» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [life books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [life books to read TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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with loyalties only to his family. If he ever learned Zedd divorced Rita, he would surely retaliate. Zedd had planned on turning Kimberly into his evil bride, and he even used a great deal of his own magic to create a wedding gift for her, to give her a measure of magical power to use against the Power Rangers herself.

My plan was perfect,

he thought, still tapping his fingers. He glanced down at a small podium beside his bed, where a small golden jewelry box lay. Kimberly would have been the key to the rangers' defeat! It would have crushed Tommy to see her in my arms, and I'd use her to destroy him! My letter worked perfectly, but when I finally restored my palace, I was too late to capture her. Now she's gone, and there is no way I can defeat the Power Rangers. My only option is to wait until my magic has fully recovered. I spent a great deal repairing the palace, finding Goldar and Rito, and creating this gift for Kimberly. This gem will cast a spell of evil upon her, as well as infusing her with evil energy so she can fight at my side. Together, we shall be invincible!

Suddenly, Rito burst into the throne room. He tripped over an uneven stone on the floor, and sprawled to the ground with a thud. Zedd shook his head, but didn't sit up. "Ed!" Rito cried, "I have news!"

"What is it?" Zedd said dryly. Rito's news usually deals with finding space-insects in the dungeons, or discovering mysterious rings surrounding the planet Saturn through Rita's telescope.

"I was playing with Rita's telescope, and I found something!"

"I've already explained the ring of dust around the planet Saturn, Rito. Motion keeps them from falling into the planet --"

"I know that now," Rito said, "but I found something else! Its a ship!! But it looks like a boat or something..."

Zedd sat up, and looked at Rito impatiently. Rito fidgetted under Zedd's glare.

"Uh," Rito muttered, "well, it wasn't exactly a boat. It looked like one of those underwater boats human beings use. What is it called? A hero? A...a hoagie?"

Zedd disconnected himself from the regenerator, and rose to his feet. "A submarine, perhaps?"

Rito considered this for a moment, rubbing his chin. "I don't think so. I think it was the name of a sandwich."

"A submarine is

a sandwich!" Zedd snapped, briskly marching out of his bedchambers towards the throne room. He stood upon the balcony, and a beam of bright red light streamed from his visor into space.

"Which way did it go?" Zedd asked, scanning space.

"It was over by Pluto when I saw it, and it was coming in this direction."

Zedd looked up where Pluto was, and he saw a bronze submarine in the distance. It was approaching Earth fast.

"That is the type of ship the Xenon culture uses," he mentioned, "and that is the planet of Divatox's origin. She is returning to Earth. But why? The rangers have completely destroyed Maligore. What has she to gain by returning?"

"Revenge?" Rito asked with a shrug. If Zedd could smile, he would be doing so at this moment. He watched with interest as the submarine streaked past the palace, and flew towards California. He focused his telescopic vision, and witnessed the ship land inside the lake in Angel Grove Park.

"Rito," said Zedd, "tell Goldar to come here immediately."

Chapter Forty-Three

In the ground level of the mighty palace is a large arena, where Goldar practiced his fighting skills ever since he joined Rita Repulsa's employ. As he swung his enormous sword through the cold air, he could tell he was moving slowly. He was desperately out of practice, since he spent months on Earth as Bulk and Skull's housemaid. His feral face snarled when he reflected on that. Those months as a weak, helpless creature obeying the whims of petty humans were the low-point of his career, that had been spiraling downward for years.

Goldar was at his peak when he served as Rita Repulsa as her second in command. He left Lord Zedd at the latter's request, so he could keep an eye on the rebellious witch to see if she would obey Zedd's decree, and conquer Earth. When Goldar first battled the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, he managed to defeat all five morphed heroes without even breaking a sweat. He even managed to stand against the Megazord, although he could never destroy it. Nevertheless, he was the undisputed mightiest warrior in this sector.

As time passed, however, Goldar laxed on his training. Perhaps he was overconfident, since he knew humans were one of the weaker species in the universe. They had no inherent magical powers, and their strength and speed were inferior to his own. When Goldar battled Jason in Rita's Dark Dimension, he could have torn the young man apart. And he would have, had the Green Ranger not interfered. Goldar was furious at Tommy, since he was quickly becoming Rita's favorite henchman during his brief time as a villain, and when he defected to the Power Rangers, Goldar was glad to have the opportunity to destroy him.

