» Science Fiction » The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 6, Heather Ray [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 6, Heather Ray [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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gathered the five discs, and lifted up one with red etching on the surface. "This is the Red Dragon Starlight Ranger." He then picked up another. "This is the Pink Firebird Starlight Ranger." He reached for the blue badge. "This is the Blue Unicorn Starlight Ranger." Then, the yellow disc. "This is the Yellow Griffin Starlight Ranger." And finally, the green one. "And this is the Green Lion Starlight Ranger."

There was an audible gasp from the entire group, who were simply amazed by this long-held secret finally brought to light.

"So the reason why the White Ranger was tougher than the because his powers came from a different source?" Alexis recapped.

"Exactly," Will said, nodding.

"But...but...the Thunderzords are now obsolete!" Rocky pointed out, "I mean, Rito Revolto managed to destroy the Mega-Thunderzord. These powers don't hold a candle to the Zeo Crystal."

"You can't judge the Starlight power based on the Thunderzords," Trini highlighted, "Remember, Zordon compromised the initial plans of those zords, by using the parts from the Dinozords in order to make them faster, and to make them compatible with the Power Rangers on active duty. So, in effect, the Thunderzords weren't the Starzords. They were more of a hybrid between the pure Starzords, and the Dinozords. Then, when Zordon created the White Ranger, he had to make his zord compatible with the Thunderzords. So the Tigerzord was a Thunderzord too, but closer to the Starzord than the others were."

"You're right about one thing, though," Will admitted, "the Starlight powers aren't as potent as the Terra powers. The specs Zordon had created would have made a team stronger than the Ninja Power Rangers...but not that much stronger. However, since I've been working with the Terran Rangers for so long, and I've studied the Starlight powers thoroughly, I've figured out how to make them far more powerful than Zordon's would have been. Still, they won't be quite on par with the Terran Rangers, but they are much closer."

"The genius strikes again," Alexis commented, a grin crossing her lips. "So tell us,'d you do it? How'd you surpass Zordon?"

"The Starlight Rangers gain power from the stars. Zordon's sketches allowed them to harness the powers of the stars in general. However, I've discovered that they'd be far more powerful if they only drew power from a particular star...the closest. The down side is that the Starlight Rangers are now forced to be planetary Rangers. Just like the Aquitians need Aquitian water to gain strength, the Starlight Rangers need to be within our solar system. The further they get from the Sun, the weaker they get. However, to make them more powerful, I figured it'd be worth the sacrifice. After all, the Starlight team are defenders of Earth.

"I also went a step further regarding their power source. Each Ranger will draw power from a particular aspect of the Sun. The Sun contains different layers, with different elements and different energy levels. Different power sources makes the team more diverse."

Will then grinned proudly. "And finally, I took a chance. Even after I programmed the coins, I still needed to give them a jump start. I decided to use the Zeo Crystal. As it turns worked! And now that there is some of that mysterious Zeo power in the coins, they're energy levels have peaked even beyond my expectation. And they're ready."

"This is so incredible," Regina whispered, watching as Will stepped away from the table, and sat down at the central computer. "How did you do all of this?!"

"Well," Will admitted with a slight grin, slipping a mini-disc into the disk drive, "I can't take that much credit. I didn't come up with this strategy over night. I've been working on the Starlight project during my free time since I first discovered the full record of them. That was only about six months after the Terra team was reinstated."

Rocky shook his head in amazement. "You've worked on this project for nearly twenty years?!"

"Hey, Will likes to be prepared," Trini quipped, standing behind her husband and draping her arms around his shoulders.

"Okay, I've made a CD containing all the information on the new Starlight team," Will highlighted, typing on the keyboard, "This includes weaponry, zords, their power source, and how these different aspects can be modified to their fullest potential. Unfortunately, I've had difficulty in recreating the White Tiger Ranger, due to the fact that Zordon had already created a White Tiger coin, and that coin was lost. So for now, we have five Starlight Rangers, each powered by a Starlight Disc, and a different force of the Sun."

Will stopped typing, and an image appeared of five Rangers, two on the top and two on the bottom, with the Red Ranger in the center. Each Ranger wore a spandex suit and helmet of their signature color, along with a white vest, white boots, and gloves. The entire uniform sported gold trim, including a gold bar stretching down the white torso of the suit, and connecting to the golden belt. Finally, each Ranger had a golden badge on his chest. The badge was the Starlight Disc.

"Since there is no White Ranger yet, there are five spots on this team. That means we need five new Rangers. Fortunately, this power doesn't require the previous membership on a Ranger team, like the Terra team does. So, anyone can become a Ranger. Now, Trini and I have been thinking about this ever since the Terra team ran into trouble, so I'll tell you whom we've chosen. Of course, you all have the right to back out."

Will then pressed another key, and the Blue Ranger's space flashed. The image enlarged until it filled the entire screen, and the Ranger began turning. Captions flashed at different abilities this Ranger had. Also, to everyone's surprise, a white miniskirt with gold hem appeared.

