» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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the Turbo Rangers went inside.

She watched them have an early dinner, and saw their mouths move; though the Repulsascope had no audio capabilities. She saw Adam, the girl that replaced Aisha, and the young boy retreat to the exercise mats, leaving Kat and Tommy alone.

Curiously, they left together, taking a stroll and engaging in a conversation. Kim's heart fluttered with malicious glee at the sight of Kat struggling against some torment. Tommy had watched her, keeping his distance for the first few minutes as his girlfriend apparently got some great pain off her chest.

Only then, he did something that set Kimberly's soul aflame. He leaned her body against his, in a lingering, comforting, intimate embrace. And then, he dared to stare up into the sky as if he could feel

her eyes on him. Mocking her, as he displayed in his arms the girl he preferred


It was a tribute to her self-control that she didn't instantly melt the Repulsascope into sludge. Still... the fire had surged within her, burning with a fury so violent it actually hurt.

The realization startled Kimberly out of her outraged cursing. She shook herself, her hand unconsciously rising her pounding chest. Her eyes widened when she realized her hand had begun...glowing


Her lips trembling, the spawn of evil watched the writhing tendrils of Flame creep beneath her skin...


Kim jumped, whirling around to meet the concerned stares of the palace's two warriors. Almost as soon as she locked her gaze with their own, both meekly bowed their heads.

Hmph...meek my ass...

"Where's Zedd?"

she demanded.

"He is in the middle of a regeneration stage," Scorpina informed her, lifting her head. "He really shouldn't be disturbed until at least the present stage ends, but if you-"

"Forget it,"

she groused, clenching her fists. "Tour's over

; I'm going to my room."

Scorpina and Goldar watched as the human girl wrapped in silken fire left the throne room, so swiftly it almost looked like a retreat.

"What could've set her off?" Goldar wondered, his furry brow folded.

Scorpina was one step ahead of him, already peering out the Repulsascope. She tittered with cruel laughter. "Oh, I think this

might've done it."

Goldar was immediately at her side, watching through wide eyes at the scene displayed before him. A fierce smirk pulled his furry lip.

Scorpina noticed his conspiring expression, and smiled. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yes." He backed away from the telescope, stretching his gargantuan wings to the apex of their span. "I think it's time we demonstrate our loyalty to our future Queen."

Chapter Ninety

A solemn, yet companionable silence hovered between the two Rangers. They'd moved toward the lowest row of the bleachers, Katherine lounging on the bench beneath the sun, and Tommy performing a slow, deliberate kata. Both were lost in their own thoughts, contemplating the odd mixture of relief for the problem solved, and dread for the problem at hand.

In such a state of distraction, they were wholly unprepared for visitors.

"Well, isn't this serene?" a saccharine voice wondered.

Katherine opened one eye, frowning in confusion at the pretty raven-haired woman dressed in sleek gold armor approaching from the goal post.

Tommy whirled around, instinctively falling into a defensive posture at the familiar, mocking voice of one of Rita's, and later Zedd's, most devious soldiers. "Scorpina," he spat.

Katherine bolted up at the name.

"Now, now," she scolded. "That's no way to speak to a lady. Is it, Goldar?"

The armored sentinel spread his wings, revealing himself near the top of the bleachers. Katherine quickly moved closer to Tommy, standing back to back as the winged menace launched into the air, sailing overhead and landing neatly beside his partner.

"No it isn't," he growled. "Though I'd say the Red Ranger has developed the unique ability to mortally insult every woman he meets."

Tommy frowned, puzzled. "What's that supposed to mean, Goldilocks?"

Goldar hissed wordlessly at the name. "You snatch the girl. I'll take the Red Ranger."

Scorpina brandished her favored sword. "That's fine with me."

The two golden warriors separated, each moving toward their target. As one, the heroes reached for their Turbo Keys.

"Watch out for Scorpina's Sting," Tommy warned quietly. "It's not poisonous so long as you're Morphed, but it hurts like hell if it connects."

"Thanks," she breathed.

Each Ranger faced the enemy, sliding the keys into place.

"Red Lightning Turbo Power!!"

"Wind Chaser Turbo Power!!"

Vibrant light spread from their wrist-mounted Morphers, transforming them into the Red and Pink Turbo Rangers.

"Go!" Tommy shouted. Both Rangers flipped into the air, making some space between them as their opponents closed in.

As soon as she landed, Katherine raised her hand into the air. "Windfire!"

The powerful archer's bow materialized in her hand, just in time to block a downward swing from Scorpina.

Using the bow like a staff, she blocked the subsequent blow, and jabbed one end of the weapon into Scorpina's stomach. The spy winced, falling back half a step and allowing Katherine to create space needed to mount two razor-sharp arrows at once.

Despite being slightly thrown by the Pink Ranger's unique tactic, Scorpina had the presence of mind to glance both arrows off the curved edge of her sword. However, she wasn't prepared as the Pink Ranger settled on a close-quarters fight. A forceful roundhouse followed the arrows by mere seconds, catching the spy in the center of her chest. Scorpina stumbled, but made a quick recovery.

