» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [life books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [life books to read TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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he thought to himself as he stared out at the barren wasteland of the planet, I never

liked her! She was always a second-rate witch, who was more like a pain in the neck than an ally! I banished her from my sight, and condemned her to life in a dumpster, for her failure to defeat the Power Rangers. And then the next time I see her, I declare everlasting love, and marry her?! That makes no sense! A being such as myself cannot feel love. I may desire power, and fame, and to be feared throughout the cosmos, but I do not desire Rita. I hate her. There is only one woman I desire...

Lord Zedd's thoughts stray to the image of a young human woman, who was the original Pink Power Ranger. Although she was pure and innocent, she was also strong and determined. She had potential in his eyes.

But, she managed to escape when I sent Goldar to kidnap her, and make her my wife,

he thought angrily. The spell I had Goldar cast on her didn't work, because her heart already belonged to someone else, making her immune to it.

Zedd's visor began to glow scarlet as his thoughts turned to another subject -- Tommy Oliver.

Ooo, I hate him the most!

he thought furiously. He always managed to survive every attack I focused on him! Every time I tried to destroy him, he came back better and more powerful than before! Nothing I do to him has an effect! I must find his one weakness -- the way to destroy him >from the inside! I can't destroy his body, but perhaps...I'm focusing on the wrong thing. Perhaps the way to defeat the Red Zeo Ranger is not through combat...but heartbreak


If Lord Zedd could smile, he would be doing so at this moment. He left the balcony, and hurried to his bedchambers.

If I can separate Kimberly from Tommy, I'll be killing two birds with one stone! I can then make Kimberly my wife, because her love for Tommy will not be able to protect her, and also I can destroy Tommy by taking away the one thing he truly loves! The perfect revenge! But in order for this to work, I must make both miserable, without using a spell. A spell would be too obvious, and it wouldn't have a lasting effect. I've already cast spells on both, making them hate each other, but it didn't work. Spells can always be broken. Tommy must feel Kimberly doesn't love him, and Kimberly must feel Tommy doesn't love her. Perhaps, if I created a clone of Kimberly to break up with Tommy? No, too obvious. A letter, maybe? Yes! But it must be the perfect forgery! A letter to Tommy from Kimberly, telling him that she has found someone else. And she has! I will make her my queen, and together, we can conquer the cosmos!

Chapter Three

Wednsday, February 12, 1997

In the Gym and Juice Bar in Angel Grove, California, Tommy Oliver, Katherine Hillard, Billy Mitchell, Rocky DeSantos, Tanya Sloan, and Adam Park are relaxing and enjoying themselves. Tommy is busy bench-pressing, while the others watch and cheer him on.

"Okay," said Rocky, "you got two more sets. You ready?"

"I was born ready," said Tommy enthusiastically, rolling up his sleeves and laying back down on the bench. The gang watched as Tommy lifted the weights and counted aloud. Meanwhile, Ernie walks towards the group, holding a small white envelope with a Florida postmark.

"Hey Tommy," he called, "a letter came for you."

"Its from Kimberly," Billy added with a smile. The determined expression on Tommy's face instantly disappeared, leaving a wide grin.

"Cool. Hey Adam, could you do me a favor and read it?" he asked, looking back at his friend in the green shirt, "I have one more set to do."

"You got it," said Adam, taking the letter and opening it.

"'Dear Tommy,

everything is going great here in Florida. Coach Schmidt has me as ready as I'll ever be for the competition.'"

"Man," said Rocky, "Kimberly is gonna do great!"

"What else does she say?" asked Tanya.

"'Tommy, this is the hardest letter that I'll ever write,'"

read Adam, a frown crossing his face. Everyone in the group listened carefully to the remainder of the letter. Adam continued.

"'You've always been my best friend, and in some ways you're like a brother to me. But, something has happened here that I can't explain. Its both been wonderful and painful at the same time. Tommy, I've met someone else--'"

Adam stopped short, and looked up from the letter, his dark eyes wide with shock. Tommy, who was in the middle of a lift, nearly dropped the weight. He set down the dumbbell and sat up.

"What?!" exclaimed Katherine. "That can't be right!"

"Tommy," said Adam uncomfortably, "maybe you should finish this another time?"

"Let me see," said Tommy, nearly snatching the letter from his friend.

