» Science Fiction » Earthbound, DM Arnold [free children's ebooks pdf TXT] 📗

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opened herself to him. Nyk lay atop her and locked his legs with hers.

“Oh, Nyk,” she panted, “this feels so good...”

“Keep your concentration,” he replied as he began moving his hips.

“I'm trying ... but I'm not so adept with the technique, either.”

He gazed into her eyes as she held him. His heart was racing and he required all his mental discipline to maintain the division in his awareness.

Nyk could feel her move with each breath. He embraced her shoulders. Her fingers explored the shapes of his shoulder blades and his spine. Andra caressed the back of his head and directed his face toward hers. He kissed her and again gazed into her face. A pink flush covered her cheeks and she was panting through parted lips.

Andra drew in a breath, held it and rolled her eyes upward. Nyk sensed she was releasing. He closed his eyes and smashed the barrier between his front and back minds, permitting his pent-up sensations to surge into his awareness. The spring unwound. He slipped his arm under the small of her back, grunted and pressed himself against her. “Oh, Andra!” he gasped.

She held her face beside his, caressed his neck and exhaled. Then she looked into his eyes. “Amften,” she said.

“Amften,” he replied. She lay beside him as he held her and stroked her upper arm. “Andra ... did you ... did you have...” he began to ask.

“Mmm... Yes ... a very nice one.” She kissed his cheek.

“You didn't make a sound.”

“We were taught to be discreet.” She kissed him again. “Don't underestimate your ability with the technique, Nyk -- you were quite good with it.”

He kissed her forehead and she smiled and pulled herself against his body. He watched her eyelids grow heavy. Her grip relaxed and her breathing became regular.

Nyk smoothed his hand along her back and shoulder blade. “Senta was right,” he whispered. “You are a very sweet girl. I was such an idiot about you.” He reached for a control and extinguished the lights.

15 -- Unlocking Secrets

Nyk opened his eyes and saw Andra beside him. “Have you been awake for long?” he asked.

“Not long.”

He touched her hair. “I wish we didn't need the storm shutters down. I love being awakened by morning's light, and the sound of the surf. I don't even know what time it is. Andra -- I really liked feeling you fall asleep against me last night. I could feel your trust...” He regarded her face. “What's that expression for?”

“I was just about to say how much I enjoyed falling asleep in your arms.”

“I think sharing the melting, drowsy relaxation afterward is the best part of lovemaking.”

“So do I,” she replied. “Don't you see how alike we are?” Andra placed her hand on his. “Thank you, Nykkyo, for sharing the gift.” She kissed his hand. “After years with Zander I forgot it's possible for a man to be tender and giving.” Tears began to well up in her eyes and she covered them with her hand. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned him.”

“Andra -- we're amften. You've no reason to guard yourself with me, now.”

She withdrew her hand. A tear traced a wet line from the corner of her eye down her cheek. She stroked it away and pressed her finger against Nyk's lips. He kissed it and tasted salty moistness.

Nyk stroked her face. “You're such a sweet girl. I'm amazed I don't see hurt and anger in your eyes. I'd be bitter if I had gone through what you have. But, I look into your eyes and see none of it. I can only begin to imagine what you've endured.” A tear rolled down his face. “You poor girl.”

She took Nyk's hand into hers, led it to his face and touched his tear with his finger. Then she guided it to her lips and kissed it. He felt her tongue against his fingertip.

“We've cried over the same hurt,” Andra said, “and we've tasted each other's tears. Now, we're bonded fast and friends for life. It's the ritual of shared pain, from Vebinad Academy. By the time we're done there, everyone has bonded with everyone else. There seemed to be enough pain to go around.”

“Andra, do you have any idea how much it disturbs me to know how badly you've been mistreated? The school mistreated you, even before Zander. What a waste of your talent, of your intellect. I've hated the finishing schools -- the concept of turning human beings into ... property. I've always believed the schools an abomination. Now I've seen firsthand the results of their work. This entire institution must be abolished.”

“Without them I wouldn't be. I was made for the schools, Nyk. My parents realized they had the genetic raw material to produce a candidate for the schools. This was an asset they desired to exploit and they had little else. It took them years, working with genetic counselors, before they came up with ... me.”

“Then you are one good thing to come from that institution.”

“But, Nyk, I'm not unique. All my classmates -- all those who went before me were all very much alike. Each of my classmates was a bright, pretty girl, full of hope and a love of life. I have no idea where they went, to whom they were assigned. I'm sure not all are as miserable as I. Not every man is like Zander.” She stroked his face again. “Not every man is like you.”

Nyk held her and stroked her arm. “I've been trying to understand Zander. He was my closest childhood friend and I loved him like a brother. I never imagined he has such evil in him. I wonder if the kindness he showed me was genuine. Or, was he playing an elaborate practical joke on me, picking on me like the village idiot? Was I his village idiot, too blinded by stupidity or need to see what everyone else must've seen he was doing? Was I blissfully ignorant I was his laughing stock? Perhaps I was...” He closed his eyes and pursed his lips. She stroked his face and kissed his cheek.

