» Science Fiction » Earthbound, DM Arnold [free children's ebooks pdf TXT] 📗

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and stroked her hair. “Andra, now you will sleep. You will sleep until the drug frees you, and when you wake, you will have forgotten all this.” She closed her eyes and her breathing became deep and regular. Nyk kissed her forehead and resumed his seat near her. He closed his eyes and put his head back.

16 -- Zander

Andra lay propped on the sofa, her shell across her lap as she scooped the last from a meal package. Nyk handed her a mug of green tea.

“Thanks for this,” she said handing him the empty tray. “How long was I unconscious?”

“For a while -- it's quite dark out.”

She sipped her tea. “How can you tell with the shutters down?”

He gestured toward a closed shutter. “The view port.”

“Every time I use that drug the effects are deeper and harder for me to shake off,” she replied. “I think that is Zander's intent. Did you get the information you seek?”

“Yes... unfortunately. It's a dangerous game he's playing.” Andra leaned forward and pinched her lips together. “Are you all right?”

“The drug makes me dizzy and that sometimes makes me nauseated. It'll pass -- I'll be all right.”

“I'm sorry to have put you through it, then.”

“If it helps put an end to this,” she replied, “it'll be worth it. Then you'll be free to return to your Earth woman.”

“What becomes of you?”

Andra shrugged. “Senta has invited me to be her companion.”

“Will you accept?”

“I don't know. As I said, it's a short step from companion to whore.”

“You could do worse. Senta is an important woman with influential friends.”

“I know what I would like to do.”

“What's that?” Nyk asked.

She held up the shell. “This. I want to study the sea. I want to learn about the native life on this world. I'd like to make a career of that.”

Nyk laughed. “Why didn't I think of that -- years ago, that is? My life might've been so different.”

“Might-haves don't count.”

“They certainly don't.” Andra gulped the last of her tea and handed the mug to Nyk. “Can you stand?” he asked.

“I'll try...” Nyk helped her to her feet. “I think I want to go to bed. I'm exhausted.”

“You spent the whole day sleeping.”

“It was not a restful sleep, Nyk.”

“I'll help you upstairs.”

Nyk supported her as she climbed the steps. “I think moving around is helping me,” she said. “The vertigo is passing.”

“Is your stomach feeling better?”

“Yes, that, too.”

They reached the bedroom on the third level. Nyk regarded the bed -- the one his mother had used. It was neatly made with a lightweight blanket. He folded it down.

“You use a cover,” he remarked.

“I got in the habit in Floran City,” she replied. “I never knew who Zander would bring in at whatever time of day or night.”

“It offers some modesty,” Nyk replied. “Senta prefers a cover, too. I grew up sleeping without one ... because of the warm climate here in Sudal. Of course on Earth it's a necessity. It can be so cold there.”

Andra fastened her oat-straw hair into a ponytail with an elastic band; then she turned from him and slipped from her tunic. Nyk scanned her back from head to foot and then averted his gaze as she slid under the cover.

“Good night, then,” he said.

“Please stay with me,” she replied, sliding to one side. “The bed is spacious enough.”

“It's my mother's bed. I've never been comfortable...”

“Do you believe her sena still inhabits this room?” Andra asked.

Nyk slipped from his tunic and lay beside her, gazing into her pale eyes. “I've never met anyone with your color eyes.”

“It's a desirable trait,” she replied, “and the most difficult one for the genetic counselors to isolate.”

“You have little black flecks...”

“Flaws ... nearly enough to exclude me from Vebinad. My friend Janna has perfectly clear eyes.” Andra hooked her arm around his neck, drew his face to hers and kissed his lips. “Nyk... I've cherished the past few days, despite the circumstances. You've been a perfect gentleman ... so kind ... so caring ... so healing. Nyk -- I love you.”

“Andra... I know. I can tell you do. I'm privileged to know you and to be your friend ... your amfta.”

“I know you're trying hard not to love me back. It would mean so much to me to hear you say you love me -- just a bit.”

“I can't be your lover, Andra. I've promised my heart to...”

“ your Earth woman.”

“Yes, to Suki.”

She caressed his cheek. “Isn't there room in that big heart of yours for a little love for me? Just a little?”

Nyk closed his eyes and turned away. “Andra I don't know how to resolve this. Suki is the one true love of my life. I hadn't counted on falling in love with you, too. Yes, Andra -- I do love you.”

“Nothing we have need threaten what you and Sukiko share,” she replied. “True love is generous.”

“I wish I knew how to resolve this. I wish I knew what to do.”

“I know what you must do. When this is over you must go to her.”

“I can't believe you'd willingly send me into the arms of another.”

“Yes, willingly. I love you too much to bear to see you unhappy, and I know your happiness depends on you being reunited with your Earth woman. I can feel the depth of your love for her. You do a poor job of concealing your feelings, Nyk. If you knew my happiness depended on being with another, would you stand in my way?”

“Of course not.”

“Then go to her, Nyk. I hope to meet her some day. A friend of yours is a friend of mine.”

Nyk heard his name. For a moment he couldn't recognize his surroundings. Slowly, in the dim light, he began to distinguish the furnishings of his mother's bedroom. Andra was beside him and shaking him. “Nyk, wake up. I thought I heard something.”

He arose and switched on the ambient lighting. “What time is it?”

“Nadir-one,” she replied. He slipped into his tunic and led her to the lower level. “There it is again,” she whispered.

Nyk approached the main entrance. He held his finger to his lips and cocked an ear toward the door. “Go shut yourself into your room! Someone's trying to scan their way into the house.”

