» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [life books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [life books to read TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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delicate state."

"No I'm not," Rocky said indignantly, "Now what happened?"

"Well," said Adam, "a space pirate called Divatox was following Lerigot to Earth, planning on using his Golden Key to release a demon called Maligore. Zordon gave us the power of Turbo to use against Divatox. So, we basically went to Muiranthias, and kicked Maligore's butt into next week."

"And...?" said Rocky suspiciously.

"Okay, I give up," said Tanya, "In order to awaken Maligore, Divatox had to offer him to sacrifices -- two humans of great purity. She ended up choosing Kimberly and Jason."

"What?!" said Rocky in shock, "You're kidding!"

"No," said Katherine, "Kimberly and Jason were tossed into a pool of lava, and an evil spell was cast upon them, sapping their purity and leaving only evil behind. They fought us, and somehow the spell increased their strength, stamina, and speed. They could have killed us had Lerigot not saved Jason by breaking the spell."

"Okay," said Rocky, "and he saved Kim too, right?"

"Not... exactly," said Adam, "For some reason, Kimberly wasn't freed from the spell. She remained evil, and Jason promised to keep an eye on her when we went to fight Maligore in the Megazord. But she somehow escaped, and we couldn't find her again."

"You guys lost Kim?!" Rocky cried. He then glanced around quickly to make sure no one else heard him.

"I'm afraid so," said Kat, "Half the island was destroyed by the volcano eruption, and after the fight we scanned the entire island. Kimberly was nowhere to be found. We don't know if she's alive or not."

"Jeez," said Rocky, leaning back in his chair, "I can't believe Kim's...gone


"I know," said Adam, "Its been rough on all of us. Its the first time we lost someone."

"Its been especially hard on Tommy," Tanya added, "He hasn't said a word about the entire incident since it happened. But you can tell he's blaming himself."

"I just wish there was some way to convince him otherwise!" sighed Katherine.

"Not in this lifetime," said Rocky, "If there's one thing Tommy Oliver is good at, its blaming himself. He just doesn't feel comfortable unless he's feeling guilty."

"Say," said Katherine in an attempt to change the subject, "has anyone seen Justin? He was supposed to help us set up."

"I think he's in the Power Chamber," Adam said, "He wanted Alpha to show him how the scanners work."

"He reminds me a little too much of Billy," said Rocky.

Chapter Forty-Five

Beneath the waters of Angel Grove Lake, Divatox watches Tanya, Adam, Rocky, and Katherine continue to set up for the graduation ceremony.

"They've ruined the most important day of my life," she snarled, "and now, its time to return the favor."

"And take half of the state of California with it,"

Kimberly added with a sinister grin.

"I wouldn't bother with those college applications," Divatox continued, "you won't live long enough to mail them!"

Just then, Porto walked onto the bridge, holding a small metallic device. He placed the device upon a table near Divatox.

"Its ready, Captain," he announced. Both Divatox and Kimberly walked over to the table, and glanced at the machine.

"Alright you walking marshmallow," said Divatox, "what have you got?"

"As we discussed, the detonator will achieve maximum implosive power in sixty minutes."

"But will it be enough to destroy the power facility?" asked Rygog.

"Are you kidding


said Kimberly, "It'll do much more than that. Angel Grove is powered by nuclear energy, which is extremely dangerous. If we plant this bomb inside the Angel Grove Nuclear Power Plant, it'll cause a meltdown powerful enough to raze Angel Grove and everything around it!"

"What a shame," Divatox said with mock concern, "While the rangers are sitting innocently in the graduating crowd, the entire city they love and protect turns to a radioactive wasteland!"

"Then let's get going,"

said Kimberly, picking up the detonator, "we have a city to destroy."

"We must be extremely careful when teleporting with a detonator," said Porto, "First, we'll have to teleport to the shore, and then from there, to the power plant."

"Fine, whatever,"

said Kimberly, as both she and Porto vanished from the submarine. Seconds later, they reappeared on the sandy shores of Angel Grove Lake. Behind a tree, Goldar jumped when he saw them appear.

