The Terran Ranger/The Spectrum Force - The Preliminaries Volume 2, Heather Ray [always you kirsty moseley txt] 📗

- Author: Heather Ray
Book online «The Terran Ranger/The Spectrum Force - The Preliminaries Volume 2, Heather Ray [always you kirsty moseley txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray
"Huh?" asked Craig. "No. We don't use machines in our line of work."
"Speaking of work," said Kimberly, "don't we have a communicator to build?"
"Right," said Rachel, leading Billy to Jocelyn's bedroom. She turned on Jocelyn's computer.
"Here you go," said Rachel, stepping away from the desk. "Have a seat. You can make all your calculations here."
"Thanks." said Billy, sitting down and immediately getting started, "I'll need those tools and a satellite dish, though."
"The tools are in my apartment," said Craig, "I'll go get them."
"I'll give you a hand," said Rachel. "If you're hungry, help yourselves to something to eat in the kitchen. We'll be right back!"
Rachel and Craig left, and Billy returned his attention to the computer. Kimberly sat down on Jocelyn's bed, watching Billy with frustration. She wished there was something she could do to help, but she didn't know anything about computers or communicators.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked Billy.
"Not until I start piecing together the communicator. At this point, I'm merely figuring out the blueprints. Let me see, a satellite disk of appoximately .5 meter diameter will be sufficient to direct the communication beam through the multiverse portal..."
"Listen," said Kimberly, getting up, "I'm gonna get a soda. Want anything?"
"No thank you," said Billy, not looking up from the computer screen. Kimberly sighed and went to the kitchen. No matter how much Billy assured her that they'd get back to Angel Grove, she couldn't shake the feeling that something horrible was about to happen. She'd never see her house again. She'd never see her family, or friends. Or Tommy. A feeling of hopelessness enveloped her as she searched the refrigerator for a Diet Coke.
When Kimberly left, Billy continued his calculations, unaware of the figure that had just appeared behind him. The form grabbed Billy by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up from his chair with superhuman ease.
"Scream, Human, and I shall snap your neck like a twig!" she threatened, holding him nearly a foot above the ground.
"Who are you?" Billy choked.
"I am Celea, Princess of the Denebian Empire, and you and your companion ruined my Limbo of Lucifer transportation spell!"
"Spell?" asked Billy, hoping to learn a vital clue about what happened.
"Yes. I cast the spell upon two Spectrum Enforcers earlier this evening. They were sucked into the vortex, and were supposed to materlialize in the Limbo of Lucifer, to be tormented forever! I checked the dimension, but they weren't there. The keeper of the Limbo swore to me that no one had entered the dimension, although two portals were opened. I found it very interesting that two portals were opened, but no one passed through. Now, I NEVER
miscast a spell, and a Power Ranger arriving on this planet is indeed a curious event!"
"What do you want?" mumbled Billy.
"Well, ultimately, I want those two Spectrum Enforcers! My guess is that if you are in Langstrum Alps, then they are in Angel Grove."
"How do you know so much about us?" asked Billy.
"I guess you can say I did my homework on your dimension. I like to be prepared for a confrontation."
"Billy," said Kimberly, opening the bedroom door, "I know you didn't want anything, but I brought you a soda--what?"
Kimberly stopped when she saw Billy being held by his shirt collar by a grey-skinned warrior.
"I only need one hostage!" said Celea, using her free hand to fire an energy beam at Kimberly. Kim ducked out of the way and threw one of the two soda cans she was holding at Celea's face and the other at Celea's hand. Celea lost her balance and dropped Billy.
"Now, you're in trouble, girl!" sais Celea, standing up.
"Billy RUN
!" ordered Kimberly, reaching for her morpher. Before she could grasp it, Celea cast an immobility spell on Kim.
"I...can't...move..." she whispered, struggling against the spell. Billy stood up and held up his morpher.
The coin in the morpher glowed a bright blue, and Billy was enveloped in the bright light. When the light dissipated, the Blue Ranger stood ready for action. Unfortunatly, Celea and Kimberly were gone.
"I never realized how long it takes to morph!" said Billy looking around the room for any clues. He found Kim's morpher and picked it up.
"She dropped her morpher, which means now she has to face whatever Celea has in store for her--powerless."
Billy heard a knock on the front door. He quickly de-morphed and opened it. Craig walked in with his arms full of tools, and Rachel came with a small satellite dish.
"I hope these tools will do," said Craig, dropping them on the coffee table.
"Here's a satellite dish," said Rachel, carefully placing it on the coffee table, "but we'd better hurry with it. I doubt the other residents of the building are gonna be happy about the satellite cable not working. Billy, what's wrong?"