"Innovative," the warrior chuckled, a wicked gleam in her eye. "I'm actually going to enjoy this!"

Meanwhile, only a few yards away, the Red Ranger and Goldar faced off in a heated duel. Much like their numerous other one-on-one confrontations, swords flashed in a whirling dance of speed and grace. The vast majority of thrusts were parried, yet on occasion the silver tip of the Lightning Sword dented the dense gold armor of the Titan, and the broad gold edge of Goldar's magical sword grazed the network of energy forming Tommy's armor, sparking on impact.

Tommy noticed the sparks distracted Goldar for a fraction of a second, and took advantage of it with a thunderous jump-kick to Goldar's unprotected jaw.

Thick blood spurted from Goldar's mouth as the Titan's jagged fangs bit deeply into his tongue. Goldar stumbled back, his hands flying to his aching maw, ruby eyes glaring death at his nemesis.

"I bet that

didn't taste too good," Tommy mocked maliciously.

"Be glad you are to be presented as a gift, Human," Goldar hissed, "for I would rend you limb from limb otherwise."

Tommy blinked in surprise, unconsciously steadying himself for the renewed onslaught. Gift? Goldar's here to kidnap me, too! But why


He ducked a spine-shattering punch, rolling along the ground to make some distance between himself and the rabid blue monster...and out of nowhere, a surprising plan crossed his mind.

He must need to bring me to the moon alive,

he reasoned. If I let him, I can find Kimberly...and maybe even figure out what the hell Zedd's trying to do here.

For the first time in days, a smile touched his lips. It would be dangerous, of course. There was no way to know what Zedd's plans for him ultimately were, or how much time he'd have to rescue Kimberly and make good an escape.

But he also couldn't bring himself to pass up such an opportunity.

The Red Ranger sidestepped another earth-quaking blow, and leapt into a series of backward handsprings that Billy and Kim were famous for in their Power Ranger days. He rapidly crossed the space towards the second duel, and broke into a run.

Katherine managed to disarm Scorpina, locking the two women in a fierce blur of kicks and punches. Tommy winced inwardly when Scorpina managed to catch Kat's fist, holding the Pink Ranger in place for a bone-jarring kick directly to the kidney.

Kat released a yelp of pain, the force of the kick throwing her to the ground.

"Innovative...but not nearly enough to make up for the centuries of combat experience I have on you," Scorpina scoffed, slowly moving in for the final blow. However, Scorpina grunted in surprise as she was bodily tackled to the ground.

"Tommy?" Kat marveled, painfully rising to her feet. She watched numbly as the Red Ranger struggled with Scorpina, landing a fierce punch that stunned her long enough to disentangle them.

Without a word, Tommy grabbed Kat's arm, and broke into a blur of barely subsonic motion. Behind them, he noticed Goldar was at Scorpina's side, tending to the frustrated spy.

"Kat, I have a plan!" he yelled over the whistle of air. "I'm gonna let them take me!"

Katherine's brow wrinkled in confusion. "Why would you do something like that??"

"Zedd kidnapped Kimberly!" he reminded her, "and Goldar let it slip that he intended to kidnap me too! If I let them take me, I can finally find out if Kim's all right, and maybe even figure out what Zedd's trying to accomplish!"

Katherine snorted ungracefully. "Tommy, you can't just walk into the lion's den! God knows what they've got planned for you!"

Tommy came to a halt, throwing another quick glance at their pursuing enemies.

"Look, there isn't time," he muttered, pulling up his glove. Kat watched, utterly baffled, as he un-Morphed, and pulled his Morpher from his wrist.

"What --?"

"If they kidnap me, the first thing Zedd'll do is take my Morpher," he pointed out. Hastily, he jammed the device into Katherine's outstretched hands. "Now, get out of here! Get back to the Turbo Chamber, and tell Zordon what's going on!"

Kat stared helplessly at the Red Morpher, her panicked eyes hidden behind her rose helmet. "How will you escape Zedd's palace?"

He smirked wryly. "That's your job. Now, get going!"

Dazedly, Kat watched as Tommy ran headlong toward the onrushing duo. Her jaw hanging in astonishment, he stood his ground like a man preparing to stop a runaway train.

"You're not getting her, too," Tommy snarled.

Goldar frowned at the human, before glancing at his partner in askance.

"Just don't kill him," she advised. "We'll leave that pleasure to our Mistress."

A grotesque smile parting his lips, Goldar launched one ham-fisted punch into Tommy's stomach.

Tommy choked out a breath, hands futily clasping his burning torso as he keeled over.

"Tommy!" Katherine screamed, anguished. Then, she watched as Goldar draped the listless victim over his shoulder, while Scorpina strode purposefully towards her.

With trembling fingers, Kat activated her wrist-mounted teleportation interface, vanishing in a cloud of vibrant pink energy.

Scorpina froze in her tracks, watching the light fade. "Looks like one little fishy got away."

"It's not such a loss," Goldar decided, smirking ferally, "We managed to reel

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