» Science Fiction » Earthbound, DM Arnold [free children's ebooks pdf TXT] 📗

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“I don't know what to believe. I do know the trail goes cold after Lexal, so it may have been a transshipment point.”

“Or Wygann's lying.”

“It wouldn't be the first time a politician lied.”

“And Andra?” Nyk asked.

“Innocent -- or, an expert at covering her trail. It's something ax'amfinen are taught at the finishing schools. Her information was very useful -- she has the thanks of the Service.”

“I have a better opinion of those schools after this,” Nyk said. “Andra was taught some survival skills, and she outsmarted Zander in the end. I think the Service owes her something. She's been through a terrible ordeal and for no reason other than she was born with certain physical traits. ExoAgents take care of each other. We should take care of Andra.”

“What do you suggest?”

“Sudal University is establishing a sea research center. She'd like to be part of it.”

“I'll put in a word with the university. I think we can work something out. What next for you, lad?”

“I'm holding you to your assurances that I can have transit to Earth.”

“What are your plans here?”

“I have none, except to get there. I'll figure out my next move, then.”

“Nyk, you'll receive a commendation for this. I'm authorized to reactivate you as an Agent in good standing. Once you arrive here, be sure to stop by the office. I've an assignment that could occupy you nearly full time, if you're interested.”

“I'll think about it.”

“Seize the opportunity when you can, lad. These assignments don't come along too often.” The vidphone session terminated.

Nyk touched the house control screen. The storm shutters flung open, filling the house with golden sunlight. He opened his arms to Andra and embraced her. “It's over.”

“Now you're headed to Earth, to Sukiko. Go to her, Nyk, and fulfill your destiny.”

“If I could take you to Earth with me, I would.”

“If I could go with you, I would,” she replied.

“Oh, Andra -- I hate the notion of losing a friend like you.”

“You're not. We'll never lose each other so long as we can communicate. That's what love is -- it's communication, and I know ours with Earth work well. You and I are friends and lovers for life, Nyk -- no matter where either of us may be.”

“Would you like to take a walk on the beach with me?” He took her hand and headed toward the bluff.

17 -- A Unique Laboratory

Nykkyo stood on the middle level of the Residence looking down the access road. He saw a groundcar approaching and he recognized Senta's red hair. He watched the car pull to a stop outside the main entrance. Senta removed her case from the luggage compartment and headed up the spiral staircase. She stopped. “Hello, Nykkyo.”

“Senta, I screwed up again, didn't I?”

She shook her head. “I don't know what to think of you, now.” She proceeded up the staircase and embraced Andra. “Oh, Andra, I'm so happy you're safe. Now you can lead a normal life. I can't wait till you're back in your apartment in the City. Or maybe you'd like to move in with me. My place is much nicer than that hovel of Zander's.”

“I'm not returning to the City. I'll be putting Zander's apartment back to Central Admin. I'm staying here.”


“Yes. Nykkyo showed me the beauty of the sea. I'm applying to join the sea research center at the university, here in Sudal.”

Senta shook her head. “Here? In Sudal? Am I hearing you right?”

“Yes, and Nyk said I could use this house.”

She glowered at Nyk. “You're letting her use this house?”

“For as long as she wants. It's too nice to remain shuttered up -- I'd rather see the place used. I've asked Central Admin to convert it, eventually, into a center for sea research, and to name it after my father. It's a fitting tribute to him.”

“What're your plans, Nykkyo?”

“I'm returning to Earth at the earliest possible convenience. Seymor's hinting I may be restored to good graces within the Agency.”

“So you're headed to Earth to complete your Agency tour.”

“I'm headed there to find my destiny. Senta, I know how much Andra means to you. I was hoping you and she could be together, now.”

“Well, you've certainly changed your tune since the last time I saw her. What happened to all the snide remarks, the rude comments? He never approved of you, Andra. He disliked you for reasons I couldn't fathom.”

“I was wrong about her -- and about you. I've tried to make amends.”

“Nyk and I discovered we love each other,” Andra said. “It doesn't mean I feel any less fondness for you, Senta.”

Senta's lip trembled. “Fondness! Andra, I love you! I've been worried sick about you!”

“I never knew. Why didn't you tell me?”

“All those times we spent together? How could you not know? What could I have done differently to show you?”

“I'm sorry, Senta. I was too wrapped up in my own misery. You've helped me so much. I love you like a sister.”

“I love you like a lover! How could you stand there and tell me you've fallen in love with a ... fool like him?”

“Nykkyo's a fine man, and he's no fool. If he hadn't been here when Zander came looking for me... I'd be dead, now, Senta -- without a doubt.”

“I want you two to be together,” Nyk said. “I told Andra she owes herself the chance for you to show her how you truly feel.”

“He did indeed say that,” Andra added.

“Why don't I heat some dinners?” Nyk suggested. “We can all take a walk on the bluff after dinner and then sleep on it. We might as well start working out sleeping arrangements. I'm using my old room and Andra's been using my mom's.”

“I'll use the other room upstairs.”

“I'll put your case up there.” Nyk picked up Senta's case and took it to the third level. He descended the stairs and began heating meal packages. He set them on the kitchen table. Senta glowered at him.

“If you and Andra would like to sleep together tonight, please do so,” he said.

Senta's expression toward him softened. “Thank you, Nyk. Andra, would you sleep with me?”

