» Science Fiction » Sylent Nyght, Amber Riel [bill gates books recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «Sylent Nyght, Amber Riel [bill gates books recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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“The sky…. Clouds…. Trees…. Birds…. All of the above.”         

Chris kind of laughed.  “Of course, dork.”         

“Dork?  What?”         

“Sam, have you talked to Bradly at all any?”         

“Yea, he’s really upset that Evlyn’s dating Riley instead of him.”         

“That must be why he hasn’t been to work.  Cormick wants to get a team together to look for that crazy murderer and Bradly’s on the list of people he wants to work.”         

“Oh.  Cormick’s kind of mad about him missing work then.  Huh?”         

“Somewhat but he’s too much of a nice guy to fire him so he might just get a warning like always.”         

“Do you think that murderer chick has a boyfriend?”         

“Yea…. Who knows she might be married so you might want to back off.”         

“I love the bad girls.”         

“And everyone thinks I’m an idiot.  We don’t even know what she looks like.  All we know is that we can’t do anything to hurt her.  It’s strange.”         

“Twilight Zone.”         

Chris laughed.  “Well I’m going to go meet my girl.”         

“When do I get to meet your girlfriend?”         

“Let me think; never.  You might try to steal her from me.”         

“That’s not…. Okay maybe it is.  I’m just joking.  The girl I’ve got my eye on though is Kiley.”         

“Yea, good luck with that.”         

“What’s that supposed to mean?”         

“Nothing.”  Chris left.



Raymond opened up a window and leaned out of it a little.  “I’m surprised that the cops aren’t at the Willis’s house anymore.  That’s weird.  Hm…. They think they’re going to find evidence but they’re not.”


Nyght stared at the clock, waiting patiently.  Ready for the next job but all she waited for was time.  She waited for the right moment to leave.  Raymond walked into the room and noticed his wife was watching the clock.  “The baby’s sleeping.  Waiting to go huh?”         

She turned her attention toward her husband.         

“Of course, you should find something else to make the time fly instead of watching the clock because it’s never going to change.”         

The woman turned her attention back toward the clock.         

“Okay if you find watching the clock to be exciting then go for it but it’s not going to change anytime soon.”         

The numbers on the clock changed and Nyght pointed at it, kind of smiling at Raymond.         

Raymond returned the smile.  “That doesn’t count.”



Evlyn prepared for bed, thinking about the day while she lay down.  Wow.  Fun day…. But it doesn’t keep the murders from entering my mind.  It’s crazy.



Cormick worked his way around a small store when Jayden walked in and spotted him.  “Hey, chief, what’s up?”         

“Just getting a snack and a movie to watch…. I’ve been going crazy the past few weeks.  And I need a break from investigating the crime scenes.  It feels like we’re not getting anywhere and it’s aggravating,” Cormick replied.         

“Yea I agree.  It’s crazy.  Has anyone had any luck with finding anyone with a bullet hole in their head?” 

“None at all…. And the only mute in town doesn’t have a hole in her head so we scratched her off the list.”         

“Oh yea; that’s right the new doctor’s wife is a mute.  Well, that just means we have to keep looking until we get more answers after all that’s our jobs.”         

“I just wish I knew who was next on that list so we can get them to safety before the murderer strikes again.”         

“Yea but even if we did know who was next we wouldn’t know when the murderer would strike so we’d have to keep an eye on them twenty-four/seven.”         

“Yea but it would be worth it.”



Leanna had been at home, stuck on the phone for about an hour or so.  “Don’t worry,” she told the other person, “mom…. Yea I’m fine…. Mom…. Yes, mom…. Yea…. I know…. Mom…. I’m tired and ready for bed…. Yew, mom…. He’s my boss…. And what about dad?  Huh?  What?  Oh, mom…. Okay…. Okay…. Yea…. Okay…. Mom…. I’m going to go now bye…. Mom, I’m tired and ready for bed…. I want to sleep…. I need…. Okay fine…. You give me no choice….” She hung up the phone, tired and aggravated by her talkative mother.  “Sorry, mom, but I need to sleep,” she whispered to the phone.  She lay down but before she could close her eyes the phone rang.  “Are you kidding me?” she answered the phone.  “What?  Mom…. Look I need to sleep…. What?  What are you talking about?  Oh…. Your soap of course…. Mom, it’s just a TV show…. They’re not real people and besides…. I’m just going to let you go…. Okay bye.”  She hung up the phone again for the second time.  She lay down and closed her eyes.         

