» Science Fiction » The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 3, Heather Ray [feel good books to read .txt] 📗

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nine of us, as well as Alpha 5 and Zordon. That way, if evil does return, they shall not be able to obtain the crystal. The crystal shall be safe, and we can get on with our lives."

Jason crossed his arms and glared at the sphere angrily. Tommy maintained his gaze upon Billy, his eyes slightly wide with surprise.

"Since when have you been so forceful, Billy?" he asked.

"Look, Tommy, someone had to do it," Billy said flatly, "Zordon made me the advisor, and I am advising you to give me the crystals. You've been waiting for Zedd long enough, and you've already sacrificed a good portion of your youth to the cause of protecting Earth. Don't devote your lives to protecting a planet that no longer needs your protection."

Tommy's eyes narrowed, and Billy turned around to face the leader of the Power Rangers.

"I'm the leader, Billy," Tommy said coldly. "Don't you think I have a say in this matter, or have you decided to just undermine my authority?"

"Tommy, you were the leader of the Power Rangers. I'm not a ranger any longer. You have no authority over me. Now please, give me the crystals, so we can end this."

Tommy's face curled into a frown, and he closed his eyes. A soft red glow appeared on his chest, and a small, diamond shaped crystal floated out of his skin and shirt, landing in his palm. Tommy handed the red crystal to Billy, and stepped back.

"It's all yours, Sir," Tommy snapped angrily, marching away. He activated his wrist teleporter, and vanished in a streak of white light. Kimberly watched him go and sighed slightly to herself. Jason followed Tommy's example, and handed Billy the black Zeo crystal.

"I think we're making a mistake," said Jason, "but I guess you don't want to hear my opinion either. Here, take it. The world's fate rests in your hands now."

Jason then left the room, and Kimberly quietly handed Billy the yellow shard.

"Billy, I for one think you've made the right decision. Jason and Tommy will calm down soon enough."

"I don't like having to exercise authority in that manner, but it's time to end this. There is no reason for us to continue with the responsibility of protecting the planet resting on our shoulders. Its time for us to go out into the world, and live our lives. Zordon would want us to. He never expected us to sacrifice our futures, especially if its not necessary. Jason and Tommy have both become so used to being responsible for everything that they never put their own lives above their duty. That's extremely noble, but only in wartime. Peace has finally come upon us, and we should enjoy it."

"You're right, Bro," said Zack, handing him the white crystal. "It's time to move on."

"And live our lives," said Adam, holding his green crystal.

"Just like every other teenager does," said Kat. "Here's my crystal."

Billy held all six crystals in his palms and then placed them into the sphere. He then closed the sphere, and watched as it descended into the ground. Finally, the lights in the CAC went dim, and he, Rocky, Tanya, Adam, Kat, and Kimberly formed a circle in the center of the darkened chamber. In six beams of white light, they said good-bye to their underground headquarters.

About a week later, Tommy Oliver walked down the streets of Angel Grove, whistling to himself. He spent the past week thinking about Billy's actions, as well as his outburst. He realized that he was wrong to yell at Billy, and that Billy was right to force the rangers to retire, for their own good. Now, he walks to the Mitchell home, hoping to apologize to his long time friend for his outburst. He strolled up the steps, and knocked on the nay blue door. A tall, middle aged man with graying brown hair and a brown mustache opened the door.

"Good morning, Mister Mitchell," said Tommy. "Is Billy in?"

"No, he left about an hour ago. He's at Kim's house, helping her pack."

"Pack?!" said Tommy in disbelief. "Is she going somewhere?"

"I think she's going to Florida."

"Oh, well, have a nice day, Sir."

Tommy waved and hurried back onto the sidewalk. In a few minutes, he reached the peach and white house owned by Stephen Hart, Kimberly's uncle, and knocked on the door loudly. A tall blonde young woman opened the door.

"Tommy!" she gasped,."What're you doing here?"

"Kat? What's going on here? Where's Kim?"

Katherine gestured inside, and Tommy walked past her. He entered the living room, and saw cardboard boxes covering the plush carpet. Kimberly and Billy were taping boxes shut, and they both looked up at Tommy in surprise.

"Kim," stammered Tommy. "What's... happening here?"

