» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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again reflected flawless servility.

He approached her, taking long, swift strides. Scorpina blinked as, within a second, he was glaring at her at uncomfortably close range.

He stared down at her, ruby visor glowing a steady, threatening crimson. Though, in startling contrast, his voice was disturbingly cool. "I recall giving you and Goldar instructions before my regeneration began," he pointed out icily, "and those instructions did not include even interacting with the Rangers during my recovery."

Scorpina's onyx eyes widened. " Lord," she murmured. "You demanded that we attend to our future Queen --"

"I know Kimberly did not ask you to kidnap the Red Ranger," Zedd snapped.

The assassin broke eye contact, cringing as she noted the red light bathing much of her torso. It would take less than a thought for the dark Lord to convert that harmless light into a lethal energy beam.

She had to choose her words carefully, so she hesitated. "No, she didn't," she finally admitted, "but she saw the Red and Pink Rangers through the Repulsascope, and left in a rage. She...she wanted to speak to you, but you were in the middle of a regeneration stage, so Goldar and I decided take action." She took a slow breath, strengthening her resolve. "The Mistress did

approve of our gift," she added.

Something akin to a low growl passed Zedd's hidden lip. Scorpina closed her eyes, bracing herself for what would likely be fatal punishment.

Instead, his whip-like words struck her. "I did not want to engage the Power Rangers until after

my full strength has been restored," he snarled, his words slow enough for even the bluntest mind to follow. "I will not be at my peak strength until I complete all four

stages of my regeneration cycle, and that will not be for several days. If the Rangers retaliate, I will wind up exhausting all my power."

Scorpina marveled at the mere fact that she hadn't been de-atomized. "But they cannot possibly match you in strength, Sire," she breathed weakly.

Her deference to his world-quaking might seemed to appease his anger...somewhat

. "Perhaps, but I'd rather not gamble with something so simple, when patience alone would secure my victory."

He then stepped back, leaving the woman breathing room. "Now we have a potential threat in my palace," he reasoned, "It is unlikely he will strike, but not entirely impossible. I must continue regenerating immediately if I am to be at full power in time for the wedding. In the meantime, the Dark Dimension must be guarded at all times, to insure the Rangers do not find another backdoor into the cell and rescue their leader."

The soldier snapped to attention, and nodded firmly. "Goldar and I will remain alert, Sire."

"And do not

take any

action against any Ranger," he hissed in warning, "unless they are physically at our doorstep."

Chapter Ninety-Six

Jason had been at the shore, sitting on the warm summer sands, sharing lunch and laughter with Emily, when a familiar six-tone signal made him jump from his seat.

"Jason?" Emily spoke, perplexed at her boyfriend's sudden restlessness. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I..." he stammered, rubbing the back of his head anxiously, "That was my alarm."

She smiled in amusement. "I figured."

"It's...time for me to take my medication."

That alarmed the pretty blonde. "What?" she gasped, rising from their towel. "Are you sick?"

"Just a bug that's been going around," he lied, digging his hands into the pockets of his swim trunks. "Don't worry; I'm not contagious after the first day...but if I don't take the medicine on time-"

Emily watched the tall young man search through his gym bag, which contained a change of clothes. "Don't tell me you left it at home."

He grinned sheepishly. "I'm really

sorry to cut this short, Em," he sighed plaintively, "Can I make it up to you?"

She folded her arms, a gleam in her eyes. "Well

, it'll cost you, Mr. Lee. When you run out on me for lunch, you owe me one of those places where the food actually comes to you."

He smirked, planting a soft kiss on her lips. "Italian sound good?"

His lips seemed to drain the sarcasm right out of her, compelling a small, indulgent smile. "Perfect."

Hastily grabbing his bag, he waved again as he retreated to the changing area. "I'll call you tonight, Em."

As soon as he was out of earshot, he huffed in annoyance, glancing down at his watch. "I'm really

out of practice!" he mourned. "That was one of the lamest excuses I've ever come up with!"

After all, Jason hadn't needed to weave last-second explanations for his disappearances since he was forced to surrender the Gold Ranger Powers. He'd only come to wear his communicator out of habit; a lesson learned from his misadventure with Divatox. Even former Rangers had to stay prepared...for one never knew when an emergency would arise.

Such as now.

