» Science Fiction » The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 6, Heather Ray [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗

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he too will listen to my voice."

"This is amazing," Rebecca whispered, her gaze focused on the wiseman in awe. "You are so insightful, Shaman."

"And you too have insight, child," he said, gazing into Rebecca's eyes sharply, "I sense...a power within you. A second sight, that most do not have."

"Yes!" Rebecca answered. "That's right."

"So, wait," Micah muttered, waving his hand, "back up a second. If you know the Falcon, then do you know his brother?"

"Of course I do," the answered, nodding. "When the time is right, the two will be united, and the power will be theirs."

"Sir, we must find David Trueheart," Rebecca said, "I know this isn't the time you had chosen to bring the two brothers together, but --"

"I know," the shaman interrupted, "I am to guide you to him, for the power of Unity is needed."

"So, where can we find David?" Micah asked impatiently. "We're running out of time."

"You are headstrong," the wiseman decided, "and you must heed my voice. Your stubbornness will bring you woe."

Micah frowned angrily, rising to his feet. "I don't need this," he muttered, storming out of the tent.

Rebecca watched the Green Ranger's abrupt departure in astonishment, and then turned back to the shaman. "I...I'm so sorry for my friend's behavior..."

The shaman smiled. "He is young and headstrong. You, however, are aged beyond your years. You have patience he lacks. You will have to teach him that patience, if he will succeed in the mission assigned him."

The shaman then reached forward, and took Rebecca's hand. "Follow the falcon, Child of the Stars. The falcon will lead you to your goal."
Chapter Twelve

"This is odd," said Goldar, turning away from the Repulsascope. "Those two children...seem familiar to me."

"Why are you watching them anyway?" asked Rito Revolto.

"I saw them appear from a Multiversal hole!" yelled Goldar, impatient of Rito's simpleness, "I thought for a moment that Zedd and Rita had managed to return, after being tossed into the Multiverse by Solar." He shivered unconsciously at the thought. "But they haven't. Five teenagers appeared, and they were dressed in Power Rangers uniforms."

"Power Rangers from another dimension?" Rito groaned.

"I'm going to follow them on foot," Goldar determined, stepping briskly off the balcony. "Those five kids came here for a reason, and I want to know what it is."

With that, Goldar rose his sword into the air, and vanished in a cloud of golden energy. Rito smiled and sat down on the throne.

"Aahh," he said, stretching his bones. "This is the life! So why does Goldar always sit in the throne? No one elected him leader!"

Just then, a strange black mist seeped into the throne room through the cracks in the wall opposite the throne. Rito was so surprised he fell off the throne he was sitting on, and drew his sword defensively. The mist swirled upon itself, and smashed into the cold stone floor. It began to spiral upwards, and a dark energy sparked within the confines of the smoke. The energy stretched and coiled, forming the figure of a man.

He was tall...about six and a half feet in height. Limp grayish-black hair hung from his head, brushing his shoulders, and his hairline started high on his scalp to give him a sloping forehead. His skin could be likened to solid alabaster, ivory in color, and smooth save for a few wrinkles marring his forehead, the area about his closed eyes, and the skin below his narrow lips. A dark, rich black robe covered his entire body, the loose folds making it impossible to determine the musculature of the figure. A golden metal collar enclosed his long neck, and stretched to cover his shoulders. A blood red gemstone sat at the bottom edge of the metal shield, just in the center of his chest.

The figure took a deep breath, throwing his head back slightly. He then exhaled, his eyes slowly opening...revealing empty pits of fathomless void. A cold smirk pulled at the corners of the thin line of his powdery lips.

Rito stumbled back slightly, the sight of the empty crevices and wicked grin causing a wave of fear to erupt even in him. He swallowed, trying to regain composure.

"Who...who are you?" he asked, his sword still held forward.

Thin, coal black eyebrows lowered, and small black sparks flashed within the empty caves of his eyes. Rito stepped back in surprise as the being approached.

He stepped past the flabbergasted skeleton, and stood at the balcony of the palace. From his vantage point, he could see the blue orb of Earth perfectly.

