» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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/> She frowned thoughtfully, processing this latest information. "Just because he tried it before, doesn't mean it wasn't a clever plot. She is still Tommy's weakness."

"I doubt she won his attentions solely because of her relationship to the boy."

"What makes think so?"

"The day I went to kidnap her was two days after

Lord Zedd permanently destroyed the Green Ranger powers."

Scorpina's jaw slackened in a rare expression of wordless shock. Goldar nodded, as if supporting her silent conclusion. "If our Lord was merely using the girl as a pawn in his personal war against Tommy, there would be no need to kidnap her after

Tommy had been defeated. We were all caught by surprise when Zordon created the White Ranger powers, so there was no way he could have anticipated his foe's return."

He leaned closer to Scorpina, his eyes burning with disgust. "Two years ago, Zedd wanted the girl because he wanted the girl

! And apparently, he still wants her."

Scorpina gradually managed to regain her composure, but her mind still swam in the implications Goldar's revelation created. "Then, this entire plot...months

of careful planning and manipulation, was merely to woo the girl?" Her face pinched, as if the very words were sour on her tongue.

"This 'entire plot'

, little scorpion, was for me to achieve my own ends," a menacing voice stated, carrying through the arena as if amplified. "And those are not for minions to concern themselves."

The two gold warriors whipped around, eyes wide with fear as they stared at the silhouette of their Lord and Master. Zedd stood against the open door, the flickering firelight of the torches beside him casting writhing shadows at his feet.

Both warriors immediately fell to the ground in a desperate attempt to curb the Emperor's wrath.

Zedd stepped into the room fully, his footfalls echoing in the deafening silence. "I have annihilated more valuable servants than you for such disrespect," he informed them, his tone casual, "Fortunately for you, I am in a good mood." He came to a stop right in front of their bowed heads, bringing the polished silver of his feet into view. "The game is nearing its climax," he announced, "Kimberly has accepted my proposal."

Scorpina and Goldar managed to swallow gasps of surprise, and remained fully penitent before their Lord.

"Now listen to me," he hissed. "I must spend the next week in near constant regeneration, to insure my strength is at its peak in preparation for the spell I will cast upon my bride. In my absence, I trust her every whim to be met by you." Fierce red light bathed the warriors in a gimlet glow. " And I warn you...she will soon be your Queen, and you will treat her as such. You may find it difficult, but if you dare show impertinence, she will likely grow angry."

His tone shifted, amusement drifting into his voice. "With the Flame of Destruction flowing through her veins, her potential might eclipses what the Power Coin or Great Power bestowed upon her. If angry enough, she can destroy you both with little effort."

That said, the Emperor of Evil left.

Once his footsteps faded down the exterior hallway, Goldar and Scorpina cautiously lifted their chins.

As if of one mind, they stared at each other... an odd mixture of relief and astonishment in their eyes.

Chapter Eighty-Six

"I can't believe Zordon kicked us out!" Tanya sighed, leaning deeper into her chair. She found the slight cushion absurdly comfortable, compared to the computer consoles she'd been leaning against the first six hours of the day.

Adam leaned closer to her. "He probably figured we needed to stretch our legs a bit," he decided, a glimmer of humor in his dark eyes. "Seriously, if I stared at that energy grid analysis for a minute longer, I'd have gone blind!"

Justin, who sat directly across from the pair, managed to muster a wan smile at their light exchange. They laughed together, though to anyone who knew them, the undercurrent of tension was almost palpable. Their laughter was empty, as if they were trying to release their anxiety in some kind of socially acceptable form.

At least they're trying to smile,

he mused, casting furtive glances at either side of him. These two are so morbid they might as well be at a funeral.

He leaned his cheek against his hand, absently stabbing at the ice cubes floating in his Coke with his straw. How he managed to be sandwiched between Kat and Tommy, he'd never know. He was certain the Pink and Red Rangers hadn't exchanged a single word since he'd recovered from the fight in the power plant. In fact, they seemed to be putting every effort into avoiding eye contact all together.

How long can they keep this up?

He glanced up, noticing how Adam and Tanya had ceased trying to initiate a conversation amongst the emotionally drained team. For a brief moment, his gaze locked with that of the Yellow Ranger.

He winced at the fierce determination that lit those dark brown eyes. Uh oh...even I

know what that means!