"I... I'll put this in the car," said Billy, picking up a box and hurrying past Tommy. Katherine followed him out the door.

"I'm packing, Tommy," Kim said quietly, "I'm moving back to Florida."

"But you already missed the Pan Globals!"

"Yeah, but Coach Schmidt offered to coach me for the Olympics! It's an opportunity I just can't refuse."

"Kim, the next Olympics aren't until the year 2000! You're gonna train for three whole years?!"

"People train all their lives to be in the Olympics, Tommy! This is my chance."

"Why didn't you tell me you were going?" Tommy asked coldly. "What, were you planning on just walking out of my life, without even saying good-bye?!"

"I...I didn't want to face you. Tommy, you know I'll miss you horribly, but this is something I've got to do. I was willing to put my dreams on hold for the Power Rangers, but that's over now, and if I ever want to fulfill my dreams, it has to be now. I'm sorry, but I have to go. My plane leaves in two hours. Good-bye."

Kim stood up and lightly kissed Tommy on the cheek. She then picked up a box and walked over to the Rad Bug, where Katherine and Billy were waiting. Tommy watched as they finished packing the car, and then left the house. He walked down the sidewalk slowly, with his hands in his pockets. He then reached up and touched the spot on his cheek where Kimberly had kissed him. In his heart, he had a terrible feeling that he's lost his love. For good this time.
Chapter Three

As the days passed, each of the rangers made important decisions. Tommy decided to devote his summer to searching for the meaning of his arrowhead, given to him by an Indian shaman during his Zeo Quest. So, for weeks he hiked the mountains outside Angel Grove, and searched for another Indian wiseman to guide him on his journey. Adam got a job as a stunt man, and as time passed his talent was noticed, and he was given a role in an upcoming action movie. Rocky decided to start his own karate dojo, so he worked diligently that summer, trying to raise funds to rent a building in Stone Canyon to convert into his business. The weeks turned into months, and Tanya's parents, two archeologists lost on an expedition, were miraculously found. Tanya moved back with them to Kenya, where they remained.

Katherine returned to Australia to attend college, and she majored in Astro-physics, a topic that interested Katherine because of her trips through the stars as a Power Ranger. The months became years, and Zack's family moved to Houston Texas due to his father getting a promotion. Zack was introduced to Carl Lewis, the famous American track star from New Jersey, and he inspired Zack to become a sprinter. Kimberly won the silver medal in the all around gymnastics competition in the 2000 Olympics, as well as the gold in the individual floor and a silver on the balance beam. Then, she moved to Paris to be with her parents, and studied the world of European fashion design. Billy continued his studies of outer space, and soon he pursued a career at NASA. Jason decided to remain in Angel Grove, and he joined the Angel Grove Police Department, vowing to protect Angel Grove, as he did in his youth.

Chapter Four

10 Years Later...

By the time a decade had passed, each of the former Power Rangers was comfortable with their lives.

Thomas Oliver had become a professor at Princeton University in New Jersey, lecturing about Native American History and Civilization.

William Mitchell became the most famous astronaut in history, famous for creating a rocket that can jump to speeds nearing the speed of light, making interstellar exploration a possibility.

Adam Park became a mega-popular action hero, appearing in dozens of blockbuster action hits.

Katherine Hillard remained in Australia, and became an astronomer working at the Anglo Australian Observatory.

Kimberly Hart returned to the United States, and formed her own company, the Hart Fashion Industry. She also married a young man named Trevor Monroe, whom she met back when she practiced for the Olympic Games in Florida.

Jason Lee had devoted his life to serving and protecting, and now he is the chief of police in Angel Grove. He and his wife Emily were expecting their first child in a few months.

Zack Taylor now lived in Atlanta Florida, and he was famous for being the fastest man to ever live, crushing the world's record for the 200-meter sprint in the 2004 Olympics.

These men and women accomplished much in the decade following the end of their careers as Power Rangers, but their lives were about to take another drastic turn on December 3, 2006, when the mysterious Temporal Comet once again passed the Earth on its orbit, and two alien beings returned to their Moon Palace after ten whole years of transit. However, to them, only a few seconds have passed since they sent a message to the Central Access Complex, telling the young heroes that they had given up on conquering the Earth.

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