The Terran Ranger/The Spectrum Force - The Preliminaries Volume 2, Heather Ray [always you kirsty moseley txt] 📗

- Author: Heather Ray
Book online «The Terran Ranger/The Spectrum Force - The Preliminaries Volume 2, Heather Ray [always you kirsty moseley txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray
"I heard it should take over a year," said Adam. "That's why they'd prefer to send juniors. That way they'll finish up their high school education during the talks."
"Wow," said Alexis, "a year and a half!" Suddenly, her eyes widened, and she turned to Adam. "What would happen if the Power Rangers were chosen to go? Each of the others fit that description to a T!"
"I'm sure Zordon had prepared for that possibility," said Adam reassuringly, "but maybe we should ask him next time we see him."
Rocky parked the car and the four teenagers piled out. Rocky looked at his watch.
"We have just over ten minutes until the homeroom bell," he announced. "So let's hustle!"
The four teens ran into the building and went their separate ways. Alexis made her way to her locker and started working on her combination. She searched for her copy of Romeo and Juliet when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Tommy's smiling face. However Alexis, being very perceptive, noticed that the smile looked forced.
"Hey, Lex. How're you feeling?" he asked politely, purposely not looking directly at her.
"Drained, but otherwise I'm okay," answered Alexis dryly, returning to her search. He's worried about me,
she thought. He doesn't think I'll be able to pull through this!
"Look, uh, I know what it's like to have your powers weaken. It happened to me several times," said Tommy, staring at his feet uncomfortably, "I just want you to know that, well, the six of us are here for you, and we understand what you're going through."
"Tommy, you're talking as if someone just died! You really need to stop worrying so much about me. Look, Alpha and Billy said this power loss is temporary, so I'll be back in my shimmering spandex before you know it! So in the meantime, make sure to whip those baddies without depending on me to save your hide!!"
Tommy couldn't help but smile at Alexis' brash comment. Wow, she really has spirit. I wish I could have had that kinda faith when I was losing my Green Ranger powers. Still, there's something she's not telling me. She's hiding something...
Alexis finally found her book and slammed her locker shut. She turned around and smiled up at Tommy.
"Catch you later," she called, rushing to homeroom. Tommy made his way up the stairs, where the other five Power Rangers waited for him.
"So, how is she?" asked Jason.
"She's taking this power loss much better than I did," said Tommy with a sigh, "but I know she's not being totally open with us. She's holding back--I can see it in her eyes."
"What can we do?" asked Kimberly, her voice filled with sympathy.
"We can't do anything," said Tommy quietly. "Trust me, I know. She's got to sort this out for herself. We can't impose. Besides, she probably feels uncomfortable around us. When I lost my powers, I avoided you guys like the plague. I guess I just didn't feel like I belonged anymore. I wasn't a member of the team anymore."
"You should know better than that, Tommy!" said Trini, surprised. "We're bonded by friendship, not power!"
"That's easy for you to say, Trini," said Tommy. "After all, the five of you were all best friends way before the Power Rangers existed. Now Alexis and I became friends with you after we had received the power, as if this circle of friends was mutually exclusive. It seems to us like a Power Coin was the only thing that brought us into this little club."
"Well, if that's how Alexis thinks, then we have to change her mind!" said Kimberly authoritatively. "Let's say we all have a picnic in the park after school?"
"Great idea!" said Zack, starting to get excited. "We can just sit out in the sun and chill!"
"Perhaps we can invite Aisha, Adam, and Rocky," added Billy.
"Good idea," said Jason. "They're nice people, and expert martial artists. I'd like to get to know them better."
"So its agreed then?" asked Kimberly. "By the lake at about five? That should give us enough time to get things ready."
"Affirmative," said Billy.
"Awesome!" said Zack.
"Sounds great!" said Trini.
"Absolutely," said Jason.
"Why not?" said Tommy with a smile. "So, who's gonna coordinate this little party?"
"Did you have to ask?" asked Kimberly with a superior smile, "I'll call each of you and tell you what you need to bring."
Just then, the first bell rang.
"Uh oh, we're late," said Jason, starting up the stairs, "We'll talk at lunch!"
With that, the six friends hurried to their homerooms.
So, you wanted to know about the characters in this book? )(That is....if you don't know them already!)
That is why I created this character thesaurus for you all! Enjoy!
