» Science Fiction » Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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within the chaotic tavern, and deliver a fierce snap kick that forces the dark knight back a few feet. Not wasting a precious moment, I race towards the light of the open doorway, leaping over and weaving between those standing in my way.

Panting to recover my bearings, I skid to a halt just outside the bar and dodge around the corner, clutching the Quasar Saber so tightly my knuckles grow white.

A split second later, I hear the clang of heels against rotted wood.

"I'm sorry," a deep voice laments, "she got away."

I smirk with childish satisfaction as I hear Trakeena grumble in annoyance.

A new voice joins the conversation. "Trakeena, I just received word from Deviot. The trap is set for the Rangers."

My breath catches. No... the Galaxy Rangers! Trakeena must've known about Guinit as well!

I hear the chilling laughter of Scorpius' heir. It sounds so much like the indulgent cackle of the Princess of Evil, it makes my head spin.

"Excellent," she purrs. "Let's waste no more time here."

Then, I feel the cold ionized breeze of a teleportation spell. Trakeena and her crew were spirited away to catch the Rangers in a deadly snare.

I have to warn them! I have to get to Guinit...there is no time to spare!
Chapter Fifteen


It feels as if a soothing balm has been spread across my anguished mind and stricken soul. Out of nowhere, warmth flooded over my body, restoring strength and chasing away the terrifying Darkness that was about to swallow me.

I spring to my feet, staring curiously at the bare realm of the Caretaker. He stands a few yards from me, his face contemplative.

"What's going on?" I demand, approaching him without fear. "Did the Rangers find my Saber?"

"No, but another good heart has chosen to protect the Saber. She has chased away the Darkness...for now."


"Touch the bond between you and your Saber. You will recognize her spirit, as you recognized Trakeena's."

The instructions are vague, and considering my scientific outlook, impossible to follow. Still, I close my eyes and reach out with my senses, following that strange charge of life that I felt to its source.

I feel...a presence

. It's clearer than Trakeena's, as the evil princess was one dark soul amongst many that polluted the Saber. Now there is only one spirit, a strange mixture of lingering Darkness and stubborn, willful Light.

I do know her, though we've never met. I know her through stories, and from time to time I've wondered what kind of person she would be...what kind of life she could lead.

Karone of KO did she

find the Quasar Saber?

"You've touched her spirit," the Caretaker observes. "So long as you are bound with the Saber, you can exert your voice into your realm. Reach out and offer Karone the Quasar Saber."

A shudder creeps through me at the very mention of breaking the only link I have to my home. The anchor that keeps me from drifting into this false paradise, losing myself in dreams and fantasy while my friends fight tooth and nail against evil.

"Kendrix." His voice is commanding.

"I won't," I decide, folding my arms contemptuously. "I refuse."

He stares at me for a long moment. His piercing gaze sets me on edge. "You have no choice. The Saber has accepted her as the next Pink Ranger."


the Pink Ranger!" I shout, my frustration adding bite to my words. "So long as Karone keeps my Saber away from evil, then it'll be there for me when I find my way out of this nightmare!"

From the taunt lines on the Caretaker's face, I conclude that I've reached the limit of his patience. "Your duty is to Mirinoi and to Terra Venture. Every moment you delay is another moment Terra Venture lacks a Pink Ranger. You have been supremely fortunate that your teammates have lasted this long without you. How much longer do you think they will survive, without the Megazord or the Lights of Orion? Do you really think you will find a way to rejoin them before

your enemies strike next?"

My lips twitch, unable to form a response.

"The Saber finds Karone acceptable. That is why it responded to her touch. However, only you can transfer your powers. When you come to your senses, reach out and grant Karone your Saber and your morpher. Or, sit and wait for evil to swallow the Saber's power again."

And with those haunting words, he vanishes.

I wish he were wrong. I desperately wish that he'd lied to me...just another scheme to keep me in this gilded cage. But I know better. My reasons for clinging to the Saber aren't noble. They're selfish.

And yet, that knowledge isn't enough to make me let go. It's not enough to resign myself to perpetual solitude with a soulless puppet that resembles the man I love.

Chapter Sixteen


As one, we four Rangers race along the dusty plains of Guinit. My Saber rests in my hand, charging my entire body with the power of Fire. The surge of energy keeps me focused as I comb the plains.

Finally, the bright light of the binary stars gleams off a metal object. My breath catches as I hurry towards it.

"Guys! It's this way!"

The Pink Saber! Now that we have it, we can focus on Kendrix! We don't have to compromise... don't have to abandon her for the greater good! Maybe Kai can run an analysis on the Saber... extrapolate what kind of energy threw Kendrix into the Nexus?

My hand reaches out for Kendrix's most treasured possession when a wrenching scream freezes me in place.

"Red Ranger! Stop


We all whirl around, and stare at the black form that stumbles down the arid cliff behind us.

"Who's that?" Damon wonders.

Kai unsheathes his own Saber, holding it at the ready. His caution brings us all to stand in a line, blocking Kendrix's Saber from this potential threat.

I step in front of my team, watching through narrow eyes as the figure approaches with long strides. I can now tell that it's a slim girl dressed in black, with long blonde hair and...a Quasar Saber


"That's not the real Saber!" the girl calls, jumping over a large boulder with catlike grace as she draws nearer. "Trakeena's set a trap! Get away from there!"

That's all the warning she gets to deliver. Moments later, a wave of heat and light erupts from behind, throwing us violently into the air.

Chapter Seventeen


With a soft groan I lift my face from the dry, rock-hard ground. The itch in my throat forces me to cough up the dust I inhaled in a startled gasp as the fake Quasar Saber exploded, catching the Rangers unawares.

If I hadn't been several yards away, I probably wouldn't have survived the blast. Now I'm sore, but I'll live.

A decade of battle experience flows seamlessly through my mind. I shut out the pain, rolling to my feet quickly, and dodging behind the closest boulder large enough to provide cover. From the relative safety of my position, I can scan the area. As the dust slowly clears, I see spots of color not too far from me; the Rangers had the wind knocked out of them, but they're all moving, so they're only dazed. If they had been crowded around the fake Saber when it exploded, they might've been killed!

I want to run to them and make sure they're okay, but sudden sensation freezes me in place. We're not alone. The prickling at the back of my neck alerts me to her presence before I hear the indulgent laugh that turned my stomach on Onyx.

"Well, well, well," Trakeena mocks, "what do we have here? Four Rangers, the Pink Quasar Saber, and

a washed up Astronema!"

I wince as Trakeena continues laughing, this time joined by the evil creatures that stand ready at her side. I can feel the shocked stares of the Galaxy Rangers as my identity is so uncouthly revealed to them. Now they'll never

trust me!

The Rangers get up, drawing their enchanted Sabers in unison. They exchange a few curt words, but they're beyond my hearing. Then, the Blue, Red, and Green Rangers leap into action, confronting Trakeena's army head-on. I watch, slightly stunned, as the Yellow Ranger races toward me...calling my name. My birth name.

"Karone! Are you okay?"

Her concern for my wellbeing startles me. Why does she care how I am? She knows what I was...


"I'm okay," I murmur, shaking my head to clear the cobwebs. The Yellow Ranger lays a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Good. Now, stay hidden! We'll talk when this is over."

I can almost feel her smile. "And thank you for finding the true Saber."

She turns to leave, but I can't suppress one question. "How do you know me?"

"Ashley told me your story, and I'm glad to get the chance to meet you."

With that, she joins the battle.

The shock of her words leaves me in a daze as I ponder their meaning. If she knows who I am, why would she want to know me? On Earth, I live in one

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