» Science Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo, Heather Ray [best novels for students .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo, Heather Ray [best novels for students .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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How can I say this enough? Thank you to everyone that has kept up with all my books! You all are awesome! When I started adapting my fanfiction to these books, I was just doing it in order to introduce the Power Rangers to a new generation and to also help reluctant young readers to find a new love for reading. But I have found out that with each new book there is resounding success! Thank you all so much!

Author's Note

This story takes place before "Revelations of Gold"

, and it tells why Jason left the Peace Conference, but Trini and Zack didn't.

Chapter One

Jason Scott Lee is a man with a problem. He has been in Switzerland for over a year, working to resolve world crises through peaceful means. He was selected to represent the United States of America at the international Peace Conference, along with eleven other American teenagers. But the excitement and pride one feels about being selected to attend such a distinguished convention has worn thin, and Jason can no longer bury his feelings of insecurity. That is why this young man, who is always viewed as an emotional rock, has begun writing a journal. He must express his feelings and doubts, but he can't talk to his best friends about them. Its not his way.

...I just don't know what's eating me. Lately, I've been really irritable and impatient. I've always been a bit impatient, but I nearly slugged Hans Ziegfried for some thoughtless remark about "California teens"

. I've been losing my temper a lot, and that's pretty bad, since I'm at a Peace Conference. I guess I'm just getting fed up with the whole idea. Zack, Trini, and I have been here for over a year now, and nothing's changed! Nothing! We couldn't prevent wars in Bosnia, Rwanda, or terrorist attacks in the Middle East. I guess I'm not the kind of guy who can sit down and talk out problems. I'm a fighter, and that's all there is to it. I don't have the patience to do this work...

Jason stopped writing for a brief moment, and glanced around his room. It looked exactly like a college dorm room would, with bunk beds, two dressers, one rather large window, with an excellent view of the Alps, and a clutter of clothes and odds and ends on the floor. The wall was decorated with Zack's posters of Coolio and Black Street, as well as Jason's posters of Chuck Norris and the Power Rangers. He remembered how Hans always said "Jason! You should no better than to idolize such characters as the Power Rangers and that American fighter! They stand for everything we oppose! They solve their problems through violence, while we are trying to save the world through peaceful means."

I think that's my problem. I just can't do this! I really believed in the Power Rangers, and I understand that not every problem can be solved through conversation! Its not like I'm a warmonger or something. I totally respect the work that's being done here. I just don't think I can take a lead in promoting World Peace. I'd rather be out in the heat of battle, with the fate of the universe resting on my shoulders. That's my way of saving the world. This...just isn't...

Jason sighed deeply and sat up on his bed, the bottom bunk. He took a long sip of soda, and looked down on the floor. He stared at his bookbag for a moment, and shrugged. He was supposed to be studying with Trini and Zack for their final exams, which start in a few days. The participants of the Peace Conference are all given an excellent high school education, so they don't fall behind their peers. Jason was just too troubled to study this evening, so he told Zack and Trini to go ahead to the library without him.

I don't think Trini and Zack are having the same problem I am. Trini has always been peaceful, and she's so dedicated to saving the world that it doesn't matter how she does it. Actually, being a world peace activist is better suited to her than being a super heroine. She's really enjoying herself here. Zack is just a great guy. He's so easy going, and so adaptable. He can handle any situation thrown at him, and I really respect that. Mr Caplan was right to choose them to come here. Zack and Trini are really doing a fantastic job. But me? No, I'm not cut out for this sort of thing...

Jason closed his journal and stretched his arms. He then picked up two hand-held weights, and began doing a his daily routine of curls. He did this to calm his nerves, and to think. Today, though, he was more upset than usual.

"Why did I ever come here?" he asked himself aloud, absently lifting the weights, "I must've realized that Jason Lee, a martial artist since kindergarten, can't suddenly become Ghandi! I just don't have a peaceful nature! I loved being the Red Ranger. I really shouldn've stayed, its just that..."

Jason sighed and put the weights under his bed. He then lay on his stomach on the carpetted floor, and began doing push ups.

"Ever since Tommy became the White Ranger, and leader of the team, I always felt a little...uncomfortable. I mean, why did Zordon demote me? What did I do wrong? Tommy's a great leader and all, but was I that bad myself? Zordon never told me why he gave leadership to Tommy. Was it because he should be the leader, or was it because I couldn't be the leader. Was I a failure as a leader? Was I a failure as a Ranger?"

Jason rolled over onto his back to being a round of sit ups. Each time his chin touched his knee, he released a deep, cleansing breath. He knew he had reached a crossroads in his life. He knew a change had to be made. He just wasn't sure if he was man enough to do it.

"That's it," he declared to himself, "I can't do this anymore. I can't be such a hypocrite, talking peace while thinking of fighting. I just can't. And I can't change my nature, either. No, I can never be a man of peace. Not while there's a war going on. Maybe once Earth is safe from intergalactic threats, then I can promote peace. But I know that the rangers can't try to reason with Zedd, he's just too evil. The only way to save Earth is to fight, and that's what I was born to do."

Satisfied with his decision, Jason sat up and stretched out his legs. "There's only one thing to do. I'm going back home. As soon as final exams are over, I'm going back to Angel Grove. I don't belong here. I doubt Zordon would make me a ranger again--heck, I was a lousy leader! But maybe I can help them out or something. I don't know...I just can't lie to myself anymore."

At that moment, a key turned in the lock, and Zack Taylor, Jason's best friend and roommate, entered the room, with his hands full of books. Trini Kwan, their mutual friend since middle school, followed him into the room. They both smiled at Jason, who stood up to greet them.

"Hello, Jason," said Trini, "How're you feeling? Did you get any studying done?"

"No," Jason admitted, "I was just...thinking."

"What about?" asked Zack curiously. He didn't like the look on Jason's face. He was hiding something.

"Well, about me, and the Peace Conference. Guys, I...I've reached a decision. Once the semester ends, I'm going home."

"What?!" cried Zack and Trini in unison.

"You heard me. I can't do this anymore. You guys've known me since sixth grade! You know I'm a man of action. I always have been. Being a Power Ranger was a dream come true--me, taking an active role in the future of mankind! I thought I could do the same thing here. But I don't have the patience to sit and talk about global problems."

"Jason," said Trini, "You may be a man of action, but you are also a man of peace! Being a Power Ranger has taught you to fight only in defense, and never to escalate a battle. We're taking the wisdom that Zordon gave us, and putting it to a greater use."

"You're right. But its just I'm a fighter. I always have been. Its hard for me to try to change that, to become a man sitting at a desk for hours, talking to people about global warming and world hunger. I can't do this! I don't think I'm putting my whole heart into this, like you two are. Someone else would do so much better here than I am. I belong on the battlefield."

"Jeez, Jay," said Zack, "Maybe you should, ya know, sleep on it or something. After final exams, we all get a week off before the talks start up again. Trini and I, along with a few others, are planning to go to Greece. You should come with us, and relax a little."

"Yes," said Trini, "You're just stressed about final exams."

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