The phone began ringing for the third time.         

“Really?” she answered it again.  “What is it now, mom?” she asked, tired and annoyed.         

“There was a drive-by,” Evlyn’s voice spoke with fear and worry.         


“Yea…. And little Sally was shot.”         

“That’s horrible.  We better go.  Is the child okay?”         

“I don’t know, just got the call from Cormick.”         

“Do you think that the drive-by has to deal with the murderer?”         

“No.  I remembered she had a lot of swords and ninja stars but no guns.  I find that to be odd.  But yea and not only that but I think she likes to run and not use a car.”         

“That’s true.  We better get down there, make sure little Sally’s okay.”         




Cormick watched the ambulance drive away.  The lights flashed and the sirens sounded on the moving vehicle which had picked up speed.  Evlyn and Leanna arrived at the scene, worried.  “How is she?” Leanna asked.         

“Well,” Cormick answered, saddened by the scene, “she’s going to be paralyzed but we got here just in time.  She’s going to live.”         

“That’s a relief.  I mean I wish she didn’t have to be paralyzed,” Evlyn replied, “but at least she survived.” 


“Well, Cormick,” Leanna replied, “seeing that you’re here, my mom wanted me to tell you that she has a crush on you.”         

Cormick raised his eyebrows.  “Tell your mom that she’s a nice lady but I don’t want to lead her on and not only that but I can’t do that to your dad.”         

“Oh.  Yea about that, I just found out that my parents are swingers so I don’t think that my dad cares.” 

“That’s awkward.”         

“Tell me about it.  I’m sleepy, anyone willing to drive me home ‘cause I’m going to be falling asleep at the wheel if I drive?”         

“You can ride with me,” Evlyn offered.         


“How’d you get here then?” Cormick asked.         

“Oh I just called Calvin to drop me off.  I love him.”

Who's Next?

Nyght prepared for the next kill.  She placed her belt around her waist then the cape around her neck.  She placed each sword in the sheath they had belonged in on her back.  Then she placed the smaller knives in the pouches on the belt along with the ninja stars.         

“I figure that Cormick’s going to be in his office at the police station,” Raymond explained.  “He seems a bit like a workaholic but there’s that chance that he could be at home.  Go to his house first.  If he’s not there then go to his office.”         

Nyght nodded.         

“He seems like he’s the kind of person who lives at his job than his own home.  But it’s still a good idea to check both just in case I’m wrong.”         

Rocky scurried into the room and jumped onto the bed, wagging his tail.         

“Hello, little guy.”  Raymond smiled.  “You want to play?”         

Rocky barked.         

“I’ll take that as a yes.”  The man went to leave the room but waked over to Nyght first.  “Have fun tonight.”         

They shared a kiss.         

“I’ll probably be asleep by the time you get home so I’ll just see you in the morning.”         

Nyght nodded.         

Raymond left the room, followed by the mutt.



Nyght made her way to Cormick’s house.  She searched inside, making sure that the cop wasn’t home.  Once she knew he was at his office, she left.



Cormick sat behind his desk, thinking.  “Who’s your next target?” he asked himself almost as if he was talking to the murderer herself.  “I want to know so I can send help to them.”  He looked into his empty coffee mug.  Hm…. I think I’ll have some more coffee.  He stood and then left the room, closing the door. 

Nyght waited for him to walk past her.  She worked her way into the man’s office, leaving the door open.  She hid in the shadows, waiting for the cop to return.



Cormick walked to the room, noticing that the door was opened.  That’s odd.  I could have sworn I shut the door.  He thought for a moment then shrugged it off.  Oh well.  He walked into the room and over to his desk.         

Nyght watched him, waiting.         

Cyrus Cooperation still number one war weapons inventor, he read, picking up the newspaper which lay on his desk.  Interesting….         

Nyght tried to move without making a sound, knocking over the trash can.         

Cormick’s attention flew

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