» Science Fiction » Power Rangers In Space, Heather Ray [korean novels in english txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers In Space, Heather Ray [korean novels in english txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Three

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far,
To change this lonely life

However, with all of Karone's deep contemplation, there was one anomaly. One factor just didn't seem to fit in with everything else that she had understood to be true.


Just the thought of his name eased some of the pain she felt, and as she lay upon her bed and gazed at the ceiling, she reflected on how she first met him.

He was different. He just didn't... fit. While no one else loved Astronema, he felt something

towards her. Even before he knew of her true identity, he was drawn to her. And he made her feel something so different from that to which she had been accustomed- something light and free, rather than that cold void. His sunny smile sparked something that she didn't know had died... or even that it had existed.

He didn't make sense, frankly. She had decided that as Astronema, she was a completely evil being. She was devoid of anything pure or good. She ravaged planets, murdered innocents, and crushed civilizations... all without remorse or even a second thought. As Astronema, she was a being to be hated or feared.

But Zhane showed neither hatred nor fear.

There was something about Zhane that was qualitatively different from the other Rangers. Even Andros. Surely, when Andros discovered Astronema's true identity, he wouldn't be dissuaded from reaching out to her. But, that was only after he discovered the truth. The other Rangers welcomed her with open arms... but only after

she had proven her loyalties by saving them from Dark Specter's trap on Yotoba. But Zhane needed no evidence that Astronema wasn't simply a witch. He saw a potential that no one else saw... long before the truth was finally uncovered.

While she felt she needed the forgiveness of the other Rangers, she didn't feel she needed Zhane's. It was as if he had never held her accountable for any crime.

... as if he knew just when they met that she wasn't evil.


she wondered silently, what is it you know, that no one else knows? How could you have found something worth caring about in Astronema? And, what does that mean for us? What do you feel about me

... plain and simple Karone?

Chapter Four

I want to know what love is,
I want you to show me
I want to feel what love is,
I know you can show me


He gazed at her fondly, taking in her appearance with appreciation. Her slim body was curled in a fetal position, her arms tight around the blanket as if she needed security. Her face seemed so serene and peaceful, without the lines of tension and worry that he had become accustomed to seeing.

He grinned as he absorbed the vision of pure innocence. She was a complete paradox... such a puzzle. A beautiful woman with the soul of a child, but with the memories of pure evil and corruption.

It was a tragedy that such a tender heart should bear such tremendous guilt. It darkened her gaze nearly ever time he laid eyes on her. Even in her smile, there was a deep sadness just beneath the surface.

But at that moment, she was at peace. Sleeping securely, her mind free from anguish as it sailed in an ocean of dreams. It almost hurt him to pull her from her respite, but he had the distinct feeling there was a reason for his presence.

"Hey, Karone," he said a bit more sternly, his hand on her bare shoulder, "are you alright?"

She awoke, weary eyes staring in confusion. She saw him sitting on her bed beside her, his hand secure against her skin and that magical smile lighting face.

Without a thought, her lips mirrored his smile. Yet he could tell that the inner peace had fled. Her smile was only a mirror, generated from without rather than within.

He then determined to make her truly smile before he left her quarters.

"Zhane," she yawned, "what are you doing here?"

"I came over as soon as you called me," he answered, straightening his back. Even after all this time, whenever he was the center of her attention, he felt the need to present the air of utter confidence. She needed it. "You didn't answer when I knocked, and I realized the door was unlocked... so I let myself in."

Karone's forehead furrowed. "I didn't call you."

Zhane blinked in surprise. "I got the distinct impression that you needed me. You called to me, with your thoughts."

Her frown deepened and she stared at the Silver Ranger blankly. "You can read minds?"

He smiled in amusement. There was so much about Karone that even she

was ignorant of. She didn't know herself... which was part of her problem. "I guess we really need to fill you in on Kerovan neurology," he quipped, "You know we have mastered telekinesis, right?"

She nodded.

"Well, we also are capable of low-level telepathy. We can't carry on conversations in our heads, but we can transmit some basic thoughts and feelings, like as anger, fear, or danger." He paused for a moment, deciding the best manner to phrase his next statement. "And I'm sure I picked up some strong vibes from you."

Karone blushed at that, looking away from Zhane quickly. His grin widened at her reaction. "Uh... I guess I'm just scared is all."

Zhane's eyebrows rose with interest. "About what? Going back to Earth?"

She nodded slowly, her chin-length tresses falling over her cheek. He then stretched out his arm, wrapping her shoulder in a blanket of tender affection. He so much wanted to be her security... something she so desperately needed, and felt she was lacking.

"Don't worry about it," he assured her, "There's no way anyone will be able to identify you as Astronema. No one was close enough to the Dark Fortress to really witness your transformation."

She shook her head emphatically, pulling away from him and rising to her feet. He watched as she paced around the room nervously, her shoulders straight and arms tightly wound around her chest.

She felt his stare upon her, absorbing her every move. His silent inquiry urged her to put her feelings into words.

"It's just that... I..." she stammered, her frustration building, "How can I live with myself... with what I've done? How can anyone truly accept me, knowing the monster I've been all my life?"

She grimaced, her haunted gaze rising to glance at Zhane. Her voice then lowered, soft with shame. "I... don't think they can. Not Andros, not the Rangers... no one."

Zhane watched her, sadness clouding his expression. He honestly had no idea what it was like to hold in so much guilt. If only he could somehow implant into her mind what he knew to be true... that the only one holding any blame upon her was herself.

"Karone, you know that's not true. It's plain as day how much Andros loves you. He almost died trying to save you during the Countdown."

Karone cringed at the memory, closing her eyes against the sickening vision of her Wrath Staff slashing against his armor. "No, Zhane," she murmured, "Andros doesn't even know me. He just associates me with that little girl that was stolen away from KO-35 ten years ago. He loves me because I'm his sister... I've done nothing to earn it."

She moved back to the window, glassy eyes staring at the approaching planet once again. "I'm not the same person I was back then. I have so much evil in me now. Even after Zordon's purification, I can still feel

the darkness. The... loneliness. It didn't just evaporate."

She kept her back to Zhane, blankly gazing into the infinite distance of space. After all she had confessed... she couldn't bear to look at him.

Her heart suddenly leapt as hands crept around her waist, taking hold of her hands and offering a gentle squeeze. Without a thought she leaned against him, a breath escaping her as she savored the warmth and of his touch.

In that moment, she felt safe. Safe from the judgement of others. Safe from the revenge of her former allies. Safe from the darkness within her soul.

Security. That was part of what he was offering. Only... there was so much more he wanted to give. She could feel it stirring within him.

Chapter Five

I'm gonna take a little time,
A little time to look around me
I've got nowhere left to hide,
It looks like love has finally found me

Zhane followed her gaze, staring off into space with the wonder of a child. It was clear that Karone was overcome with anxiety over their future on Earth, but to Zhane, all he saw was freedom.

A chance to start out fresh, without the weight of the silver armor on his shoulders. A chance to finally live again, without being reminded of the sacrifices he had to make to protect his home and friends. Pure freedom was what he sought... and perhaps, with a little luck, someone to share it with.

But... she couldn't see happiness in her future. If only she'd unchain her soul, and fly toward possibilities rather than fleeing from them! If only she'd take his hand, and trust him to guide her out of the shadow of her former life, and into the glow of a new beginning.

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