The Terran Ranger/The Spectrum Force - The Preliminaries Volume 2, Heather Ray [always you kirsty moseley txt] 📗

- Author: Heather Ray
Book online «The Terran Ranger/The Spectrum Force - The Preliminaries Volume 2, Heather Ray [always you kirsty moseley txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray
" I?" she asked, as her eyes opened. The first this she saw was the gruesome face of Dracola.
she cried. "Oh, I remember you!"
"Kim!" called Tommy from the cliff. "Relax, we'll get you out of this!"
"So, Rangers," said Celea, "will you turn over the Spectrum Enforcers to insure the well-being of you pink ally?"
"Spectrum Enforcers!" said Kim, "They're here? TOMMY!
Don't listen to her! Whatever you do, don't give them up!"
yelled Celea angrily.
"What do we do?" asked Jason.
"We buy ourselves some time," said Tommy, turning to Celea. "What happened to Billy? We want BOTH
our friends back, or no deal!"
"He's still in the other reality," said Celea, "but I do know where that is. You'll get the coordinates of the other dimension once you give up Jocelyn and Matthew."
Suddenly, a green shield of light completely encircled Dracola's claw with Kimberly in it. Dracola's claw was forced open, and Kimberly fell toward the ground.
cried the Power Rangers, when a shield of orange light engulfed Kimberly, and softly transported her to the cliff with the other Power Rangers.
"Are you okay, Kim?" asked Tommy, giving her a hug.
"Oh, Tommy," she wailed, "I thought I wasn't ever gonna see you again! What happened?"
"We happened," said the Orange and Green Spectrum Enforcers in unison. They hovered a few feet above the cliff.
"Wow," said Jason, "nice costumes."
"Relax, Power Rangers," said Jocelyn, landing on the cliff. "Reinforcements are here!"
"You bet!" said Matt, landing beside Jocelyn. "And we have a score to settle with Tree-Top up there!"
"Jason," said Tommy, "call on you Zords and keep Dracola from doing any harm to Angel Grove! I'll join you in a minute."
"You're the boss," said Jason. "We need Thunderzord Power!"
"Mastodon-Lion Thunderzord Power!" yelled Zack.
"Sabre-toothed Tiger-Griffin Thunderzord Power!" cried Trini.
"Tyrannosaurus-Red Dragon Thunderzord Power!" bellowed Jason.
The three Power Rangers boarded their Thunderzords and immediately started their offensive against the Dracola. Tommy turned his attention back to Kimberly.
"Kimberly," ordered Tommy. "Morph up and join us in the zords!"
"I..I don't have my coin!" said Kim, "I left it in Jocelyn's room!"
"You were in my room?" asked Jocelyn. "Why?"
"That's not important now," said Tommy, activating his communicator, "Zordon, this is Tommy. We got Kimberly safe and sound. Could you teleport her to the COmmand Center?"
said Zordon, and Kimberly disappeared in a flash of pink light.
"Zordon, how's Alexis?" Tommy continued.
"She is still asleep, but other than that she is safe."
"Well, when she's ready, send her here. We need the Thunderzords, but without Kim and Billy, we can't use the Mega Thunderzord! We need the Eaglezord."
Tommy broke communications and turned to Jocelyn and Matthew.
"Do you two think you can take Celea?"
"Absolutely!" said Jocelyn, clenching her fist.
"She'll be seeing stars!" said Matt, and with that, they both flew to Celea at blinding speed, who was waiting for them at the bottom of the cliff.
"Tigerzord, Power UP
!" commanded Tommy, holding Saba high in the air.
Meanwhile, in Cloud Castle, Billy, Tamara, Craig, Keith, and Rachel stood before Spectra after bringing Tamara and Keith up to date.
"Billy," said Spectra, "did you manage to contact your home planet yet?"
"No," said Billy, "I couldn't get the enhancing device to work."
"So, what's that mean?" asked Tamara.
"It means that I cannot return Billy to his homeworld."
"I wouldn't go home without finding Kimberly first." said Billy sternly. "After all, I can't just leave her here."
"You claim that Celea, Phaedra's daughter, teleported with Kimberly from Jocelyn's bedroom?"
"That is indeed what transpired. Once I morphed, they were both gone."
"I may not be able to send you home, Billy, nor can I locate Jocelyn and Matthew, but I think I can help you find your missing friend."
"Really?" asked Billy, perking up a bit.
"Yes. I can trace the teleportation disk used by Celea to leave Earth. Since her magic is the blackest of black magic, it is relatively easy for me to sense. Once I home in on the residual energy from Celea's spell, I should be able to create a portal leading to the dimension where she is now."
"Then let's get going!" said Rachel.
Spectra teleported the entire group to Jocelyn's bedroom, were she knelt and touched the carpet where Celea had stood.
"Yes, I can still feel her residual presence here. She went to an alternate dimension, far away. I also sense a great evil. I cannot say exactly where she went, but I do know that it is a dark, evil place."