A quick glance around the area showed no witnesses, so he huddled near the wall of the locker room and whispered into his wrist. "Jason here."


Kat's voice transmitted. ^We need you at the Turbo Chamber. Can we teleport you?^

"Give me ten seconds," he requested, hastily struggling into a proper pair of pants and a shirt. Just as he was pulling his T-shirt over his bare chest, the vibrant carrier wave of white energy rocketed him to the Turbo Chamber.

Jason felt the somber mood even before he saw the Turbo Rangers' grave faces. Kat stood behind the teleportation console, and Tanya, Justin, and Adam all surrounded her. All eyes immediately fell on him.

Years of experience with such situations made him quick to recognize the emergency. "Where's Tommy?"

"Goldar and Scorpina kidnapped him," Adam answered directly.

Jason blinked in open surprise. "Scorpina's back in action, too?"

Tanya nodded. "Now Zedd has both Tommy and Kimberly; and we have no idea what he has planned for them."

Katherine stepped toward him, her arms cradled to her stomach. "Tommy let Goldar take him, in the hopes that he could find Kimberly. It's up to us to get up to the Lunar Palace, and rescue them both. The longer we delay, the less likely we'll be able to get to them in time."

"In time for what?"

Justin shrugged. "But whatever the bad guys have planned, it won't be pretty."

Katherine locked her eyes with Jason's narrow ebon gaze, commanding his attention. "We're going to the moon, but we have no idea what to expect. We know, at the very least, we'll have to confront Goldar, Scorpina, and Lord Zedd himself. We probably need to fight Kimberly, if she's still convinced we're her enemies." She took a small breath. "Our chances don't look good, no matter how you look at it. Our only hope is to make sure we're at our fullest power before we go up there. There's no way we'll succeed without a Red Ranger."

She held out her hand to him. "And we all agree there's no one more equipped to lead us into the monster's stronghold than you."

Jason's eyes widened, staring down at the Red Turbo Morpher and key. Slowly, unsteady fingers accepted the device, letting it hover over his wrist. Finally, his jaw set, he latched the Morpher on tightly.

Adam, Katherine, Tanya, and Justin all smiled, albeit slightly, at the sight of the original leader of the Power Rangers standing amongst them. Almost as soon as the Morpher was in place, his face folded into a commanding grimace that exuded if he were born for situations like this.

"How are we going to get up there?" he asked, turning to Zordon, "Billy's Portal-Com?"


Jason's strong arms folded. "Then if we can't use the back door...we have no choice but the front door."

"There's a shield protecting the palace," Adam informed him, "but we finally cracked the frequency. Once we program our energy de-stabilizer, we'll punch a hole right through it, and walk right into the palace."

"The only problem is, Lord Zedd will likely notice the shield dissolved," Alpha pointed out. "If he reconstructs it before you get out, you'll be trapped!"

A fierce smile lit Jason's face. "We'll find a way out. We always do."

Chapter Ninety-Seven

Her anger had dissipated the moment she laid eyes on him. Broken, alone, at her mercy...excitement ignited in her being at the knowledge that she had finally won. She knew he would suffer indescribable anguish, and bitterly regret risking her devoted love for Katherine's


She hadn't had time to really consider what his punishment would be. She had wanted to kill him on Muiranthias, and visions of his bloody demise drew her to Divatox.

Only, when she had him at her mercy, bloody and hurt and mournful...something stayed her hand.

Her anger was revived to full force after Katherine blindsided her. Her stammering outrage turned the devil into an angel...she took the risk that Zedd truly intended to help her, and let herself be sequestered to the moon.

Zedd's servants gave her Tommy on a silver platter. It almost seemed like her darkest prayers had been answered; less than an hour after he had the nerve to mock her, he hung battered and alone in Zedd's Dark Dimension.

Yet once again, when face to face with his pain...whatever happiness she should

feel seemed disappointingly empty. Empty, like the drab gray of the moon, spread out beneath her balcony.

Yes, she felt a burst of joy when she first saw him. Yes, she gleaned a malicious rush when she flaunted her future as Empress in his face. Yes, her heart danced as he winced in distress.

But why, only minutes after she left his presence, did her ecstasy fade?

Zedd had told her the Flame muted her happiness...her ability to feel content, or at peace. She had resigned herself to the fact that she couldn't

feel joy, without Zedd's magic.


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