» Science Fiction » Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Part Five: In Your Stead

Chapter Thirteen


The pain is constant now. My head pounds an agonizing beat, drowning out much of my sense of hearing. My extremities slowly grow cold and numb. It's as if my hands and feet have been bathed in ice water, yet my head and chest are feverish.

The Pink Quasar Saber is surrounded...engulfed

by evil. I know it in my heart and soul. Through our bond I feel only agony as the light of the Power struggles against the voracious hunger of Darkness. The light is slowly fading, just like the feeling in my hands and legs.

I'm utterly helpless now. I haven't the strength to even attempt to communicate with the Caretaker. I wish I could reach out to my friends, and tell them to hurry! I don't think my sword is isolated on Guinit any longer...the saturation of evil energy leads me to believe the Saber is somewhere even more dangerous. Somewhere permeated by greed, hatred, anger, bloodlust, and malice.

I can even feel a familiar evil...the evil of Trakeena. I don't know why I recognize her, but I'm convinced that she is near my Saber. Nearer than any of my teammates.

We're running out of time, and I can do nothing at all to help.

"Keni? Are you awake?"

My watery eyes slide to Leo...the fake he emerges from the kitchen with a bowl cradled in his hands.

He's been by my side throughout this ordeal. He never demanded any sort of explanation; he only strove to support or entertain me as my body steadily shut down. He sat by my side for hours, telling me stories or massaging my back and legs to restore some strength to my muscles.

To be honest, I wish he weren't so attentive. It's so hard to reject him in my heart. I have to keep reminding myself that he's not real


He stirs the contents of the bowl. "It's split pea soup." His grin broadens. "Don't worry, I asked Kai for some help, and he led me through the recipe step by step. And I tasted it an hour ago, and I'm not even remotely queasy. So it's safe."

That's odd...I don't recall him ever mentioning any of my friends here in the Nexus. What's going on?

" Kai?" I breathe. My voice is so faint I can barely hear it.

He sets the bowl on the table beside the bed, and sits down beside me. With a tender touch he wipes the sweat off my forehead with a towel. "He's still camped out in the wetlands taking bio-samples. Since you're... not's taking the expedition a bit longer to complete the project without you."

Something feels wrong, and it sets off a warning alarm in my dazed mind. Work or responsibilities hadn't come up before. Since I'd arrived here, it felt as if the entire world existed solely for this fake Leo and me. Has the Caretaker...done something? Has the fantasy become more elaborate? More convincing?

Another wave of agony tears through me, draining a bit more of my vigor. I can almost feel vile hands on the Saber's hilt, choking the pure Power and smothering its radiance.

I...I can't take this...

Chapter Fourteen


I slide into an open stool at the bar, keeping my heavy cloak about my shoulders. It's a calculated risk, considering Astronema was never one to travel in cognito

. However, I must maintain the element of surprise, or my plan will surely fall through.

I must be present at the auction to bid, but if the patrons realize who I am too early, they might have enough time to remember all the rumors of my fate. If even one person questions that I am truly

Astronema, then all is lost.

My instincts were right about the Quasar Saber; it is indeed here, and conveniently, the auction is scheduled for the very afternoon I arrived on the planet. It didn't take much snooping to find out which tavern was hosting the auction, for this unique item has been zealously advertised across the entire planet.

Which only means there'll be hundreds of vicious marauders and wealthy space pirates around to throw obscene amounts of money into the bidding. Even if I drained all the Kerovan and Earth accounts for myself, Andros, and

Zhane, I could never hope to accumulate enough funds to win the auction fairly.

I have only two advantages: the element of surprise, and the blood-drenched reputation of the Princess of Evil. With a little luck, both will help me get my hands on the Saber before anyone can question it.

I strain myself to contain my anxious impatience as the auctioneer, a horn-faced biped, drones on about the large laser cannon he's hawking. "Do I have 190? Certainly this weapon belonging to Tahaga the Great is worth more!"