The vidisplay signaled an incoming call. Nyk arose, slipped into a tunic and answered the call with a wristscan. He saw Suki's image.

“Nykkyo, it's good to see you in Floran dress. I think your arms and shoulders look so sexy in that tunic.” He smiled. “Nykkyo, my mom's been after me about the abortion again. She's wondering what sort of man would promise to help and support me and then disappear for an open-ended length of time.”

“I wish I could tell you when this'll be over. Seymor might need my help on this end, and I need his okay for my transit. I will return, Suki. I promise. Nothing will keep me away.”

Suki began to wipe tears from her eyes. “Mom also told me that she'd pay for the abortion, but if I carry the child to term, it'll be my responsibility. I don't have medical insurance, and I can't afford the doctor's bills. I had a bad fight with my father last night, too. I wish you were here -- I think he's afraid of you. He doesn't hassle me when you're here. It's almost like I'm regressing to when I was in high school. That's the reason I left in the first place. And I had my first bad case of morning sickness today. I was late for my job at the university, and there's a deadline coming up.

“Nykkyo, I'm sorry to dump all this on you, but I told you I can't do this alone. It's not fair to demand you to put up with all this, either. I know what you say about destiny, about my role. I know I must do this. I miss you and I hope you can come home soon. I don't know how I'll manage or what to tell Mom. I'm scared, Nykkyo!” She started crying. “Now I'm a basket case and blubbering away. You must think I'm an emotional, weak, foolish woman. I'm so sorry.” She sobbed. “I can't stop crying!” She wept, her body shaking.

“Suki... Suki, everything will be all right. The fact that I'm speaking to you means everything will be all right.” She looked into the camera and began to regain her composure. She sniffed and wiped her eyes. Nyk kissed his fingers and pressed them to the camera. She responded with the same.

“This helps. Maybe some of this is my hormones raging from being pregnant. I'll try to get my act together; I'll try to be strong. I hope you'll be home soon. I love you, Nykkyo. You're all I have.”

“I love you, too.” The vidisplay went blank.

He felt Andra's hand on his shoulder. “Was that your Earth woman?” she asked.


“Why was she so upset?”

“She's pregnant...”

“Say no more.” Andra stepped back, her eyes wide. “Are you the...”

“No, of course not. Our relationship is strictly platonic.”

Andra looked into his eyes. “Nyk, do you love her?”

“I love Suki with a depth that astounds me. Ever since I laid eyes on that woman, I've awakened and retired to thoughts of her. I dream of her. I'll die thinking of her.”

“Then, Senta was right. She believes your Earth woman has displaced her as your love object. She has, hasn't she?”

“I don't know if Senta ever was my love object. I respect her -- I welcome her as a friend. I don't think I ever loved her. I certainly don't love her as I love Suki. And I'm sure Senta has never loved me.”

“Then, after this? You're not returning to Senta, are you?”

“Andra, when I'm done with this business I intend to return to Earth and spend my life with Suki at my side. It's the role Destiny's defining for me. I've interfered with her life, and I must replace the man who was to be her husband.”

“Why must you?”

“I told you she's a distant ancestor. There's a straight line ancestry from Sukiko Kyhana to me, and it runs through the child in her womb.”

“Are you sure?”

He picked up his xarpa and removed the pin. “Look at this -- do you recognize it?”

“It looks like the pendant at Senta's apartment.”

“It's at the museum, now. This was made by the same man -- Suki's grandfather.” He turned it over. “The same initials -- the same design. Is that proof enough?” Andra held the pin. “Suki's unborn child is the founder of my family line. She doesn't have the strength to raise him alone. I fear for her child -- and if I fear for that child, I must also fear for our entire race.”

She returned the pin. “So that's why you wanted Zander's help for transit to Earth.”

“Yes, and there I discovered evidence of his illegal activities.”

“What will you do on Earth?”

“I don't know -- find a job sweeping floors if necessary. This is why Destiny gave me the love I have for her. We'll live our lives almost as husband and wife. There'll be one difference.”

“What difference?”

“We'll be celibate. I love her, but I cannot consummate that love.”

“Why not?”

“Because of our relationship. Suki is my direct ancestor. It would be incest.”

“How many degrees of separation are there between you?”

“At least two hundred.”

“No one would consider that incestuous.”

“No Floran would. Attitudes on Earth are far different. There, if two people share linear consanguinity, their relationship is incestuous -- no matter how many degrees of separation.”

“But no one need know.”

“Suki does know, and it's her culture I must respect.”

“Nykkyo, I shouldn't tell you this because I've been sworn to secrecy. I'll tell you because it's not right for two to have your sort of love and not share the gift. Senta knows something about your line. She discovered it while she was sequencing a hair.”

“A hair? What does she know?”

“I don't know the details, so you must ask her. You must press her on this, Nykkyo.”

Nyk opened a pair of breakfast packages, set them on the kitchen table and brewed some green tea. “This is my favorite,” he said, “as much as anything on this planet

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