» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/The Spectrum Force/Sailor Moon - The Preliminaries Volume 5, Heather Ray [historical books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/The Spectrum Force/Sailor Moon - The Preliminaries Volume 5, Heather Ray [historical books to read .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Excerpt from The Terran Power Rangers Saga Volume 1: A New Era

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Tommy, Billy, Kat, Tanya, and Adam, stood helplessly and watched as the Command Center, their home base, was destroyed right before their eyes. All five youths watched in terror as the building erupted in a massive implosion, apparently taking their friend Alpha Five and their mentor Zordon along with it. After the dust settled, the five teens snapped out of their initial shock, and realized for the first time that their days as Power Rangers were over -- forever.

"I can't believe it," whispered Adam, sifting through a small pile of rubble. "It's all gone. Zordon, Alpha, the zords, the Morphin Grid...everything."

"What do we do now?" asked Katherine, turning to Tommy.

"I don't kn--wait a minute. Where's Rocky?!"

All six of the teens immediately begin combing the area where Alpha had teleported them. SInce it was a blind teleport (there wasn't time for Alpha to lock in coordinates)

, Rocky could be anywhere: in a rock or a tree, or even underground. He could've even materialized in mid air, and then crashed to the ground.

"Guys!" cried Tanya, digging frantically at a pile of rubble, "I think he's under here! I can hear breathing!"

Soon, the entire group began digging at the pile, and together they managed to free Rocky. He was bleeding from various cuts and bruises, and he was unconscious. Tommy and Billy laid Rocky flat on the ground and Adam began to check him over.

"He's alive," Adam said with relief, "and his heartbeat is strong. Still, his leg looks like it may be broken, and he may have a concussion."

"We've got to get him medical help!" said Tanya.

"The Command Center has been destroyed, and with it our powers. We can't teleport, so wherever we go, we'll have to carry Rocky."

"My house is the closest," said Billy, "and I have the necessary supplies to treat any infectious injuries. We should go there."

"Let's go then," said Adam, picking up Rocky's torso. Tommy lifted his legs. Together, they carried Rocky down the cliff, and towards the city. Billy took one more glance at the wreckage of the Command Center, and bowed his head to pay respects to the lost. He then noticed a single, intact floppy disk on the ground beneath him. He picked it up and examined it with curiosity.

"Are you coming, Billy?" asked Kat, moving back up the cliff to join him.

"Yes," he answered hurriedly, carefully putting the disk in his jeans' pocket. I wonder if Zordon left this for us to see.

In Billy's garage, Tanya bandaged Rocky's wounds while Adam splinted his broken leg. The others watched helplessly, not noticing Billy, who was busy on his computer, trying to read the disk he found at the Command Center.

"Well, that's that," said Adam, standing up and stretching his back. "He should get this taken care of, though. This make-shift splint isn't a cast, ya know."

"Right," said Tanya, "and he still hasn't waken up yet. We should get him to the hospital."

"Fine," said Tommy, picking up Billy's phone, "we'll call an ambulance. But, we need to come up with a story first. After all, we can't tell the paramedics that Rocky was caught in an implosion, now can we?"

"Wait a minute!" yelled Billy, turning away from the computer screen, "I think you guys should see this!"

Katherine, Tommy, and Tanya walked over to Billy, while Adam took a seat next to Rocky.

"What've you got there?" asked Tanya, peering over Billy's shoulder at the computer.

"I found a floppy disk by the debris of the Command Center," explained Billy, "I've tried to access it, but the intro screen is all I can get. See? I need a password to enter the file."

"How do you know the disk is for us?" asked Kat.

"Well, look at the screen. The disk is titled 'The Future of Earth'


"I don't understand," said Tanya.

"Zordon once told us that we are Earth's future," said Tommy, rubbing his chin in thought. "So, if the disk is meant for us, the password should be something only we would know."

"How about 'Power Rangers'

?" suggested Katherine.

"Or 'Its Morphin Time'

?" said Tommy.

"No," said Billy, punching the keys in frustration, "none of those are right!"

"Let me try," said Adam, standing up and taking Billy's seat in front of the keyboard. He typed in a message, and the file opened.

"What was the password?" asked Tanya.

"What Zordon tells us each time we go into battle -- May the Power protect you


"Good work," said Tommy, "both of you. Now, Billy, see what's on this disk. If it's from Zordon, it may contain a clue to a new power source."