"'Tommy, you know I would never do anything to hurt you, but I feel like I've found the person...I belong with. He's wonderful, kind, and caring. You'd really like him...'"

Tommy chuckled bitterly at that statement, his hazel eyes starting to sting. With great pain, he continued to read.

"'Everything would be perfect if it weren't for hurting you. But, I have to follow my heart. I'll always care about you Tommy. Please forgive me.


Tommy's voice had lowered greatly as he read, to the point where it was a barely audible whisper. He squeezed his eyes tightly, and slowly folded the letter. His proud shoulders were uncharacteristically slumped, and his face was hidden by loose strands of chestnut brown hair.

"You alright?" asked Billy gently.

"Huh?" asked Tommy, snapping back to reality. "Yeah."

Tommy rose to his feet, and turned to face his friends, managing to stay focused on the ground, "I uh, I have to go, um, I'll uh...catch up with you guys later."

Then, the valiant leader of the Power Rangers hurried out of the Youth Center, not looking anyone in the eye. The remaining teens watched him go, completely stunned. Katherine bit her lower lip, and cast her crystal blue eyes to the ground. She had just locked eyes with Tommy for a brief moment, but that's all she needed. The expression of pain and betrayal spoke volumes, and seeing their leader close to tears caused her heart to break.

Chapter Four

In Angel Grove Park, Tommy sits beneath a large maple tree, gazing out at the still waters of the lake. He rises to his feet, and walks along the shore, his cheeks wet with tears. As he walked, he came across a large stone slab, surrounded by flowers and grass. He smiled weakly when he remembered the day he lost his Green Ranger powers for the first time. That day, he came to this very spot, to practice his martial arts outside. He was feeling weak and depressed, much like he's feeling right now. He felt like his life was over. At least, until She came, and startled him out of his reverie. Earlier that day, Tommy had decided that he would ask his charming, beautiful pink teammate to an upcoming dance, but when the opportunity rose, he was attacked by Putties. Now, he felt more self-conscious than ever, and looked away from Kimberly's doe-eyes, for fear of losing himself in their golden shimmer. Kimberly herself decided to take the first step to starting a relationship between them. Ever so shyly, she started a conversation, that culminated in a tender kiss, which finally released all the emotions both had kept hidden since the day they met.

Believe it or not, it was the happiest day in Tommy's life. Even though he had lost his powers, the loss was coupled by a great gain-- the knowledge that Kimberly Hart loved him. To this day, Tommy had looked at that special stone with fondness. It was where his life truly began. He gained unsurpassed strength that day, even though his powers were gone. That inner strength, that he never really knew was there, showed itself time and time again-- especially when Kimberly was in danger. That strength and self-confidence helped him mature, and grow into a fitting candidate for the White Ranger powers later on, and even the leadership of the Power Rangers. He owed it all to Kimberly, and the kiss by the lake.

Tommy touched the stone with his fingertips, and let a single tear drip down his chin, and splash onto its cold, smooth surface. Tommy then looked again towards the lake, and saw on its still waters Kimberly, wearing her heartwarming, tender, and inviting smile. That smile is what drew him to her the day they met, and he would do anything just to see that smile cross her face. Tommy wiped his cheeks with his sleeve, and picked up a pebble from the shore. He threw it into the water, disturbing the still surface, and breaking up the image. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He jumped a little when a warm hand lightly touched his shoulder.

"Tommy," said a gentle Australian voice, "are you okay?"

Tommy quickly wiped his face with his hands and turned around, and saw Katherine, looked at him worriedly.

"Yeah," he said. Katherine wasn't so easily convinced.

"Everyone's really worried about you."

"I'm sorry," he said, looking to the side, "but I just don't get it. I mean, Kimberly's never mentioned anything in her other letters or phone calls." He added weakly, "Until now."

"I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better," Kat said with a sigh, "but I know there isn't."

"Thanks anyway," Tommy said with a forced smile.

"Will you call one of us?"

"Yeah, sure," said Tommy, looking back at the water, "No problem."

"You take care," Kat said sternly.

"Yeah," Tommy said absently. Katherine gave up, and walked towards the benches, folding her arms and shaking her head. When she reached the closest bench, she found Billy waiting.

"Hey," she

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