It didn't take long for someone to learn to recognize that dark glimmer. Tanya Sloan was fed up...and she was going to do something about it.

"Adam, since we're here, maybe now you can show me that spinning heel kick you've been working on?"

The Green Ranger frowned in confusion, turning to watch his girlfriend rise from her seat. He noticed she briefly nodded to Kat, shrugging her eyebrows in mute conversation.

"Right," Adam decided, standing up. "Justin, why don't you join us? You wanted to get some practice in, right?'"

The boy beamed excitedly, pushing away from the table.

Katherine's gaze leapt from the lemonade she was apparently scrutinizing, watching three of her friends turn towards the gym area of the Youth Center. Her throat went dry as she glanced at the only other person at the table. "I'll join you --"

"Why don't you and Tommy take a walk?" the Yellow Ranger suggested, leaning against the table. "It's a beautiful day, and you two could use some fresh air."

Justin threw a non-too-subtle wink at Tanya before grinning at Tommy, his face alight with innocence. "Might as well take advantage of the fact we've been banned from the Turbo Chamber for the next hour."

Adam winced at the very direct meddling his teammates had resorted to, and laid a guiding hand on both their shoulders. "Come on, guys," he prodded. "There isn't really that much time left."

Even Adam's comment seemed to carry a suggestion. Katherine watched them leave, betrayal written all over her face.

"Sure are subtle, aren't they," Tommy commented, shaking his head with whisper of amusement. Considering the Red Ranger's infamous obliviousness, the fact that he figured out Tanya's intentions only proved how forceful the Yellow Ranger could be.

For my own good,

Kat realized, rubbing her forehead to massage away some pressure, and for the good of our entire team. Adam had a point: there isn't much time. Might as well take advantage of the few minutes' respite we have...

She opened her mouth, silently amazed how hollow her voice sounded. "Care to join me in a walk?"

After a moment's consideration, Tommy nodded. "Sure."

They both rose from the table slowly, neither one particularly looking forward to the coming exchange. Katherine's fingers twined together as she led the way, weaving between tables and through the corridor leading to the exit. She heard the dull thump of Tommy's sneakers behind her, assuring her that he was willing to finally have the discussion they'd been avoiding for far

too long.

The incandescent bulbs and ceramic tiles gave way to warm summer sunlight and rough concrete. They continued walking in single file, both heads slightly bowed as they wandered further away from the crowded recreation center.

Chapter Eighty-Seven

Considering Kimberly was unfamiliar with the expansive Lunar Palace, once she'd recovered her bearings, there was only one place to which she could retreat: her quarters.

After wrestling ferociously with her imagination, Kim managed to stop thinking about what a...physical

relationship with the Emperor of Evil might entail.

Ugh! I'm not

gonna go there!!

Frustrated, she decided to try and dwell on all the positive things a union with Zedd would include. And so, sequestered in her chambers, she performed the single most relaxing ritual for the human body.

She took a bath.

She'd been pleased to discover her large room included a private bath, and treated herself to a languorous soak in the hot, soapy water.

The bath had relieved so much physical and emotional tension, by the time she stepped out onto the cool marble tiles, she felt serene...or at least, as serene as the Flame allowed her to feel.

Afterward, with a fluffy towel wrapped firmly around her body, she stepped into the grandiose closet. Nearly giddy at the sight of more outfits than she could even count, she began sifting through them for something appropriately "regal."

She nearly squealed in girlish delight as she slipped on the perfect gown, and strode to the full-length gilded mirror.

The gown, of course, fit her like a glove. It was a simple silk sheath, reaching just to her ankles. The silk itself was black, with tendrils of crimson climbing upward like flames, contrasting sharply to the darkness. A long split stretched up each leg, reaching her upper thigh to allow for maximum mobility.


Once she found an accompanying sheer shawl to hang around her shoulders, and slick black heels to adorn her feet, she was ready to properly arrange her hair and makeup. Fortunately, her vanity was so well stocked even the most discriminating Hollywood starlets would've found everything they needed.

Then, armed with the confidence afforded by a well-suited outfit, Kimberly prepared to wander the hallways, searching for signs of life.

She didn't have long to look, for just outside her doorway stood two of Lord Zedd's most recognized servants.

She blinked when Scorpina and Goldar, two of the fiercest warriors she'd ever met, immediately snapped to attention.

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