» Science Fiction » The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 6, Heather Ray [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 6, Heather Ray [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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getting away that easily, Little Ranger," bellowed a monstrous voice, as a cloud of golden energy appeared in the path of the two retreating individuals. Micah snarled in disgust, instinctively pushing his uncle behind him protectively.

"Graviton Rush Starlight Power!" he called. A soft green light bathed his body, transforming him into the Green Starlight Ranger. Once the transformation was complete, Micah folded his arms and glared up at the much taller villain undauntedly.

"This should be fun," Goldar grumbled, raising his sword to strike. Micah leaped out of the way, and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick, accompanied by a mighty Sic-ya

! It didn't take Goldar long to realize where he'd seen this particular fighting style before.

This boy fights like Tommy Oliver!

he thought in surprise. He must be a student of his. Now the advantage is mine, because I am familiar with all of Oliver's moves, whereas this boy has never fought me before!

Sure enough, Goldar was able to take advantage of all the weaknesses in the Green Ranger's style, especially where the boy lost balance. Only a fraction of a second of broken focus lead to Goldar delivering a massive attack. Despite his valiant effort and impressive skill, Micah was unable to match Goldar's far more powerful attack, and the speed and unpredictability of his own moves upon which he was counting didn't measure up. With a harsh laugh, Goldar plowed his knee into the stomach of the already battered Green Ranger. Micah staggered weakly before his strength completely gave out. He fell unconscious to the sandy ground, his body tumbling like lead to the dusty, rocky earth. Goldar laughed triumphantly, and lifted the boy onto his shoulder. He then turned around to see David trying to run away.

"Oh no you don't!" he called, pointing his sword at David. A string of energy wrapped itself around David, and he, Goldar, and the Green Ranger vanished. The only thing remaining was David's leather string, with the arrowhead half attached to it.

Chapter Twenty-Two

In coruscating columns of vibrant color, three armored warriors arrived on the arid cliffs outside the local Native American reservation. They were greeted by the sounds of combat, with several different battle shrieks spotting the constant clashing of metal or energy against hardened clay.

"Let's move," Tommy stated, racing up a hill towards the sounds. "This doesn't sound right."

"No kidding," Zack huffed, a faint aura of silver energy blanketing his body, "I'll take a closer look."

The Silver X-Ranger magnetically lifted himself into the air, high enough to see over the hills. He gasped loudly at the sight before him, and shook his head slightly to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

Before his eyes was a handful of vicious Viper Putties. And they were being thoroughly smote by what looked like Pink, Yellow, Blue, and Red Rangers. However, the pattern of their uniform was very distinct from any of the uniforms he had seen.

A new set of Power Rangers?

"Zack!" Jason called, looking up at his friend who was apparently dumbstruck. "What do you see?"

"Whoa," Tommy then muttered, once the battle scene had fallen into his range of vision, "Jase, you're not going to believe this!"

The Black Terran Ranger was quick to join his best friend and share his vantage point. He blinked several times before raising his wrist unit to his mouth.

"Billy? Are you still watching what's going on here?"

^Yes, I see the four apparent Power Rangers,^

Billy responded. ^They've managed to winnow down the number of Viper Putties down to four from over a dozen in the time it took you to reach the battle.^

"Are they really...Power Rangers

?" Tommy whispered.

^All Power Ranger teams have to morph, and that creates an energy signature that matches across teams. We're looking into that now.^

"You and Aisha?" Jason inquired.

^Actually, Billy called us all in,^

said Katherine's voice over the intercom. ^This situation is far more complicated than it first appeared, so everyone's on standby at the CAC.^

^For now, engage these foreign Rangers,^

Billy continued. ^Make sure they don't vanish after the fight. We must complete our scans to determine whether they are truly Power Rangers, or if they are the next trick from the Moon forces.^

"You got it," Tommy said, as he once again broke into a run towards the fight. By this time each Ranger was facing a Viper Putty one-on-one, and they were too involved in their personal conflicts to notice the new arrivals.

Tommy was quick to reach the Pink Ranger, who was struggling to loosen her opponent's grip from her crossbow.

"Need a hand?" he offered, coming upon the Viper Putty from the side. He then delivered a powerful kick to the arms of the Putty, forcing it to release the crossbow.

The Pink Ranger stumbled back a bit at the sudden release, but quickly regained her balance. "Actually, Red Ranger," she responded, aiming her crossbow carefully, "Edana and I were doing just fine. Weren't we, Edana?"

Tommy froze in place when he heard the crossbow respond. "We certainly were, Pink Starlight Ranger."

Tommy watched in mute amazement as a pulsing stream of glittering energy flowed from the tip of the crossbow, plowing into the chest of the Viper Putty and reducing it to ashes practically on impact.

