» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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He was un-phased. "Be my Queen


A long silence hung between them, as Kimberly slowly processed the shocking proposal. She blinked her confusion, and went so far actually tap her cheek. She seemed to be awake...


Zedd wasn't surprised by her stupor, and patiently elaborated. "Marry me, and rule by my side as Empress of the Phlegethon Empire."

This time, she knew she heard right. So, instead of mind-freezing astonishment, her face folded. "Why?"

she demanded.

"I have reassessed my strategy in dealing with the Power Rangers, Earth, and my Empire. I have decided I require a Empress suitable to join me in my quest to expand my holdings. I always knew you had potential."

His last words brought to mind years passed, when Goldar kidnapped her right after her visit to Madame Swampy, the fortune-teller. He'd claimed Zedd sought to make her his queen then, and went so far as to doll her up in that hideous brown tent Rita Repulsa liked to prance around in.

She scowled as a thought occurred to her. "I thought you already

were married. So even alien

men can't be faithful?"

The Emperor had already prepared an answer to that question. "My marriage to Rita was a sham from the beginning, and it only soured. She is unfit to be Empress."

"So you never loved her."

Zedd frowned. That was a question he hadn't

prepared for. Still, he answered quickly. "No."

"Do you love me?"

Where is she going with this?

he wondered, silently contemplating the best answer. He decided upon simple honesty...for a change. "A being such as myself cannot feel what you humans term 'love'

. Yet I offer you wealth, power, and healing, which more than compensate."

Her expression was, for once, completely unreadable. "If you don't love me, what's to stop you from tossing me to the side when someone 'better'

comes along? Just like you're doing with Rita?"

Perhaps this little game has scarred her more than I realized,

Zedd considered. He decided to take a different approach. "I doubt anything I can say to you at this moment will convince you to accept my proposal. You don't trust me --"

She snorted -- very rudely

-- in agreement.

Beneath his mask, he smirked at her brazen attitude. Despite everything she endured, she is still a challenge...

"It would be wise to consider what I offer. At my side, you will utterly crush those who have hurt you. What could horrify the Red Ranger more than your becoming Empress of the largest evil Empire in this galaxy?" He leaned forward in an unspoken challenge. "How would you accomplish your revenge without me, Kimberly? And...what will you do when it's over?"

His voice was so gentle it was actually creepier

than normal. But the questions...the powerful, thought-provoking questions...lingered in the air, just waiting to be answered.

Kimberly turned her back again, visibly shaken by the Emperor's reasoning. "I'll think about it."

A smile of triumph pulling the bare muscle of his face, Zedd nodded once. "Then I will let you do so."

She heard his footsteps again, this time moving away from her. "I will leave the door open," he decided aloud. "You are, of course, free to explore the palace at your leisure."

His footfalls disappeared down the hall, leaving Kimberly alone once again. Her arms tightened around her body, hands gently trailing along her shoulders.

With a burst of nervous energy, she hurried to the door, slamming it shut in an anxious attempt to keep the Emperor away

. She leaned heavily against the door, squeezing her eyes shut.

Two hours ago, she felt completely refreshed after her long, surprisingly restorative sleep. Suddenly, she felt more tired than she'd ever been in her entire life.

Chapter Seventy-Nine

Whether hours or minutes had passed, Kimberly could not tell. Yet her mind swam in that foggy bank between dreaming and wakefulness, as odd images danced through her head. Some were utterly absurd: skinless children running around her ankles; walking down the aisle with a black gown and dead flowers, seeing Zedd at the altar wearing a black tuxedo. Others weren't quite that far-gone, but still surreal: herself, sitting beside Zedd in a matching throne of stone; herself, crossing her scepter with his at the balcony, launching a barrage of energy to the hapless planet below...

Her eyes shot open at the thought. He...he wants to conquer Earth. My home. I

don't want to do that. I don't want to kill billions

of people..


But, at the same time, she didn't feel any qualms about doing so. She'd killed a bystander or two during her brief visit to Angel Grove, without even batting an eyelash.

Because I don't care about them anymore. Because the Flame burned away my ability to care for someone else. I'm...I'm less than human now. That's not what I want.

What she wanted, apparently Zedd could give her...but at what cost?

He doesn't love me; but I can't love anyone anyway, so what difference does it make? she rationalized, absently twisting a lock of hair. But what if that spell of his restores my ability to love? Then I'd be miserable married to him! Unless misery is just another emotion the spell numbs?

She huffed in irritation. What the HELL

am I supposed to do now??