"I'm on it," said Billy, immediately getting to work. Just then, there was a knock on the door. The teens all looked towards the door in surprise.

"Everyone, stay quiet," said Billy. "My Dad'll flip if he sees what we're doing in here."

The five teens remained silent until they heard a key unlocking the door. The door opened slowly, and in walked Jason Lee.

"Hey, guys," he greeted. "Didn't you hear me knocking?"

"Jason!" yelled Tommy, giving his best friend a bear hug. "What're you doing here? When did you get back from the Peace Conference? Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?"

"One question at a time," said Jason, laughing. "The first round of the Peace Talks are over, so we get a month off before the second round starts. Zack and I wanted to surprise everyone, so we flew in and took a cab. We're on our way home from the airport, and we decided to drop in on you guys. Zack's outside in the taxi."

"Where's Trini?" asked Billy after greeting his long time friend.

"She went with a group of delegates to the Middle East to promote the message of peace. So, what's going on here anyway? What happened to Rocky?"

The rangers' smiles immediately fell. Tommy stepped forward. "I've got some bad news, Bro. The Command Center has been destroyed. Rocky was injured in the explosion."

Jason's chin dropped in shock, and he sat down in a chair beside the couch Rocky was lying on.

"I don't believe it," he said quietly. "And Zordon and Alpha--?"

"We don't know," said Katherine quietly, "Alpha teleported us out of the Command Center just before the explosion. When we searched the wreckage, we didn't see a sign of either of them. Hopefully, they managed to escape somehow..."

Jason studied the face of the unfamiliar blonde girl speaking to him. She had an obvious Australian accent.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking up at her face, "but I don't think I know you."

"I'm Katherine Hillard, the new Pink Ranger," she said cheerily, shaking Jason's hand. "Now, we've been properly introduced."

"I'm Jason, the original Red Ranger," he said with a smile. "Nice to meet you. So, what happened to Kim? She isn't hurt, is she?"

"No, Kimberly went to the Pan-Global gymnastics meet," explained Tommy, "I'm surprised she hasn't kept in touch with you guys."

"Well, the mail service isn't that dependable," said Jason with a shrug.

"Hi," said Tanya, offering her hand, "we haven't met either. I'm Tanya. Aisha sent me in her place.

"Wow," said Jason. "The team really changed since I left."

"Tommy!" called Billy, "Here's the message:

Enter the manhole by the stairs


"What message?" asked Jason.

"Zordon left us a message," said Adam, standing up. "And it looks like there's something in the sewer system beneath the Command Center he wants us to find. We should get going."

"But, what about Rocky?" asked Tanya. "We have to do something! We can't leave him here alone."

"I'll stay with him," offered Katherine. "Contact me when you find something."

"Okay, guys," said Tommy, headed for the door. "Let's go. Jay, you picked a bad time to visit..."

"Actually, Zack and I got here just in time. We'll go with you!"

"Are you sure, Bro? This isn't your responsibility anymore..."

"Its not about responsibility, it's about friendship. I really wanna know if Zordon and Alpha are okay, and maybe I can help you guys. Come on, we'll take the taxi over to the cliffs."

With that, Jason, Tommy, Zack, Billy, Adam, and Tanya left the garage. Katherine waved to them and wished them luck.

Character Thesaurus

So, you wanted to know about the characters in this book? )(That is....if you don't know them already!)

That is why I created this character thesaurus for you all! Enjoy!

The Terran Rangers

Kimberly Hart - Pink Power Ranger

Full Name:

Kimberly Hart
Ranger Designation:

Pink Power Ranger

Power Bow, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Pterodactyl Dino Thunderzord

Kimberly was one of the five Rangers originally chosen by Zordon to protect the Earth against Rita Repulsa. She was given the Pterodactyl Power Coin and ability to morph into the Pink Ranger and control of the Pterodactyl Dino Thunderzord. Once ditzy and materialistic, Kimberly has evolved into a strong, confident, and caring person. A kind and compassionate soul, Kim cares a great deal about her friends, and will not take kindly to anyone messing with them. Her weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Pink Ranger, Kim gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection.

Billy Cranston - Blue Power Ranger

Full Name:

Billy Cranston
Ranger Designation:

Blue Power Ranger

Power Lance, Blade

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