» Science Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [cool books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [cool books to read txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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moved as well... moving stealthily through the shadows with the speed of the Huntress. Of course, her white toga would certainly be noticed by anyone looking for her. Her only hope was her presence would prohibit the murderer from completing his mission.

A grim expression crossed her glittered face when a strange cloud covered the silver moon, blanketing the area in darkness. Her hand tightly grasping her silver archer's bow, with a gold chain wrapped around it decoratively, Artemis moved further from the edge, searching the darkness with her silver eyes for any sign of the perpetrator.


she observed, her frustration and fear mounting with each passing moment. From watching Tommy's death on the Orb, she knew exactly how it happened. She had memorized the entire scene, and it played vividly in her imagination each time she closed her eyes. This only meant she realized just how quickly it all happened... the avalanche, and then the jeep spinning out of control. A mere second's delay could cost Tommy his life.

Suddenly, she saw the shadows ripple ahead. She moved swiftly, racing through the night yet not making the slightest sound. She gasped quietly when she saw the shape hovering over the cliff, holding up a powerful-looking hammer.

It was fully black and humanoid in shape. Its back was turned to her, yet Artemis could discern dark hair blowing in the wind in a long, thick ponytail. It was clearly a man, with broad shoulders, and muscular arms and legs. After a few moments, her surprise wore off. Still, Artemis wasn't entirely sure what to do next.

She soon found out, as the creature raised its massive hammer into the air, building its strength for a mighty swing. That's when she realized that Tommy's car was just beneath.

At the speed of thought, Artemis had the bow ready, with a gleaming arrow aimed. Releasing the arrow swiftly, it connected with the hammer, slicing through the center and knocking the magical weapon out of his hand. The creature growled slightly when the hammer dropped to the dust, and the red jeep passed by below.

With the grace and speed of a wolf, the being turned around, and straightened its back. This allowed Artemis to see its face... which was mostly human in appearance. The only exception was the inky blackness that covered his skin as if he were drowned in an oil spill.

"Lady Purity," he hissed, his voice heavy and salacious, "I wasn't expecting you this fine evening."

"Who are you?" Artemis demanded, her bow maintaining its deadly aim.

The creature cocked its head. "No... not Purity. Someone... bathed in her Power. You must be... her new Avatar."

A cold smile crossed his slick lips. "How delicious! Besides you and I, there hasn't been another Avatar on Earth in centuries!"

Artemis was surprised by the revelation that her opponent was a fellow Avatar, yet she tried valiantly not to show it. "Who are you?" she repeated.

"You may call me... Invidious. The Avatar of Corruption."

Artemis shuddered visibly when she heard the creature's proud, ghastly voice utter his given name.

"You don't look to happy to see me," Invidious mocked, clasping his hands behind his back. He began to walk towards Artemis, the light emitted by her energy aura brightening the shadow over his dark features. Artemis could make out all the components of a human face quite clearly... sharp nose, defiant chin, two ears peeking out from behind his long, thick locks. If he weren't blanketed in such an unnatural darkness, he would be quite attractive. However, it was the eyes that held the most dramatic effect. They, just like his inky skin, where onyx-colored orbs.

"Stay back, Invidious," Artemis muttered, "That's as close as you come."

Invidious' dark eyebrow rose slightly. "Oh, I can see you aren't a very social Avatar. Not too surprising, considering how self-righteous all the goody-good Servons are. They think they are so superior... but they aren't. And when the Conflict comes, then little Castimonia will finally understand that."

Suddenly, the ground quaked, momentarily breaking Artemis' concentration. A moment was all Invidious needed.

Rivers of thick black liquid sprang from the ground surrounding Artemis like geysers, trapping her within a narrow cage of power, and splashing the entire area with the slick, inky substance. Artemis cried out in surprise, and stared in shock at the makeshift cage. She instantly thought of just stepping through it, yet when the first drops of blackness splashed her skin, she felt a burning sensation akin to pressing one's finger on a hot stove.

"Now that you're out of the way," Invidious uttered, stepping back, "I can finish what my Master commanded of me."

After a mock salute, Invidious slinked through the darkness of the night like a wraith. Kim's panic began to build when he was out of sight completely.

"No," she whispered to herself, her lips trembling, "Tommy!"

Determination setting in, Kim pushed past the distracting pain of the splashing blackness. It continued to burn her skin, yet she forced herself to focus. Finally, after blocking out the sensation, she managed to bend space-time, allowing her instantaneous transportation. In a faint ripple, she rematerialized just outside the geyser cage. Then, lifting the weapon she had dropped earlier, she leapt into the night, racing through the darkness in the direction Tommy's jeep was headed.