Rachel looked up and saw the concern etched on Billy's face.
"It's Kimberly. A woman who calls herself Celea has captured her. I couldn't help her! Now, Kimberly's in big trouble, and without her Power Coin!"
Within a horrifying palace located on the dark side of the Moon, Lord Zedd yelled in anger.
"Where is that Magi?! I'm certainly glad I didn't pay him in advance!"
"What is wrong, my lord?" asked Goldar.
"That lying Magi hood-winked me! ME
!! The lord of all evil! He shall regret this, I assure you!"
Zedd marched angrily to the balcony of the throne room, and peered towards the Earth.
"This is odd," said Lord Zedd, "I'm reading two unfamiliar power signatures coming from Angel Grove. One is green and the other"
"There has never been an Orange Power Ranger," said Goldar. "Don't you think I know that! Something is going on down there--BLAST
"What happened, my lord?"
"The Power Rangers must have teleported to the Command Center! I can no longer monitor them, at least until they leave. The strange thing is, there wasn't a pink or blue energy signature."
"Perhaps the Blue and Pink Rangers are already in the Command Center," suggested Goldar.
"If only I knew what was transpiring on Earth!" hollered Zedd, angrily sitting on his throne. "Go down to Earth with a full squad of Putties, Goldar! I want you to draw the Rangers from the Command Center. I WILL
know what is going on."
Suddenly, a black hole appeared in the center of the throne room, and Celea leapt out gracefully. She was pulling Kimberly by a chain that was attached to manacles, holding Kimberly's hands.
"Perhaps I can shed some light on the subject," said Celea with a devilish smirk. "The occurrences of today are not the fault of your hired magician, and if you and I can strike a deal, both of us shall benefit. As you see, I hold this girl as my captive."
"Who are YOU
?" roared Lord Zedd. "How did you manage to enter my castle without my knowledge? How did you capture the Pink Ranger?"
"One question at a time, Lord Zedd. I am Celea, princess of the Denebian Empire. I entered your castle by way of a cross-time portal. I must admit, it wasn't easy finding this reality! And as for the Pink Ranger, her capture is the doing of the Magi."
"So he didn't double-cross me after all," said Zedd, calming down. "And you are one of the Denebians he spoke of? I do not understand how you got Kimberly. Magi said he would send the Power Rangers to the Limbo of Lucifer for an eternity of torment. He obviously failed."
"This is my theory," said Celea. "First of all, let me explain a little about Denebian magic. Each spell must be carefully cast, because our spells are so potent and complicated, bizarre things occur when the magic isn't properly wielded. I believe that your Magi cast the Limbo of Lucifer spell at the exact moment I cast that spell on two members of the Spectrum Force. The Limbo of Lucifer is a dimension between dimensions, so it can be reached through any reality. However, there is only one entrance, and of course no exit. If both vortexes were opened at the exact time, they probably disrupted each other, and instead of all four children going to the Limbo, they bounced back to the locations of the vortexes. The Spectrum Force arrived at the vortex opened for the Power Rangers and vice-versa. If my theory is correct, there should be two anomalies in Angel Grove: and Orange and a Green Spectrum Enforcer."
"That would explain the strange power signatures I scanned with the Power Rangers. Your targets are indeed here, but they have teamed up with the remaining Power Rangers. They shall not be as easy to capture."
"That is why I have come here," said Celea, "I seek your help. Under normal circumstances I would fight the Spectrum Force with an army of Denebian soldiers. However, I couldn't bring an army through the portal. I exchange Kimberly, the Pink Power Ranger for any aid you can give me."
On hearing her name, Kimberly perked up. She struggled free of Celea's grasp and kicked Celea in the face.
"Oh, no you don't!" she cried, "I'm nobody's bargaining chip!"
"Goldar, seize her!" said Zedd, standing up. Goldar immediately picked Kimberly off the ground and carried her on his shoulder, kicking and screaming.
"What shall I do with her, Lord Zedd?" asked Goldar, turning to his master.
"First, give me her Power Coin and communicator."
"Uh, my lord, she doesn't appear to have either!" said Goldar. "I suppose it doesn't matter. I have big plans for you, my dear. So long as I have the precious Pink Ranger, the other Power Rangers will be impotent! Goldar, throw her in the pit with Dracola!"
"Dracola?" asked Kimberly quietly.
"Yes. He was one of Finster's less intelligent monsters. However, he is indeed a mighty creature. He is a twenty-story tall half man-half dragon. Perhaps he can assist you in your conquest, Celea."
"That may work, Zedd," said Celea, smiling. "But for now, tell me everything you know about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I like to know what I'm up against."
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