» Science Fiction » Complex Existance, John Pallister [howl and other poems txt] 📗

Book online «Complex Existance, John Pallister [howl and other poems txt] 📗». Author John Pallister

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you say?”
“Is he dead?”
I’m Pete Slant we have been tracking this boy for a while; we need to see the body.
Reluctantly the boss agreed and Pete was shown him.
He turned to his colleague and pulled him aside.
“I’ve been waiting for this for 20 years.”
“Is it him?”
“Yes he’s wearing the same clothes from 20 years ago.”
“But are you sure it was 20 years ago since you last saw the boy.”
The two chatted for a while and asked to see all the possessions that were taken off the body, he wanted the watch; it wasn’t there.
Pete spoke harshly again.
“Was there a watch on the boy?”
“No just a wallet with some old notes, some outdated coins and a disk, but it’s ruined.”
“I don’t understand, there should be a watch.”
He stood still for a while until he was knocked to the floor. PC Compton was going berserk.
“What’s going on, I saw him, and he’s alive, there’s two of him, it’s his ghost.”
“What’s he talking about?” Pete asked as the officers held him.
“Oh he thinks he saw the boy about 30 minutes ago, but the bodies been dead for well over 2 hours.”
“Really?” Pete quizzed.
“Right this is now a classified case you must leave the area at once; oh and Compton which way did the boy go?”
“So you believe me then?”
“No comment.”
“He headed towards Lucien Street.”
“Clarke I want you to do a sweep of the area, we need to find out where the boy went, he doesn’t understand the concepts of time travel, he could do great danger.”

The documentary carried on and named the scientist as Ben Holmes it carried on to say that on February 15th 1976 he mysteriously vanished. Conspiracy said he was bumped off, but his body was never recovered. It then got deeper explaining details of Einstein’s theories and that time travel could be possible.
A few extracts were shown from Back to the future and the time tunnel series.
Tommy smiled he loved the time tunnel. He was intrigued about the scientist and 1976.
“Can I have details on things to do?”
“Certainly there’s the Water wells museum., The 70’s experience, the sex shop, the swimming gala, the bus tour, the…”
“Ok lots then. Tell me more about the 70’s experience.”
“Well read for yourself.”
A piece of paper appeared from out the wall like magic, Tommy read it.

“Live the 70’s experience, change your money to 70’s notes and coins then play on arcade games, view some of the best cars, listen to the music, then read about events that happened. There’s a bar to wash all your sorrows away and a view of the town church.

Tommy had an idea he had exactly £400 left in his wallet. He was going to visit the museum change some money to 70’s money then somehow work out how to use the watch and find out more about Ben Holmes. Again curiosity would probably kill him, but he was in deep now.

“Spare a little change?” A tramp said.
“I’ll give you £20 if you can tell me some information on a boy who might have come past here.”
Pete reluctantly agreed he was desperate.
“There was this boy in old retro trousers a hoodie with an ancient band from about the year 2000, who was it; System of a down or something? He went into the glazier hotel.
Pete gave him the money and smiled to Clark.
“We’ve got him, let’s get the watch.”
The two men reached into their pockets for their guns, to make sure they were concealed. This was the worst part having to kill the boy because he knew too much. If anybody saw them kill him they would be charged with murder so they had to do it discreetly. They opened the door, hearts pounding.
The woman smiled and asked them if she could help.
“Yes we’re looking for a boy with old retro clothes on, we’re his relatives, his Mum’s not well, and we need to see him.”
The woman paused and caught a glimpse of Clarke’s gun hiding in his coat, she nervously lied.
“Yes he went out about 10 minutes ago.”
The two men thanked her
“Did he say where he was going?”
“I’m not his keeper; guests are free to do whatever they want.”
The two men were about to leave when Tommy came down the stairs, the men didn’t see him.
The receptionist looked nervous and Clark picked up on this, but didn’t say.
“Let’s go Clark” Pete said.
The two men left a second before Tommy came down the stairs. The receptionist called him over.
“What’s up?” Tommy asked.
“There are two men outside with guns they are looking for you, you can’t come back here. I’m Jane Summers I’ve got a spare set of keys to my flat your quite happy to go back there.”
Tommy paused for a second, quite shocked, who was after him?
“Why are you doing this? I’m Tommy”
“We’ll let’s just say I like your style of clothes.”
“I’ll be back at 6:00 tonight you can stay the night then go off where ever you want. You’re not a mad man are you?” she joked.
“No fare from it.”
Outside Clark spoke
“That girl looked nervous we should go back in.”
Pete agreed and they both stepped through the door, they caught a glimpse of somebody leaving through the side exit.
“Who just went past, was it the boy?”
“I don’t know” Jane said anxiously.
“Quick follow him”
The two men rushed after Tommy.
Tommy oblivious that he was being followed stopped to look at a street map; where was this 70’s experience? He noticed that it wasn’t far. He was puzzled, why somebody was after him, but didn’t care; pretty soon he would have the money and could travel back to 1976. ‘What an adventure.’

