» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Which one was the "someone else"

that had stolen her from him?

He was overcome by well as a burning shame for that curiosity. True, he was only watching what was broadcast over the entire world, but no one studied the tape like he did. As he watched her expression, and just how tightly she hugged each one, and how long each hug lasted, and who kissed her, and how close their kisses inched to her lips...

...he felt like he was spying on her.

"What's wrong with me?" he sighed, shaking his head in astonishment. "I haven't laid eyes on her for three months, and as soon as I see her again, I...can't help myself."

He leaned heavily into his chair, tapping the remote control against his leg as he slowly mustered the strength to stop the tape.

He then leaned forward again, fast-forwarding through a string of commercials, medal ceremony, and more commentators. He had intended to cut straight to Kim's interview... but something in the fast-frame motion caught his eye. Something he'd missed when he watched the live airing with the Rangers.

Jumping in surprise, he paused the tape.

He frowned, a mixture of black rage and a numbing disbelief clouding his mind.

There...there was the man he was looking for.

They were frozen on the screen, far more intimate than any other of the men Kim interacted with at the Pan Globals. Rather than a brief hug, or airy kiss on the cheek, they were entwined in a fierce hug. His muscled arms held her tight around the waist, lifting her off her feet. Her arms were wrapped firmly behind his neck, a bouquet of pink flowers hanging from her grasp.

Pink roses. Her favorite.

In an instant, the image was burned into his brain forever. That was what he had been looking for... what he needed to see! Before, this "other guy"

wasn't real to him...Kim didn't even mention a name in her letter, or what he was like, beyond "wonderful, kind, and caring."

It was so difficult for Tommy to even picture what kind of guy could've taken Kim from some stranger

managed to pry his way between them.

Tommy's jaw set, biting down the ferocious rage the image had created. Now, Mr. Suave was a person. His

arms cradled her to his broad chest. His

neck was wrapped within her eager arms. He

shared what was probably the most important single event in Kimberly's life.

And his face was hidden by Kim's shoulder.

Tommy took a deep, cleansing breath in his attempt to calm the demons that had surged to life. He had to prepare himself for this.

So he jammed the "play"

button with far more force than was necessary, and watched the couple unlock their embrace.

And as Tommy watched Mr. Suave's face emerge, he realized that nothing

could have prepared him for the shock that threatened to stop his very heart.

His lungs wouldn't inflate. His chest ached, as if Goldar had punched a hole right through his body. His eyes burned, for he couldn't bring himself to close them. As if he couldn't accept this was reality.

"No...this can't be can't


His mind swimming in denial, Tommy continued muttering as he rewound the tape. He watched the program return from commercial break, with two announcers trading lame jokes and other comments. Then, the camera shifted back to the celebration, where all the newly-medaled gymnasts were surrounded by friends and family.

He watched Kimberly hug and kiss her mother, father, stepfather, and younger brother.

Then, a new person showed up. Tall and strong, with something hidden behind his back. Kim had rushed to him, whatever words were exchanged were muted by the microphoned commentators off-screen.

Then, the man kissed her forehead. A tender, soothing gesture. The flowers were then presented.

And Kim leapt into his arms.

Leapt into Jason's


Part Seven: Complications

Chapter Thirty

It does kinda make a sick kinda way. Jason and Kim have always been pretty close... more than just friends. I always thought they were more like brother and sister, but hey, in her letter Kim said she loved me like a brother. He shuddered. But, that does explain why Kim didn't mention Jason's name in the letter...why she never brought it up earlier. Why Jason disappeared during the Pan Globals, and never even told us he was planning a trip to Florida.

He bit his lip, squeezing his eyes shut to quiet the voice in his head.

But could they do this to me? Kim loved me...I know she did

! And Jason was my brother

! He knew how much Kim meant to me! I just...can't

believe it...

It was too horrible to be true. His best friend, and the woman he still loved... together. It just made bile rise in his throat.

