» Science Fiction » Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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my fate. After the...the Countdown, he was the first to retire his morpher. Back on KO 35, even before we mutually decided to settle on Earth, Zhane laid his morpher in Kinwon's hand, and bestowed its power to whomever the wise elder chose. And as we walked up the bay door of the Megaship, hand in hand, he never looked back.

The Silver Ranger was never Zhane's identity. It was only a mask he'd worn, a means to an end. And he'd achieved that end: he'd set his home world free.

He never wanted to be a warrior. He was forced into it, by the surprise attack of Dark Specter's armies. He'd lost so much from within that uniform...his planet, his family, two years of his life...even me, for the brief time I was directly manipulated by Dark Specter. He was eager to tear off the mask, and just be Zhane again. Return to the uncomplicated life he'd placed on hold for the greater good.

Each night I pray in thanks that he has found peace. I can't bring myself to pray for my own, for I don't deserve such a gift.

By the time my exercises are done, my gray training clothes are moist with sweat, and my skin is flushed. I breathe heavily, the morning air cooling my entire body as I stretch my primed muscles, and mentally prepare myself for another quiet day of life here on Earth.

Less than five minutes later, I make my way down from my rooftop sanctuary, and push open the door of the modest apartment I now share with Zhane.


I glance up, surprised to see Zhane standing before me. He is never awake this early, and my heart clenches as I take in his disheveled, anguished face.

"What's going on?" I demand. Is the era of peace already over? Has Andros actually found the threat he'd been anticipating?

"We just received a message from Cassie. She'd like you to contact her as soon as possible."

I turn around, my attention drawn to the single piece of Kerovan technology in the entire apartment. The interstellar communicator makes its home in the living room, always activated in case of emergency. Carlos had compared it to a device called an 'arcade game.'

My back is rigid as I sit at the communicator. Tense fingers type in the transmitter code for the interstellar shuttle that Cassie, Carlos, T.J. and Ashley had commandeered from NASADA nearly a week ago, when they decided to follow Terra Venture and accompany Andros on his mission to preempt a new evil that may soon strike against Earth and her allies.

I drum my fingers impatiently as the signal bounces through amplifiers strategically placed throughout the galaxy to make real time communication between planets possible. My worry increases with each passing second as my paranoia imagines a myriad of reasons why Cassie would place a call to me.

Then, I feel Zhane hover behind me, resting both hands on my shoulders. I allow his presence to reassure me, and it offers some comfort as I wait for a grim message.

Finally, the screen comes to life, and my mouth opens at the worn countenance of the typically exuberant Cassie Chan.


she sighs. ^It's good to see you.^

I want to urge her to skip the pleasantries and just deliver the blow. But I can't bring myself to add any additional strain to my friend's stooped shoulders.

Instead, I greet her with a frail smile. "Hi, Cassie. How are you?"

She closes her tired eyes. ^I've been better. We've run into some big problems out here.^

"Have you found Andros?" The fear in my voice surprises even me.

^Yes, and we've recovered our morphers also. We're en route to the Jyntarah system, hoping to track down clues to this new enemy Andros has heard of.^

She rubs her temples in an obvious attempt to get her thoughts in order. ^When we were on Terra Venture, an evil princess named Trakeena managed to revive the Psycho Rangers.^

I wince at this revelation. I've heard of Trakeena, the spoiled daughter of Scorpius. Apparently the insectoid warlord's domain is too far in space to have been purged by Zordon's power.

Somehow, Trakeena has appropriated the programming for the Psycho Rangers. So whatever havoc those creatures have wrought, it's my fault. I'm the one who first created them, and unleashed them on the galaxy.

The guilt chokes me, so I nod for Cassie to continue.

^We teamed up with a new team of Rangers, the Galaxy Rangers. Together we defeated four of the Psycho Rangers, but the Pink one survived, and got a hold of a powerful weapon. We finally took her down, only...the Pink Galaxy Ranger, Kendrix Morgan, was thrown into a pocket dimension.^

Zhane's grip tightens on my shoulders, and I sense his concern for me. He knows what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling. My creation banished the Pink Ranger, and fractured the Galaxy team. Gods, forgive me...

^We received a message from the remaining Galaxy Rangers about an hour ago. They've made contact with Kendrix. Her Quasar Saber, the source of her power, is on the planet Guinit. Kendrix told them that it's in danger...that the Saber is in evil hands. They're going to Guinit in the Megaship to retrieve it, but there's very little information on that planet in the computers. I was wondering if you knew anything that could help them.^

"Guinit? Never heard of it," Zhane comments.