Jason Lee Scott - Red Power Ranger
Full Name:
Jason Lee Scott
Ranger Designation:
Red Power Ranger
Power Sword, Blade Blaster
Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin
Red Dragon Thunderzord
Strong and fearless, Jason is the former Red Ranger and original leader of the Power Rangers. To Jason went the Tyrannosaurus Power Coin, giving him the power of the Tyrannosaurus, and control of the Tyrannosaurus Dino Thunderzord. Red Ranger's power weapon is the Power Sword, a powerful weapon with a razor sharp edge. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Red Ranger, Jason gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability. His tactical knowledge and fighting skill make him the ultimate Ranger. Jason closely follows the rules of Martial Arts, and promotes discipline and making friends out of enemies. It is this attitude that got him chosen to represent Angel Grove at the World Teen Summit, a peace conference in Switzerland he attended, leaving the Rangers with Trini Kwan and Zack Taylor that left a gap in the team which was then filled by Rocky DeSantos.
Zack Taylor - Black Power Ranger
Full Name:
Zack Taylor
Ranger Designation:
Black Power Ranger
Power Axe, Blade Blaster
Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin
Lion Thunderzord
Quick witted and clever, Zack relies on speed and cunning to win his battles. The former Black Ranger was the jokester of team, loving dancing, magic, and girls, especially Angela. He cares for his friends and always tried to cheer them up when they're feeling down. A good friend with a good heart, Zack always loved a good joke, and loved it when Bulk and Skull embarrassed themselves in public. Zack is currently promoting world peace at a peace conference in Switzerland. To Zack went the Mastodon Power Coin, giving him the power of the Mastodon, and control of the Mastodon Dino Thunderzord. Black Ranger's power weapon is the Power Axe, which doubles as a powerful cannon. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Black Ranger, Zack gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability. It is this attitude that got him chosen to represent Angel Grove at the World Teen Summit, a peace conference in Switzerland he attended, leaving the Rangers with Trini Kwan and Jason Lee Scott leaving a gap in the team to be filled by Adam Park.
Trini Kwan - Yellow Power Ranger
Full Name:
Trini Kwan
Ranger Designation:
Yellow Power Ranger
Power Daggers, Blade Blaster
Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin
Griffin Thunderzord
Trini is a quiet, spiritual, and honourable person. She believes in a fair fight, and has practiced the Mantis style of Kung Fu. Although quiet and reserved, Trini is very strong willed and courageous. Yellow Ranger's power weapon is the Power Daggers, powerful blades used for defense and for throwing. Her weapons combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Yellow Ranger, Trini gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability and gained control of the Sabertooth Tiger Dino Thunderzord. It is this attitude that got her chosen to represent Angel Grove at the World Teen Summit, a peace conference in Switzerland she attended, leaving the Rangers with Jason Lee Scott and Zack Taylor leaving a gap in the team to be filled by Aisha Campbell.
Kimberly Hart - Pink Power Ranger
Full Name:
Kimberly Hart
Ranger Designation:
Pink Power Ranger
Power Bow, Blade Blaster
Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin
Pterodactyl Dino Thunderzord
Kimberly was one of the five Rangers originally chosen by Zordon to protect the Earth against Rita Repulsa. She was given the Pterodactyl Power Coin and ability to morph into the Pink Ranger and control of the Pterodactyl Dino Thunderzord. Once ditzy and materialistic, Kimberly has evolved into a strong, confident, and caring person. A kind and compassionate soul, Kim cares a great deal about her friends, and will not take kindly to anyone messing with them. Her weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Pink Ranger, Kim gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection.
Billy Cranston - Blue Power Ranger
Full Name:
Billy Cranston
Ranger Designation:
Blue Power Ranger
Power Lance, Blade Blaster
Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin
Triceratops Dino Thunderzord
Billy is one of the original five teenagers chosen by Zordon to defend the planet from the forces of Rita Repulsa. As the Blue Ranger, Billy fought well against Putties and Tengas, and saved the Power Rangers on numerous occasions with devices that he created. Billy is the smartest of the Rangers, with a super genius IQ level. Once awkward and shy, Billy has evolved over time into the confident and capable person he is today. To Billy went the Triceratops Power Coin, giving him the power of the Triceratops, and control of the Triceratops Dinozord. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Blue Ranger, Billy gained enhanced strength,
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