As if in answer, a hesitant knock drew Kimberly's attention outward. She sat up on the thick mattress, her eyes locked on the heavy door.

"Come in,"

she called, though her tone was far from inviting.

The door yawned open, and when she saw her visitor, her jaw just dropped.

The not-as-old-as-he-seemed man stood at the entrance, holding a covered tray, and wearing a smile.

"Considering you haven't eaten a thing since you joined us, I thought you might like dinner this evening," he said, casually walking toward her.

Kimberly found she couldn't take her eyes off him. The wrinkles of constant frustration and anger had smoothed, and lines of...of happiness creased the corners of his...warm green eyes.

The Karovan sat the tray down at the table, and waved at her. "I probably should have asked you what you liked to eat, but my Lord was confident this would suit your tastes."

To her credit, Kimberly managed to recover enough to stand up, and make her way to the table. Yet her eyes lingered on the visitor, peering so hard one would think she was trying to see right through him.

At a distance, he seemed to glow like the sun. Yet, upon closer surveillance, his eyes were overly bright, and his smile a little sleepy.

Still, he looked worlds better than he had that morning. "What happened to you


"My Lord freed me."

Her eyes widened as realization slowly washed over her. Zedd said he'd suffered in his life. He must've cast that spell he was talking about on this guy! Is this the 'inexorable proof'

he promised me?

She was distracted as he lifted the silver cover, and unveiled her meal: a thick, grilled beefy patty, topped with red onions, iceberg lettuce, ripe tomatoes, bacon strips, and plentiful cheddar cheese. On the side sat a mound of thick French fries, with a pool of red ketchup beside them. Beside the plate sat a tall glass of Coke, and something told her it wasn't Diet.

Kim felt a wave of Vertigo as the absurdity of it all struck her. She hadn't indulged in a real cheeseburger since her training started! "How did Zedd know I like this?"

she wondered, popping a fry into her mouth.

He smiled artlessly. "He watched you sometimes."

Kim nearly choked on her food, that familiar shudder running over her skin again. Why should I be surprised? Not like the guy has morals or anything.

She sighed deeply, her eyes glancing back towards her visitor. She gazed wonderingly at his soft, dazed smile. What was this guy's name again? Oh, right...

"Have a seat, Egeon."

"Yes, my Lady."

Kim eyed him suspiciously, watching him sit beside her. "Why did you call me that?"

"Because Zedd is my Lord, and you are his intended bride."


being the operative word in that sentence, she grumbled internally. "And why is Zedd your Lord? I thought you wanted to leave. You said you wanted to pay him what you owe."

"Yes. I owed him for this freedom. And once he purged me of my pain, I decided freely that I wanted to serve him."

Her eyebrow quirked. Great...this poor guy's been lobotomized

. Wow, Zedd sure is laying the universe at my feet!

Surprisingly, Egeon seemed to read her thoughts in her expression. "I am of whole mind," he assured her, "I can remember everything I've done...only now, there is no guilt. I can remember everything I've lost...only now, there is no remorse. I still love my wife, Andros, and Karone. More than I can ever express. Only, when I see their faces in my mind, it doesn't stab me anymore." His face once again became passively happy. "It has been so long since I had reason to smile, I can't seem to stop!"

Kimberly watched the play of emotions on his face avidly. His smile had faded when he began speaking, only to grow brighter with each word he spoke. Then, after a beat, his smile grew contemplative.

Kim nearly jumped in surprise as out of nowhere, Egeon touched her cheek with his finger gently. "When I first saw you, I couldn't bear to look at you," he confessed, his green gaze drifting over her entire face. "When I look at you...I see what Karone might have been. I wonder if she would have kept her blonde hair, or if age would've darkened it. I wonder if she would have your complexion, or if her childhood freckles would have adorned her cheek."

His finger stopped its journey at her chin, and then dropped down to his lap. "You are a beautiful young woman, my Lady, but I see the sadness and anger in you. I pray to the Fates my Lord can make you happy again."

He rose to his feet, and inclined his head in a respectful bow. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Kimberly found herself staring blankly at the man before her. Incredibly, it seemed he had been pulled from the brink of self-destruction in a matter of Lord Zedd, of all people.

He does have the power to ease my pain. He didn't

lie...he actually

didn't lie.

She blinked when she noticed Egeon's inquisitive stare. Wracking her brain to recall his question, she waved him out. "I'd like to be alone."

He nodded once again, and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Kimberly stared at the door for a moment, and then turned to the food sitting

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