» Science Fiction » Complex Existance, John Pallister [howl and other poems txt] 📗

Book online «Complex Existance, John Pallister [howl and other poems txt] 📗». Author John Pallister

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The shocked soldiers dropped their guns and just ran out the building. Tommy, Shaun and Clark just stood in disbelief. Even the usual hard case Clark was crying. Pete was like his father always keeping him in touch and looking out for him. How could he be dead?
After a few minutes Shaun spoke quietly
“What are we going to do now?”
“How the hell should I know?” Clark screamed.
“Okay, think carefully, can Ben still use us or did he need all four.
“He only needs one of us to touch our self to create the black hole but the others must be killed as well because otherwise we become linked like him and have similar powers.” Shaun informed them.
“Okay so he has a watch?”
“Yeah he has, so we need to meet him then.”
“How do we get back to our dimension?”
“Our only way to get back is to seal the black hole.”
“How do we do that?” Tommy asked.
“Kill Ben, He’s the creator of this world, when he dies we get sucked through the hole and our bodies morph with the ones in our proper dimension. Then this whole dimension ceases to exist.”
“Let’s do it for Pete” Clark said.
The three searched around for the code set up to talk to Ben over the radio and tune it in. There was static so Tommy spoke.
“Ben, it’s me Tommy.”
“Ahh the little boy who thought he could change time, look at me now, I can have anything.”
“You’ve gone mad; the power has gone to your head.” Tommy sternly replied.
“No a genius, all my life I’ve wanted more than I’ve been given, my mother died giving birth and my Dad was an alcoholic and my two best friends got shot, for your poxy life I can bring them all back and change them.”
“Yeah, but it won’t be the same you must stop this nonsense at once, Pete is dead.”
“WHAT you lie, Where’s Simon’s we had a deal.” He shouted angrily.
“What do you want from me?” Ben asked.
“We want to go home back to our dimension and lead a happy life.” Tommy told him.
“You know that’s impossible if I send you all back then I can’t create the black hole.”
“Forget playing God.”
“Don’t be stupid, I’ll be God with no followers I’ll be a prisoner in my own made dimension.”
Suddenly Tommy heard screaming down the radio. Clark turned to Tommy.
“He’s gone completely mad, he’s psychotic.”
The three agreed.
“Shaun can you get a bearing on Ben’s location using the watch.” Clark demanded.
“Yes I’ve got it; we can transport ourselves to him now; ready?”
“Don’t be silly, not yet we don’t have a plan.”
Tommy signalled quiet, he was thinking, thinking hard. He wasn’t very happy with killing Ben, he wasn’t a murderer but it seemed like the only way to do it.
“What ammunition have we got?”
“Why?” Shaun wanted to know.
“All-out attack, take him by surprise.”
“Sounds good, so we’ll use the watch and end up in the same room as him, we’ll have to act fast.” Clark replied.
Shaun set the location, carefully making sure the time button was 00-00-00, but before he had chance to press the button, they all disappeared.

“Where are we?”
“Oh no, not again?”
“No, we’re not in a vehicle; it’s just a dark room.”
The three of them were in a dark room, it seemed there was a bolted door and there was a speaker above them.
“I’ve been expecting you, once you logged on my location, I was able to get an exact fix on you and divert you here.” Ben laughed.
“What are you going to do?” Clark screamed.
“I’m going to bring the three of you back from your original dimension so that you’ll meet causing the black hole I want. Oh and you can’t escape using the watch I’ve jammed it.”
“How long have we got?” Clark whispered.
“About five minutes before we suffer the worst horrific death ever. We’ll be ripped apart and crushed at the same time.” Shaun informed them.
As they spoke they could feel the strange presence, a magnetic flow across the room, flashing lights as they could just see a portal opening.
“Stay away from the portal and don’t look into it, we’ll last a few more minutes that way.”
“I’ve got to look, I’ve got to look.”
Suddenly the portal started to close and the magnetic flow died down.
“What happened?” Tommy inquired.
All was quite all three were confused about what had happened but none of them complained at least they were still alive. They could hear the keys being turned in the door. They jumped up to defend themselves, a face appeared around the door……..