"I have no choice," said Billy, "I have to find Kimberly."
"You mean 'we'
, don't you Pal?" said Keith, patting Billy on the back.
"You are coming too?" asked Billy in surprise.
"Of course!" said Craig, "You didn't think we would let you face God-knows-what all by yourself, did ya?"
"Besides," added Rachel, "Celea is our enemy as well. She kidnapped two of our best friends. We need to find her to find them."
"If you all go through this portal," said Spectra, "I recommend you Sync first. And Billy, you should Morph. As I said before, I may be sending you to a very evil place."
"You got it," said Rachel, raising her ring to the air. "Let's do it, guys!"
"Spectrum Sync...RED!" yelled Keith.
"Spectrum Sync...YELLOW!" cried Tamara.
"Spectrum Sync...BLUE!" hollered Craig
"Spectrum Sync...PURPLE!" called Rachel.
"It's Morphin Time!" cried Billy, "TRICERATOPS!!"
The Spectrum Force and the Blue Ranger stood ready for action, and Spectra opened the portal. The group leapt through the portal without hesitation.
"Good luck, children," whispered Spectra, returning to Cloud Castle.
Lord Zedd stood on his balcony, watching the continuing fight. If it could, his chrome face would be smiling at this moment.
"Ha, ha, ha!" he roared, "I am finally going to destroy those Power Rangers! It couldn't have worked out more perfectly! My Dracola monster is the most fearsome creature the Power Rangers have ever faced, and it seems to be impervious to the Power Rangers Thunderzords. Curious... FINSTER
! Get in here!"
Finster, Lord Zedd's only minion with any intelligence whatsoever, hurried into the throne room.
"Yes, Lord Zedd?"
"Finster, what did you do to that monster? He certainly wasn't this powerful when you first showed him to me a week ago. If he was, I would have sent him to Earth immediately."
"I didn't do anything, Sir. Celea is the one who cast some kind of spell upon him."
"Spell?" asked Lord Zedd. "What kind of spell?"
"All she said was it was a shield spell. It made him invulnerable to technology."
"Amazing," said Zed, returning his attention to Angel Grove. "That explains why the Thunderzords aren't affecting Dracola. So, Celea has made my monster indestructible!"
"No, Lord Zed," corrected Finster. "He can only withstand technological attacks. The zords are useless, but--"
"But nothing!" yelled Zedd. "If they can't destroy my monster with the zords, they'll try the Power Cannon, which is also technology. Everything the Power Rangers use to fight evil is simply advanced technology. Victory is MINE
! Remind me to get that incantation from Celea before she returned to her own dimension."
"I don't think you understand, my lord," continued Finster, starting to get irritated. "The Power Coins themselves have magical properties. The Rangers' zords and weapons are machines, as well as the morphers that harness the coins' powers, but the coins themselves are magical, and Dracola is still vulnerable to magic. If the Power Rangers learn this, they might be able to prevail."
"First of all, they aren't that smart," said Zedd, "and secondly, they don't have enough time to figure out a way to harness the power of the coins without using a mechanical medium, such as the zords, the morphers, or the Power Cannon. Now, stop ruining my celebration!"
Suddenly, another black hole appeared in front of Zedd's throne.
"What is this?" asked Zedd, approaching the hole. Before he could reach it, the Purple, Red, Yellow and Blue members of the Spectrum Force flew out in streaks of colored light. The Blue Ranger climbed out behind them.
"Flight is certainly a useful ability," mumbled Billy to himself. The first thing that caught his eye was Lord Zedd himself, glowing in a crimson rage.
yelled Billy, overcome with shock. "What're YOU
doing here?"
"This is MY
castle, Power Ranger!" roared Zedd. "How DARE
you come here!"
"Billy," asked Tamara, touching the ground, "do you recognize this place?"
"We're on the moon orbiting my Earth!" said Billy excitedly. "That means Celea came here with Kim! I'm home!"
"My Putty Patrollers will embitter your homecoming!" yelled Zed, raising his staff. He created three dozen Putties. "Goldar! Get in here NOW
Goldar soon joined the fray, and the dozens of evil creatures surrounded the Spectrum Force and the Blue Ranger.
"Billy," said Rachel, not taking her eyes off the circling creatures, "what are these...things?"
"They're Putties," said Billy, summoning his Power Lance. "Just piles of animated clay! Just kick them in the "Z"
plate to destroy them!"
"Piece of cake!" said Craig, standing in a boxing position. "You boys are gonna get a major beating!"
Craig delivered a massive punch to each Puttie who dared come into his reach. Keith battled the Putties using the karate techniques he had been mastering since early childhood. Rachel fought using her expert kickboxing moves, while Tamara, who wasn't a very skilled fighter, created javelins out of yellow energy, and aimed them carefully at the chest plates of the attacking Putties. Billy used his Power Lance to first beat up the Putties and then destroyed them, in the classic Power Ranger tradition. In but a few minutes, all the Putties lay in piles of crumbled, dried-up clay. Goldar, who was busy attempting
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