"The templates for the uniforms are flexible," Will explained. "So all the female Rangers can have a skirt...unless they don't want one, of course. This Blue Ranger draws power from the solar flare, which is an arc of plasmic energy exploding from the surface of the Sun. She will pilot the Unicorn Starzord...once they are finished, of course...and her weapons are the Gemini Axes, named Ares and Artemis."

Will then signaled to Trini, who walked towards the lab table and picked up the golden badge with the blue etching. "As usual, the Blue Ranger will be the brains of the team. Someone who is cool headed, intelligent, and logical. Someone who is willing to take orders, but prepared to voice her opinion fearlessly. As you can see from the screen, we've decided to make this Blue Ranger female. you accept the honor and responsibility of being the Blue Unicorn Starlight Ranger?"

The young woman blinked in astonishment, her mouth hanging over slightly. Then, her lips pulled into a smile. "Well, I don't think people tend to call me cool headed and logical...but if you think I can pull it off..."

"Modesty also tends to be a trait of the Blue Ranger," Rocky quipped, casting a side glance at Will. Will shrugged innocently.

"This is so incredible," Regina whispered, accepting the badge from Trini and cradling it in her hands as if it were an egg.

"Next up is the Yellow Ranger," Will continued, pressing another button. The image of the Blue Ranger shrunk to the size of the others, and the Yellow Ranger zoomed in, and began spinning slowly so all could see the lemon yellow uniform, tastefully trimmed in gold, with a small white miniskirt matching the Blue Ranger's. "The Yellow Ranger will draw energy from the corona, the heated ion aura that glows around the sun. She will pilot the legendary Griffin Starzord, and her weapon shall be the Javelin Erith. Just like Trini, Aisha, and Kimberly before her, the Yellow Griffin Ranger will have a fierce spirit, that shines through whenever the stakes become too high for her natural gentility. She is the soul of the Power Rangers."

"She is Brittany," Trini concluded, holding out the yellow badge and smiling at the Lees' oldest child. "If she accepts, of course."

Brittany pressed her lips together tightly, her body almost trembling in excitement as she took the badge. She gazed at the design intensely with her wide blue eyes, briefly reflecting upon the legacy she was about to continue. The fourth in a series of brave, strong women, with innocence and a love of life, coupled with the fierce determination to protect what she loved. Like a lioness, circling the den of her cubs.

"I'll be the best Yellow Ranger I can be," she stated firmly, stepping back to her mother and hugging her tightly. With tears in her eyes, Emily returned the gesture, leaning her chin on her eldest child's head.

"The Green Ranger draws power from gravity, which is the force that keeps our entire solar system circling the sun. That makes gravity his signature power as well. Also, he will pilot the Lion Starzord, and wield the Dagger Sampson in battle. The Green Lion Ranger will be the surprise powerhouse of the team, to help balance the odds when the forces of Evil seem to hold all the cards. His nobility and strength of character fuel him when he faces danger, and his bravery is second to none."

"Since the first Green Ranger was Tommy, it seemed only fitting that his son continue that legacy," Trini affirmed, handing Micah the badge. "I'm sure you'll do your best to carry on the legend."

Micah stared at the badge in astonishment, his dark eyes wide and his forehead wrinkled. "Me?" he whispered blankly. "You want me to be a Power Ranger?"

Trini nodded, smiling warmly at the boy. "I know you'll be the youngest Power Ranger this world has seen, but you have a maturity that reaches far beyond your years. You were raised on stories of heroes, but you also know the darker side to the Power. Your parents, both loyal Terran Rangers, have brought you up well. You deserve this badge, and a role on this team."

Micah's eyes glassed over slightly, as he accepted the disc. He then took a deep breath, and cast his gaze towards the medical station, where both his parents laid comatose. "I'll make you proud, Mom...Dad," he vowed, "I'll make you proud."

"The Pink Ranger is energized by the fierce heat of the solar winds, which reach far beyond the actual star as ions are released," Will continued, changing the screen to view the Pink Ranger, "She will pilot the high-flying Firebird Starzord, and her weapon will be Edana, the crossbow. Like both Kimberly and Katherine, the Pink Ranger continues the station of being the heart of the team. Her natural compassion and empathy for all living beings, including her friends, helps her stand fast as the emotional pillar of the team. This is an essential role, since the pressures of heroism are great indeed, and group cohesion and emotional strength are vital to the success of the Power Rangers."

"We thought about it," Trini said, picking up the pink badge and gazing at the carving, "and we decided that there's only one person with enough empathy to fulfill this role to its full potential. Becky, your mutant powers give you an edge in determining the emotional needs of the Rangers, and of citizens as well. Also, you've shown great strength in your training to get your powers under control, and while you trained in Xavier's institute, you also tempered your body as well as your mind, learning a variety of stealth and fighting skills that will certainly come in handy on this mission. Becky... you were
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