» Science Fiction » The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 6, Heather Ray [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗

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the two together already. I guess, maybe, you're right. We were supposed to enter this universe, and therefore our influence is necessary for the destinies of the Rangers to unfold. It's like one of those weird paradoxes on sci-fi movies!

*That certainly makes our presence here a little less troublesome. If we were meant to come here, then maybe we don't have to worry too much about altering the time stream. Our influence on this reality is important. I guess...*

"So," David said, interrupting the telepathic conversation, "if you two really are here to show me my destiny, let's have it. Do you have the answers? Do you now what this arrowhead means?"

"We do," Micah said, looking the taller man in the eye. "That arrowhead is a powerful medallion, containing a great deal of magical power --"

"Is that a fact?" growled a menacing feral voice. "Now, what kind of power does this arrowhead contain?"

The three teenagers turned around urgently as the armored beast Goldar stepped into sight from behind some nearby boulders. Rebecca and Micah instantly fell into defensive stances in front of David, who stood dumbfounded at the sudden appearance of such an unearthly abomination.

"The arrowhead, Children," he grumbled, the sunlight bouncing off his polished sword as he slowly waved it threateningly.

"You don't scare us," said Rebecca sternly, narrowing her dark eyes. She then stepped forward slightly, raising her chin defiantly towards the monster. "Mike," she called over her shoulder, "get David out of here, and call for backup."

Micah gazed at Rebecca, blinking with indecision. "Can you take this guy by yourself, Beck?"

Rebecca glanced at him darkly.

"Okay, dumb question," Micah sighed, grabbing David by the wrist. He then led him away from the battle.

"By the might of the stars," Rebecca whispered, a golden badge appearing on her chest, "Heaven's Gale Starlight Power!!"

Goldar growled in surprise and disgust, and shielded his crimson eyes urgently as a blinding mist of pink energy erupted from the Starlight Disc. He managed to open his eyes once the light faded, and his brow furrowed when he saw the unfamiliar Pink Ranger standing before him, her hands held proudly on her hips.

Despite her small stature, this Pink Ranger seemed to exude a rare form of confidence that made her far more intimidating than Goldar originally perceived.

The ancient canine warrior grinned as the Pink Ranger removed her hands from her hips, and whirled her arms in an impressive display before finally settling into a fighting stance.

"Just a slip of a girl," he muttered, slowly approaching. Rebecca braced herself for the oncoming dose of lethal strength, her hand lowering to the holster where her crossbow was firmly attached.

Inexplicably, before he was within a yard of the Pink Ranger, Goldar stopped in his tracks. He touched his forehead, releasing a low grumble. Finally, he fixed Rebecca with a cold glare and a wicked grin.

"We shall finish this soon," he declared as his form disappeared in a bright golden cloud of energy, "I promise you."

Rebecca blinked in astonishment, and turned around full circle in search of the monster. Finally, she relaxed her battle stance, and threw up her arms in confusion. "What was that all about?" she pondered aloud, her frown deepening. She gasped in surprise when, without warning, twelve menacing green Putty Patrollers materialized out of thin air.

Her eyes narrowed when she noticed the white Vs on their chests. They were clearly a few specimens of Finster's deadly Viper Putties. Rebecca's confused frown melted into an almost predatory grin, and she once again fell into a prepared stance.

Meanwhile, not far away, Micah and David ducked behind a large boulder for cover. Micah was fiddling with his communicator, while David peeked out to watch the fight.

"You guys are the Power Rangers?" he asked, turning back to Micah.

"Sort of," he responded. "It's complicated. Anthony, are you there?"

^What's up, Mike?^

a voice replied.

"We found David, but Goldar attacked us! We could use some help!"

After a short pause, Anthony's voice returned. ^Hang on Mike. We're on our way!^

Chapter Nineteen

Anthony turned to Brittany and Regina, who were both frowning slightly.

"What the hell is Goldar bothering Micah and Rebecca for?" Brittany seethed, folding her arms. She had voiced the question that was on the minds of all three of the elder Starlight Rangers.

"Whatever the reason, we've got to move," Anthony said, pushing off from the car he was leaning on. "This'll be our first fight as Power Rangers. We've gotta be very careful not to underestimate our opponents. Goldar and the Viper Putties are extremely deadly, and I'm sure they eat amateurs for breakfast."

