» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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first place. Again, her hand began to glow eerily.

It's definitely my anger. The Flame grows brighter when I'm really



she said aloud, slipping her shawl over her shoulders. "Let's check it out."

Chapter Ninety-Four

A stinging blow yanked Tommy from the throes of unconsciousness. His senses dulled, he blinked repeatedly to make out the shapes hovering in the darkness before him.

By the time he finally shook off his stupor, he realized her recognized the dark, circular enclosure, with mists crawling along the floor.

A Dark Dimension...

Both Rita and Zedd seemed to favor condemning their prisoners to the chilling vapors and impregnable walls of their pocket dimensions. And it made sense; the only way into or out of the prison was through a magical portal. There were no keys for an inept guard to misplace, and no air ducts or piping lines for a rescuer to crawl through. Nothing at all lay beyond the hard, rocky walls.

He instantly recognized the cave-like prison. This wasn't the Dark Dimension Rita used when she created the Green Ranger with the Sword of Darkness. This wasn't the Dimension Rita used when she destroyed

the Green Ranger, with the Green Candle. This was Lord Zedd's own personal pit of anguish, where he left Kimberly to wither and die after abducting her.

He gulped a breath. Was that really

less than a year ago? He'd experienced so much since much loneliness, grief, and bottomless depression...he couldn't even picture what it was like to face Zedd in open battle, Saba colliding against the silver Z-staff, with Kimberly's life hanging in the balance.

His jaw set. He had

to think on it...draw strength from past victories, rather than let recent defeats drain him of all hope.

"Snap out of it," a deep, slightly garbled voice demanded, "I want to see your face when your fate is determined."

Tommy snarled rebelliously, his dark eyes catching the humor lingering in the solid ruby eyes of Goldar. The Titan's garbled words were assuredly a result of his injured tongue. Tommy's biceps tensed of their own volition, eager to launch a closed fist into that smirking blue snout and aggravate the wound.

However, the heavy manacles that hung him from the ceiling held his wrists fast. Similar irons hung from his ankles, securing his most vicious weapons. His snarl deepening, Tommy began to struggle against the encumbering shackles.

"Chains?" he remarked, his eyes narrowing. "In a Dark Dimension? I didn't realize you were so scared of me, Monkey-brains."

This time, mockery wouldn't spoil Goldar's smug smirk. He merely chuckled quietly, folding his arms over his armored chest and moving to one side.

Puzzled, Tommy glared daggers into the obdurate Titan, until a radiant light distracted him. The Red Ranger turned, watching as a fissure of white light appeared out of nowhere, spreading to create a doorway.

He watched, mesmerized, as a woman stepped through the portal. The brilliant light cast her entire form into shadows...but despite that, his stomach flipped.

She stepped into the chamber, her eyes narrow with impatience, until she finally set eyes upon Tommy. A fierce grin lit up her face, setting her smoldering eyes on fire. "Tommy."

Tommy felt himself tremble under that scorching gaze. Yet, what was even more disturbing was her appearance. Bloodstained leather and vinyl had been replaced by sweeping silk that seemed to hug every curve of her body. Long, curling tresses, last seen plastered against her skin with sweat, were styled in an immaculate up-do.

The Red Ranger couldn't keep his jaw from going slack. He'd steeled himself before his arrival, trying to prepare for the grisly sight of Kimberly in prisoner rags, chained in some cold cellar as Zedd smugly calculated her value to the Rangers. Instead, he found himself face to face with Kimberly, dolled up for the prom, and suddenly...he realized his worst expectations were too optimistic.

He was so lost, staring into the painfully hate-filled eyes of the woman he'd risked everything to save, he didn't even notice Scorpina step through the bright portal behind her. "We thought to give you a wedding present, my Queen," she said, bowing towards Kimberly before throwing the Red Ranger a triumphant smirk.

It took a long moment before Tommy was even capable of reacting. His face twitched, confusion wrestling with astonishment as he realized his worst expectations were far too optimistic.

It actually hurt like a physical blow, as all the pieces of evidence slipped together into a heartbreaking puzzle. Kimberly, wearing luxurious silks. Kimberly, receiving bows from Lord Zedd's most faithful servants. Kimberly, vanishing from the power plant nestled in Lord Zedd's arms. Kimberly,

receiving a wedding


from Goldar

and Scorpina


Bile soured the back of his throat.

Her face the very picture of indulgence as she sauntered toward the helpless, powerless Red Ranger. Her wicked heart soared as she noticed the shudders he tried valiantly to contain. Though, despite impressive self-control, gleaned from a lifetime of discipline, there was nothing he could do to mask the disgust in his emotive eyes.


she drawled, leaning closer, "I'm getting married. That's what Zeddie wanted to talk to be about."

