» Self-Help » HOW TO SURVIVE HIGH SCHOOL., A.N. Ross [ebook reader for pc and android .txt] 📗

Book online «HOW TO SURVIVE HIGH SCHOOL., A.N. Ross [ebook reader for pc and android .txt] 📗». Author A.N. Ross

This book was made by an S2 puiple who knows the hard part of school. And as everyone knows it's hard when your a new S1 puiple.

The adive in this book works diffrent for everyone so it dosn't have a 100% sure fire garintee.
When @ appears at the end of a sentace it means this was somebody else' words.

Another why to help surive High school is the support teacher their nice thay listen and they are good friends.

This book was written by a British pupile so if yor not British I appologis if you are confused.


Form class is were you go in after the morning bell. The form teacher calls your name you reply and she marks you down as here. After the before and after the morning anouncements you can chit chat to friends, read, play games on your phone or some thing else.
During form class some people will walk arund and look over your shoulder. It's annoying but harmless just let the teacher know.
As you go up from year to year you will have to go to a diffrent room.
When the teacher is about to say the morning anouncements you have to stop passing the time and listen. Remember the place you choose to sit on your first day the were you well sit for the rest of the year.
The annoucements are importent like when theres a new club or if there is going to be an intervul. Some times an older puiple comes in with a jar or tub wasking for money to go to charity.
When the bell rings you head of to the first class of the day. Beware of the cowerds some puiples will push some times by accident and some times on purpose.
Support teacher my come into your form class so listen to them it might cunsturn you.


After form class you head to your first class of the day. The school should have given you a guide to your class rooms and a map of the school.
You choose your seat and like in form class where you sit on your first day you sit there the rest of the year.
The teacher will call you out like in form class (please note that if your new the teacher won't know your name right away).
Make sure your sitting next to some one you trust like an old friend.
If you don't have any friends in your a class try to sit on your own.
You may not like your classes in S1 and S2 before you go to S3 you can choose your classes.
You won't go with out help in a class there will not only be a teacher there will also be a support teacher.


At inervule you take a breather between your secound and third classes. You go and get some thing to eat and drink. After that you can chit chat to friends or go to the library to go on the computers or read.
But most bullies will pick on you in the libray.
But stay somewhere were the library staff can see you like some chairs in front of the their desk. Lunch time is simieler but longer and You can stay in the place you hang out for longer like a lunch culb or the library. When a bell goes in the middle of lunch time that's the detentcion bell so if you have a detentchien you better head of or you'll get into more trouble.
You'll have a desent choice of food at lunch time and most schools will have a specal meal deal.
At lunch culb you don't have to worry about bullies you can draw play games(by which I mean board games) talk to friends but un fortuneitel most lunch culbs are on one day a week.


Publication Date: 03-30-2011

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