» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [life books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [life books to read TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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away from Renee, "How could he do this to me?! If he loved Kat, all he had to do was tell me! Why couldn't he be honest with me? I would have understood! Why did I have to find out like this?!"

Kimberly once again buried her face in her pillow, shaking violently with sobs. Renee sighed deeply, and left the room quietly. She knocked on her neighbor's door.

"What's up, Renee?" asked Patricia Armstrong, a fellow Pan-Global gymnast.

"Kim needs some time alone," she said, "Do you mind if I hang out in here for a little while? She'll fall asleep soon."
Chapter Thirteen

Lord Zedd roars in laughter, and raises his hands in victory. He is inside the bedroom he shares with Rita, looking into a small, hand-held mirror. But this is no ordinary mirror. It is a special mirror, which allows one to see light years away. It is the only way Zedd could bear witness as his plan takes shape. He laughs as he sees Kimberly sobbing uncontrollably on her pillow, feeling abandoned and alone. He then waves his hand over the mirror's surface, and the image changes. Now, Zedd sees Tommy sitting on his bed, hot tears streaking down his face as he once again reads the letter from Kim. Or at least, the letter he thought was from Kim.

"For once, a plan is working even better than I planned!" he roared, "I was so careful to insure the letter was believable! I stole one of Kimberly's notebooks, to make sure I copied her handwriting accurately! I even transported it into a mailbox in Miami, to insure the proper postmark! Now, the mighty leader of the Power Rangers is reduced to a sobbing, heartbroken, pathetic little boy, and my future Queen is ready for the next phase of my plan. Now, all I have to do is get to Earth. If I take Serpentera, its warp speed engine can get me to Earth in a matter of days!"

Just then, Rita Repulsa walks into the bedroom, yawning and stretching her arms. She glances over at her husband curiously.

"What are you up to, Zeddie?" she asked him. He growled quietly.

Why did she

have to show up?! I don't need her incessant whining to ruin my good mood!

"My latest plan is taking shape," he said, "I'm about to destroy the Zeo Rangers. And, I'm doing it alone."

"Excuse me?!" she yelled, "Just what is THAT supposed to mean?!"

"It means this: I have no idea why I married you, but I've changed my mind! I can't deal with your annoying voice, your chronic headaches, or that dictator you call a father a day longer! I'm taking Serpentera, and leaving. Hopefully, our paths will never cross again."

With that Zedd left the room. Rita stormed after him in a heated rage.

"Just WHO

do you think you are?!" she barked, "What gives you the right to boss ME


"Before I was your husband, Repulsa, I was your master. Remember your place. If I see you again, you'll be floating aimlessly in a space dumpster before long!"

Rita stayed back, and watched as Lord Zedd went to the docking bay. She growled angrily, and stormed through the halls of the palace.

"Finster!" she screeched, "FINSTER!!!"

Meanwhile, Lord Zedd boarded Serpentera, the collossal zord easily dwarfing any Ultra-Megazord the Power Rangers put together. He then activated the engines, and plotted a course towards Earth.

"Now, all I have to do is sit back and relax," he said, doing just that, "In less than seventy-two hours, I'll be back on the Moon! Then, Serpentera will eliminate those blasted Machines, and I'll lay claim to my planet!"

Through the corner of his eye, Zedd noticed a flashing red light. He rose to his feet, and checked the console. His visor glowed a blinding scarlet.


he roared, "There isn't enough power for me to reach Earth and attack the Machines! But, all is not lost. If I fly at a slower speed, I should be able to conserve power. But, instead of taking seventy-two hours to reach Earth, it'll take no less than three months! I suppose it doesn't matter. After all, what is three months to a being who has lived for ten-thousand years? Besides, victory is already guaranteed. I am a patient being. I can wait, to get what I want. I won't fly to the Moon using full power, and then sit there like a lame duck as the Machine Empire destroy a powerless vessel. No mess-ups this time around..."