He winced visibly at her use of a pet name for his archenemy. "No one was more surprised than I was,"

she continued, heated breath tickling the bare skin of his neck, "but hey, at least Zedd is consistent

in his feelings for me."

In spite of the series of turbulent bombshells rapidly wearing out his buckling strength, he managed to be appropriately shocked at this newest blow. 'Consistent?'

Could that mean he...he proposed

to her before?

He grimaced, wracking his mind for some clue to the meaning of her revelation. She...never told me, but that doesn't mean it couldn't have happened. I can't imagine when, but...

He froze, as if struck by lightning. How long

has he wanted her??

While his mind whirled in a vicious cyclone of sickening, infuriating consequences and suppositions, he paid no note as the gold-white fissure appeared yet again. This time, Scorpina and Goldar stepped back, bowing their heads in proper respect to the final player.

The Emperor of Evil set his feet on the cold, mist-covered ground. "So," he said, his voice dripping with menace, "I see our first wedding guest has arrived." His face remained angled toward the captive, but both Scorpina and Goldar could feel the gimlet stare of the powerful sorcerer. "I don't recall sending him an invitation."

Tommy looked up, and fixed him with such a venomous glare, Zedd couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised. Despite being chained to the wall of a magical dimension, completely powerless and at his captor's mercy, his eyes radiated a threat even a traditional Oath of Vengeance couldn't do proper justice.

The Emperor smiled. He knows...

Nodding slightly, as if accepting a challenge, Zedd grasped Kimberly's hand. Tommy watched, teeth gnashing, as the Emperor raised her delicate fingers to his grated mask in a kiss.

"If you would excuse us, I would like to properly welcome our guest."

"Don't you dare

kill him."

"I wouldn't dream of spoiling your revenge." He turned. "Goldar, escort my bride to her chambers. Scorpina, you will await me in my throne room."

Both gilded warriors nodded, Scorpina immediately stepping through the open portal. Kimberly cast a final glance at Tommy, tossing him a mocking kiss before she and Goldar disappeared.

The fissure winked out of existence, leaving both contenders glaring at each other.

"It seems," Zedd remarked, closing the gap between them, "you have something to say to me, boy."

"It was you

..." Tommy murmured. His voice was raw, barely above a whisper, yet it carried such a wealth of revulsion and consuming hatred, its power overcame even the loudest shout.

Lord Zedd was not one to feign ignorance. Instead, he reveled under the murderous heat of the Red Ranger's glare, basking in his frustration, humiliation, and regret, that weighed the young man's heart.


the dark Lord decided, folding his arms contemptuously. Though a pity... I was greatly looking forward his reaction when I told him exactly where that letter came from.

Still, Zedd knew how to twist the knife, and prolong his foe's anguish. "It was remarkably easy to deceive you," he gloated, "You were both so willing to think the worst of each other." He slowly lifted his hand, palm up. "You played right into my hands, Ranger."

He clenched his hand into a fist for emphasis. "And now, I have laid claim on the one you cherish most. Soon, you will be witness to our wedding...and then you will die


The Emperor waited for Tommy's heated retort. Yet, the boy was so horrified

...he could do little else but glare.

Chuckling, the Emperor turned to leave. "You are already half-dead with guilt. This slow, agonizing dissolution of a warrior's spirit is far more satisfying than merely running you through."

Tommy watched Zedd disappear, his vision blurred by the wavering moisture that stood in his bloodshot eyes. The light soon faded, swallowing the once proud Power Ranger in a cold darkness.

Chapter Ninety-Five

Scorpina stood waiting by the throne, back faintly arched, hands clasped behind her back and chin tucked. Still, her lips were twisted in a grin of self-satisfaction, as she anticipated the praise she would soon receive for her initiative.

The plan had gone off quite smoothly. Neither herself nor Goldar were seriously hurt, though the Titan wouldn't be able to speak clearly for another day or so. True, the Pink Ranger had escaped, but the near-Queen seemed more than pleased with her present nonetheless.

If Kimberly is still anything like her former self, she will form attachments,

the clever assassin reasoned, her grin spreading. If she is able to trust us early on, we can be sure to grow in value in her eyes. Perhaps, even to the point of promotion. It's about time we were granted a dominated planet to govern...

Only a few minutes after everyone else had vacated the Dark Dimension, Lord Zedd stepped through the glowing fissure. He watched clinically as the doorway sealed before turning his attention to Scorpina, whose posture once

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