^Neither had Andros. The only information we have is that Guinit is in the Parphen system.^

"I've been to Guinit," I reveal. "It was a training ground for Dark Specter's elite generals. It's not too far from the throne planet of the UAE, perhaps a three-day flight from here. It's a planet of rough terrain and sparse life." I frown in confusion. "Why would the Quasar Saber be on Guinit?"

^I guess it was teleported there by the same force that trapped Kendrix,^

she murmurs with a tired shrug. ^Is there anything else you can tell me about Guinit? What's the indigenous species like?^

"There is no indigenous intelligent life, though there are plants and animals." I wrack my brains to recall details that might prove useful. "I know that some merchants had settled there after Dark Specter established his training complex. Plenty of greedy low-lifes out to make a profit. I don't think any of Dark Specter's generals would still be there, since they were all utilized in the...the final battle."

I hate that my voice still catches when I think of that terrible day.

Cassie nods her understanding. ^Hopefully the Galaxy team won't run into any trouble down there. I'm going to contact them now to give them this info. If you think of anything else that could help, let us know, okay?^


Somehow, Cassie finds the heart to smile. ^Take care of each other, you two. I'll talk to you soon.^

I stare at the fading screen, a thousand thoughts buzzing in my mind. I could... I should do more than just relay information. It's my fault Psycho Pink ever existed; I'm the one that should be hunting down the Quasar Saber...


I turn to meet Zhane's worried emerald eyes. I smile for him. "I'm okay, really."

He responds with his own unique grin, that so easily dispels sadness like the sun chases away shadows at dawn. "I'm expected in Switzerland to greet the new ambassador from Triforia, but I could come up with some excuse..."

What did I ever do to earn the love of a man like him? He'd really do it, he'd really forego his responsibility as representative of KO 35, just for my sake. His tender smile and selfless consideration make it harder to deceive him. Harder, but not impossible.

"No, you go ahead," I assure him, brushing his unshaven cheek with my fingertips. "I'll be fine. Maybe I can do some research and figure out something useful about Guinit for the Galaxy Rangers."

He kisses my forehead. "Then I'll leave you to it."

I smile as he disappears into the bathroom for his morning routine. Soon, he will be leaving for the week-long conference, leaving me here to my own devices. My gaze lingers on the door as I swallow my guilt and work out a plan of action.

Chapter Eleven


^...and it used to be a training ground for Dark Specter's elite warriors.^

My frown deepens at this unwelcome news. "Then there could be pockets of formidable warriors still on Guinit. We might run into heavy resistance."

Cassie shakes her head. ^I don't think so, Kai. Karone is confident that all the skilled warriors were used in the Countdown, and therefore were purged of evil by Zordon's energy wave.^

Of course, Karone would know. She was the one that mobilized Dark Specter's armies and nearly wiped out the populations of Earth, Triforia, and Aquitar.

Most people are ignorant of the fact that Queen Astronema, the most deadly of all Earth's invaders, still lives... in the form of a guiltless Kerovan immigrant.

I didn't know it, until the topic came up in a conversation between Maya and Ashley during the brief interlude between the Psycho Ranger threat and that nightmare on Rashon. Maya told Kendrix, Kendrix told me...and I was so shocked I couldn't even speak.

She was never tried for her evil acts. She was never found innocent or guilty by a panel of objective jurors. She never made amends for the pain she caused, for the blood her armies spilled in the Countdown, and before.

The Countdown turned cities into war zones, buildings into rubble, and children into orphans. But I guess Andros and the other Space Rangers figure that, since they were the ones to stop the Countdown, they have the right to determine Astronema's fate?

I'll be damned before I agree to that.


My mind is straying from the subject. "Sorry about that, Cassie. Thanks for all the help."

She offers a smile; and I'm relieved she's still able to do it. When she left Terra Venture a few days ago, she was completely broken by Kendrix's death. Now she knows that Kendrix is still alive, and it's lifted a weight off her.

Though she's still far from at peace. Now she's driven by a sore conscience and a heavy heart to do everything in her power to help Kendrix complete her mission.

Just like me.

^Good luck, Kai. I'll be back in touch if I find out anything more. Keep me posted, okay?^

I salute Cassie Chan, one of the six legendary Space Rangers. "You got it. And good luck with your mission as well."

A rueful grin. ^Now that we have some good news about Kendrix,

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