» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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his future dreams, not to mention his fragile opinion of himself. And for mixed reasons, he'd never confronted her about it.

Now, he raced to her rescue; not the Kim he fell in love with, but the stranger she'd become. It hurt beyond words, but he had to admit he didn't know her any longer.

Who could tell what the months in Florida had done to her? Or, perhaps how the side effects from losing the Power could have drastically changed her personality? It was possible…he'd experienced terrible depression when his coin was taken from him. And he'd only been a Ranger for a few months. She'd been the Pink Ranger for two years.

No amount of postulating could make him understand why she wrote him that letter; ergo, he simply couldn't figure her out.

But Jason was another story.

Jason… his best friend.

The young man that harbored no animosity toward the new kid in town that tied him in a martial arts competition. The young man that welcomed him into the Rangers, after nearly tasting the Sword of Darkness first hand. The young man that willingly faced Goldar in the Dark Dimension, risking his very life, just to spare the Green Candle. The young man that surrendered leadership of the Power Rangers, with no anger.

Never, in all the months of their friendship, did Jason do anything contrary to the character Tommy envisioned him to possess. Never did he do anything to earn Tommy's doubt.

But neither did Kimberly…until the letter.

Was it some kind of curse? Was it only a matter of time before all the people he loved turned against him?

Perhaps the fault was his own. Kimberly was always his angel…perfect in every way. Jason was always his rock… completely dependable and infallible.

Perhaps he'd made gods out of mortals. They were human beings, faulty by nature. Subject to the same insecurities, longings, fears, and failings as himself.

He had practically worshiped

them! And perhaps, by setting them to such a high standard, he made it impossible for either to confess to him their true feelings for each other?

The Red Ranger leaned still forward, resting his elbows against the edge to steady his weakening frame. A hole in his heart opened…the gaping maw that all but swallowed him whole when he realized the damage he'd done as the Green Ranger. The pit that beckoned him when Kimberly slowly withered, her Power Coin stolen by evil. The black hole that mocked him when Jason's life force faded due to his use of the Gold Ranger powers.

Somehow, he always managed to rationalize any problem into one conclusion.

Is this is all my


Were there signs he should've seen? Hints that Kimberly was unsatisfied with what he could offer her? Clues he could have picked up from Jason, had he but kept in better contact during the Peace Conference?


He didn't need to turn around to see who it was. "Yes, Kat?"

The Pink Ranger hesitated, her hand hovering inches from his arm. She so wanted to offer him comfort, only… how could she comfort him through this?

Instead, she drew her hand back, rubbing the goose bumps on her own skin. Why wasn't he looking at her? "Um… Justin, Tanya, and Adam are resting below," she reported, "It's a good idea, considering the day we have ahead of us."


The pretty Australian frowned at his response. It sounded far too much like a dismissal. Slowly gathering the courage, she reached out again, weaving her arm through his as he leaned over the edge. "Talk to me, Tommy."

He turned his gaze from the black waters, and crossed the too-blue eyes of his teammate. His friend. His girlfriend.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't confess the feelings warring within… the storm of fury and hurt and confusion and loss… the sharp-edged contraries that wouldn't stop stabbing him. Frankly, he couldn't even put into words all that was racing through his mind, the insecurities whispering in his ear.

And despite the fact that she deserved to know… he couldn't bring himself to admit that his feelings for her predecessor were as yet unresolved.

He inhaled deeply, carefully preparing his words. "Kat…I really can't."

It pained him to see the flash of hurt in those deep blue eyes.

"It's not you," he was quick to add, "It's me. I've got to work through this, prepare myself for whatever we'll face on Muiranthias." He mustered a ghost of a smile. "Once this is all over, then we can talk about it. I promise."

She didn't say anything for a long time. Silence hung between the young couple, as heavy as the fog the Ghost Gallion sailed through.

Finally, she spoke. "I can respect that."

The implication was clear: she could respect his decision, but she couldn't understand it.

Then, she tightened her grip on his arm. "We'll save them."

With that parting assurance, Katherine left.

Tommy nodded slowly, listening to her soft footfalls grow distant. "Yes… we will."

They would

save Kimberly and Jason. And once the nightmare ended, he would no longer run from the truth. They would work out all the issues raging between them, and finally understand what had happened, both between him and Kim, and Jason and Kim.

Without true answers, out of the very mouths of his estranged friends, he was certain the myriad of possibilities would slowly drive him mad.

Failure wasn't an option.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

The warm tropical sun quickly dried the water beaded on her skin, leaving only the dry itch of salt and sand.