“Keep him in view, but don’t let him know we are following.” Pete said.
“OK!” Clark replied
The two men followed Tommy through the back streets.
“I can hit him from here.”
“No not yet, there’s too many people’s houses around, you’ll have your opportunity.”
Tommy reached the museum it; it was a big building bigger than he thought it would be.
“Hello sir, how much money do you want to change?”
“400 please?”
She gave Tommy the 70’s money and told him he could see the cars of the era. He agreed and was lead to a room. There were no other people viewing. The cars were in perfect condition, they must be worth a fortune.
Pete and Clark turned up at the desk.
“How much money do you want to change?”
“Oh £5”
“Cheap skate” She giggled.
“I’ll take you to view the cars first.”
The two men stepped through the door, Tommy noticed them in the corner of his eye. He ran for the exit.
“Halt or I’ll shoot.”
Tommy froze.
“What do you want?” He screamed.
“We just want the watch.”
Tommy put his hand in his pocket and flicked around with the buttons; if only he knew how to use it.
Clark lost his temper and fired his gun, the bullet moved in slow motion, straight at Tommy’s stomach. He closed his eyes waiting for it to hit, but it never did, because he had accidentally pressed the button on the watch, he disappeared.
“Damn, he’s got away; he could be in any time.”

Tommy woke, he was still in the building, but the cars were gone and so were the men. He checked the watch ‘January 1st 1976 13:10. How lucky was that? Now all he had to do was waiting until February 15th to find out about Ben Holmes

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

He stood up, what was this building in this time? The room was completely empty, there was a door in the far corner so the best idea was to see if it was open It was open and he stepped out into the street. There were lots of people around and all were oblivious to him coming out the building, he looked up and saw a sign above the door saying “Keep out private property.”
He wondered how he was going to use the watch and what he was going to do for over a month. He fiddled with the watch but he couldn’t change the date. Theoretically he was stuck but he knew that he’d find out how to use it, he had all the time in the world.

Ben Holmes checked out of his hotel heading towards Lucien Street. He was bored working on designing safety equipment for cars. This was not what he wanted. What he really wanted was to work on time travel he believed it possible. He stopped to light up his cigar and hurried up his pace, it was cold and he had quite far to go. He was heading to the Georgetown pub where he had been drinking locally for several years, there he would meet his fellow scientist friends besotted on time travel like him they needed a break; a lucky one at that, but it just wasn’t going to happen.
As he passed the building Tommy had come out of earlier he noticed a few coins on the floor there weren’t many but there was enough to buy a pint. He noticed a few pieces of paper as well. He bent down to pick them up.
It was a sudden shock gasping in amazement the coins were dated with the year 1978 and the other bit of paper was a receipt for some trousers dated 13th January 2003 12:03. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. Then he opened up the last piece of paper and started reading it, it had a diagram and information on how to build a time machine in the shape of a watch. He smiled the equipment listed and the methods seemed easy, it all made sense. He read it in more detail, the last few pages were wet though so some details weren’t there but it didn’t seem to matter. He couldn’t do this himself but the friends he was going to meet now would help him.
Ben hurried up his pace again; He began to run but bumped into Tommy who was coming the other way. Both of them fell over. Ben stood up rubbing his head.
“Sorry mate”
He stared at Tommy’s hoodie it was unusual.
“Cool mate where you get that top from?”
“Oh it was a present.”
“Oh right.”
The two parted in opposite directions both oblivious of the relevance they had to meet.
Tommy carried on walking until some bloke with a flyer stopped him.
“2 for 1 in George Town pub just round the corner”
Tommy quite fancied a drink technically he was under age because he wasn’t even born he thought to himself. It wasn’t hard to find, it was then he suddenly remembered that the George Town pub

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