» Science Fiction » Long Ago, Far Away, Esmè Stuart [the false prince .txt] 📗

Book online «Long Ago, Far Away, Esmè Stuart [the false prince .txt] 📗». Author Esmè Stuart

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boards, cloth gilt, price 3s.

A sequel to "The Green Girls of Greythorpe," showing what became of the principal characters in that story after they had grown into young men and young women. The interest of the present story, however, to the reader is in no sense dependent on its predecessor, but rather of a kind likely to suit elder boys and girls.

"The book is very bright, the story never flags."--GIRLS' FRIENDLY SOCIETY ASSOCIATES' JOURNAL.


With Four Full-page Illustrations by C. J. STANILAND. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 3s.

A story of an old endowed institution that has come under the notice of the Charity Commissioners, who decide that a reorganisation and extension of the school is necessary, and that the education it affords must be brought into harmony with modern requirements.

"The story is very prettily told, and, although quiet in tone, contains a full share of incident and interest."--STANDARD.


Or, Don't Care. With Four Full-page Illustrations by C. J. STANILAND. Crown 8vo, bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 3s.

A story, showing how a veritable scapegrace of a boy, Harry Whittaker, and his careless sister, Florrie, are gradually brought to see the costs that may be entailed by the spirit that says "Don't care" to every gentle correction of a fault.


With Four Full-page Illustrations by C. J. STANILAND. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 2s. 6d.

Miss Coleridge's "Reuben Everett" is the story of "a truant bird, that thought his home a cage," and describes the early days of training colleges and railways in England.

"'Reuben Everett' is a story remarkably true to life."--RECORD.


Author of "Our New Prentice," &c.


With Three Full-page Illustrations, by J. F. WEEDON. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 2s. 6d.

Of the rising in La Vendee during the great French Revolution, and of the adventures that subsequently befell a well-to-do family there, together with an English cousin Dorothy, who was staying at the chateau at the time.

"The events are well combined and cleverly conceived."--MANCHESTER GUARDIAN.


With Two Full-page Illustrations by C. O. MURRAY. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 2s.

"Mistress Phil" is Phillis Juliana Cheviot, and the story describes her stay at Waltham Cross in the year 1760, and the results that followed from it, giving also some lively pictures of mail-coaches and highwaymen.

"A book good enough for anybody to read, of whatever age."--SCHOOL BOARD CHRONICLE.


With Five Full-page Illustrations by W. S. STACEY. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 3s. 6d.

Miss Debenham's story is concerned with Scotland in the stormy days of Claverhouse. The "Little Candle" that throws its gentle warming beams on all around her is Bride Galbraith, who, by her tenderness and grace, comforts and softens the time of trial and affliction.

"The character (of Bride Galbraith) is a very beautiful one, and Miss Debenham has drawn it with exquisite touch."--PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR.


With Two Full-page Illustrations by W. S. STACEY. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 2s.

The scene is laid in Hampshire about the time of Monmouth's rebellion. The story gives some vivid pictures of the opening at Winchester of Judge Jeffreys' harsh campaign against the rebels, and of the clouds that hung over the neighbourhood for a time in consequence.

"A simple yet capitally related story, and the pathetic features are very effectively realised."--LIVERPOOL COURIER.


With Two Full-page Illustrations by C. J. STANILAND. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 2s.

"St Helen's Well" is a story of events that followed the rising in 1745 in favour of the Young Pretender.

"The perils and hardships of the adventure are graphically described."--GUARDIAN.



In the Days of the Press-gang. With Three Full-page Illustrations by W. S. STAGEY. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 2s. 6d.

Concerning a certain ship's doctor who came to Weymouth in press-gang days, and, staying at King's Ferry, tempted Simon Lydgate, the ferryman, to do wrong; of the punishment that fell on Lydgate, and of the joy and peace that followed the home-coming of his boy, Wat.

"Like its predecessors, this volume is full of picturesque pictures of old life and manners."--TIMES.


With Two Full-page Illustrations by J. F. WEEDON. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 1s. 6d.

Descriptive of a young woman of quick, passionate temper and stubborn purpose, and of the means by which a young child unconsciously brought her back to her better self and helped to soften her heart.

"Admirably detailed. Joan is really a very powerful psychological study."--SPECTATOR.


A Story of the Great Frost of 1739. With Five Full-page Illustrations by W. S. STACEY. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 3s. 6d.

A story of a Jacobite conspiracy that was on foot in the time of the great frost of 1739, showing how Silas Peckover came home from abroad and took possession of the home of his forefathers, and how the sweet womanliness and honesty of Mistress Ruth influenced him for good.

"Silas Peckover is a character quite worthy of Ainsworth."--ACADEMY.


A Stormy Passage in a Boy's Life. With Two Full-page Illustrations by W. S. STACEY. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 2s.

This story supplies some lively sketches of what a mutiny often led to at the beginning of the present century, and of the narrow shifts that smugglers ran in escaping from the revenue officers.

"A spirited story of adventure."--SPECTATOR.


A Boy's Adventure. With Two Full-page Illustrations by C. J. STANILAND. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 2s.