A sudden breeze passed through the throne room, and Rito felt an intense chill. The breeze wove through the being's gray hair, and caused the skirts of his heavy onyx robe to flap slightly. The breeze was first invisible, but soon it took on a grayish hue.

"I am here on business, Rito Revolto," the being said, his voice low and menacing, "I plan on staying for an indefinite length of time, for I have goals on Earth."

He then turned around, casting his empty gaze on Rito. "I shall be frank. I have no need of your abilities. I have watched you, and determined you to be a mere simpleton. The only benefit you could possibly afford me is a familiarity with these humans called Terran Power Rangers. However, if you become a nuisance, I will not hesitate to be rid of you."

Rito's intense fear gave way to anger, as he gripped his sword tighter. "Who are you?!" he demanded.

"You will serve me," he said, extending his arm. The thick sleeve gathered, revealing long, withered fingers with shaggy nails. Black sparks flashed, creating a bolt of black lightning that wrapped around Rito in a web of dark energy. Rito gasped, dropping his sword as the power seeped into his bones.

He screamed, falling to his knees as the tint of his bones darkened...from dusty white to the deepest of black. Also, his guerrilla armor vanished, leaving the skeleton clad in a black metallic armor, complete with helmet that draped over his skull.

A piercing red light emerged from the holes that served as the skeleton's eyes.

Impossibly, the hard calcium bone of his mouth stretched...into a smile.

"I...I feel so..." he said, in a steady yet awed voice. There wasn't even a hint of the mumbling foolishness that had characterized his speech just moments before.

"Consider it my gift to you," the Dark One said flatly, descending the few steps of the balcony, and taking a seat on the throne. He folded his narrow fingers again, the sleeves dropping over his hands immediately. He held his head high, and gazed down his narrow nose at his new servant. "I have granted you Power, Rito. Your magical skills have increased dramatically, and so has your intelligence, speed, and balance. You are no longer the bumbling idiot that posed such a disgrace to your family. You shall serve at my right least, until you lose your value in my eyes."

Rito nodded, lifting his sword. He rose to one knee, bowing humbly, feeling a thick black cape brush against the floor as he leaned forward. "That shall not happen, Lord."

The flat expression on his face once again gave way to a sinister smile...far more fear-inducing than his neutral face.

"See that it doesn't."

Chapter Thirteen

Right outside Angel Grove High School, Regina Drew and Anthony Monroe met in the parking lot. It was packed with automobiles, but devoid of onlookers.

"Where's Brittany?" asked Regina, looking around the lot quickly. "Did she contact you?"

"No," said Anthony, worry knitting his brow, "I guess I should contact her. It's been too long."

Just as the leader of the Starlight Rangers pulled his wrist to his mouth, the tone of his communicator sounded.

"Anthony here," he said into the microphone, glancing at his companion to listen in.

^Tony? It's me, Micah. Becky and I are at the reservation.^

"Did you find David?" asked Regina.

^We're working on it. An old Indian shaman told us to follow the falcon to find David. That's what we're doing now. I'll call back as soon as we find something.^

"Good," said Anthony, "Tony out."

"So, now what do we do?" Regina sighed, leaning against a nearby car. Anthony pressed a sequence of buttons on his communicator, and brought it closer his mouth.

Chapter Fourteen

Inside Mr. Caplan's office, the principal scanned through various files on his personal computer, his eagle eye darting from the screen to the young woman sitting across his desk. The other occupant of the room kept her ice blue gaze to her lap, her slender fingers wrapped around her bare wrist. She kept glancing at the clock, and at her communicator, which was sitting on his obscenely neat desk.

"What did you say your name was?" asked the principal, a puzzled frown wrinkling his brow.

"Brittany Lee," she answered quietly. Mr. Caplan grimaced as he scrolled through the roster.

"What grade are you in?" he asked.

"Mr. Caplan, Sir," Brittany sighed, impatience making her restless, "I don't attend this school. You see, I was just visiting --"

"Visitors must sign in at the main office," the principal interrupted, lifting his hard gaze to hers, "and they aren't allowed to use pagers here, either."

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