» Science Fiction » Complex Existance, John Pallister [howl and other poems txt] 📗

Book online «Complex Existance, John Pallister [howl and other poems txt] 📗». Author John Pallister

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back exit and saw the man identical to him wrestling with the other Tommy.
“Ohy” He shouted.
The identical man ran off. Tommy stood up with a bloody nose; he noticed that the man who shouted was gone.
Standing up properly he got some tissues out and wiped his nose. What was going on? Why did that man attack him, he was going berserk and made no sense.
Anyway he proceeded as planned to meet the man at the bridge.
(So it’s all a bit confusing but Ben was following Tommy and the other Tommy was following Ben.)

“See anything yet?” Pete asked.
“Nah but I did see that man earlier, he’s heading towards the bridge.”
“Hang on.”

Tommy waited for the right moment and then walked onto the bridge.
“Okay this is it. I’ve been working on a new high tech watch with gadgets for the military, the time travel jargon is a cover up and on the disk is encrypted files needed to operate the watch”
“I don’t believe you” Tommy shouted.
“Give me the disk.”

The other Tommy grabbed Ben.
“You’re staying here mate you can’t mess with time.”
“Let go jerk, I need the watch.”
Ben struggled free and ran to the bridge.

“Don’t fire, there’s that man again.”
Tommy saw the man who attacked him coming towards him. A shot went off hitting the man with the watch in the leg.
“Save yourself” he said.
As he said this Ben lunged at Tommy, both disappeared.
“Damn” the other Tommy said.
They arrived with a thud still on the bridge. Tommy had the watch. Ben arrived a few minutes later.
“Give me the watch.”
He punched Tommy and grabbed the watch. Tommy pleaded but he had really pissed him off. He put the boot in his head cracking his skull. Tommy was dead.
Ben nervous ran off trying to use the watch, but it wasn’t working.

“You shouldn’t have shot, Clark.”
“Yeah but he was gonna get away.”
“He panicked now he’s gone.”
Pete’s mobile rang.
“Hi Pete, we’ve got the man who murdered the boy, you may want to come and see him he’s not making much sense but he’s got the watch.”
“Be there in 5.”
“We’ve got the watch Clark.”
Both men arrived at the top security building where they were keeping Ben.
“Pete, you know the design sometimes malfunctions, well one of the errors causes subjects to go literally mad, and he’s acting completely weird and can’t talk in proper sentences.”
“Who is he, where did he come from?”
Pete walked into the room he stared in disbelief it was the man who had asked him for directions to the shop twenty odd years ago.
“What do you want to do?” Clark asked.
“Well nobody would believe him if we sent him to a mental hospital.”
“What about the rules of time, we can’t have somebody from the past living in the future.”
“We’ll have to kill him.”
“No I have a better idea, let’s send him back into the past and he can kill the boy.”

Ben awoke he felt awful like he had been drugged. Drinking a half empty beer Ben muttered to himself. He entered a shop called the officers club, proceeded to stand in the corner face to wall.
“Can I help you?”
“No go away”
“Ok you’ll have to leave” The security said.
He screamed abuse and ran out the back exit bumping into Tommy.
“Give me the watch” He screamed strangling Tommy in the process.
Tommy was struggling for his breath, when a man shouted “ohy!”
“You’re gonna kill…”
Tommy lied motionless, but Ben turned round and in his face was the other Ben.
Suddenly they both screamed at high pitch voices.
Tommy (The one still alive) who was hiding by the trash cans covered his ears. He suddenly saw something horrific; both Bens were morphing together, their heads joint. Then they exploded causing a massive rip in the time continuum. Tommy was sucked into a huge black hole.
When he awoke it was dark and was in an empty room which didn’t seem to have any exits.

chapter 5

Chapter 5

Tommy started panicking, what was going on, was he dead? He banged against the wall. It was then he noticed that he was in some sort of vehicle because it was moving. Banging harder he soon gave up; he couldn’t see anything but realized that he was not alone. He could feel the feet of somebody lying down. One of them suddenly regained consciousness.
“Whose there, what’s going on?”
“I’m Tommy.”
“Tommy, thank god am I glad to see you, it’s Shaun, the man who you arranged to meet on the bridge, and I was just getting ready to meet you when a massive energy sucked me along with two other people. I lost consciousness then ended up here.
Clark woke up.
“What was that?”
He suddenly noticed he wasn’t alone in the strange dark room.
“Whose there?” He squinted his eyes trying to see.
“Me, Pete.”
“Okay you jerk this is your fault, Shaun if you hadn’t invented that machine... and who the hell are you Tommy?”
Tommy wasn’t amused.
“You should know, you’re the one who tried to shoot me in the future.”
“What you travelled through time? What have you done, you can’t just travel there’s rules to comply with.”
“Okay calm down anybody know what is going on?” Pete asked.
“Well there’s this bloke, well was this bloke called Ben who was chasing me through time, he bumped into himself and caused a huge ray of light to suck me in.”
“That’s a break up in the time continuum; we’ve been sucked into a parallel universe, we should in theory be dead.” Shaun said
“When two entities meet they try to share the exact same time and place at exactly the same precise moment causing a black hole. Nobody can survive a black hole, but we did.”
“Well, nobodies been in a black hole before.”
“Maybe you don’t die.”
“Anyway anybody got the watch; we don’t know what time it is.”
Nobody had the time traveling device.