A stirring story of how an honest boy fell into the clutches of a band of highwaymen, or "gentlemen of fortune," in the middle of the last century.

"The pictures of rural manners ... strike us as being extremely life-like."--TIMES.


Author of "The Little Brown Girl," "The Belfry of St. Jude's," &c.


An Underground Story. With Four Full-page Illustrations by W. S. STACEY. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 3s.

An account of life on the rocky Devonshire coast, an unsuccessful attempt to reopen a disused silver mine, and a long-standing family feud between the Redwoods and the Pennants, with the incidents that served to bring it to an end.

"A very bright, attractive story. The children are natural, and the style is fresh and spirited."--JOURNAL OF EDUCATION.


With Five Full-page Illustrations by C. J. STANILAND. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 3s. 6d.

The story of how young Lord Faulconbridge, a peevish and irritable boy, is brought to see that the rank and wealth with which he has been endowed bring with them equally great responsibilities.


With Four Full-page Illustrations by C. J. STANILAND. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 3s.

It was little Mona, who was cast ashore on the North Lancashire coast, after the total wreck of the ship in which she was travelling under the care of her father's servant, Hanson. How the unprincipled Jephtha Toppin afterwards lures her away, with a view to earning a reward, and how she is eventually rescued--both are told with considerable power and vividness.

"A most exciting and yet perfectly wholesome tale of adventure."--BANNER.


With Four Full-page Illustrations. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 3s.

Half-a-crown is the price that Mrs. Chemmo, a retired housekeeper living in the cathedral city of Hedderstone on an annuity from her former mistress, pays for a little waif, Natalia, to an Italian colony in a squalid Portsmouth alley.

"There is a freshness and brightness about the book which too many of the books for girls in which religious sentiments are at all introduced lack very wofully."--PALL MALL GAZETTE.


A Story of Pirate Times. With Four Full-page Illustrations by J. F. WEEDON. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 3s.

It was fearless Harry Perm, the son of an Essex yeoman farmer, who was "carried off" by Captain Henry Morgan, the famous buccaneer, and his men, to the West Indies, where the Spanish settlements are attacked, and adventures in plenty follow.

"Miss Stuart has gone with the times, and has given us a vigorous and well-told story of the days of the buccaneers."--STANDARD.


Author of
"Under the Blue Flag," "Miles Lambert's Three Chances," &c.


A Story of Rough Times. With Five Full-page Illustrations by W. S. STACEY. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 3s.

A stirring story of the days when smugglers were in plenty and free-trading (as it was called) was in full swing.

"Full of incident and interest, very pleasantly told, and breathes an excellent spirit throughout."--WESTERN MORNING NEWS.


With Four Full-page Illustrations. Crown 8vo. bevelled boards, cloth gilt, price 2s. 6d.

A story with a lofty purpose, showing the amount of self-denial that is necessary in those who leave their home and kindred to engage in missionary work in far-off lands.

"Its tone is elevated and serious. Its purpose is to show the need of aiming at a high standard of life, and the failure of those who only dream noble things."--NATIONAL CHURCH.


By "TAFFY." With Frontispiece. Cloth boards, gilt, price 1s.

The story of Little Jack, how he was lost on the moor in a thick fog through his brother's disobedience, and how he was found and finally restored to his home.

"An evening will be very pleasantly spent and attended with much good in reading this interesting story."--SCHOOLMASTER.



Illustrated from the Italian Painters of the Fourteenth, Fifteenth,
and Sixteenth Centuries.

A Preface has been furnished to this volume, on the Growth of Religious Art in Italy, by Mr. F. T. PALGRAVE, who has also added Critical and Explanatory Notes on the Pictures and their Painters.

Richly bound in cloth boards, bevelled, gilt edges, price 15s.

The Church Quarterly Review says: "This book is a perfect gem.... It is, indeed, a relief to turn to such matchless designs as these. It would be impossible to speak too highly of the knowledge of the history of art, the elevation of thought, and the elegance of style which Mr. Palgrave displays."

The Spectator says:--"The drawings are executed with much skill; and the chromo-lithographic process is here employed with delicacy and success. Mr. Palgrave's notes are pertinent and instructive. His Introduction is able and eloquent."

The Academy says:--"This is a very beautiful book, and the chromolithographs with which it is adorned, or rather, which are illustrated by the text, reflect great credit on the care and skill of all concerned in their production."

The Athenaeum says--"Byway of preface, a highly intelligent and critical essay on the growth, aims, and developments of religious art in Italy by Mr. F. T. Palgrave. Each well-weighed and thoughtful sentence is worth reading. The general purport of the book is well represented by the title. Mr. Palgrave vouches for the beauty of the drawings made by Mr. Goodall, from which the chromolithographs were taken.... A very ambitious effort has been extremely successful."

The Portfolio says:--"The eloquent and informing preface and the critical notes on the pictures by Mr. F. T. Palgrave, are addressed to an adult and cultured audience.... The literary part of the volume deserves more careful consideration than is usually accorded to letterpress penned to accompany even high-class illustrations."


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