However, he never managed to do so. Even though Goldar was strong enough to break Tommy's body, he could never break his spirit. And that human spirit is where the young man drew strength, making him worthy of the White Ranger powers. Goldar faced the White Ranger many times in one-on-one combat, and much to his despair, he could never defeat Tommy. Or any other Power Ranger.

"I can't believe I let myself fail!" he roared aloud, his heart pounding and his muscles pumping as he continued the exercise, "I actually let those human beings defeat me! Time and again, they defeated me! They out-smarted me, they out-maneuvered me, and they even out-fought me!! ME!!


This fangs clenched tightly as Goldar madly swung his blade. Even though he was venting his rage, his sword strokes were perfect in timing and execution. After days of nonstop practice, Goldar can feel his skills returning. He was so focused on his practice, he failed to notice Rito enter the chamber, clapping madly.

"Woo-hoo!" he cheered, startling the warrior, "Wow, that's really cool, Goldie! You're pretty good."

Goldar rolled his eyes, and sheathed his sword. "I told you not to bother me, Rito!" he barked.

"I know, but Ed wanted me to get you. He's on the balcony."

Goldar nodded, and hurried up to the throne room. Rito followed, and mimicked Goldar as he bowed to the Emperor of Evil. Lord Zedd turned around, and looked down at his two warriors.

"Rito," he said, "leave us. I have something I need to discuss with Goldar. Alone."

"Uh, okie-dokie, Eddie!"

Rito stood outside the throne room, busily watching a spider climb the wall. Goldar rose to his feet.

"Yes, my Lord?" he asked.

"Goldar, Divatox's space-submarine has returned to Earth. It landed inside the lake in Angel Grove Park. I want you to keep an eye on the ship from the shore."



"Because, I want to know why Divatox returned. And, I also want to know whether or not she still has Kimberly. If Kimberly is her captive, I wish to offer a ransom in exchange for her. Divatox is a pirate, and therefore money is more important than anything else to her."

"You still wish to make Kimberly your queen?" Goldar asked, somewhat surprised, "She is unworthy, my Lord."


be the judge of that!!" Zedd roared, "Now, go to Earth, and wait. If you encounter Divatox or any of her servants, inform them that I want to purchase Kimberly. And make sure not to let the Power Rangers find you!"

"Yes, my Lord," said Goldar, bowing once again. He then turned to leave the throne room.

"Oh, and one more thing," Zedd called, "Make sure not to let Rito know I intend to marry Kimberly. He still thinks I'm married to Rita."

Goldar nodded, and vanished in a cloud of golden energy.

Chapter Forty-Four

In the Botanical Gardens, Katherine carefully placed a plaque of Angel Grove High School's shield on the face of a wooden podium. She stepped back to make sure it was attached straight, and then looked behind her. Both Tanya and Adam were busy setting up the folding chairs, while Rocky was sitting on the front row, folding small sheets of blue paper. Katherine sits beside Rocky, and glances at his work.

"How are those programs coming?" she asked.

"Well, there's just this box to go," he said, nodding towards a large cardboard box beside him, "I just wish there was more I could do to help."

Tanya and Adam walked over to their friends, and took seats behind Kat and Rocky. "Hey," said Adam, gently squeezing Rocky's shoulder, "we're just glad you're out of the hospital! That was a pretty nasty fall."

"Yeah," said Rocky, "They didn't think that I'd regain full use of my back ever again. But after three weeks of recovery, I'm good as new. So long as I don't over-extend myself."

"And we'll make sure of that," said Tanya with a smile.

"So," said Rocky, lowering his voice, "when are you guys gonna tell me what's going on?"

Kat, Adam, and Tanya traded worried looks. "What do you mean?" asked Tanya.

"Well, I can understand why you didn't mention the Power Rangers in the hospital, since Justin overheard us the first time. But I'm out now, and I'm three weeks behind on the news!"

"Actually, things have been rather quiet lately," said Katherine, "The Machine Empire seems to have left."

"But you guys managed to find Lerigot and save the day, right?"

"In a manner of speaking," Adam said evasively. Rocky sighed angrily.

"Okay," he said at last, standing up, "now I know you guys are hiding something from me! And I have a feeling its something important! Now, spill it already!"

"Relax," said Katherine, pulling Rocky back down by his arm, "we didn't want to tell you because we didn't want to upset you. You're in a very

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