I roll my eyes beneath my hood. Tahaga was a self-important idiot whose pride always got in the way of his good sense. His signature laser cannon weapon failed to save his life when Dark Specter put a thousand zanabatars on his head, so even 190 is steep.

"I believe it still works," the auctioneer offers in a stage whisper as he pulls the trigger. I watch unamused as the energy beam vaporizes a glass of liquor from an alien's hand, just missing the creature's wrist.

The audience comes alive at the display, and bidding begins in earnest. Soon the price escalates to 250 zanabatars. Even the fool that nearly lost an appendage participates in the bid war, not even phased that he could've died moments ago.

My stomach churns as I endure being surrounded by such greed, depravity, and violence.

Finally, the weapon is sold, and the auction continues.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, a priceless item you will all have the chance to bid on! This is the crown jewel of the auction. The item we have all waited for." He waves to a scantily clad model, who saunters onto the stage with a display pillow. "The Pink Ranger's Quasar Saber!" He pauses for a beat, listening to the hushed murmurs with a wide, greedy smirk. "Do I hear one thousand zanabatars?"

Of course he hears a thousand. I watch as creatures from the four corners of the galaxy leap to their feet, crying out bids climbing up to ten thousand, and then beyond.

I school my face into a cool smirk, cross my legs casually, and pull off my cloak with the flick of my wrist. The creatures sitting beside me gawk in surprise, but I ignore them as I make my presence widely known.

My voice carries above the shouting peons as I declare the bid that silences them all. "One million."

Shocked silence descends as all eyes turn to me. Their terrified stares feel like eels crawling over my skin, but I disregard the discomfort and turn around.

The auctioneer gulps. " is an honor to have you here." His fingers twitch, just itching to loosen his collar. "You bid one million zanabatars for the Quasar Saber?"

My lips stretch into the Cheshire grin I once used to mock my victims. I can see the nearest creatures scramble out of my path as I rise to my feet. "Better yet," I suggest, slowly approaching the podium, "I get the Quasar Saber, and all of you...keep your lives."

No one protests as I grasp the Saber from the pillow. The enchanted blade sparks with pink energy, and as my fingers clench around the sturdy hilt, I feel the power it contains channel through me as if I were a conduit.

I shake off my distraction immediately, and turn my icy gaze to the trembling alien before me. "Please, don't mind me. Continue," I decree with false sweetness. And, just for fun, I take a practice swing with the Quasar Saber, slicing the pants off the auctioneer. He gasps in humiliation, but one cold glance reminds him how easily I could have severed his spine with that strike.

I waste no more time. The Saber balanced lazily on my shoulder, I stride past the staircase towards the exit. With each step, my heart picks up its pace as I step closer and closer to success. I can almost imagine the look on Zhane's face when I return, safe and sound and victorious


"You're not

Astronema!" a voice suddenly shouts. Suddenly, the air in my lungs freezes painfully as I turn toward the second floor parapet.

My eyes narrow hatefully as I stare at Trakeena herself. I had underestimated her connections; I hadn't even considered the possibility that she would seek the Saber on Onyx as well!

"Astronema betrayed the Darkness and became good," she continues, a triumphant grin lighting up her face as she points a sharp, accusing finger in my direction. "You

are Karone


Damn her! How did she know what happened during the Countdown??

I feel the surprised awe quickly transform into outrage, and the entire assembly becomes my enemy. But before any of the patrons can react to Trakeena's announcement, her personal guard leaps from the second story, lunging toward me.

I can see this is a skilled warrior, perhaps on par with Ecliptor in strength and speed. A tremor runs up my arms as I block his heavy blows with the Quasar Saber.

I don't even think. My body reacts like the battle machine it is, blocking and dodging with all the grace I ever had. The Quasar Saber becomes an extension of my being, gliding through the air and meeting the knight's more cumbersome long sword blow for blow.

A particularly murderous strike arcs toward my neck, forcing me to bend backward. My wig slides off my brow, convincing any lingering doubters that the Princess of Evil is no more.

I rise, blocking out the wrathful screams that ring

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