Chapter Fourteen

Monday, February 17, 1997

It's past noon, and Kimberly hasn't gotten out of bed. She is certainly awake, but she won't respond when people talk to her. She's already missed morning practice, and Coach Schmidt asked Renee what was the matter. Renee explained that Kim's having personal problems, but she didn't go into it. Now, between the morning and afternoon practices, Renee returned to her apartment, and threw her hands on her hips.

"Kimberly Anne Hart," she commanded, "Get your little Californian butt out of bed! You've already missed three hours of practice! Everyone wants to know where you are!"

"I don't care," Kimberly whispered from underneath her covers, "I don't care about anything anymore."

Renee frowned and pulled away the blanket Kim was hiding under. Kim shrieked and sat up.

"What are you doing?!" she yelled. Renee looked down on her.

"What are YOU

doing?!" she responded, "Kim, look at yourself! You're a mess!"

"Don't you think I should be? My God 'Ne, my life is over!!"

"No its not," said Renee, sitting down beside Kim, "Okay, so you and Tommy aren't a couple anymore. Big deal. Life goes on."

"But, I loved him," Kim choked, "I still love him..."

"Well, get over it! Look Kim, you can't let him get to you. He used you, and then dropped you as soon as someone else came along who can boost his ego! You don't need him!"

"Oh, 'Ne," she sobbed, "I don't know how to face him next week..."

"Well, then don't

face him next week! No one said you have to go to Angel Grove during vacation. You can go visit your mother in Paris. Paris is a beautiful city, and you'll have fun and spend time with people who really care about you."

"But what about my other friends? I can't just forget them."

"Why not? After all, they're Tommy's friends too. They must have known he was seeing Kat, and if they were truly your friends, they would have told you he was cheating. Look Kim, something similar happened to me. My best friend was seeing my boyfriend as soon as I left Jersey to study under Coach Schmidt. Who needs friends that stab you in the back? It's not too late to change your plans, Kim. After the Pan-Globals, you can go to Paris, and start all over. It's probably better this way. I know its cruel, but at least you can just leave that part of your life behind you and move on."

"Renee, I've never felt so alone in my whole life."

"Don't act like you can never love again," said Renee with a sigh, "I know its hard for you to believe right now, but Tommy isn't the only guy in the world. There just happens to be a handsome assistant coach who's had his eye on you since you got here."

"Oh, Renee," Kim said, "how can I even think about going out with Trevor?!"

"Why not?" said Renee simply, "Tommy doesn't seem to have a problem going out with Katherine, who you thought

was your friend. You gotta be strong, Girl. I can tell you're a survivor. You'll get through this. And me, Trevor, your parents, the Coach, and the rest of team is here for you. We'll help you get through this. I promise."

"Thanks, 'Ne," said Kim, giving her roommate a hug, "What would I do without you?"

"Good question," Renee joked. Kimberly managed a small smile.

Chapter Fifteen

As the months passed, both Kimberly and Tommy slowly healed from the heartbreak. Kimberly focused on her gymnastics, as well as put an extra effort to forge relationships with the other Pan-Global athletes. She even went out with Trevor Monroe from time to time, much to Renee's content. As the Pan-Global Games approached, Kim was in top shape, and ready for the challenge. But, she had cut herself completely from Angel Grove, Calfornia. She didn't visit, didn't call her friends, and even went so far as to take all the photographs of them off her desk, and hide them in the back of her closet. And the stuffed white tiger, that Tommy had won for her at carnival, was thrown away. As far as Kim was concerned, Tommy Oliver didn't exist.

Tommy also moved on with his life. He began to date Katherine Hillard, and they have grown very close. Also, he was kept busy by the Machine Empire, who increased the frequency of their attacks as time passed. Although he did still think about Kimberly, the pain subsided substantially. He was in love with Katherine now, and he didn't hold anything against Kimberly for dumping him. There was still some unfinished business between them, but Tommy had great difficulty facing that. Whenever he tried to pick up the telephone and call her, he lost his nerve. He was afraid of what she'd say. After

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