I'm overreacting...

he rationalized. There was nothing in that hug that necessarily points to a romantic relationship. A hug, kiss on the forehead, and flowers. It's not like they were...making out or something.

If that were true, why couldn't he shed the image from his mind?

I've gotta talk to Jason,

he decided, before --

-- and a jab in the face knocked him clear off his feet.

"Whoa, Tommy...I'm sorry!"

Tommy shook his head, and offered Adam a forgiving grin. "Hey, it's my fault. I'm the one who wasn't paying attention."

Rocky joined them from the side. "That's not like you, Tommy. We only have two days before the tournament -- we gotta be in tip top shape!"

Tommy nodded, rubbing his jaw slightly. He then backed out of the ring. "I think I need to take five." And get my head together...

The Blue Zeo Ranger then smirked fiercely. "Adam, help me work on my spinning heel kick?"

His best friend met his eyes, and hesitated. "Maybe you should give it a rest, man --"

"Oh no...I'm not leaving

this ring until I've mastered it." He then backed away, tightening the black belt around his waist.

Adam turned toward Tommy, hoping for some support. However, the leader was obviously distracted.

"Okay, let's do it."

Adam donned the padded glove, and balanced himself carefully.

Rocky came running from across the ring, his typically jovial face set in a deep frown. Once he came close, he thrust one leg around, spinning full circle with his foot aiming high.

Only he missed his mark...again


"Dammit!" he hissed, pounding his fist against the padded floor.

"Rocky, you're trying too hard," Adam commented, bending to offer Rocky a hand.

Rocky heaved a deep breath, running a hand over his short hair. He pulled himself to his feet, bouncing from toe to toe to regain his equilibrium.

"Or maybe I'm not trying hard enough," he stated.

Adam noticed the glint in Rocky's eyes, and backed dangerously close to the edge of the ring to make enough space.

Rocky immediately launched into a ferocious kick, sheer momentum catapulting him over the edge of the ring.

Adam's jaw dropped as his friend cleared the protective ropes. "Rocky!"

The Blue Ranger tumbled helplessly onto the cold, unyielding concrete...his back absorbing the impact.

Chapter Thirty-One

Jason watched as Kimberly slowly zipped up her black rubber wetsuit. A passive frown painted her features as she stared out at the bobbing ocean, the early morning sun streaking gold light upon the gentle waves.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Her eyes remained transfixed by the water, half-lidded. "Don't waste your money."

Jason frowned. "Uh uh, clamming up now. I thought we already established I'm here for you."

She brought her hand to her forehead, slowly running her fingers down her face. "I...I just can't believe I'm doing this."

"Kim, I don't think one little swim will split your ends. Just wash with a hydrating shampoo, and you'll be good as new."

She looked up at him, blinking in surprise. She noticed his teasing grin, and rolled her eyes. "Ha ha," she groaned.

He answered with a laugh. "Just trying to get you back in the habit."

She was puzzled. "What habit?"


She offered a half-smile.

"We're getting there," he conceded. He then inched closer, watching her face carefully. "Regrets?"

"No. It's too soon to regret coming back. I'm just...disappointed."

Jason bit his lip. "Well, we could

go to the amusement park instead --"

She elbowed him. "Time to get serious, Jase." She held her breath for a moment, and then released her burden. "I'm disappointed in myself."

He frowned at her admission. "Kim, you've succeeded in everything you've put your heart to. I can understand you being disappointed in Tommy, and even the other Zeo Rangers...but why yourself?"

She stared back to the water, toying with a lock of hair. "I'm disappointed that I let all this get to me. Crush my spirit...keep me up at night. I'm disappointed that I still feel it. That I'm not over this yet."

"Kim your spirit hasn't been crushed. It's just...weighed down a little." He then tossed her a pair of goggles. "Let's go. Clear our heads a bit."

Kimberly nodded, pulling the goggles over her still-frowning face. They strapped on their oxygen tanks, and tumbled into the bobbing waters.

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