Andra hustled up the stairs and pulled the door shut. Nyk could hear the exterior scanpad chirping. He pressed his finger against the actuator and the door opened. “Hello, Nykkyo.” A figure in Earth military fatigues stepped through the doorway and presented his wrist. Nyk demurred. “You wouldn't happen to know where a certain someone is hiding, would you? I know she's here, Nyk. I came for her. She's a critical part of my plan.” Zander walked into the lower level and headed toward the stairs.

“I demand you leave this house immediately,” Nyk said.

“You're in no position to demand anything.” Zander climbed the stairs. “Who might be behind that closed door?” He rapped on it. “Ax'amfin, I know you're in there. Open up -- I'm not leaving without you and you can't stay there forever.” He rapped on the door again.

The door unlocked with a snap and he pulled it open. Andra emerged and glowered at him. “I'm not going with you.” She stood beside Nyk and held onto his arm. “You don't own me.”

“How pathetic you look, clinging to him.”

“Nykkyo's a fine man. He's kind and considerate. You never showed me kindness.”

“I showed you discipline. You'd be wise to cling to me. Unlike him, I have potential. Discipline is what I need to achieve it.”

“He's been protecting me.”

“Scant protection he'd offer you. This house is a good place to hide, though. I'll grant him that.” Zander approached Andra. “Come along, ax'amfin. I thought you knew better than to run away.”

She held onto Nyk. “I'm not going with you. I've tasted my freedom.”

“You weren't created to be free -- you were created to serve. What's the motto of your school? 'To do one's duty.' Do your duty, ax'amfin.”

“Nyk and I are amften -- we love each other.”

Darkness spread across Zander's face. “You love each other?” He stood squarely before Nyk. “Amften ... you screwed my ax'amfin, didn't you? Without my permission.” Nyk swallowed hard. Zander curled is lip. “Of course you did -- she stinks of you. That's totally against the rules. No one touches her without my permission.” He lifted his hand to strike Andra. “And you. You know the rules better than anyone.” She stood and faced him, holding Nyk's hand. Zander lowered his fist. “No. I mustn't damage her,” he muttered. “She's too valuable.” He turned to Nyk. “You, I can damage.”

Nyk felt Zander's fist jab into his stomach. He doubled over, the wind knocked out of him. “No one touches her, remember that. Now, ax'amfin, you're coming with me. There's an Exo scout in orbit. We mustn't keep them waiting.”

“Neither of us are going anywhere with you.” Nyk said, straightening.

“I'll die first!” Andra exclaimed.

“That's rather uncharacteristic language from you. No, you'll come and you'll come willingly. My beautiful ax'amfin. You dreamt of glamour on a far-off colony. I could never give you that. Come with me now and you can have something very close.”


“We'll see about that.” Zander reached into a pocket and withdrew an injector loaded with a green cartridge. He held it toward her. “Inject yourself.”

“I will not.”

“You must crave punishment. Inject yourself!”

Andra glanced across the room. Nyk followed her eyes and saw her lifxarpa draped across a sofa. She started toward Zander.

“No, Andra,” Nyk shouted. “Don't!”

“I have no choice. The more I defy him, the worse his punishment.” She took the injector, pulled off the needle guard and flashed a glance at Nyk. She jabbed the injector into her thigh, through the fabric of her tunic. Nyk heard it discharge with a snap.

“Do you see, Nykkyo? Not only are the ax'amfinen beautiful, they're smart. She just did a very smart thing.” Zander waited for the drug to seize her. Andra's eyes glazed and her eyelids drooped. Her jaw went slack, and she dropped the spent injector. “Andra, zidev m'obe. Her will's not her own, Nyk. It belongs to me. Andra, jump.” She began jumping up and down. “She'll continue until I command her to stop.”

“I believe you,” Nyk said.

“Andra, stop. She knows better than to disobey. She's unable to. Andra, you have a terrible, pounding headache.” She dropped to her knees, grasped her head and moaned. “The headache's gone.” She stood.

“Nykkyo, the thought of you and her disgusts me. I can't imagine you screwing my woman. I can barely imagine you and that scrawny redhead of yours. I must punish her -- she knows the rules.” He regarded Nyk. “Perhaps not.” Zander stroked his chin. “I wouldn't have to if it wasn't consensual ... Andra, you and he. It wasn't consensual. Tell me he forced himself on you.”

“He forced himself on me.” Her voice was flat and monotonic.

“You don't have to do this, Zander,” Nyk said.

“Tell me he raped you.”

“He raped me.”

“Don't punish her. She's suffered enough.”

“I'll punish you. You'll see where her loyalties truly lie. Andra, you hate him for this. Tell him.”

She approached Nyk with anger in her eyes. “I hate you!”

“Drug-induced loyalty,” Nyk replied. “I've seen her free from your evil mix.”

“Evil mix, how dramatic ... With each dose my control over her is more complete. Soon, I won't need the drug to command her.” He turned toward her. “Andra, spit in his eye.”

She spat in Nyk's face. “I hate you,” she screamed.

“Andra, zidev m'obe,” Nyk said. “Listen to me, obey me, not him!”

Zander laughed. “Nice try. She won't, she can't. Her will's mine. Andra, show him more how you hate him.”

She slapped Nyk across his face, nearly knocking him off balance. He touched his cheek and could feel it swelling.

“You hate him enough to kill him with your bare hands. Kill him!”

“I'll kill you.” She grasped Nyk around the neck and pressed her thumbs into his windpipe. His knees buckled. He grabbed at her forearms. She tightened her grip and his vision began to go grey.

“Stop,” Zander said.

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