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

“Hi people remember me? It’s Compton.”
“Compton, how come you’re here?” Clark shouted in joy.
“Well I was working for Ben, but I got a bit suspicious, I don’t know what is going on but I found out that I’m a policeman in your dimension and was helping you to track down Ben.”
“How did you find this out?” Tommy asked.
“Well the thing is in your dimension I saw you dead and then I saw your other self alive when Pete and Clark were looking for you.”
“Yes it makes sense the trauma of seeing the same entity in the same time zone causes a dimension shift, a kind of opposite reaction, but somehow something inside you triggered you to link to the other dimension. You just saved our dimension from going into total chaos.”
“Where’s the idiot Ben?” Clark said pointing his finger in anger.
“He’s tied up, I didn’t know what to do with him, and he’s in the other cell.”
“Good we’re safe.” Clark was pleased.
“Not quite there’s one slight problem.”
“What’s that?” Shaun nodded as if to answer the question.
“Ben needs to be killed.”
“What we can’t kill him in cold blood.”
“Yes we can he’s heartless, he only thinks about himself and he wouldn’t think twice about killing us” Clark was very angry.
The three including Compton sat down. This was the hardest decision of their life’s who was going to do it and how it was going to be done.
“Is there another way?” Compton hoped.
They all sat around a small table trying to think if there was another way, there wasn’t. After about an hour or what seemed like an hour to them, Clark stood up loaded his gun and told the others he would shoot him in the head.
“For God sake I can’t take much more of this.”
He opened the cell door and took a look at Ben.
“Don’t kill me; I only did it to bring back my family. How about we set up dimension here, we’ll destroy throw the watches away and just live in peace.”
“Peace, you don’t know the meaning of it.”
“Yes I do, please, don’t do it, I promise you anything.
“Promising can’t bring Pete back though can it.”
“Yes but if you sacrifice the others to me, I’ll create a dimension where he doesn’t die.”
“Go to hell!!!”
Clark fired three shots into Ben’s cranium, his head slumped back and he fell off the chair dead.
“It’s done. It’s d ---- o -----n -----e.”
All four of them started screaming their skin contorting and they felt like they were being ripped apart. Ben’s body ripped opened and they all got sucked into his body. The process lasted seconds but to them it was hours, it was so painful. Suddenly all went dark and they all passed out.

Tommy awoke first; he was on the bus sitting next to a man. He thought he recognized him, but wasn’t sure. He had had some weird dream. The man got off and he suddenly remembered what had happened. Sure enough just as he predicted the briefcase and disk were on the bus.

Clark woke up rubbing his head,
“Jesus!” He thought
What was going on? Suddenly he realized that he was in a car that had crashed, there was a passenger, it was his colleague and friend Pete.
“Pete, Pete you still alive.”
Pete spoke
“I know the truth; I’m going to a better place.”
Pete died.

Shaun got off the bus then realized that he had left his briefcase on it. He was feeling a bit weird, like he had just had a déjà vu. It all came flooding back to him and he rushed to the college to meet Tommy.

Tommy slipped past the lesson; he wanted to go to the library like before contact Shaun to tell him what was going on. He remembered coming the first time and feeling like some bloke was following him, He was right Shaun was.
Shaun this time called out and they bumped into each other.
“Am I glad to see you, listen you have to destroy the plans and watch.”
“Yes I will.”
“What do you think happened to the others especially Jane?” Tommy wanted to know.
“Jane probably isn’t born yet, she was only 20, 20 years in the future.

Compton sighed a big relief. He was feeling better now and even the doctor said that his brief psychotic episode about coming from another dimension was all part of the illness. He had chosen to forget the things that happened even though he still thought they were true. He was just happy to go back to work.

Tommy’s phone rang
“Tommy, its Clare, Kerry’s mum, Kerry’s been taken into labour.”
Kerry was Tommy’s girlfriend, he had no idea she was even pregnant.
“Damn, I’ll never make it.” Tommy panicked.
“We can cheat this once, but we destroy it after.”
Shaun got a location on the hospital and sent Tommy straight there using the watch.
Tommy arrived just in time, opening up the doors and hugging Kerry.
“It’s a girl.” The nurse told him.
“Oh she’s lovely” Tommy said holding the small baby in his hands. It seemed to warm to him well but although he was happy he felt something strange.
“What’s up?” Kerry asked.
“Oh nothing it’s just a shock, I didn’t know you were pregnant.”
“Oh I didn’t either just a couple of days ago I felt as if somebody or something had entered my body. I had this weird dream about this women disappearing from a weird world.

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