» Science Fiction » Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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hair as I recall the arguments I had with both Andros and Zhane, when the despair over the Countdown left me stricken and nearly suicidal. I draw on all the comforts they offered me... the reassurances that I am a decent person in my heart of hearts. "Rotting in jail serves nothing. I am no longer a threat: Zordon's power freed me from the Darkness. And if I were executed, my blood will not bring back a single lost life. The dead remain dead.

"All I can do is make amends the only way I know how. As the Pink Ranger, I'm putting my life on the line for Terra Venture, and maybe by putting my life to good use, I can honor those I've killed in some small way."

"That's not good enough!" he stubbornly insists. "If you become the Pink Ranger, you think you wash your hands clean, don't you? You'll become a hero, celebrated by the same people you tried to exterminate! First you hide behind this new face, and now you tarnish the legacy of the Pink Ranger! The Queen of Evil is no

Power Ranger!"

"You know what, Kai? I agree with you! When I went to Onyx, I only intended to save the Saber and deliver it to you. When Kendrix came to me, I told her that I'm not worthy... I'm not even close

to being worthy to carry on as the Pink Ranger. But she saw me differently, and so did the Saber. I don't know what it is they see in me, but this is an opportunity for me to do something good

with my life!"

"It's not enough!" he hollers. And I see the desperation in his eyes, the tension in his body. I can't reason with him. It's impossible.

I resign myself to reality: Kai Chen will not bow to words. He needs release. "Then what will be enough, Kai??" I demand. I intentionally lean closer, screaming into his face. "You want vengeance??"

He sputters, but doesn't deny it.

"Fine then! Avenge yourself! Go ahead, Power Ranger...the Queen of Evil is standing right in front of you!" I brazenly thump my chest. "You were helpless as she destroyed your way of life! You watched as she murdered

your frien --"

His fist crashes into my face, silencing my taunt. The world flips over as I hit the cold Simu-deck floor.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I hear the shockingly satisfying crunch as my fist flies into that mocking mouth.

I see her hair fly as her neck jerks back, and then her entire body collapses with a resounding thud.

She's on the floor, slowly sitting up. And then she turns to me. "Feel better now?"

I don't know what to do. I can't speak. There's no anger in her eyes; no derision. Her eyes are cool and accepting, as if she understands me.

"The Queen of Evil is already dead, Kai," she murmurs, her words vaguely muffled as she presses her hand to her lip. "All that remains is what you see in front of you."

She drops her hand as she stands up, and I see the damage I've done. Her lip is swollen and split; blood drips down her chin, thick and as red as my own.

I snap out of my rage, and I realize I can't look at her anymore. My bloodstained...bloodstained!!

...fist pounds the communicator panel. "Alpha! Get to the Simu-deck now

. Bring a dermal regenerator."

^Are you okay, Kai?^

"Just hurry up," I snap, pulling away from the transmit button.

I still can't look at her. We stand in silence until the doors part, letting Alpha scurry in with the medical equipment.

"Karone!" he squeals. "What happened?"

"It's nothing Alpha," she says, and her voice sounds like she means it.

I can't take it. I just leave. I walk out, without a word of goodbye or even a glance at either of them.

This is not happening!

I can't deny I wanted this. I wanted to hit her, I wanted her to feel pain. I...wanted

her to feel the pain of every single person

that died in the Countdown.

She knew it, too.

I wanted

to break that mask...I wanted

to shatter the image of the freckled teenager who lost her childhood. I wanted

to unveil the beast beneath the beauty, the loathsome Queen of Evil that lingered behind those sorrowful eyes.

I half expected my fist to hit a wall of energy as the mask faded and collapsed...but I hit flesh

. I hit flesh

, and I drew blood


I can't describe how unnerving it is to see her blood on my knuckles. Her blood is as red as mine. She's as human as I am. She's not just a soulless, wicked monster. She bleeds, she feels, she lives and dreams. She's a human being.

As human as I am.

Part Seven: Connection

Chapter Twenty-Six


In all my life, I've never felt as out of place as I do at this very moment. Not when I first boarded the Megaship as Princess Astronema. Not when I set foot on KO 35, the home planet of which I had no memory. Not when I stood side by side with the Rangers in their triumphant return to Earth, even though I knew I had no right to be there.

Here, lying on this bed of pale pink cotton sheets, listening to the steady breathing of my slumbering roommate...I feel like an intruder.

This is Kendrix's room.

The bed that I lie on is hers. The comforter tucked under my arms is hers. The flannel pajamas I'd found neatly folded under the pillow are hers.

The room is stamped with her signature. The computer with a small cat made of pink plastic sitting atop the monitor. The vivid painting of a beach basking in the glow of sunrise. The framed photograph of Kendrix and Maya that stands prominently on the table. The floral print apron hanging on a hook beside the refrigerator. The dozens of books squeezed on the small bookshelf, covering a range of topics including Victorian architecture, mythology, botany, and even fictional adventures of the starship Enterprise.

A few hours ago, when Maya proudly herded me into the quarters that she meant for us to share, I was struck dumb by the impression this simple room made. This room has an overwhelming personality. It reflects the two women who live here, the two best friends that share this space.

How dare I try to make her home my own?

For once I'm glad I packed nothing when I left Earth, for if I replaced even one of Kendrix's tokens I'd feel as if I had desecrated this monument to her life.

I turn on my side, trying to will my mind into silence and allow me a small measure of rest...

..when the tone of my communicator rings in my ears.

I jump up, startled by the muffled sound. Thankfully my wrist was tucked under the pillow, otherwise I would've roused Maya.

My voice is low as I respond. "Karone here."

^It's Leo. Did I wake you?^

I glance at the digital clock beside the bunk bed. One in the morning...what's going on?

"No, I'm awake," I assure him. "What's the emergency?"

^'s not exactly an emergency. I was hoping I could get your input on a project I'm working on.^

Is he serious? Why would he want to consult me on anything? I didn't think he wanted anything to do with me...

The anxiety in his voice, and my own curiosity, move me to a decision. I slide out of the sheets as quietly as possible, and retrieve my clothes from my bag. "Where are you, Leo?"

Another awkward pause. ^Outside your room.^

My eyes fly to the door. "Give me two minutes."

It takes me even less time than that to change out of my gray sleep shirt into snug leather. Combing my hair with my fingers I walk through the automated door, and I'm greeted with the tired green eyes of the Red Ranger.

"Hi, Karone."


This is the first time he's spoken to me. Our paths never crossed aboard the Megaship during our four-day transit to Terra Venture. And even when we arrived, he was silent and detached.

He begins to walk, and I fall into step beside him. The hall lights are dimmed, no doubt programmed to reflect the time of day the passengers are accustomed to. The complete absence of any activity, save for one or two security officers on patrol, only heightens the silence that hangs between us. I listen to the tap of our shoes as we make our way to a destination Leo hasn't even revealed yet.

I have no idea what to say to him. It would be foolish to introduce myself now, after four days of living on the same ship. Maya was kind enough to give me some details on my new teammates, and even though I know of the pain he feels after Kendrix's sacrifice, I'm in no position to offer any sort of comfort. No doubt every time he looks at me, he is reminded of the friend he lost. Of the friend I've replaced.

But he

came to me

. This isn't

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