Chapter Twelve

"What in the world?" Tommy muttered, stepping on the brakes as he squinted towards the road. After a rather uneventful trip (save the mysterious white figure he caught a glimpse of)

, suddenly the asphalt road began to reflect the light of his high-beam headlights. Putting the car in park, Tommy stepped out of the vehicle to investigate.

"Oil?" he pondered aloud, squatting beside the shiny puddle that covered the next several yards of the road. He noticed grimly that this stretch of road was along a particularly sharp curve in the cliff.

Tommy practically jumped upright when he heard footsteps approaching. "Billy?" he asked, looking around in the darkness. A figure approached from in front, the light of the high-beams illuminating his features.

"Billy," Tommy greeted with a slightly relieved smile.

"Hello, Tommy," the young genius responded evenly, coming to a halt once he noted Tommy recognized him.

"So, what's going on?" Tommy asked, approaching his friend, "And why couldn't I tell the other Rangers about it?"

A sly grin crossed Billy's lips. "Don't worry, dear boy. All your questions will be answered."

Tommy's eyes widened in confusion and surprise, as "Billy" began to fade into the darkness. In his stead was a creature of complete black, the light provided by the car sliding off his slick surface. Tommy stepped back warily.

"What the--?"

Invidious chuckled. "With you gone, nothing will be left to stop the Corruption..."

Yet, before Invidious could take a single step forward, a silver arrow sliced through the thick night sky, penetrating the lanky being in the shoulder. It slid through his vinyl-like black uniform and skin, causing the being to howl in pain. The arrow began to glow with glittery silver light, forcing Invidious to his knees in searing pain.

"Run for you life!" Artemis ordered, falling from the sky like a shooting star. She landed behind Invidious, who was still gasping in pain from the energy of the arrow. She carefully kept her silver eyes on her opponent, not looking up at the young man whose life she just saved.

Tommy was too thunderstruck by her sudden appearance to offer a response. Instead, he gazed in awe at the celestial apparition, shining with an aura of power that seemed so... familiar in some odd way. She was clearly beautiful, with a sort of majesty about her. Almost... like a work of art. And something about her voice...

"Leave," she repeated, noticing his failure to respond, "This matter doesn't concern you."

Tommy's eyebrow arched. "Actually, Miss, considering this guy tricked me into coming here, I think it does concern me."

A scowl crossed her glitter-kissed face when she saw smoke pour from the arrow. "Tommy, you've gotta get out of here!!"

Tommy startled at her words. Now she sounded really

familiar. "Do... do I know you?" he questioned.

A shudder passing through her being, Artemis dismissed the question, urgently rushing to the unwary teen, grabbing his arm and breaking into a run. As they moved towards his jeep, an explosion of gray light erupted from where they stood.

"What...?" Tommy muttered weakly.

"The energy in the arrow only stunned him temporarily," Artemis explained, "He broke through the pure energy with his own dark power."

Artemis let go of his arm, and stood protectively in front of him, her eyes fixed in the direction of a rippling darkness headed their way. "Now, you've got to leave!"

"Who are you?" Tommy wanted to know, opening the car door finally.

She was silent for a moment. What should she say? How much could she say? "I'm... a friend. Now go!"

Artemis stretched her hands before her, palms facing downward. As she focused her energy, her hands began to sparkle with silver energy, and a silver flame appeared at her feet. The flame extended several yards along the dirt ground as if it were igniting a trail of gunpowder, and suddenly erupted in a wall of bright silver fire.

Tommy gasped slightly in surprise, slamming the car door and walking away from it. "I'm not leaving," he said, his voice deep with determination, "Zeo Ranger V, Red!"

The crimson energy flashed when his two Zeonizers made contact, and the wave of energy blanketed his body, donning him in the protective armor of the Red Zeo Ranger. Once the transformation was complete, he raced to the side of the warrior.

"I... told... you... to... LEAVE

!!" she shrieked with exertion, her entire body shivering with effort. Through the translucent flames, Tommy could see Invidious on the other side, a cool smirk plastered on his inky face.

Then, the smirk transformed into a wicked smile, and he placed his palms against the shining flame wall. Artemis shrieked in pain as a cloud of blackness stretched from Invidious' hands, flowing through the fire at an alarming speed. The reaction created an explosion, throwing both Artemis and the Red Ranger several yards back with brutal force.

"Didn't you know how easy it is to pollute Purity?" Invidious asked, his voice dripping with malice, "The forces of the Pantheon will never succeed against Corruption!!"

Artemis dazedly lifted her head, and pushed herself onto her knees. However, as soon as she did, Invidious' arm lurched forward, clasping her ornate hair in a vice-like grip and yanking it back, exposing her neck and leaving her gasping hoarsely for breath.

"Pitiful little Avatar," he mocked, "Lady Purity should be more selective in the future..."

"Let her go!" shouted the Red Ranger. Invidious rolled his obsidian eyes in annoyance, and glared

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