“Pass please.”
Compton handed his pass and drove the vehicle through the gate, humming a tune to himself. He hated this job, it was dangerous especially these 4 crack heads found by the bridge.
The vehicle stopped and immediately 4 armed guards surrounded it.
They opened the door.
“Step down out the vehicle very slowly.”
The four men could see the guards were armed, armed with sub machine guns. Not high tech lasers, they couldn’t be too far in the future or past.
All four of them were handcuffed and led off separately.
“Where are you taking us?”
“You’re going to get get help, you’re ill, but you need to be calm, this is a top security mental health centre, don’t try and resist or you will be in more trouble. Soon a room each had been assigned to Tommy, Shaun, Clark and Pete.


The room was quite cosy, he jumped onto the bed and laid there for a little while. He wondered what the year was or where he was. Pete was the more rational of the two men (Meaning Clark). His main Aim was to protect society from going through things like this. He had been monitoring Shaun’s work for a while and totally disagreed with it. Suddenly the door knocked. Pete opened it.
“Hi I’m Anna Holda, I’m your psychiatrist, first of all what’s your name?”
“I don’t need a bloody psychiatrist I need answers.”
“That’s what we are here for to answer any questions and to see what is wrong. Were you ever influenced by any of your friends to take drugs? It’s just that we found a small bit of cannabis in the one with the weird hoodie on.”
“Damn kid” He thought.
“No I’ve never taken drugs, the one with hoodie, Tommy; he’s at a young age at college.”
“Young age?” The woman quizzed.
She looked puzzled.
“Yeah he’s probably about 18 or 20.”
“I don’t understand what age means or the significance of 18.”
“Oh you must use some other words, to get older, grow up, and age.”
“Okay you are getting delusional, get some rest.”
Pete was amazed.
“What year is this, and what’s the time?”
“I don’t understand.”


The room was rather nice, there was a small table on the side which looked like it had a radio on. No alarm clock he thought. Ahh well can’t expect everything. He reached into his pocket; he still had the chocolate bar in there. He was hungry. Munching away he wondered if he had done the right thing by inventing the time machine, He hadn’t even got to use it.
A knock was heard at the door.
“Hi I’m Marlo Chopsig your psychiatrist.”
“I invent the most amazing thing known to mankind and I’m mad, well maybe I am for making it?”
“What did you make Mr…?”
“Just call me Shaun.”
“What did you make Shaun?”
“You probably won’t believe me but I made a time machine.”
“A what; what is time?”
“Oh right you must use another term, date, the process by which things happen.”
“Things happen now, there is no process.”
“Yeah, but things that happen tomorrow are the future.”
“Tomorrow and future, I have never heard of those terms.


The room was pretty neat, Clark was very angry at the whole situation; he thumped the wall putting a dent in it. There was a knock on the door.
“Hi, I’m Claire Coyden your psychiatrist.”
She was the most beautiful women Clark had ever seen, he almost fell over.
“Well hello” He smiled perking up a bit.
“So Clark, what’s your problem?”
“Lack of sex.” Clark laughed
“Umm yes lack of sex does cause sexually frustrated people to turn to other forms of activities like cannabis.”
“Yes have you tried it?”
“Only at high school some years ago.”
“Some years ago, explain?”
“Well me and my mates went behind the bike sheds, we had a joint each then went back to lessons.”
“No what does years ago mean?”
“You know when I was younger, how old are you?”
The woman started laughing.
“We were all born from a bright light. I suppose if it was put at that way, we are all the same age.”
“The bright light when did that happen?2
“I can’t remember.”
“Oh you’re just a dumb blonde anyway.”
Clark grabbed her backside.
“Now, now Clark.”
She stared at him then decided that she would go for it, she grabbed Clark and pinned him down on the bed taking her clothes off in the process. Clark in the meantime reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom. She stopped suddenly as he was desperately trying to put it on his erect penis.
“What’s that?” She asked.
“What are you doing?”
“It’s a condom love, you dumb blonde don’t want you having any kids now do we?”
“Kids, what are kids?”

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