“I'd love to.”

Nyk lay in his childhood bed. He could hear, vaguely, Senta and Andra talking together in the room above his. He tried to fall asleep. The conversation from above was replaced by the muffled sounds of lovemaking. He couldn't stand it any longer.

He arose, descended to the lower level and walked out onto the bluff and down the slope to his bowl-shaped depression. He lay nude on the sand and looked up at the stars. His gaze caught the sight of a bright white star with four dimmer companions tracing a lopsided rectangle in the sky. Why, as a child, had he never heard his parents' lovemaking? He closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep.

Dawn awoke him. Nyk walked up the bluff and into the house. He showered, dressed and began brewing a pot of green tea. Andra came into the kitchen drying her hair.

She opened her arms. “Good morning,” she said. He hugged and kissed her.

“Andra, I heard you and Senta last night.”

“I'm sorry we disturbed you.”

“That's not it. I heard you and it upset me. It shouldn't have, but it did. Certainly you're entitled to have whomever you wish as your amfta ... I'm sorry... I'm sounding like I'm jealous. I must be developing Earth attitudes.”

Andra presented her cup and Nyk filled it. “Senta doesn't want me just as her amfta.” She sipped from her cup. “She asked me to be her amfin.”

“Senta wants you as her live-in companion ... her bound lover?”

“Yes. She and I have different needs, Nyk. Mine is for a roof over my head. As Zander's widow I have few options. If I were Senta's amfin I'd have some rights and some security.”

“You're not seriously considering that, are you?” Nyk asked.

“I'd be foolish not to.”

He shook his head. “You do know why she's asking this of you ... don't you?”

“Of course I do. I can read Senta's motives quite plainly.”

“You don't have to, Andra. My offer stands -- you're free to use this house. Suppose you're accepted into the sea research program? That would give you a career with living credits.”

“Suppose I'm not. I'd still need credits to buy food. I hope I am accepted into that program. If not ... at least with Senta, I won't be a ward of the state.”

“But, you'd be a kept woman. Is that any different than Zander?”

“Senta is not Zander, Nyk.” Andra glanced toward the stairway and made a hand signal that said, she's coming.

Senta walked into the kitchen wearing a light, sleeveless robe. She walked over to Andra and embraced her. “Good morning,” Nyk said.

“Nyk, who's the Food Service Ag Director these days?”

“Dyoman Hasse.”

“Do you know him?”

“Yes, I've known him since I was a boy. He was an assistant head when my dad was in charge. Why?”

“Would you be kind enough to arrange a meeting between him and myself? As soon as possible.”

“He's your peer, Senta. You should be able to arrange such a meeting.”

“You've known him longer. I'd rather you set it up.”

“Whatever you want.” Nyk began scrolling through directory listings on a vidisplay. “It's been years since I've spoken to him ... He can meet with us this afternoon, is that soon enough?”

“Fine, thank you.”

Nyk returned to his teacup at the kitchen table. “So who sleeps with whom tonight?”

“You and Senta should have a night together,” Andra said. “Maybe you'd like to catch up.”

“Senta, would you sleep with me tonight?”

“I'll sleep with you but don't you even think about lovemaking.”

The groundcar pulled up to the Food Service complex and parked. Nyk and Senta walked into the building and approached a receptionist. “Dyoman Hasse is expecting us.”

Shortly the Food Service director and a woman walked into the lobby. “Nykkyo, good to see you again,” Hasse said. “Senta, I'm delighted to meet you in person. It's not everyday one has the chance to greet a holder of the Chancellor's Medallion.” He embraced them both. “How's the exobotany business, Nyk?”

“I've been working on a project that's ... had nothing to do with plants.”

“This is my wife, Ryanna. Let's go back.” They headed for his office. “Senta, I hope this is in regard to my last memo.”

“Yes, Dyoman, it is.”

“Memo? Have you two been corresponding?”

“Yes. For the past couple of years, I've been needling Senta about the wisdom of moving the sequencing labs here to Sudal. I knew if I kept hammering away, sooner or later we'd see some results.”

“Really?” Nyk replied. “What a great idea! I'm surprised neither of us thought of it before.” Senta gave him a withering look.

“Nyk, Ryanna is head of plant breeding for potatoes. I was hoping you could take some time to discuss a problem she's been struggling with. She'd like the opinion of an exobotanist. Maybe you and she can talk while Senta and I negotiate our little project.”

“Why don't we talk in my office?” Ryanna suggested and led him down a corridor. She was a large woman in early middle age with short reddish-blond hair, a round face and intensely blue eyes. Nyk took a seat in her cluttered office. “I don't know if you've heard, but we've had another native microbe invasion. It's the third in two years. We had to destroy an entire agridome's worth of potatoes and then sterilize the dome.” Nyk winced. “Fortunately it was one of our smaller facilities.”

“Have you identified the microbe?”

“Yes, and this one's turning out to be extremely difficult. We've had good luck in the past making subtle genetic changes, but this one hasn't responded. I was hoping you could give us a hand.”

“What would you like me to do?”

“We have a fairly extensive collection of potato cultures, some going back a couple hundred years. So far, we haven't found a single variety that's resistant to this microbe. We're about to start investigating cross-species gene splicing. I thought you might give us some starting points.”

“Potatoes are members of

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