» Science Fiction » Power Rangers In Space, Heather Ray [top reads txt] 📗

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How can I say this enough? Thank you to everyone that has kept up with all my books! You all are awesome! When I started adapting my fanfiction to these books, I was just doing it in order to introduce the Power Rangers to a new generation and to also help reluctant young readers to find a new love for reading. But I have found out that with each new book there is resounding success! Thank you all so much!

Author's Note

The Power Rangers and all associated characters belong to Saban Brands. No infringement intended.

Chapter One: Chance

This theme takes place during the beginning of "A Date with Danger."

It was just by chance that Zhane had arrived late to battle the Horrorbull. He'd been in the shower when the alarm had sounded that Astronema had sent a new monster to the business district, and as a result he'd been six minutes behind the other Rangers. Six minutes for which he'd chosen to compensate by riding into the battleground on his motorcycle, navigating the city streets to find the best angle from which to approach the fight, ready to help wipe out the new monster quickly and efficiently.

It was a coincidence that the angle he'd selected was the same angle from which Astronema herself watched the battle. It was the best angle – slightly elevated and just out of sight from the fighters.

And what Ranger with half a brain wouldn't take advantage of the chance to catch the Princess of Evil by surprise? She rarely faced the Rangers herself, and never without her escort warrior Ecliptor. In fact, Zhane had never seen her before.

She'd summoned a wolf creature to defend her, and he'd goaded her just enough to force her hand. Violet energy seared air particles, aiming to fry him with all her anger; but it was an accident that her assault hit her creature instead.

It was a strange twist that the summoned monster had no loyalty to its mistress at all, and turned on her in a heartbeat.

It was no less a surprise that the Princess of Evil, warrior trained since childhood – at least according to rumor – couldn't simply vaporize the creature. She may have been overextended, since she did just summon two creatures over the course of half an hour. But the result was definitely an upset.

Zhane could at first only gawk at the shocking scene. But it wasn't mere chance that made him spring into action. It was his deeply-ingrained sense of honor that refused to let him leave the helpless without a defender. Typically it would be hard to define Dark Specter's hand-selected heir as "helpless,"

but at that moment, as she lie still and unmoving, all he saw was a person in danger. The labels of "good"

and "evil"

didn't matter.

A raised hand summoned his glider. Half a thought helped him catch it. And before he knew it he had the limp body of a death-dealing villainess in his arms, flying her into the foliage of the closest neutral ground he could find.

Five minutes later he had settled on a dense part of a forest by a babbling stream. He surmised that few people wandered there, judging from the overgrowth and fences that had hindered his way.

And as he stood there, staring at the peaceful greenery, the Princess of Evil cradled in his arms, he thought back upon the series of events that brought him to this moment, and shook his head wryly.

How do I get myself in these situations?

Chapter Two: Impression

This installment is a brief vignette in Astronema's voice, during "A Date with Danger,"

immediately after the first park scene.

I don't understand what's wrong with me.

I have other things to do. A planet to conquer. A team of Power Rangers to destroy. And instead of making future plans, or even reviewing the last attack with Ecliptor to see what insight we can gain from our failure with the Horrorbull, I'm leaning against the view pane, completely lethargic, staring out into space.

I wonder if the atmosphere settings are correct. Perhaps I'm not getting enough oxygen. Could that explain all this… sighing?

I suppose it's possible, but that doesn't explain the sweet taste that lingers on my tongue. Or the way his face seems to float against the starry background of the sky.

This is ridiculous! It's as if I'm… haunted

by the entire experience! I can almost feel the bed of leaves against my cheek as I regained consciousness. I clearly remember his scent, crisp and clean, as he leaned over me with a moist towel for my forehead, and a bitter broth to, supposedly, help me regain my strength.

Of course, I will never forget his arrogance. What kind of fool dares to turn his back to me? After I spurned his wretched treatment, he simply left, seasoning his brew without a care, leaving me, the Princess of Evil

, without so much as a shackle to restrain me. How dare that inept Ranger underestimate me?

And when I did make my move, my Wrath Staff mere inches from his throat, he had the gall to stick that fluffy candy… what was it called? A marshmallow?... on the sharp tip and roast it on the fire. As if I couldn't roast him

on that fire just as easily.

But I didn't. Why

, I don't know. Was I in shock, that he treated me with such impudence? I've fried beings for lesser insults, so it must have been shock. No one has treated me so… so…


Touching my face. Leaning close to me. Smiling so easily at me. No fear in his eyes.

His… green eyes. Odd that I noticed.

By all that is Evil, I'm sighing again.

I suppose curiosity also may have prevented me from killing him. I… admit I am curious. The Ranger had me at a disadvantage. It shames me to admit it, even privately, but he was able to spirit me away from the battle without anyone stopping him. I still don't know how long I was unconscious. When I finally returned to the Dark Fortress, Ecliptor had been halfway in a panic.

The Silver Ranger could have killed me. Or, at the very least, imprisoned me. Or whatever it is Power Rangers do with their enemies.

I'm certain it isn't standard procedure to mend their wounds, offer them treats, return their weapons and bid them a good afternoon.

What game is he playing?

There is nothing the Power Rangers can possibly gain by releasing me. At least, nothing I can fathom. But there must be a reason, a motive behind the Silver Ranger's peculiar... kindness towards me.

I can't help but wonder if the secret of his actions lies in his smile. In the way he lingered so close to me. The way his eyes held my stare, when most others would turn away or shrink back...

...and as soon as the thought forms in my mind, I can't help but laugh.

It's ridiculous

! Absurd! I mean... how could it be possible?

How could a Power Ranger come to... care

for me?

A strange unease settles in my stomach. Not quite fear, but in a similar vein; perhaps a blend of fear and anticipation, as I plan a strategy of an entirely different nature than usual.

I can order Ecliptor to watch for any power signatures of the Rangers on Earth. Even when they aren't morphed they can be traced. And once they've been sufficiently monitored, I will have a better idea of their activities outside of service.

Also, on Earth, while surrounded by scores of other humans, I could arrange for a "chance"

encounter. Just to see what kind of impression I can get of him outside of our duties; if he behaves at all like the cheerfully arrogant man that both frustrated and bemused me this afternoon. And then, I'll determine my next move.

Can a Power Ranger care for me? As peculiar as it sounds, it may be worth investigating.

After all, I also wonder if he's spent as much time staring into space today as I have.

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