Not far away, Jason was quick to reach the side of the Yellow Ranger, who was blindsided by the Viper Putty, and stumbled backwards, tripping over a raised root on the dusty trail. She yelped in surprise as her back struck the ground, and the force of her descent caused her to drop her griffin-headed javelin.

At a loss for options, she rolled along the ground, barely managing to avoid the stream of bubbling venom the creature spat at her.

"Hey!" Jason yelled, racing at the Putty. "That's no way to treat a lady!"

The Yellow Ranger gasped in surprise as the Black Terran Ranger sailed over her, plowing his elbows into the Viper Putty's chest. He then pushed off the creature, somersaulting in the air and landing perfectly on his feet. He grinned as the stunned Putty fell to the ground, twitching slightly.

"You..." the Yellow Ranger whispered, "you're..."

"He's not out of commission yet," Jason warned, his sharp Earth Sword materializing in his hand, "until he crumbles to dust, a Viper Putty is extremely deadly."

The Yellow Ranger nodded mutely, and watched as Jason dug the edge of his sword into the ground. Then, the ground opened up just beneath the putty, creating a chasm into which the magical creature plummeted. The chasm quickly sealed itself, and Jason's sword vanished.

"Are you okay?" he asked, offering her his hand.

Too startled to respond, Brittany Lee allowed her father to help her to her feet.

Zack noticed with a quick look that Jason had chosen to aid the Yellow Ranger, and Tommy had elected to assist the Pink Ranger. He then carefully examined the battles of both the Red and Blue Rangers, who both seemed to be dealing well with their opponents. The two Rangers fought in close proximity, each often turning to catch a glance at how the other was doing.

Zack grinned to himself. "If I were a betting man, I'd say they were dating," he decided, flying towards them both. After a quick glimpse, he decided to first aid the Red Ranger, after a powerful blow from the putty forced him to drop his sword.

"Hi," Zack called, hovering right over the Red Ranger. "Need a hand?"

The Red Ranger was mute as Zack held his open palm at the Putty. Instantly, a magnetic bubble surrounded the creature, trapping it within.

"And now for the fun part," Zack said, his silver and white Lance of Light appearing in his hands. He balanced the lance between both hands, with one gemstone glowing steadily with white light. Then, the bubble surrounding the putty vanished, allowing the putty to rise to its feet. No sooner did the putty recover its bearings did Zack plow the glowing gemstone into the creature's stomach. The heated gem dug into the clay, sending white shockwaves throughout its body. It then stopped twitching, and shattered into shards of dried up clay.

The Silver X-Ranger smiled at his work, spinning his powerful lance in victory. He then turned to the mysterious Red Ranger, who was still frozen in shock and confusion.

"Yo," Zack said, approaching him slowly. "You okay, Man?"

Before Zack could take another step, he felt a steady kick grind into the small of his back. With a loud grunt, he fell onto his face, the tip of his helmet landing just a few inches in front of the Red Ranger.

With a groan, Zack managed to turn around...only to see two sharp axes fall upon his neck threateningly.

"What the hell are you supposed to be?" the female Blue Ranger questioned, leaning forward to press the axes against Zack's silver armor.

Zack's shocked expression quickly changed into a frown. "I think you're the one that should be answering that question," he challenged, sitting up further in defiance. He felt the axes against his armor, but he refused to back down.

"Regi -- uh, Blue Ranger," Anthony then said, stepping passed the Silver Ranger and lying his hand on her shoulder. "Let him up. He helped me destroy that Putty."

"But...maybe this is one of Goldar's tricks or something," she pressed, not removing the axes. "Look at this guy! He's no Terran Ranger!"

"Hey!" Tommy then called, as he, Jason, and the Pink and Yellow Starlights raced to the confrontation, "What are you doing?"

"Is this guy with you?" the Pink Ranger asked. "Is he a Terran Ranger?"

"He's one of us," Jason answered, "but how do you know about -?"

"Uh...sorry about that," the Blue Ranger said in a sheepish voice, quickly pulling away her axes, "I didn't realize there was a Silver Terran Ranger. No hard feelings?"

"I...I guess not," Zack muttered, as both Tommy and the Red Starlight Ranger helped him to his feet. After Zack was standing, the two Red Rangers made eye contact, a curious frown forming on Tommy's forehead.

"How is it you know who we are, but we have no clue who you are?" Tommy inquired, as he, Zack, and Jason regrouped.

"I'm sorry," the other Red Ranger said, "we should introduce ourselves. We're the Starlight Power Rangers."

"What planet are you guys from?" Tommy pressed, folding his arms, "and what do you need here on Earth?"

"Oh, we're from Earth," the Yellow Ranger answered. "Just not this Earth."

"We actually came here via the Multiverse," the Blue Ranger clarified, "we're from the fut --"

^Terran Rangers,^

a voice sprang from Zack, Tommy, and Jason's communicators. ^Do you read?^

"Excuse us for just a moment," Tommy said, as the trio stepped away

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