Kimberly drifted into consciousness, inhaling a sharp breath into pained lungs.

Aaa…to breathe again!

That breath helped startle her to full wakefulness, lending her the strength to pick her head from the surf.

It all came back to her in a whirl: Divatox's wicked scheme to sacrifice her and Jason to some demon named Maligore, Jason's plan to pry open the hatch, and swim to shore, freeing Bulk and Skull just when the bilge began flooding with water…

…getting stuck on a nail, struggling to free herself as her lungs burned for oxygen.

Somehow, she'd managed to wrench herself free, swim to the surface, and find the island, all in one breath. How was that possible?

Suddenly, the air in her lungs froze. "Jason…"

She didn't see him escape.

Panic flooding her, Kim jumped to her feet, desperately searching the blue-green waters for any sign of the man who once again saved her life.


Her limbs grew numb, forcing her back onto the white sand. She hugged her arms to her chest, fiercely determining that she couldn't

just jump to conclusions.

In her distraction, she didn't even hear the sound of sand crunching underfoot. She didn't see the shadows that lurched over her.

She had no warning as suddenly, half a dozen men pounced on her.

Kimberly thrashed against them, but couldn't find the strength to fight after her exhausting swim. After a few moments, she succumbed, and they eagerly began tying her hands and feet with rope.

Bewildered, the decorated gymnast stared at them.

They must be natives,

she realized, taking in their wiry, tan bodies, sparse but colorful clothing, and painted faces. Their wooden spears further proved they weren't aliens.

Two men lifted her, and spilled her onto a wooden table. Wasting no time, one man lifted the pole extending from each corner, and the two others marched at the beginning and end of the procession.

Terrific…all I need now is an apple in my mouth, and I'm ready to serve!

She thought dismally.

She rested her head on the hard wood, staring at the lush trees and rich blue sky passing overhead.

It would be beautiful…if only it wasn't home to an ancient evil.

After what must've been about half a mile of terrain, the group came to a clearing in the forest.

"Well, well, well… what do we have here?" came a mocking voice.

Kim's eyes widened. With all her strength, she pushed herself to her elbows, and watched Divatox saunter toward her, triumphantly holding the thin crystal that could only be the Key she needed.

Despite the gravity of her situation, Kim's eyes lit up when she saw Jason, cloaked in a black sheath, held in place by long twines of rope.

Alive…for the moment, at least.

The former leader of the Power Rangers met Kim's gaze with grim eyes.

"Perfect!" Divatox cried, lifting the key above her head. "Now, to woo my Maligore!"

Kimberly shut her eyes, despair overwhelming her as the natives carried her into the dark cavern. Blistering heat poured in waves from the hellish chamber, stinging her skin in seconds.

After a long, narrow tunnel, red light flooded through Kim's eyelids, alerting her that they had arrived.

The natives lowered the wooden table, letting Kim stand on wobbly legs. Jason was herded toward her, his sacrificial cloak falling behind him as Piranhatrons played with his ropes.

Incredibly, the former Gold Ranger offered a wry grin. "It could be worse."

Just then, a column of unnatural fire leapt from the stone pit, shaking the very ground with its force.

"Right," Kim sighed. "Sure

it can."

Jason looked down at her, and managed to grasp her hand in his, despite the ropes. "Kim, we're gonna be okay," he assured her, "When have the Rangers let us down?"

A sharp retort flew to Kim's tongue, but she managed to bite it back. Now was certainly not the time to pick at old wounds.

"I love it," Divatox gasped, sauntering across the chamber. "Love it, love it, love it! The steaming skulls are perfect!"

The Pirate Queen giggled in delight, and approached the pit of fire. She then glanced over her shoulder, where her mutants had gathered around Lerigot and his family.

"Time to get this party started!" she roared. "Now its time to feed my future husband! Prepare the humans first!"

"You heard Auntie D!" growled Elgar, poking Jason with his dull word. Jason fell closer to Kimberly, gnashing his teeth as a group of Piranhatrons circled them, wrapping the pair together with heavy chains.

Once they were securely bound, Elgar led them towards the pit.

Kimberly and Jason were lifted nearly to the ceiling, only to make their plummet all the more dramatic. As they hung above the unearthly lava, the Muiranthians began a ritual chant.

"Maybe we should have gone to the amusement park," Jason intoned.

Kimberly swallowed a strained laugh, her doe eyes watering as the scalding heat dried them out. She kept her gaze toward the tunnel, stubbornly clinging to the hope that Jason's faith in Tommy was well-founded.

He always came to my rescue,


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