Regina creeped closer to Anthony, and squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Try and keep positive," she advised. "If Will didn't think we could handle combat, he certainly wouldn't have made us Power Rangers!"

"She's got a point, Tony," Brittany affirmed, glancing quickly around the parking lot. "The coast's clear."

"Then let's morph," Anthony declared, the badge on his chest suddenly appearing, "Starburst Starlight Power!"

"Corona Wash Starlight Power!" Brittany shouted.

"Solar Blaze Starlight Power!" Regina cried.

The three teens were engulfed in bright columns of light, lightweight armor molding around them and infusing them with the power of the legendary Power Rangers. Immediately after the morph, the three Rangers followed Micah's signal to the heart of the battle. They appeared on the dusty desert cliff just feet away from Micah and David, who were still crouching behind the boulder.

About twenty yards away, the Pink Ranger was fully engulfed in a heated conflict, mercilessly pounding on the army of Viper Putties.

"Keep David safe, Micah," said the Red Ranger, his hand moving to his sheathed sword. "Once he's out of harm's way, come give us a hand!"

"You got it," said Micah, leading David away from the fight. The Red, Yellow, and Blue Starlight Rangers immediately raced towards the battle, and arrived on the scene just in time to see Rebecca balance her crossbow on her left forearm. She braced herself, and a powerful beam of pink and silver energy shot from the bow, plowing into the three Viper Putties in the line of fire.

"Nice shot, Edana," Rebecca commented, directing her praise to the handle of the weapon.

"Expect nothing less from a seasoned professional," a female voice responded, its source being the stylized silver firebird head atop the weapon, "I've been designed to be the ultimate weapon and adviser!"

"Ohmigod!" Regina gasped, staring blankly at Rebecca and her crossbow. "Did your bow just talk?"

"Of course I did," Edana sighed while Rebecca bowled over two more Viper Putties with a roundhouse kick, "I'm a weapon equipped with an artificial intelligence. Someone has to show your kids how to fight, after all."

"We're all equipped with intelligent...and wise-cracking...weapons," Rebecca breathed. "Just like the White Ranger depended on Saba, we've got portable mentors."

"That's a twist," Anthony muttered, pulling his broad sword from his belt. "Hello?"

Instantly, the eyes of the dragon head that sat upon the tip of the sword opened, revealing glimmering rubies.

"I am Draco," the head said in a deep, rumbling voice, "the trusted weapon and partner of the Red Ranger."

Anthony couldn't help but smile. "And I'm Anthony, the Red Ranger. But my friends just call me Tony."

Anthony turned away from the sword when he heard a loud grunt from the Pink Ranger.

"Can you please make the formal introductions after the Viper Putties are destroyed?" she panted, somersaulting out of the way of a boiling stream of venom.

"You got it," Regina said, pulling the two axes that hung at her sides. She glanced quickly at the tops of the axes, where two unicorn heads were placed, their sharp horns glinting in the light.

"Okay, guys," she said to her axes, "hang on. It's gonna be a messy battle!"

Chapter Twenty

"I don't understand," Finster said, pacing along the marble tiles of the throne room. "Why did you send my Viper Putties? They're not accomplishing anything."

Rito frowned, lifting his ax menacingly. "Don't question Lord Umbriel."

Finster backed away, although his displeasure was plainly visible on his goat-like face.

"They were only sent down as a distraction," Umbriel answered plainly, his empty gaze focused on the large globe of the Earth. With a withered hand, he carefully placed a thin black needle into the area of the map depicting southern California. "Also, I fit the Viper Putties with special gemstones, that absorb the energy signature of the Ranger who dispatches them. Once the Putty is destroyed the information comes back to me. That is how I shall discern whether or not these 'Starlight Rangers'

are of any consequence."

"And how shall you make that decision?" Finster pressed.

"I know the Terran Rangers are powered by the M'Kraan shard. The Starlights are new arrivals entirely. I do not know their power source. But I soon shall."

Umbriel then pressed the tip of the black needle, which displayed for him the fight scene at the reservation by means of a projected hologram. He pushed the needle slightly, as if it were a joystick. The scene shifted, until the image of two young men nearby was the subject.

"And as for Goldar...I have sent him to retrieve the mysterious arrowhead."

Chapter Twenty-One

"You're not

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