That's Kimberly!

he thought in shock, It looks like she's joined Divatox's crew! Amazing


"Now remember, Kimberly, you must place the detonator at the exact center of the compound. That will insure maximum damage."


said Kimberly, "I'll take it to the Nuclear Plant myself. I'll contact you to teleport me back when I'm finished."

"Very well," said Porto, as he vanished from the beach, Kimberly rolled her eyes, and turned to face the direction the plant was in. She then vanished in a streak of red light.

"So, Kimberly is planning on attacking the Nuclear Power Plant?" Goldar said, stepping out of his hiding place, "Lord Zedd will certainly want to hear about this!"

Chapter Forty-Six

In the Power Chamber, Alpha Five finished up showing Justin how the scanner works.

"It's very simple," the robot said, turning to Justin, "Now, you try. Do a scan of the entire city."

"Okay," said Justin, "should I scan for magical energy, alien life signs, or what?"

"Uh, go with magical energy," said Alpha, "It's the easiest to detect."

"Got it," said Justin, programming the scanners to sweep the entire city. After only a few minutes, the alarm signaled.

"What did I do?" Justin asked, slightly panicked.

"Aye yi yi!" Alpha shrieked, "You found magical energy!"


asked Zordon.

"Its in...the Nuclear Power Plant!" said Justin.


"Wait!" Justin interrupted, "Tommy's busy at the track, and the others are probably already starting the graduation ceremony! They can't leave now! I'll check it out myself."

"But, it could be dangerous!" said Alpha.


"If things get rough, I'll contact you guys," said Justin, teleporting out of the Power Chamber. Milliseconds later, he appeared in the power plant.

"Hello?" he called, "Is anyone here?"

Chapter Forty-Seven

Meanwhile, Kimberly activates the detonator, which she placed in the exact center of the compound. The number sixty appears on the small screen.

"That does it,"

she said, standing upright, "I guess its time to leave --"

"Hello?" called a voice, "Is anyone here?"

Kimberly's eyes narrowed, and she followed the sound of the voice until she saw a boy wandering about on the level beneath her. She smiled.

It's the Blue Ranger!

she thought, I'd recognize that pre-pubescent voice anywhere! He obviously hasn't been trained well in dealing with villains. His cries have lead me right to him! This should be fun


Kimberly leapt off the iron platform, landing gracefully a few yards behind Justin. Justin turned on his heels, and his jaw dropped when he saw her.

"K-Kimberly?" he gasped, "You're alive?"

"Of course I'm alive,"

she laughed, her hands on her hips, "Did you think you annoying rangers could kill me that easily?"

"What do you mean?" asked Justin, "We were trying to save you!"


she muttered, forming a W with her hands, "Please excuse me if I'm not overwhelmed with gratitude. So, what is the little Cub-Scout doing here all by himself?"

"I'm not a Cub-Scout," he retorted.

"If you insist,"

Kim said with a grin, "Still, I'd think Zordon would have some sense to send an adult

into combat instead of a puny kid."

"I can take care of myself!" Justin yelled, taking a fighting stance. Kimberly doubled over with laughter.

"Oh, that's rich!"

she laughed, her eyes tearing. Justin frowned angrily as Kimberly made fun of him. "Fine, we'll see what kind of a man...uh, Smurf

, you really are!"

Justin ran at Kimberly, and tried to side-kick her. But she blocked the attack, and swept him off his other foot, knocking him to the concrete floor. Justin got up and tried to punch her in the stomach, but she caught his hand in hers, and squeezed. Justin winced as he felt bones breaking.

"Well, that was about as challenging as stepping on an ant,"

Kim chuckled. Justin's eyes flared as he focused his strength into one kick, hitting Kimberly in the shin. Her smile fell as she released the boy, and touched her shin gently. She growled and glared at him, who had already summoned his Turbo Morpher.

"Now it's time for a fair fight!" he cried, "Mountain Blaster Turbo Power!!"

Kimberly yawned dramatically as Justin transformed into the Blue Turbo Ranger.

"So you've grown a foot,"

Kim said, taking a fighting stance as well, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall."

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