you sitting in this restaurant I decided to come over. I’m sorry to ruin your lunch but I couldn’t wait to see you.” 

“That’s always a good reason.” I grinned. Daniel smiled as well. He was a handsome man with brownish-red hair and mischievous light brown eyes. A boyish grin was almost always playing on his lips and we had been friends since childhood. 

“Who is this?” Daniel asked, looking past me at James. 

“Oh, how rude of me!” I exclaimed. “Daniel, this is James, my fiancé. James, this is Daniel.”  James and Daniel shook hands and I noticed a change in James. He somehow seemed calmer and more pleasant and this slightly infuriated me but I refused to let James’ attitude ruin my happiness of seeing Daniel again. 

“Florence, I’m so sorry I couldn’t come home earlier. After I heard of your kidnapping I wanted to come home as soon as possible but the next ship didn’t leave for two months and then it took another two months to get here.”  I smiled at him, knowing that he had tried his best. 

“It’s fine. Besides, I’m safe now.” Safe. I wasn’t safe at all. In Alex’s arms I was so much safer than in this dreaded arranged marriage with this arrogant, ugly jerk. 

“Tell me what happened.” Daniel urged as he pulled out a chair and sat down. I sank down into my chair as well and told him everything. By the time I was finished James looked so bored that I was surprised he hadn’t pulled his hair out of his head in frustration. Hmm, maybe he would look better bold, then at least I wouldn’t have to constantly look at that disgustingly gelled here. I bet not even a louse could live in there. 

“And what about you?” I asked Daniel, not wanting to hear his pity. “I hear you’re engaged?” 

“I am.” Daniel beamed. “Oh Florence, she’s wonderful. I can’t wait till you meet. When are you and James getting married?”  I looked at James, unsure of what to answer. 

“In two weeks.” James said, while glancing at his fingernails. He was such a sissy. 

“Two weeks?” I gasped. “You cannot be serious! Two weeks?!”  James fixed his stern gaze on me.

“Yes.”  I looked at Daniel and pleaded with him to help me. He gave me an apologetic look and then quickly looked at James and rolled his eyes. I let out a sigh of relief. At least I wasn’t the only one who was so utterly repulsed by James’ presence. 


Publication Date: 09-21-2010

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